Running in CiRCLES (Male!Read...

By happyluckysmileyay_

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"Let's just hope they give us a chance..." "Yeah..." Despite being relatively new, a new band has quickly ris... More

Prologue/Character Introductions
Chapter 1: A Surprise Party!
Chapter 2: Definitely Glowing.
Chapter 4: The Misunderstood
Chapter 4.5: NOIRE Character Sheet
Chapter 5: Blooming Roses and Curry Rice
Chapter 6: The Out-of-Control Machine Nerd
Chapter 7: Feelings in the Rain
Chapter 8: Happy, Lucky, Smile...
Texting Misadventures: Prologue
Chapter 9: Miss Staff Member
Valentines Special: Chocolate?
Chapter 10: The (L/N) Family
Chapter 11: An unusual first day...
Chapter 12: One day until Live
Chapter 13: An Unfortunate Accident
Chapter 14: "Tsukinomori Girls' Academy"
Chapter 15: It's...
Chapter 16: Showtime!
Chapter 17: "Sakura Memories"
Chapter 18: Reunion
Chapter 19: Goka! Gokai?!

Chapter 3: Do Pastels and Black Mix?

397 9 5
By happyluckysmileyay_

(Chapter 3: Meeting Pastel*Palettes)


(Y/N): "You want us to what?"

Marina: "I'm sorry if I picked a wrong time! If you guys can't, I can ask Kasumi or someone!"

O: "No, it's okay Marina-san, we're just a little surprised, that's all."

(Y/N): "Wait, wait. You want us, an all boys band to go to an idol agency, to deliver a message to Pastel*Palettes?"

I: "That doesn't seem to be a good idea..."

Marina: "I know, I know it seems like a bad idea, but it'll be fine! Just walk to the front desk and show them the letter. Tell them it's from 'Marina-san' and they'll let you in."

She reassures us while digging into the front desk. A second later, she pulls out a letter. On the front, 'Pastel*Palettes' is written surprisingly neatly, with the back firmly sealed. I put it the safest pocket in my bag, as I think how important the letter was.

Marina: "And please try not to ruin it. It's pretty important."

I nod nervously, a tiny bit more curious about the contents of the letter.

(Y/N): "Well, guess we better get going. Don't wanna arrive late."

O: "Alright then. Marina-san, we'll be off."

Marina: "Alright! Have a safe trip."

As we leave, I slightly bow as my bandmates wave. As we step out the doors, the feeling of dread attacks not only me, but the rest of the group.

N: "Can we all agree that we're in a pretty bad situation?"

I: "Y-yeah."

We all silently agreed, faces filled with worry. About a month ago, on the news, a familiar idol member was forced into a hiatus because she was seen with a boy her age, her boyfriend. She, along with her boyfriend, were bombarded with questions from the media. Rumours spread quickly throughout the internet and her boyfriend broke up with her just two days later. Now, she's on hiatus, stopping any activities on social media and not releasing any songs. This news was one of the prime reasons the band and I were so nervous registering at CiRCLE, who previously only hosted all girls bands. We were afraid that news would spread and our careers would end before it ever began. But for now, things have been going smoothly. Though, I feel, it's only a matter of time until we have to face that issue, but we'll cross that bridge when we get there.

O: "So, you know where to go?"

N: "I do. Marina-San gave me the directions before we left. Here."

I: "Oh, it doesn't seem far. Wait, don't we take this route after school?"

(Y/N): "What route?"

I always went in the complete opposite direction from their route so I never really cared about where they went.

R: "Oh! This is the route we take to go home! How convenient~"

His favourite word: convenient.

(Y/N): "Well, let's get going. I'll follow you guys."

I: "Sure, let's go. Wait, what day is it today?"

(Y/N): "It's Thursday, why?"

R: "Oh~ Let's go then!"

N: "Yes! Let's go!"

(Y/N): "???"

They sprinted off the stairs, and onto the sidewalk below. I quietly "Huh?" before getting dragged by the hand by I with them. We run towards the bus stop in front of CiRCLE, nearly tripping over ourselves on the way. We eventually arrive at the bus stop, and I yank my hand from I's, exhausted and annoyed.

(Y/N): "You mind *huff* explaining why the hell *puff* we ran down here?!" I yell as I glare at my bandmates.

O: "Calm down (Y/N). We were running so we could catch the bus."

(Y/N): "The bus?! Did we really have to run to get there?!"

I: "Ah! I-Im sorry.."

I sigh a heavy sigh, probably my longest this week.

(Y/N): "It's okay. Just please explain to me why we ran here. The bus isn't even here yet!"

O: "Alright. We're not sure of this, but usually when we're going home, the bus tends to be crowded on Mondays, Wednesdays and especially Fridays."

I mean, I guess that makes sense. Mondays and Fridays are usually pretty important for workers and students alike.

N: "We also noticed that on Tuesdays and Thursdays the busses are almost always empty. We're able to head to the train station without any unpleasantries."

I: "It's been pretty consistent, so we assumed this was the case every week.."

R: "Which is why we ran! Even I have to run for things!"

I blink out of confusion then shake my head. It isn't the most logical thing, but if it worked for them I guess it could work today.

(Y/N): "Fine. But if the bus isn't here in 10 minutes, I'm walking.", I say impatiently.

R: "It's fine. I predict with my magical powers that the bus will be here in 5 minutes~!"

I see the phone in your hand you know.

True to his word, the bus arrived around 4 minutes later, and true to their predictions, the bus was nearly empty. The only people in the bus was a mother and her baby in a stroller right in front of her, and a girl with glasses around my age looking pretty intently at her phone. We payed the fare and moved to the back of the bus, where we sat facing each other.

(Y/N): "Why is the bus empty? Aren't people going home from school and work at this time?"

They grinned and shrugged. They also had no idea why the bus was empty at the time. But, we weren't complaining, as we were able to have a seat and quietly talk amongst ourselves.

The conversation bounced all over the place, from band practice to schoolwork, then to the idol band named Pastel*Palettes. The idol agency we were visiting housed the band and we assumed we were supposed to deliver the envelope from Tsukishima-san to Pastel*Palettes. The writing 'Pastel*Palettes' confirmed this.

R: "Pastel*Palettes is pretty popular riiiiight? I've watched a lot of them on TV cuz' my mom keeps playing it.."

O: "They are. I've listened to quite a few of their songs, and they're pretty good. Though, not as good as us," he added with a wink.

I sighed with a small smile on my face. I remember seeing them once on TV, my sister was playing it. She's a big fan of Pastel*Palettes, she even bought a couple of their single CDs with her extra money. I managed to catch a few of their songs while cooking when she played them in her room. After discussing it, O insisted that we covered one of their songs. We decided to cover 'Zettai Sengen ~Recital~' for our Halloween special, with O on main vocals. I swear, if he didn't join NOIRE, he would've became a boy idol or something.

After seeing that they sometimes practiced/performed at CiRCLE, I did a little research. The band consists of 5 members, Maruyama Aya, child actress Shirasagi Chisato, Wakamiya Eve, Hikawa Hina and Yamato Maya. Their first live was a disaster, they were supposed to fake play the instruments and something went wrong, but they gained popularity after properly learning how to play instruments. They now regularly perform live and appear live on TV.

(Y/N): "Scary, isn't it. Meeting a fairly popular idol band," I unknowingly blurted out.

N: "Fear not, (Y/N). I can help you if you're shy."

(Y/N): "I-Im not shy. Just a little intimidated."

I: "Intimidated? Of what?"

R: "It's just girls~"

(Y/N): "N-no, it's not that. It's just..."

Ugh, am I really going to say this out loud?

(Y/N): "their fame scares me. Don't get me wrong, their songs are catchy, I've listened to their songs. It's just, um.. Y'know the idol that was forced into a hiatus?"

They all looked towards me and nervously nodded.

(Y/N): "It's been eating at me for a while, but I'm worried about what'll happen. You guys may not think much of it, but after hearing it on the news it seriously scared me. I mean, if we're seen hanging out with one of the bands and someone takes it the wrong way, both of our careers are in jeopardy. Pastel*Palettes being an idol band makes it worst. just scares me."

N: "..."

I: "I-I never thought about that.."

O: "..."

We all looked down, clearly nervous or disheartened. Then, out of nowhere, the sound of two hands clapping together.


We all looked towards the sound of the clap and, surprisingly, see O with an out-of-character serious face.

O: "I don't really understand why you're so nervous (Y/N). That was just an unfortunate case of misunderstandings. (Y/N), you do realize that there are good people in this world right? Those rumours spread because they misunderstood the situation. They thought that her boyfriend was a stranger harrassing her, and her fans quickly went to defend her. Unfortunately, they weren't able to explain themselves in time so they broke up in order to kill the drama. She's on hiatus, but knowing her she'll be back. She always said that one day she'll reach the stars."

She'll be back? They thought her boyfriend was a harasser? Reach the stars?

O: "Also, knowing you (Y/N), I'm sure you would be the first person to explain and curse out the media if that ever happened to us. That's why I'm not worried."

(Y/N): "..."

I: "..."

R: "..."

O: "Ah, I've made it awkward! Let me just-"

N: "No, I agree. I've met a lot of people in my life, including all of you. After meeting so many people and making so many friends, you learn one thing: everything has a reason. No matter how small, no matter how 'insignificant', everything happens for a reason. People's actions may be inexplainable, but if you just look hard enough, you'll see a reason why it happened."

Why it happened.. Everything has a reason.. If you look hard enough..

I emptily looked at my bandmates. The words they said echoed throughout my head, engraining it into my mind. Thankfully, they manage to snap me out of it.

R: "Oh~ We're here."

O: "We get off at this stop?"

N: "Yes, we do."

I shake my head and start to stand up. Looking out the window, I notice that we're close to the train station that they always went to. I remember that one time where I went to the train station with my sister to pick up one of her friends. I've never been so confused by a map before. Thankfully, we don't need to enter the station. The agency seems to be just down the street from the train station. As we walk towards the agency, a blonde girl, a girl with light blue hair and a...bear? walk by.

??: "That was fun, wasn't it?!"

??: "Yeah, it was. Right, Misaki-chan?"

??: "Sure, sure. Just get me out of this suit."

??: "Oh, oh! Michelle! Maybe, for our next performance we can use a couple of doves, like they do in movies!"

??: "Doves?! No way."

??: "Ahaha.."

What a...strange conversation. Also, that costume looks hot. I feel sorry for whoever is stuck in there...

I: "Oh! Guys, we're here!"

(Y/N): "Wow. The studio is pretty..."

R: "Small?"

(Y/N): "Yeah. Small."


Marina: "Just go down the hallway until you see 'STUDIO 1: Pastel*Palettes'. Just knock on the door and they should be there. I'm pretty sure they're practicing there today."

(Y/N): "You're pretty sure? That's not very reassuring.."

Marina: "Just give the letter to the blonde-haired girl. You guys can even introduce yourselves to them, I already mentioned that a new all-boys band has registered at CiRCLE."

Blonde hair? I guess she means Shirasagi Chisato. Wait...

(Y/N): "You want us to what?"


O: "Well... no time like the present."

I: "Let's go inside.."

R: "Here we go~"

My bandmates walk ahead of me, while I hesitate. Still a little nervous, I try to take the first step. My legs freeze up, making me unable to move. My hands start shaking, and a couple of drops of sweat falls down my neck. Come on..! Just move! It's just a stupid letter.

??: "Um, excuse me?"

Oh. Someone's there. I manage to shake myself from my frozen state and turn around. Behind me is the girl from the...bus? I think it is.

(Y/N): "Hm? Oh sorry. I was thinking of something."

??: "Hmm. Wait, are you (Y/N)? (L/N) (Y/N)?"

Huh? How does this random girl know my name?

(Y/N): "Y-yeah. How do you?"

??: "Oh, Marina-san told us about you. We were told you and your band would deliver us a letter today at the studio. That letter's for Chisato-san right?"

(Y/N): "Y-yeah I guess."

Hm. She seems familiar. Where have I seen her face before?

(Y/N): "Um.. Aren't you M-Maya Yamato? Like, Pastel*Palettes drummer?"

??: "Uh, yeah.. That's me. I'm Maya Yamato."

Well I was right. She actually has glasses? Guess she wears contacts during performances. To be honest, the glasses look cute on her..

..wait, what am I saying?

(Y/N): "A-ah, well. I'm (Y/N) (L/N), third year. Just call me whatever you'd like. You probably already know this but I'm the flex option and leader of my band. Nice to meet you."

Maya: "Pleasure to meet you! You already know this but I'm the drummer of Pastel*Palettes, Maya Yamato!"

I instinctively bow as a greeting.

(Y/N): "Oh, Yamato-san, is your agency this way?", I point towards the agency.

Maya: "Yeah, it is! Let's walk together."

(Y/N): "Alright."

We start walking towards the agency at a relatively slow pace.

R: "(Y/N)~! You're too slow!"

O: "C'mon (Y/N)! Are you just going to stand there?"

(Y/N): "Yeah, I'm coming.."

We pick up the pace to catch up with my band members.

Maya: "Oh, you said you were the flex option for your band."

(Y/N): "Yeah. Guitar, bass guitar and piano."

Maya: "Wow.. That's a lot of instruments. Wait, you must be very knowledgeable in equipment right?", she says with a sparkle in her eyes.

I never thought about it, but I guess I'm pretty familiar with musical equipment. With a combination of managing three instruments, and a lot of free time I passively learned about musical equipment. I also had a decent amount of music magazines, so that also helped with my knowledge about music in general.

(Y/N): "I guess? I have to manage three instruments so I guess I can handle equipment. I also have a few music magazines at home..."

Maya: "Really?! Have you repaired any of your instruments? Do you tinker with equipment? How many magazines do you have?! I buy the new issues every week!"

At this point, any sense of my personal space has been violated. Sparkles in her eyes, Maya moved her face very close to mine, with her body basically pressing against mine.

(Y/N): "Too close! Too close!", I yell, blushing furiously.

Maya: "A-ah! I'm sorry!"

She jumped back, giving me my much needed personal space. Why does this always happen to me?! I look at her, face red from embarrassment. Oddly enough, her face is red too, with her eyes facing down. Is she embarrassed too?

Maya: "I-I'm sorry! Sometimes I just get too excited and I-I rant on without stopping and..!"

(Y/N): "It's fine, Yamato-san. I don't really mind you talking about music. J-just next time, mind where you're going! You can get yourself in a lot of trouble."

Maya: "A-alright. Let's go (Y/N)-san."

We quickly gain our footing again and continue walking to the agency, this time much faster than we were walking earlier.

(Y/N): "Yamato-san, you like to tinker with musical equipment?", I ask, breaking the awkward silence between us.

Maya: "Huhehe! So you're interested? Well, let me tell you about.."

In the five minutes we were walking towards the studio, Maya managed to talk about nearly a magazine's worth of trivia and information about musical equipment. From guitar amps, to bass picks, to setting up drum sets to even how feedback on a microphone worked. It was a lot to take in, but it was quite interesting hearing useful information on how to handle equipment. It was also quite entertaining seeing Maya explain. Her arm movements to the sparkle in her eyes was quite entertaining.

Eventually, Maya and I caught up with the rest of the band. After a quick round of introductions, we entered the building.

Maya: "Alright! Since you guys wanted to talk with Chisato-san, just enter through those doors."

O: "Wait a second, shouldn't we be going to the front desk?"

I: "Marina-san told us to go to the front desk."

(Y/N): "Alright. I'll go."

As I walked up to the counter by myself, a young lady, presumably the receptionist, bowed and greeted me.

"Hello, welcome to the ___ Talent Agency. What business do you have here?"

(Y/N): "Um.. I'm here to deliver a letter to Pastel*Palettes. Uh, here. It's from Marina-san."

"Oh, Marina-san! Yes, we were expecting a letter from her. Just enter through those doors there", she pointed towards the big double doors, "and walk down the hallway until you see 'STUDIO 1."

(Y/N): "Alright, thank you for the help," I say as I bow.

I walk away from the front desk towards my bandmates and Maya. Well, that was easier than I expected.

(Y/N): "We have permission to enter."

N: "Perfect. Yamato-chan, care to lead the way?"

Maya: "Sure. Follow me!"

Maya lead the way to the studio, opening the large double-doors. Past the doorway was a long hallway with several doors to the left. The walls were filled with posters of various idol bands on both sides. The doors had labels to the right of them.



Maya: "It's just down the hallway."

Walking down the hallways, I can the faint sounds of vocal exercises and guitar tuning from across the walls. Guess the walls aren't completely sound-proof, like in CiRCLE.

Maya: "We're here."


O: "Well, let's go."


??: "Strange. She usually is never late to practice."

??: "I'm sure Maya-chan will be here soon?"

??: "Maybe the bus is late or something?"

Maya: "Everyone! Sorry I'm late!"

??: "Speak of the devil~"

??: "Hey Maya-chan! We're about to start practice."

??: "Hello Maya-chan. We've already set up your drum set so we start practicing right away."

Maya: "Thanks for that!"

Maya walked through the door, prompting us to slowly enter too. O entered first, slowly opening the door and entering before we all entered

O: "Excuse us.."

As we all stepped in, everyone in the room stopped and turned towards us. Except for Maya, there were 7 people in the room. Three of the people there were probably staff members, judging by their shirt with the agency's logo. The other four girls were in their uniforms, probably band practice after school. They stood out in the room, with their weirdly coloured hair.

?? "Oh, who are you guys?"

Maya: "Oh. Hina-chan, these are-"

??: "Maya. Didn't I tell you about bringing fans into the studio? They told explicitly not to, remember the incident that happened with the other bands?"

Incident? Did something happen here regarding a fan getting into the studio?

??: "Now then, I suggest you leave, before we call security."

O: "N-now then. It's not what you think. We aren't fans."

I: "Y-yeah! You're misunderstanding us!"

R: "No need to be so rash!"

Needless to say, they all panicked. Stammering, they all unconsciously looked at me, seemingly the only calm person there.

I know you're all idols, but there's no need to be so rude. At least hear us out.

I replied angrily, trying my absolute hardest not to glare.

(Y/N): "Listen. We're not here as fans. I'm here to deliver something to you. If only you listened to us for a second, you would've known that."

??: "A letter? For us?"

I pull the letter from my shoulder bag, still being careful not to damage it.

(Y/N): "Here. From Marina-san. She asked us to deliver it to you."

??: "From Marina-san?"

The blonde girl stopped glaring at us and picked up the letter. As the other girls gathered around her, she opened. They looked at the paper sealed inside the envelope and then back at us.

N: "Hm? Something wrong?"

??: "Oh, it's nothing. Just give us a second."

The pink-haired girl bowed slightly and the five girls moved towards a table to the back of the practice studio. The blue-haired girl went to a small, white laptop placed on the table. She messed around with the laptop for a about a minute, then closed it.

??: "All done! Just tell Marina-san that we've done it."

Done what? Oh, whatever. Let's just get out of here.

Maya: "W-wait! Chisato-san, remember when Marina-san told us about the new band at CiRCLE would be delivering the letter?"

??: "Wait, so you're.."

(Y/N): "(Y/N), (L/N). Flex option and leader of my band."

Then followed a round of introductions and an awkward apology between me and Chisato. im sick of writing introductions lmao

Aya: "So, (Y/N)-san, you've already met Maya-chan?"

(Y/N): "Sure?"

Maya: "We met just a bit ago. We talked about equipment maintenance and music magazines!!"

Chisato: "So you did. I apologize (Y/N)-san if she couldn't stop talking.."

(Y/N): "It's fine. I didn't really mind, actually."

Hina: "Oh, is that so~?"

She looked at me then at Maya with an indescribable sparkle in her eyes.

O: "Well, it was nice to meet you all. We should get going now so we don't distract you from practice."

Yeah, we should get going now. I'll probably be able to cook something today for us.

Eve: "Please wait a second. We have a request for your band."

I: "A request?"

We all looked curiously.

Aya: "We're sorry if this is too sudden.."

Hina: "Can you guys practice with us? It'll make for a boppin' session!"


N: "I guess we could. We don't have any homework today.."

O: "I'm fine with it. Do you guys have spare instruments for us to use? We didn't bring ours."

One of the staff members answered from the back room.

"Luckily, we do have spare instruments for you guys to use. They're already properly tuned so you don't have to worry about it!"

O: "Then I guess I can go for it."

I: "I-I'll join in too!"

R: "Sounds fun~"

A sort of spark awoken in my bandmates eyes, a spark that wanted to play music.

Eve: "Alright then, it's decided!"

Aya: "Then let's get the instruments!"

The four members from Pastel*Palattes and the rest of NOIRE's members went into the back rooms, leaving me and Chisato in shock.

(Y/N): "W-w"

Chisato: "Wait, isn't this just too sudden?!"

(Y/N): "Y-yeah! Weren't you guys planning to practice??"

Maya: "I-it's fine guys. Besides, won't this seem like fun?"

Hina: "Yeah! You guys seem interesting enough so I'm sure it'll be fun."

Fun?! We just met and we're already practicing together! Isn't this all moving way too fast?

Aya: "C'mon Chisato-chan!"

She grabbed her by the hand and dragged her off to the back room, leaving me and the two staff members by ourselves in the room.

(Y/N): "Sigh. What a handful. Um, excuse me? Sorry to bother you but is there a chair I can use?"

They directed me to a chair next to a table. Perfect for writing in my notebook. I sat down into the chair, opened my bag and pulled out my new notebook. I opened it and went past the first pages, as they were filled with someone's random doodles. I finally stopped, looking at the page labelled 'CiRCLE SONG LIST' in my handwriting. We haven't planned a date, but I'm sure that the 'surprise party' planned was going to happen soon. I took it quite seriously, as it was a chance to show them what NOIRE is really capable of. We also planned to reveal ourselves as the band NOIRE, so it had to be perfect.


Soon, the members of NOIRE and Pastel*Palettes exited the back room, instruments in hand. The two staff members and Maya/O moved the drum sets to the room. There was the coloured instruments that matched each Pastel*Palettes member, along with a standing keyboard for N, a drum set for O, a generic guitar and bass guitar for R and I, and five extra microphones for all of us. Then everyone stood in the middle of the room, Pastel*Palettes on the right and NOIRE on the left, except for me, who was sitting on the chair.

Maya: "(Y/N)-kun, you're not going to practice?"

(Y/N): "Unless you guys have another spare guitar, bass guitar or keyboard, I'll be sitting here."

N: "That's a shame. It's just not the same without you.."

O: "Wait, we have an extra mic. (Y/N), you can do vocals right?"

I thought about for a second. Ah, whatever. The list can wait!

(Y/N): "Sure. Just let me grab this mic."

N: "Nice! This is more like it."

I had to admit, standing at a mic without an instrument in my hands felt very weird.

Aya: "So, what are we gonna play?"

N: "How about we alternate? Then we both can practice what we want."

"Good idea." "Sounds good."

Aya: "Alright then, everyone! Let's do this~!"

(Y/N): "Guys, let's go!"

Sugar Song to Bitter Step (NOIRE vocals)
Fuwa Fuwa Time
Silhouette (E vocal)
Unite! From A to Z
Romeo (NOIRE vocals)
Absolute Declaration ~Recital~ (All ten vocals)

"Good work everyone!" "Nice!" "That was boppin'!"

I breathe out as we finish the last song. It wasn't a long session, but it was certainly something. One band provided backing instrumentals to the other when they were singing, so that was interesting. Also, having five people singing one song was almost disastrous as we nearly went into the other's lines.

But, as Hina described it, the session was quite fun.


Ugh, who is it?

(S/N): im home. u cooking food?

(Y/N): sure

(S/N): alr see u soon

We didn't spend too long here so I probably have the time to cook for the two of us.

O: "Already going?"

(Y/N): "Sorry. I need to cook dinner for us."

Chisato: "No worries. Anyways, should we all be going home soon? It'll turn dark soon."

I: "Alright. N, we're taking the train right?"

N: "Yes, we are."

(Y/N): "Well then, guess I'm off."

O: "Wait, what about the instruments?"

"Don't worry, we can store them. It's our job, after all."

We packed our bags and stepped out of the agency. We waved goodbye to Pastel*Palettes as they were going the complete opposite way we were. After a five minute walk, I waved goodbye to my bandmates as I crossed the road to take a bus away from the bus station.


I know, I know. I'm coming! You're acting like you're going to starve.

I grumpily pick up my phone, ready to mute messages before I see the number who texted me. What? An unknown number?

??: Hello, is this (Y/N)

who's asking

??: Oh, it's Maya! I asked around and R gave me your number

ah ok

Maya: I wanted to get your number so we can talk about equipment more. you didnt seem to mind so I figured you'd be fine. plus, I wanna see your magazine collection!!!

Maya: Oh, sorry if I'm bothering you

you're not, it's okay

Maya: Okay. Oh, we're about to leave so ttyl!!!

I add the unknown number under the name 'Yamato Maya'.

(L/N) (S/N)
Band (NOIRE Group Chat)
Yamato Maya


I enter the bus and pay my fare, thinking about what I'm going to cook for dinner tonight.


Hina: "So is he, like your boyfriend or something?"

Aya: "Hina-chan! You can't just ask a girl that!"

Eve: "But now I'm curious.."

Maya: "N-no, it isn't-"

Hina: "I mean, I saw them talking a lot during practice."

Chisato: "And (Y/N) didn't seem to mind her ramblings. She even got his number from R."

Maya: "I-it's not like.."

Aya: "Wait, this seems like a perfect match!"

Eve: "How precious!"

Maya: "W-wait! It isn't like that!! W-we're just friends.."

Aya: "Maya-chan, are you okay? You're face is pretty red."

Hina: "Hmm...."

Chisato: "Fufu~"

Maya: "C'mon guys! L-let's go home!"


Achoo! I better head home fast. I speed up my walking, ready to cook dinner. Guess I'll make Hamburg steak tonight.
nearly 5000 words holy shit

(Next Chapter: Not so sure but something about (Y/N) and his personality)

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[A possible better version on the second year anniversary book] "If I work here, I might be able to find, the music within." (Y/N) (L/N) has always...