𝐬𝐲𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐬𝐢�...

By SWReed

4.5K 75 323

2nd Place in Romance Spring 2021 Seasonal Contests A Sidney Crosby FanFiction . A 25 year old girl takes an i... More

|Model or Intern?|
|Yellow Crocs and Tube Socks|
|Not A Lunch Date|
|Sherlock and Peaky Blinders|
|Sports Illustrated, Vanity Fair, and The Post Gazette|
|The King of Penguins Hockey|
|Sweater Dress|
|Hockey Fights Cancer|
|Thanksgiving with The Lemieux Family|
|Jolly Holiday In A One Horse Open Sleigh|
|Brianna and Jakey|
|Sydney and Sidney|
|Little Pens Christmas Photo Album|
|Mistletoe Merrymaking|
|Pens Christmas Photo Album|

|Secret Santa|

164 2 30
By SWReed

The next morning, I was up at 6. I was sent Sidney's schedule for his busy morning. He had to get up earlier than me, well, the whole team.

They were going to the children's hospital to deliver gifts and the photographers didn't need to be present. Andy wanted to give us more time to sleep since we had a busy day too, but it was going to be a fun type of busy day.

I was texting Sid about his morning schedule, making sure he had his jersey and his Santa hat for when he saw the kids at the hospital. Then I was thinking of everything he needed to bring. Secret Santa gift, ugly sweater, and comfy shoes.

Bri and I had already got our Secret Santa gifts all wrapped up with fancy wrapping paper and tied up with ribbon in fancy bows, placed in gift bags.

Outside, it was snowing, once again, but it was still dark when I started making some breakfast for the two of us.

I had made crispy bacon, sausage patties, fluffy scrambled eggs, and hash brows with freshly brewed hot coffee and OJ.

The sun had just started rising in the sky because the buildings reflected the light into the windows, I then went over to the TV and turned it on, going to YouTube and clicking on a video with ambient fireplace sounds and light Christmas music with the video of the crackling fire displayed in full on the screen. I then turned on every Christmas lights in our apartment before setting down the food on the table.

Bri then came out of her room, still in her pajamas and her hair all messy, "Syd," She sighed happily, making me turn around, "Why are you making all this food, it's just the two of us?" She yawned mid-sentence.

"Well since we have time before we go to work, I figured we could actually sit and eat breakfast together," I emphasized.

Her eyes got big slightly, "Your such an amazing best friend." She wined, extending her arms out for a hug.

I trotted over, also still in my pajamas, "I know! You don't have to remind me." The two of us embraced each other in a warm hug.

Then Bri helped set the table, while I brought over the coffee and OJ. The two of us sat across from each other, sitting on the sides of the tables with the benches, and Juno hopped up on the chair in between us.

I smiled, Juno sniffed the air, smelling the food, "Good morning little beasty." I then scratched his ears. Juno knew better than to not take food from the table or counters unless given to, he was very smart and well trained when I adopted him. He just sat in the chair like a good well behaved old man.

The two of us took our servings of food, placing them on our plates, "So I know we never got to talk last night, but how was your date?" I wiggled my brows.

Bri was eating a sausage patty, she seemed really excited when I asked, so she chewed her food faster before swallowing, "Oh my god! So so amazing! Like we were going to the exotic restaurant but they were closed but it kinda seemed to fancy for me, but Jake was like all frustrated and upset but we went to the Spaghetti Factory instead-"

"Omg yes!"

"I know right! And we got that honking order of food on the menu, ya know like the one that's probably like 30 bucks or something!"

"Holy shit, so no wonder why there's so many takeout boxes in the fridge." I laughed.

"Oh I know right! But we got into a food fight and the waiters forgot to make us pay!" She wheezed, which made us start laughing our guts out.

"OH MY GOD!" I slapped the table with my palm a few times while laughing. "I SERIOUSLY WOULD HAVE PAID MONEY TO SEE THAT!"

Bri wiped the tears from her eyes, "Oh I know right!" She then claimed herself down, "But we kissed."

"YOU KISSED?!" I squealed.


I screamed, jolting up from my seat to give her a hug. The two of us were clapping our hands out of excitement, then embracing each other as we rocked back and forth.

"Oh my god, I'm so happy for you!"

"Thank you!"

The two of us then sat back down in our spots, "So tell me about your night." Bri winked.

When Bri got home, Sid was still with me and it was around 9 when she got home. The two of us were snuggled close together on the couch sleeping on each other, and Bri turned on the bright lights to wake us up and Sid left.

"It was literally so cute, he brought me dinner," I then paused, "Well, Sidney Crosby PB and Js, chips, and some iced coffee from McDonald's, but so so cute."

"Oh god yeah, more than cute," Bri said with a mouthful of hash browns.

I then took a sip of my OJ before eating some eggs with cheese and ketchup, "We also watched Jack Frost and like he cuddled me and stuff."

"Ooooo, did he wrap his arm around you?" She wiggled her brows.

"Oh yeah," I dragged, crunching on a strip of bacon in my hand. "His arms were so, long, and warm, and muscular." Resting my elbow on the table, I put my chin in my hand, reminded of how Sid made me feel last night.

"Did ya kiss?"

"No," I replied quickly, snapping out of my daydream, my face frowned.

"Well, you two did sleep together." She winked.

"Ok! That really wasn't "sleeping together"," I air quoted, "We just fell asleep on top of each other."


"Mhmm." I mocked Bri, finishing my strip of bacon.

The two of us finished our breakfast and got dressed into our ugly sweaters since the first thing we would be doing is setting up stuff for the annual holiday video, except this year it would be Holiday Traditions and Tips featuring Star Penguins Players vs Staff Members. Then we packed our other outfits for after filming. The Secret Santa and staff and players mini party with karaoke, Secret Christmas Duet, and our video fundraiser. Today was going to be a special day.

"Ok! Got your spare outfit!" I yelled from in the bathroom while brushing my teeth.

"Yeah! I'm getting yours packed up too right now!"

I then spat the toothpaste out in the sink, rinsing it down the drain, "K thanks!"

Bri was going as a fireplace. A red long sleeve shirt dressed up as a fireplace with garland stretching from one arm, across the chest of the shirt, then to the other arm with little stockings hanging from her arms. She paired it with a black pleather skirt with the zipper in the front, tights, and black knee-high boots.

A fireplace wasn't a fireplace without a Christmas tree, I was the Christmas tree. A black sweater decorated with gold strings, ribbons, candy canes, gift bows, and bulbs trailing up my arms where a giant red bow was sewn onto the sleeve which I paired with regular blue jeans, and black high heels.

The two of us rushed out the door with all our work gear, extra clothes, and Secret Santa gifts, excited to get to work and spread holiday cheer.

A few of the guys including Jake and Kris we're wearing festive ugly holiday suits which made me laugh so hard, it cut through the loud chatter in the locker room.

"Did Rudolph throw up all over you guys or what?" Kris and Jake automatically walked over to us.

Kris scoffed, his white puffball on his Santa hat flopped around as he nodded his head, "Oh, yeah, says you two." He then brought me in for a hug while Bri and Jake kissed each other's cheeks, and vice versa.

"But as per usual, you two always steal the show." Jake smiled, backing away from me after our hug.

Bri waltzed over to Jake, "Aww Jakey, your just too cute." Lightly placing a kiss on his cheek.

"Oh wait! I forgot! I'm on gift duty!" Kris threw his hands in the air. "I'll take your Secret Santa gifts!"

Bri and I handed the gift bags over to Kris while I followed behind him with a much bigger gift that couldn't fit into the gift bag.

All the gifts were in the back of the room on a few folding tables covered with table cloths and dancing Christmas decorations.

"You can put my gift on the end." I gestured to my bag so the bigger package could be near my gift bag.

Kris placed my bag on the end while I propped up the gift against the leg of the chair, and he put Bri's bag near mine.

A tap on my shoulder made me turn around, it was Sid, he was wearing a Santa hat and a blue sweater that had a fake vest, green trim. Red solo cups, candy canes, snowflakes, and holly, with a little red bow tie.

I scrunched my face playfully, "Oh! I know what you're doing!"

"What?" He laughed, obviously knowing what I was going to say.

"You're trying to snoop for your Secret Santa gifts!"

Sid tried to prevent himself from smiling, "I would never!"

"Oh yeah! Mmhmm," I nodded my head, then I remembered something I forgot to say to him last night, I pointed my index finger at him, "Hey, I forgot to compliment your stache! It suits you!" I giggled.

Sid used two fingers to smooth out his caterpillar of a mustache, "Oh yeah, I swear to god, I get so jealous of guys in the league cause I cannot grow a proper mustache."

The two of us were quietly laughing like idiots, "Seriously?"

"Dead serious, Syd, like I cannot grow facial hair properly to save my life."

"It literally looks like a big fuzzy caterpillar crawled on to your face, you look great Sid."

"Thanks, Syd." He smiled and wrapped an arm around my waist, leading me to Bri and Jake.

"Oh my god! Those are so cute, ugh, wish I was there!" Bri pointed to something on Jake's phone.

Jake looked up, "They were so star struck when we walked in like it was priceless."

"What you guys talking about?" I smiled, coming over to Bri, then Jake turned his phone to show the two of us.

"Oh, the kids at the children's hospital." Sid smiled.

The picture was from the Pens Snapchat story of Sid, Tristan, and few other guys taking a picture with a young, maybe 10-year-old boy.

"Awww, that's so sweet," I gasped, placing a hand over my heart, "I feel so bad for all those kids in the hospital. They shouldn't have to go through stuff like that."

"I agree." Bri nodded, then Jake took his phone back and laughed at something.

"Oh my god! Sid!" Jake made Sid look to him, "Remember when your ass got stuck in the chair at the hospital."

"Oh my god yes!" Sid rolled his eyes, playfully, his cheeks heating up.

"HE GOT HIS ASS STUCK IN A CHAIR?!" I looked over to Sid for clarification.

"Yes! I wasn't there at the time but if Flower was still here he could definitely tell you!" Jake had happy tears streaming from his eyes.

"Ok, I couldn't fit into one of the tiny chairs and I got stuck, and Flower was trying so hard not to try and tip over in his chair because of my overly large ass."

Bri chuckled, turning her phone, showing Sid first, "Oh you mean this picture?"

"YES! THAT'S IT!" Jake pointed, moving the phone so I could see.

I took Bri's phone, looking at the picture of Sid getting stuck in the chair, "Oh my god Sid." I started laughing and showed him.

I tilted the phone towards Sid, "Yup, that's it!" He smiled, looking at the picture. My hand covered my mouth, trying not to laugh but it was too funny to keep in.

"Literally, they couldn't give you a bigger chair? Did they not see your honkin' ass, like." Bri gestured to Sid

A smile painted Sid's face, "I know right!" He looked up at a clock nearby, then down at his watch. "Gotta make the announcements, be right back."

Sid walked up to the back of the room by the Secret Santa table and stood on top of the bench, "K, everyone! Listen up!" He got the attention of everyone in the room because the chatter died down pretty quickly. "Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas!" We all said in unison, acknowledging the captain.

"So in a few moments we're gonna start the Secret Santa in a few moments, and then we're gonna start filming the annual holiday video with the hands of the extra staff members here today, and then start the Christmas games which were created by Miss Brianna Sirochman and Sydney Reed," Sid gestured to the two of us, everyone turned and gave a warm round of applause and a few whistles before turning back to Sid, "And then we'll start the Christmas Karaoke and fundraiser video! So let the merrymaking festivity begin!" He clapped his hands together which made everyone excited.

Everyone was crowding around the Secret Santa table, the three of us decided to stay back, while Sid made his way back to us.

"Ah! Such a great speech Cap! Bravo!" Bri clapped her hands.

"I agree, very good speech!" I smiled, bouncing a little bit, I was looking over Sid's shoulder every now and again to see if the table cleared up a bit. "Hey, the table cleared up some more." I gestured to the table.

Jake smiled widely, "Oh yeah! I'm super excited to see what I got you Bri."

The four of us headed over to the table and I picked up my big gift on the floor, propped up against the table, holding it out for Sid.

He looked at me really confused, "It's for you dummie!" I giggled.

He kindly took his gift, "Thanks." He laughed a bit before handing me a medium-sized gift bag covered in teal sparkles, my favorite color.

"Thank you, awe, my favorite color." My eyes got a bit bigger and my heart fluttered at his gesture of finding a sparkly bag in my favorite color, I then picked up the gift bag, handing it to Sid.

The four of us left the locker room and headed out to the ice, to sit on the benches together to open our gifts.

Jake kindly opened the gate for us, thanking him politely as we all stepped in, taking a spot on the benches, Sid and Jake hopped up on the wall while our presents sitting either next to us or on the floor in front of us.

I clapped my hands together, pulling out my phone to record everything, "Ok, ok, Bri you go first!" Tapping the record button on my phone, I held it up in front of me.

"Ok," She squeaked, picking up the bag from the floor and placing it in her lap, "First thing in this honkin' bag is..." she dragged, rooting through the tissue paper, "Awwww, it's a little strap for my camera!" She pulled out a leather strap, the main part was a nice green with little pine trees.

"So so cute!" I smiled widely, knowing Bri will definitely use the strap.

She continued to root through the tissue paper, "Uhh, next is, little keychains! Aww." She pulled them out of the bag.

One had a little camera on it, her name stamped into a charm, her birthstone, and a little quote which she read aloud, "When life gets blurry, adjust your focus." Then a little cow skull with a black flower, feather, her birthstone, and a little letter B. Last, was a little coffee cup with her name on it and a pink tassel.

Then she pulled out a box, a black box with what looked like two tickets taped to the lid.

"Aww the tickets for our trip back to Omaha," She showed me the lid.

Shaking my head from behind the camera, "I swear Jake, your too good to Bri." Jake gave me one of those cute smiles, obviously, he was in love with Bri.

"I have to treat her just right." He emphasized, throwing a wink her way.

Bri opened up the box, coffee smells poured out, "Oh lord, coffee."

"Coffee macaroons! I've never heard of such thing!" She squeaked, showing me.

I adjusted myself, moving over to sit closer and examine the macaroons, "They look so delicious," My mouth was practically watering, "Where did ya get them?" My head looked up at Jake, still recording.

"Everything is from Etsy, well almost everything."

"Seriously?" Bri and I spoke in unison, obviously in shock.

"Yup, I was really impressed that they sold the stuff I was looking for." He nodded.

Bri then closed the lid of the box, digging around the bag for more goodies, she pulled out a big box of Keurig pods, coffee pods, and a cream pull over.

"Oh yes, more coffee," Playfully I elbowed Bri, "We are definitely gonna be up all night." Emphasizing my words, the two boys chuckled.

Bri unfolded the shirt, holding it up in front of her, "Raised on an old dirt road." She smiled, then turned the shirt to show me. The shirt really did suit Bri.

"Thank you, Jakey." She reached over and Jake did the same, the two wrapped up in each other's arms, giving each other kissed on the cheeks.

"Ok, your turn Syd!" Bri smiled, taking my phone.

As I got a bit older, I became a bit camera shy, I slightly covered my face with my sleeve, "Aww no, I could have made Jake go!" A muffled giggle came from behind my sleeve.

"Aw, come on Syd! You'll enjoy what I got you!" Sid pleaded.

My eyes rolled as I gave in, "Alright," Bri squeaked slightly, everyone turned to look at me. Bri was filming me open my sparkly teal gift bag. "Ok, first is.." I made little sounds while looking through the bag, looking for the first gift. I pulled out two Starbucks reusable cups, and the specialty green straw. One had the LV print and the other was a print of Princess Leia, "Yes!" I dragged, holding up the two cups.

"Thank you, these will become very handy," I chuckled, setting the, to the side before digging in the bag some more, pulling out something heavy, it was a candle.

The candle was a good size but it had a sketched out drawing of The Strip, "Oh wow," Then opening the lid to inhale the scent. It definitely smelled like The Strip, it boggled my mind. "Bri smell this." I leaned the candle towards her, under my phone so she could sniff the candle.

"Oh my god," She snatched the candle with her free hand, inhaling some more of the scent. "Oh my god! It smells just like The Strip! How is this possible?!" Bri turned to Sid, enthused as to how he found the candle, then giving me back the candle, so I could put the lid on.

"I dunno how they made it but I got it on Etsy, well, Jake and I got a lot of your gifts on Etsy."

"Oh my god, do you two realize how much you've impacted a small business? Like you've probably helped pay their bills, I mean we got your gifts from Etsy too but like you've helped them so so much."

Jake smiled, while turning to Bri, "We know, Brianna was in on the whole small business side when The 2020 Quarantine hit, she helped us remember and realized that small business need help too, so we decided to shop small this Christmas." He gestured to her throughout the conversation.

"Same with my family. We're shopping on Etsy and in the smaller shops downtown," Sid added, turning to face me, "But I did get you the candle because I know you enjoy scents and the smells of The Strip are just something else."

Nodding my head, "Oh, definitely." Gently placing the candle back in the bag so I wouldn't accidentally break it, I then went further down into the bag, touching something on the one side of the bag, which wasn't cardboard, it felt like canvas.

Pulling out the next gift, it was canvas, I turned it around to the front, immediately wanting to cry because it was so beautiful, "You can take the girl out of Pittsburgh, but you can't take the Pittsburgh out of the girl." Then I turned the picture to everyone, showing them the beautiful drawing of a girl with a Crosby jersey, blue jeans, knee length boots, and a beanie, the Pittsburgh rooftop skyline in front of her with the writing in beautiful cursive to the right.

I looked up at Sid, "This means so much to me, thank you." My eyes started watering a bit, gently I wiped the corners of my eyes with my fingers with my head down, setting the picture aside.

Sid got up from his spot sitting on the wall of the benches, separating the ice from us. He then kneeled down in front of me from what I saw in front of me.

A light touch on my chin made my heart race a bit, then he tilted my chin up to look at him, then he wiped away some tears that fell down my cheeks, with his thumbs, gently, "You out of all the billions of people in this world deserve this city more than anything. You deserve to have friends like us," Sid gestured to Bri and Jake who were watching the moment, "You deserve much better." Sid finished, mumbling his last sentence which made me think, was he talking about himself.

My arms snaked their way under his arms while he rested his hands on my lower waist. My face smushed in his chest, still not looking at him because I was too flushed and embarrassed.

"You should continue opening the rest of your gifts." He mumbled, close to my ear but I could feel his breath.

Nodding my head in agreement, I buckled down, sniffing my nose and pulling myself together, "Ok, uh, next gift." My voice was a bit shaky, still trying to buckle down and pull myself together but it was too hard, a hot lump in my throat prevented me from pulling myself together fully.

I pulled out multiple pieces of clothing, one was a grey pullover, a white sweatshirt, and the other was just a tee shirt. Opening the pullover, there was embroidery of the Mandalorian helmet and the words "This Is The Way" in army green which suited well with the pullover. The tee shirt was ashy grey and The Mandalorian logo on the front, both were very stylish. The white sweatshirt had a retro design with sunset colors and the shadow of Din Djardin.

My nerdy geeky side started to kick through as I held them close to my chest, hugging them, "I love these so so much!" I squeaked, my geek side obviously showing, lightly running my fingers over the embroidery, "I just love the little detail embroidery on the pullover."

"I think there's one more in there." Sid gestured to the bag which made me suspicious, so I searched through the bag, pulling out a medium-sized white box with a neatly tied bow at the top.

I pursed my lips, pulling on the ends of the bow to open up the box, then taking the lid off. Inside was a sterling silver chain bracelet, a little heart charm with little sparkles next to a sparkly S.

Gently I took the bracelet out of the box, holding it up, "Your too much Sidney Patrick."

"I swear he's gonna spoil you rotten." Brianna teased.

Turning to look at her, "Of course he is." Then looking at Sid, throwing him a wink.

"Do you mind?" Sid gestured to my bracelet, wanting to put it on my wrist.

"Oh! No, I don't mind at all!" Passing over the bracelet, holding out my arm. Sid then unclamped the clasp, wrapping chains around my wrist and closing the clasp. I pushed a loose strand of hair behind my ear

"Parfaire." Sid said quietly like we were the only two together.

Looking up, I met his eyes, he was in awe and my stomach then tied itself into knots.

Sid was speaking in French again, "Moi?" I placed a hand on my chest, fluttering my lashes, "Parfaire? Non." Replying in French, shaking my head I politely corrected him.

He then took my hand, "Why it's true," Then placing a kiss on my knuckles, his mustache hairs tickled my skin. "Tu es parfaire maintenant." He held on to my hand for a good while before Bri cleared her throat.

He let go of my hand, "Uhhh, Jake's turn!" She nervously chuckled, turning the camera to Jake.

He picked up his bag and started rooting through his bag, I lightly traced over my knuckles on my right hand where my bracelet was on my wrist. The kiss still lingering on my skin.

Jake chuckled, "Let's see, I got a box," He pulled out a black rectangular box, which made me smile because me and Bri already knew what was inside. He then opened the lid to reveal a pair of two rocks glasses with hockey pucks indenting the sides. A wide smile painted his face, "Oh good lord, these are beautiful." He then pulled out one, turning it.

Jake gave Sid the glass, "That's really neat tho," He also turned the glass in his hand, then running his fingers over the small hockey puck indenting the side, "Etsy?"

Bri nodded from behind my phone, "Yeah, they were really a steal, especially for two matching sets."

Bri somewhat gave away Sid's other gift but he didn't really catch on.

Sid handed the glass back to Jake, setting it back in its designated spot in the box before putting the lid back on.

He then pulled out two matching black frames, "Oh wow." He gasped slightly, showing us the frames of the white outline of the streets of Pittsburgh and Omaha.

"One for both of your homes," Bri smiled, "Omaha and Pittsburgh."

"These will fit perfectly at my place, definitely, and I know just the spot for both of them," He smiled, looking up at Bri, "On the wall in the living room next to my TV," Jake talked like Bri had been to his place before, "Wait, duh, you've never been to my place." He lightly bonked his head with his palm, laughing, which made us all laugh.

"Whenever I come over, I know they'll be perfect in the spots you've chosen for them."

Jake also sat the pictures aside, sticking his arm inside the bag again, "Feels like stick tape," He raised a brow, then pulling out three rolls of his stick tape, "It is stick tape!" He held up a roll, shaking it around a bit as he spoke, "Never can go wrong with more tape, am I right?" Jake turned to Sid.

"Never can go wrong." He nodded.

Jake then pulled out the last two things, a gallon Zip-Lock bag full of cookies, chocolate, dark chocolate, and white chocolate, and a black pullover.

Turning to Bri, he threw her a wink, slightly shaking the bag, "I'm savin' these for later," He put them aside and unfolded the shirt. "Oh, I love this!" Jake then showed us the pullover. The Pittsburgh skyline in the back with crossed sticks and a puck between them with Pittsburgh in fancy yellow lettering.

"I knew you'd love it! Syd had to get matching ones for the both of you."

"Awe come on Bri! You spoiled the surprise!" I whined playfully, giving her a light smack on the hand.

Sid then picked up his bag, "I can imagine what I got as a clothing article then." He pulled out a matching black pullover, showing us.

He then pulled out a black box, the rocks glasses. Pulling off the lid, he chuckled, also showing off his new rocks glasses, "How did I know I was gonna get a set of these?" He then looked up at me.

Shrugging and puckering my lips, "Well I did find them on Etsy, on sale too which was a bigger bonus, we had to get them."

"They are one of a kind." Sid smiled, placing the glass back in its spot before going to find his other gifts.

In the bag, I had gotten him a bracelet, a hockey bracelet with white and grays, some hockey tape, peanut butter and dark chocolate fudge, a mug with the words 'PB and J connoisseur' for his love of PB and Js, and a picture of the arena seating chart.

The picture of the arena, I had already figured out where he was going to put it, in his room above his bed.

After opening up our gifts, Bri and Jake ran back to the locker room, hand in hand, giggling while their bags in their free hands.

"You seem different Sid," I started, he looked at me, "Like your a bit nervous."

He nodded, "I am, uh, I'm kinda nervous for tomorrow since I'm bringing home another girl, my mother is probably gonna overreact and think you're my girlfriend." Sid finished folding his shirt, then putting it back in the gift bag.

A chuckle escaped my lips under my breath, "Maybe you should let her." My voice was slightly lower than usual, just a bit more seductive.

He looked up at my change in voice. Throwing him a wink while biting my lip, I just left him alone. 

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