❄ Twilight Forever ❄ Book 1 ❄...

By YolandaWWest2024

40.9K 222 89

❄ A young girl will suffer many trials and tribulations to protect the ones she loves and those in her charge... More

❄ Prologue ❄
❄️ 1 ❄️ The Book ❄️
❄ 2 ❄️ Rhys Vulcan ❄️
❄ 3 ❄️ Rumors ❄️
❄ 4 ❄️ The Incident ❄️
❄ 5 ❄️ Speculations ❄
❄ 6 ❄️ Forever In His Debt ❄️
❄ 8 ❄️ Interrogations ❄️
❄ 9 ❄️ Ruby's Ultimatum Vs. Rhys' Reaction❄️
❄ 10 ❄️ Even Grounds ❄️
❄ 11 ❄️ Vampires Are Real ❄️
❄ 12 ❄️ Harry Potter And The Noble House Of Black's Deep Dark Secret ❄️
❄ 13 ❄️ The Tragedy Of Siriusa Lillium Black ❄️
❄ 14 ❄️ Walburga Black's Confession ❄️
❄ 15 ❄️ The Order Of The Phoenix And Dumbledore's Army ❄️
❄ 16 ❄️ Jane, Volterra, And The Volturi ❄️
❄ 17 ❄️ Powers ❄️
❄ 18 ❄️ Freedom ❄️
❄ 19 ❄️ The City Of Forks Welcome You ❄️
❄ 20 ❄️ First Sight ❄️
❄ 21 ❄️ Wren Alba's Tale ❄️
❄ 22 ❄️ Let The Games Begin ❄️
❄ 23 ❄️ The Showdown ❄️
❄ 24 ❄️ Rosalie's Past ❄️
❄ 25 ❄ The Return Of Lady Amarythia And Lord Asklepios ❄
❄ 26 ❄ The Meeting With The Messenger Gods ❄
❄ 27 ❄ Discovering Masika Jafari-Attwater's Secrets ❄
❄ 28 ❄ Labor Pains And Nahuel ❄
❄ 29 ❄ Decisions ❄
❄ 30 ❄ Imprint ❄
❄ 31 ❄ New Additions ❄
❄ 32 ❄ Reborn ❄

❄ 7 ❄️ A Rocky Beginning❄️

1.2K 8 5
By YolandaWWest2024


Appleton Manor
Sunday, January 09, 2007

Bell straightened the last of Wren's ice blonde hair, brushing it out and pushing an orange headband onto her head before stepping back to examine the older girl's reflection in the mirror. Wren watched her warily; she had that scary gleam in her emerald green eyes. She could almost see the wheels turning in her head and felt her heart sink as apprehension churned in her stomach. Bell was debating with herself on whether to let her be or to change her, again. Wren was currently dressed in a yellow, long-sleeved shirt with orange writing slanted down the front.

Her legs were covered in a pair of skin-tight, dark wash jeans. Her feet were covered in a pair of ballet flats that matched her shirt. Her accessories were a mixture of yellow and orange jewelry. Her makeup was flawless: her ice-blue eyes were outlined in black mascara; the lids were colored in yellow eyeshadow, her cheeks were dusted with a baby pink blush, and her lips were covered in a layer of clear lip gloss. Her ice blonde tresses were immaculately straight and it hung down to her waist.

Like usual, after being dressed by the Fashion Queen herself, Wren looked amazing. She briefly wondered how Rhys would react when he saw her now and quickly pushed the thought from her mind as Bell picked up the brush again. The younger girl ran the bristles through the older girl's hair a couple of times, her expression is thoughtful. Her twin sister sighed loudly from the bed where she lay on her stomach, playing Mahjong on Wren's laptop.

"Leave her be, Bellamy," Briar grumbled loud enough for Bell to hear. "It's not like she's going out on a date."

The other girl huffed loudly in annoyance as Wren rose quickly to her feet. The older girl walked across the room, over to the wall that has built-in rows of shelves filled with books. She pulled down a thick, leather-bound journal, walked over to the bay window, and sat down on the blue cushioned bench. She opened the grey journal to the first page and began reading.

August 05, 1854

Sirinia Lillium Black

Virginia Black and her twin brother crept out of Number Twelve Grimmauld Place and raced each other down the road to Grimmauld Square Park as the house disappeared behind them. The twin siblings ducked inside the iron gate and ran across the deserted park. As soon as they were out of earshot of the house, Rini stopped running and laughed happily, twirling about on the spot. She lifted her face to the full, silvery-blue moon, soaking in its soft rays. Sirius laughed with her, stopping a few feet away from her, breathing heavily. She stopped spinning and glanced over at him. He was grinning happily, his teeth gleaming white in the moon's rays.

"Mother will be furious," he said with a twinkle in his grey eyes.

Rini grinned back at her brother. "She won't do anything. We're nine years old and old enough to take care of ourselves."

It really annoyed her when their mother babies them and their younger brother Regulus didn't help much, running off to tell her what the twins were doing or planning to do. She rolled her ice-blue eyes and focused back on her brother.

"That's true." Sirius countered lightly. "But why do we have to come out here tonight?"

He was fidgeting slightly as his grey eyes flickered nervously around the shadowy park.

"Oh don't be such a baby!" Rini retorted with a snort, rolling her own eyes. "I want to swim in the river."

His eyes snapped back to her and his expression grew suddenly serious.

"Sirinia," he began in a tone of voice just as serious as his face. "Mother told us not to go to the river. It's too dangerous."

"Mummy's little boy." she crooned at her brother, taunting him.

His jaw tightened in anger and he glared at his sister darkly.

"Don't. Call. Me. That." he almost growled the words at her.

"Fine!" she snapped back at him. "I'll settle with chicken."

He lunged at his sister and her fist shot out, connecting with his nose with a sickening crunch. Sirius staggered backward and, taking the chance, she spun around and sprinted off into the nearby trees.

"Sirinia Lillium Black!" Sirius bellowed loudly after her. "Get back here now!"

Rini could hear the sound of rushing water and knew that she was nearing the river. She looked back to see if her brother was behind her. She shouldn't have done that because she stumbled suddenly and felt her feet leave the ground. She could feel herself falling and, with a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach, she realized what was happening. She had stumbled over the edge of the waterfall and was currently falling to her death.

It seemed like an eternity passed before Rini crashed into the dark water of the river below, the strong pounding and churning of the waterfall pulling her under. She was propelled to the riverbed; her head cracking against a large rock, the pain making the air leave her lungs. Her brother's pained and bloodied face was the last thing that she saw before everything went black.

Sirius Orion Black

Sirius raced through the trees after his sister. His mother would kill him if she found out that the twins had crept out of the house and would spit on his grave if she found out that Rini wanted to swim in the river. A loud scream jerked him from his thoughts, making him change course. It sounded like it had come from the waterfall. The image of his sister falling off the edge of the waterfall swam through his mind.

He sprung forward, the adrenaline pumping hotly through his blood, making him run faster than he ever had before. He stumbled to a stop at the top of the waterfall and looked over the edge. He caught a glimpse of his pale-skinned sister before she crashed into the dark water below.

"Rini!" yelled Sirius, his heartbeat pounding inside his chest frantically.

He turned around and raced off into the nearby trees, searching for the path that leads to the river below.

Before Wren could read more, her mobile phone rang, drawing her attention.

Bell flew from the closet and answered the phone before the older girl could move.

"Wren Alba's mobile phone, this is Bellamy Hawthorne speaking," she spoke in a polite tone of voice.

Her expression changed from pure curiosity to full-blown excitement, her emerald green eyes sparkling as she glanced at Wren, smiling gleefully.

"Will you hold, please?" she spoke again, barely concealing her excited tone.

Bell covered the mouthpiece with her hand before squealing loudly.

"It's Rhys!" she informed the other girls excitedly.

Wren rolled her ice blue eyes at her enthusiasm and sat the journal aside. She rose to her feet and crossed the room over to the little fairy's side. Bell handed the phone over to her and then jumped onto the bed beside her twin, her emerald green watching the older girl expectantly. Wren flapped a hand in annoyance at her eager face and turned her back on two fairies laying across her bed. She placed the mobile up to her ear.

"Hello?" she spoke politely.

"Hello, Wren." The smooth, silky voice of Rhys Vulcan flowed through the receiver and into her ear, sending a warm tingle down her spine.

Wren shivered slightly and smiled brightly into the receiver, then berated herself as he could not see her smiling into the phone. She heard Briar snickering quietly while Bell giggled excitedly from behind her.

"Hi," Wren replied breathlessly.

Rhys chuckled lightly and her belly tightened at the musical notes, the sound of his laughter warming her blood. Her cheeks flooded with heat as cleared her throat lightly. Briar snickered louder as Bell giggled again, this time hysterically, into one of the fluffy pillows piled high on top of the bed.

"Are you blushing?" Rhys asked, note laughter ringing in his voice.

"No!" Wren hissed shrilly as her cheeks flushed hotter.

She shot a glare over her shoulder at the twins, who were now laughing openly.

"Do you want to come over to my place to study or watch a movie?" he asked hesitantly after a slight pause.

She paused briefly before answering his question. The twins both hopped off the bed and came around to stand in front of her.

"What did he say?" Bell mouthed to the other girl, her emerald green eyes bright with curiosity.

Wren waved her question away and turned her back on them again.

"Yes. Of course," she replied and heard him let out a deep breath. "Let me just ask permission from Lady Aaliyah and I will call you when I am ready."

"Of course. I will talk to you later." he agreed, sounding a bit relieved.

She smiled as they said goodbye and then hung up. Bell pounced on her immediately.

"What did he want?" she fired the first question off quickly.

"To study," Wren replied.

"Where?" Bell asked next. "Here, the library or at his place?"

Wren stared at the other girl for a moment before answering. The little fairy never gave anything a rest. As long as there was an answer, she would continue to badger you until she got the one she wanted. Wren shook her head and walked across the room to the vanity table. She ran her fingers through her hair a few times before answering.

"We are studying at his house," she replied slowly in apprehension, cringing, imagining the other girl squealing and jumping up and down in place, clapping her hands in excitement.

And the little fairy did exactly that. Bell began squealing and jumping up and down, clapping her hands in excitement.

"O-M-G!" she squealed loudly. "Oh my God! What are you going to do? What is he going to do? Can we come? OMG! What am I going to WEAR?!"

"Bell," Wren spoke quietly as she and Bri watched her flitting around the room, flapping her hands like a nervous hen.

"BELLAMY!" she yelled loudly before the younger girl paused and turned toward to face the older girl. "You are not going."

Bell stared at Wren for a few seconds before putting on her best puppy dog pout.

"Why not!" she whined. "If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be going to Rhys's house today!"

"No. If it wasn't for Lennon, Simeon, and Declan, Rhys and I wouldn't be talking to each other, let alone going to each other's house to hang out." Wren retorted frostily.

Bell flinched at her tone of voice and looked away from the other girl. Silence reigned between the two girls after the words that had tumbled out of Wren's mouth. She sighed heavily and ran her fingers through her ice blonde hair once again.

"I am sorry, Bell, but you and Bri can't come," she said softly, giving the girl an apologetic look.

Bell looked at her and nodded her head slowly, tears glistening in her emerald green eyes. Wren's heart clenched at the fairy's heartbroken expression and she sighed once more, feeling guilt snake it's way into her heart.

"Maybe you can come next time," she said, trying to compensate for her earlier rudeness.

Bell's face brightened almost immediately and she squealed happily, racing to Wren's side to throw her little arms around her.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" she gushed happily as she nearly squeezed the other girl near to death.

Wren laughed lightly and wrapped her arms around the little fairy to hug her back.

"You're extremely welcome," she said fondly.

She looked up at Briar, who was shaking her head at their little falling-out and then back-in bout. Wren grinned and shrugged at her before walking out of the bedroom.

Wren walked out onto the beautifully manicured grounds of Appleton Manor, heading for the greenhouse where she knew that Lady Appleton was working on her flowers and other plants. She stepped into the dense heat of the room, breathing in the warm soil and sweet scents of millions of flowers, spotting Lady Appleton working on a table that runs one length of the glass wall of the greenhouse. Wren walked up to the older woman and watch as she carefully removes a baby willow tree from a small round pot before placing it into a bigger pot.

"What are you going to do with the tree?" she asked, watching as the older woman shoveled dirt into the pot until it was filled to the brim and began patting the dirt in place, making sure that there weren't any air pockets left.

"I am going to plant this outside your bedroom window." Lady Appleton answered, turning to smile at her favorite charge.

"Why? My bedroom is on the third floor. I will not be able to see it when it reaches its full height." Wren said, feeling slightly confused.

Lady Appleton smiled at the younger woman fondly before going back to her work.

"I know. I just wanted to plant this beside your window so you would remember and understand that you are as beautiful as this tree and to remind you that the sky is the limit. Reach for the stars." she replied.

Wren pondered her words as she watched the older woman work. I am as beautiful a willow tree, she thought to herself. She was tall and willowy, with snowy-white skin. Despite what others had to say, she was determined to reach for the sky and find her place in the stars, to be helpful to others in need. She shook those thoughts from her mind and returned her attention back to Lady Appleton.

"Milady?" Wren began quietly.

"Hmm?" Lady Appleton murmured as she packed more dirt into the pot.

"Rhys Vulcan asked me to come to his house to study." Wren continued nervously. "May I go?"

"Of course you may go. Do you need a car?" Lady Appleton replied with a small, pleased smile.

"No. I told him that I will call him when I was ready." Wren replied, not believing that she was letting her go to a boy's house alone, not knowing if his parents would be there.

"Of course. If you must, you may go and get your things ready. Call me when you are on your way home later on." Lady Appleton said as she turned her attention back to her plants.

"Thank you!" Wren gushed excitedly.

She kissed Lady Appleton's dirt-smeared cheek and raced out of the greenhouse. She ran into the manor to gather her things and to call Rhys.

"Hello?" he answered after the first ring.

"She said I can come!" she gushed, feeling extremely giddy and light-hearted.

"Okay. I am on my way," he replied with a light chuckle.

They both hung up and she danced around her bedroom, gathering all of the things she needed to study.

Rhys and Wren arrived at the hotel that he was staying in. She stared up at the beautifully structured building in awe. She turned around to face Rhys, who was watching her from the driver's seat with a slight smile on his lips.

"You live here?" she asked him in awe.

He nodded his head at her question. "Yes. I rented the penthouse for the remaining school year."

Wren's ice blue eyes widened slightly as she continued to stare at him. The doorman walked forward and opened the passenger side door for her. He offered her his hand and she accepted it, stepping out of the black Audi R8 Spyder. Rhys walked around the front of the car and took her hand in his own. She continued to stare around her as they entered the main lobby.

The floor was wide and made of white marble, the walls painted in a soft golden color. A long, white marble receptionist desk ran the entire length of one wall, where cubby holes were built into it. The guests and employees all bustled about, talking on mobiles or pushing golden trolleys filled with luggage across the floor. A pair of golden doors were centered on the far left wall, they opened, revealing a man standing beside the panel, pushing buttons and chattering to guests as they went up to their floors. Wren followed Rhys across the lobby and into the elevator.

The elevator attendant pushed the penthouse button as he smiled at her.

"Good afternoon, miss, Mr. Vulcan." he greeted them kindly.

Rhys nodded his head at the man in polite greeting, eyeing the little glowing numbers above the doors as Wren smiled back at the man, who stared at her in awe afterward. They soon arrived at the penthouse and the doors slid open, revealing a single door across from the elevator. Rhys and Wren stepped out onto the gold carpet of the floor outside the penthouse.

"Good day, miss, Mr. Vulcan." The elevator attendant nodded to both of them as he pushed the button to close the door.

Rhys stepped forward and swiped his key card. He opened the door and stepped back to let Wren walk through first. She stepped inside and looked around the room with wide eyes. Right across from her, a window made up the whole wall. To her right, there was a large dining hall with a long, dark wooden table that could hold up to ten people, with white and gold antique dishes on top with a white and gold vase filled with white and yellow flowers.

The walls were white with gold borders, with pictures of England hanging on the walls. To her left, there was a living area, also decorated in white and gold. A large flat-screened television hung on one wall surround by shelves filled with books and DVDs, with a settee sitting across from it. On another wall, there was a huge fireplace with wood stacked neatly inside, ready for rainy days. A white and gold couch sat in front of it, along with matching armchairs.

On another wall, a small desk was pushed up against it, with a sleek desktop computer on top. The rest of the furniture in the room was antique and white and gold. Wren turned around to look at Rhys, who was watching her anxiously, waiting for a reaction.

"It's beautiful. I love it," she informed him, smiling at him in approval.

He smiled back at her in relief, his golden topaz eyes twinkling in the lights pouring from the lit lamps in the living room. She turned away from him, blushing, and walked into the living room. She sat on the settee, still looking around the room. Rhys sat down beside her and she turned to him with an excited smile.

"What do you want to do now?" he asked her curiously.

"Um," Wren began as she looked around one more time. Her gaze landed on their backpacks sitting on a side table in the foyer. "We could do our homework and get it out of the way."

He nodded his head in agreement with her words and rose to his feet. He retrieved their bags from the table and came back into the living room. He handed her bag to her and then sat down beside her. She took out her book, Wuthering Heights, and the homework packet and then turned to the page they had been assigned on Friday.

After watching Fun with Dick and Jane starring Jim Carey and Tea Leon and laughing their heads off, Wren glanced at the clock on the mantle. It read at 7:00 p.m. She stood up and began gathering up her things.

"We should get going," she said in way of explanation.

Rhys nodded his head in understanding and rose to his feet as she finished packing her backpack. They both walked out of the penthouse and she waited beside the elevator as Rhys locked up the apartment. He crossed to the elevator and press the down button. They waited in a comfortable silence as the elevator rose to their level. The doors opened with a ding and they both stepped into the elevator accompanied by the bow of the elevator attendant.

They rode in silence as the elevator began its descent. Wren's mobile phone vibrated in her pocket. She slid it out of her back pocket and slid it open. She had a message from Bell.

To: Snow
From: Bell
Ruby FOUND OUT ABOUT YOU AND WILLIAM HANGING OUT THIS AFTERNOON! IF I WERE YOU, I WOULD COME IN THROUGH THE KITCHEN DOOR!! And when you come, please tell us all about the date- I mean study session with William!!! ;)


Wren sighed heavily and slid the phone shut. Rhys glanced over to her and noticed that her face was drawn into an anxious frown.

"What is it?" he asked in sudden concern.

"Her Evilness found about us hanging up this afternoon. She's going to raise hell when I get home," she informed him with a dejected sigh.

Rhys looked over at her worriedly. Wren just shook her head and waited for the elevator to stop. After picking up an old couple on the third floor, they soon reached the lobby. They both waited patiently as the couple stepped out of the elevator and eased out of the way before rushing across the lobby to the doors of the hotel. The doorman held the door open and bowed them both outside as the valet pulled up in front of the hotel driving the Spyder. She looked at Rhys questioningly and he smiled back at her.

"I called the hotel manager and had him ask one of the valets to bring the car around," he explained.

Wren nodded her head in understanding as she slid into the passenger seat as the valet held the door open for. Rhys slid into the driver seat and as soon as the valet closed her door, they sped off down the long drive. They arrived in front of Appleton Manor within half an hour. The door to the garage slid upwards and Rhys pulled the car inside. Wren leaned over and pressed her lips to the cool, hard skin of his cheek. He blinked his golden eyes at her in surprise and she smiled at him shyly.

"See you at school tomorrow," Wren said quickly before sliding out of the car and racing toward the door that led into the kitchen.

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