Sweet Summer Night

By BwiYoon

4.1K 218 42

A compilation of Vyoon oneshots 💚 More

Off Limits
Best Friends
End Of The Year Show (Part 1)
End Of The Year Show (Part 2)
My Center; My Muse (Part 1)
My Center; My Muse (Part 2)
The Heir
Business Project
First Love (Part 1)
First Love (Part 2)
Come Back (Part 1)
Come Back (Part 2)

My Center; My Muse (Part 3)

157 11 1
By BwiYoon

Summary: The University Sports Competition is finally here and at the end of the opening day, something unexpected happened to the basketball's center, and university's muse.

Note: This story is composed of three parts.


I woke up as soon as my alarm rang and spent 30 minutes doing morning exercises. It's only 4:30 in the morning and I woke up early because there's a lot of preparations I need to do for the opening ceremony today. The University Sports Competition starts today and will last for a whole week. 

"Unnie, please tell me that you're awake already!" Seohyun shouted from the outside of my room.

I chuckled at how nervous she sounds because if I do not respond, she'll have to wake me up for a long time and I'll end up in a hurry.

"I am, Seo. Thank you!" I said before getting in the shower.

I took my time doing my morning routine since I still have a lot of time. I blowdried my hair and did my skincare before going to the kitchen to prepare for my breakfast. The others don't need to be at school until 8 so I'm the only one awake.

Mr. Center
Good morning!
You awake, Yoong?

Ms. Muse
Good morning, Tae!
I'm wide awake!
What time will you get here?

Mr. Center
I'll just have my breakfast then I'll be there.

Ms. Muse
I'm already preparing our breakfast tho...

Mr. Center
Thank you so much, Yoong!
I'll be there in 15

Ms. Muse
Drive safely

Mr. Center
Will do!

I chuckled at his cuteness before putting my phone down after playing some good music. I put my apron on and started dancing while cooking Tae and my breakfast. Sunny-side-up egg, french toast, ham, bacon, bibimbap, fried egg, and pancakes are on the menu for today. I'll just brew our coffee later after I finished cooking all those since I want Tae to have a hot coffee. Soon, I finished it all and Tae messaged me that he had already arrived.

"Good morning, Yoong," We hugged each other for a short while after greeting each other then went inside quietly. 

"It smells so great. You're a really great cook," Tae said as we entered the dining area where all the foods are set.

"Of course I am," I smiled smugly before getting our freshly brewed coffee and placing it on our mug.

We spent the morning talking but none mentioned the competition later today as we both are nervous about it. As we finished eating our breakfast, I just placed all the dishes on the sink to let others deal with it, just like what we agreed to last night. 

"Oh! I forgot to give you these," Tae said as we entered his car and handed me a bouquet of white roses and I couldn't help the sudden rush of blood in my face.

"Thank you! You didn't have to," I said and buried my face to sniff the pleasant scent of the flowers with another intention of hiding my face.


❤️ 1.2 Million Likes
LimYoona First surprise of the day 🌼

View all 530,122 comments
HenryyLau Oooh! Who's it from?
ChaerinCL I get a feeling that we all know...
Soobin I ship!
Yerinssi I don't have any plans on going to the univ today but I guess I better do.

"You really look good even without makeup," Tae mentioned and that's the only time when I realized that it's the first time for him to see m barefaced.

"Oh god, this is so embarrassing," I said and hid my face with the bouquet. 

I should've placed at least a simple makeup on before going. This is definitely gonna turn him off.

"No, you really are beautiful barefaced," Tae said and his hands reached over to pull the bouquet away from my face.

"Just don't mention it again," I said and smiled as he hummed in response.

The drive to school was usually short but time seems to be so long today. Must be because I'm too nervous and it just wants me to suffer more.

"You're gonna do your own makeup at school?" Tae asked after a few moments of comfortable silence between us.

"No, a stylist and makeup artist is waiting for me there that's why I need to be at the university early. All of my clothes are also there so it won't be too much of a hassle to me," I answered 

"Oh, okay," That's all that Tae said before another silence filled the car but this time, it lasted until we reached university.

Tae went out of the car first as soon as he parked and opened the door for me.

"Let me," He motioned to the bouquet in my hand and I decided that I nodded in agreement.

I am breaking out in cold sweat so I really don't have the strength to tell him that I can carry it on my own. Tae seemed to understand by just looking at me and my actions.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay. You're our muse for years because you are more than capable of doing things," Tae reassured me and I took a deep breath before going out of the car.

"Right! I've been doing this for years so I don't really have any reason to be nervous. I can certainly slay this," I started my pep talk to myself and smiled at Tae out of gratefulness.

"Don't you need to be at your locker room now?" I asked him since he continued to walk me to my assigned dressing room.

"I am but there's nothing important for us to do now. So I guess Coach Kwon wouldn't mind if I'll be late for a few minutes," Tae answered making me laugh at his answer.

We continued to talk so we can ease each other's nerves until we reached my room.

"Relax, Yoong. You'll do perfect so don't worry too much," Tae reminded me once again as we stopped in front of the door.

"Yes, Tae. I'll see you later." We both bid our goodbyes before I entered the room where everyone's waiting for me.

"Mad, go place Yoona's flowers on the side where it won't be ruined. Things will get busy in here starting now," My main stylist said as soon as they saw me and everyone started doing their work.

"Come sit here, dear," She said and motioned me to sit at the vanity placed in the middle of the room and I quickly followed. 

Just like that, things went so busy inside and I decided to sleep, while I let them do all the work, thinking that doing so will help me stop stressing myself.


"Yoona, wake up dear. You need to get dressed now."

I groaned as someone gently shook me out of my slumber. As I opened my eyes slowly and saw the reflection of busy staff running around the room, my mind started thinking straight again and reminded me that today is actually the day.

"I'm sorry I slept too much," I apologized to my stylists but they just shushed me and smiled at me before telling me that I need to get changed into my first outfit for today.

It took me and one of the stylists, who was assisting me, a good 10 minutes before I wore the gown for the opening ceremony perfectly.

"You're so gorgeous, sweetheart!" Everyone in the room showered me with compliments and I can only smile shyly in gratitude.

I always get compliments but I am still not used to hearing those all at once so I still get shy. The stylists fixed my makeup and hair but this time I didn't fell asleep but rather spent my time scrolling through Instagram.

"You're all ready!" The main stylist said and everyone looked at me with pride and satisfaction which made me feel so happy.

Since I cannot go out of the room since that will spoil everyone with my outfit, I decided to just ask one of the stylists, who wasn't too busy, to take photos of me. I'll upload them later, a minute before the competition starts so people won't see it too early.


❤️ 5.2 Million Likes

LimYoona And the show begins...

View all 1.9 million comments
Jesicasica My girl is slayin' it!
Panipani Fuck! This is real queen vibes!
Seokjinnie Worldwide beauty!
Jimochi I'm dragging Yoongi out of bed 'cuz I'm definitely not missing this and Taetae's reaction!

I didn't get the chance to see people's reactions to my post since as soon as I posted it, my name was called on the stage. My phone was handed to one of the staff and I took a deep breath before holding my head high up and walking down the runway, oozing confidence.

You are pretty!

You are beautiful!

You are gorgeous!

You are slaying!

You are confident!

You are relaxed!

You are doing great!

Kim Taehyung is watching you, mesmerized and mouth agape.

Those thoughts occupied my mind while I walk. The last thought made me feel butterflies in my stomach causing me to smile and blush after a walk with a poker face. Luckily, it happened when I reached the very end of the stage so I can say that it was the perfect timing since the crowd roared so loud, telling me that they are satisfied with my performance. The same positive thoughts ran through my mind as I posed, turned, and walked back backstage.

"That was so amazing, dear!" My trainer exclaimed and hugged me so tight as I once again entered the room.

I thanked them all for their compliments before rushing to change to the environment-friendly gown since that's for the next segment. Once I saw the gown, my jaw dropped as I saw it in its final look. The last time that I saw it, there are still some changes that need to be done but it was already perfect for me. Seeing how much the gown changed and how much better it looked, I thought was impossible, I can't help but wonder if the students in the Fashion Department are really still students.

"Come on, sweetheart! We got no time to lose!" The stylist said before pulling me to the changing room for the second time today.


❤️ 3 Million Likes

LimYoona The Fashion Department at our university is crazy!

Panipani We'll take that as a compliment!
Syub Going to the univ instead of sleeping is finally worth it...
Hyo Y'all need to see how great Yoona dances!
Jacksun I'm running to the school in my pj's. I blame you for this!

I once again walked on the runway, now more confident and relaxed compared to the first one earlier. The crowd, mixed of students from different well-known universities in the country, hollered as I entered and I couldn't help but smile on my way back as the volume remained consistent. I take so much pride in that.

"Great job, darling! Go change into some more comfortable clothes and prepared for your next event," The main stylist dismissed everyone so we all did our own thing.

I changed into my title neck sweater and black leggings, grabbed all my things including the bouquet and went to the dance practice room where the others are already stretching themselves. It's already 9:30 in the morning and we'll have our first performance at 11. Hyoyeon unnie decided that we'll have our last practice now just to make sure that everything's perfect and spend the rest of the time relaxing.


❤️ 5.3 Million Likes

LimYoona Hoping that my feet won't get twisted like these things 😜

View all 1.7 million comments
Hobihope I hope so too or Hyo will kill you...
Jaebooom Highly doubt it!
Minjiji Good luck siis!
Hoshi Thank goodness our university allowed us to go!

Time passed without us noticing and the next thing I knew was we were already in our standby position on the stage, senses high while waiting for the lights to turn on and sounds boom in our ears.

As the first beat dropped, I decided to myself that I wouldn't worry about our performance. Instead, I let myself slowly get lost in the music and just enjoyed our first dance.

"Congrats to everyone! We all did great!" Everyone screamed in joy as Hyoyeon unnie complimented us.

Our performance just ended and the crowd is still cheering for us, and the adrenaline rush still going through our veins. We're all still high on it but of course, our moment of joy had to be ruined.

"Some of you made a mistake, why are you so happy?" Lisa said as we walked past them in the corridor while we were all on our way to our dance practice room.

"You better not make any mistake on our cheer dance or I'll kick you out of the gymnasium," Jennie warned us all 

None of us paid them any attention as we got so used to their hate on us. You know what they all say. People hate on you for two reasons: It's either they don't like you or they are insecure about you.

We were all laying on the floor when a knock interrupted and Tae came in sight.

"Can I excuse, Yoona?" He asked and everyone just started teasing me so I ran to the door so he won't hear them for longer.

"Hey, Tae," I greeted him as I closed the door behind us.

There are only a few students in the corridor yet we still managed to catch all of their attention but they soon just went on their way.

"Wanna eat lunch together?" Tae asked and I had to bite my lip to stop myself from smiling too much.

"Of course! Just let me grab my wallet in---" My sentence was cut off when Tae grabbed my hand and pulled me behind him.

"Your wallet will be of no use since it's my treat," He said making me blush once again.

This seems like a date, doesn't it? 

I shook that thought out of my head since I don't want to expect and end up looking like a fool and getting myself hurt.

Tae and I ended up in a high-end restaurant and I felt so out of place since I am only wearing my sweater and leggings after changing earlier. But when I realized that Tae's outfit is similar to mine, I gained more confidence and didn't mind the judging stare of others.

"You did so well earlier," Tae started the conversation after the waiter left us once he got our order.

"Thank you, I was really nervous. I thought I'll end up messing things up," I told him honestly.

"Well, your performance was nowhere near that. I assume the crowd clearly told you that," I smiled foolishly as I recalled the loud cheer of the audience for me. 

Right, I did satisfy them all greatly.

"Are you ready for our walk later?" I asked, curious about how he feels about it.

"I don't think I will ever be ready," Tae joked making me giggle.

He's a great model actually. Tae just needs to relax his body because whenever he's too tense, he ends up looking like a walking statue.

"I doubt that. I've heard girls going crazy about the thought of seeing you in a suit. Even if you look like a statue, I bet they'll end up worshipping you," I stated while trying to conceal the jealousness I feel deep in me. 

There's no reason for me to feel that way anyway.

"Why? Is our muse jealous?" My eyes widen at his comment and I almost thought that he just read my mind.

"Jealous? Why would I be jealous?" I asked before stuffing my mouth with food that arrived a few minutes ago.

My face blushed even harder as Tae chuckled at my reply. Thankfully, Tae didn't push the topic further and it was never mentioned again for the rest of our lunch.

"Where have you been! We started our practice 10 minutes ago and you're just joining us now!" That was what welcomed me as Tae and I entered the gym.

Hyoyeon unnie messaged me earlier that I need to get back to school ASAP. Tae and I had to hurry our lunch out and drive fast, back here. 

"I'm sorry, I wasn't aware that we will be having a practice at 1 am when we're still supposed to be having our lunch break, according to the schedule given," I half-heartedly apologized to Jennie before dropping my bag to where my other teammates' are and going to my position.

"You have no excuse! I clearly messaged it in the group chat last night!" She shouted once again and I just want to tape her mouth so she'll shut up.

"Yes, a group chat that none of us were in," Hyoyeon unnie butted in and everyone in the dance troop snickered, including Tae who I forgot was still with me.

"Shut up! You better do this ri---" Jennie's annoying nag to me was cut short when Tae spoke up.

"I'm sorry about that. I wasn't aware that you have a practice and kidnapped Yoong to have lunch with me."

All of my teammates looked at me teasingly and everyone suddenly had a cough. I swear I just want to kick them all so they won't utter another thing. 

Thankfully, after Tae excused me, Jennie didn't say another thing to me, and the practice proceeded. Tae then left because they still have to practice for their coming game.

"Enjoyed your little date?" Hyoyeon unnie said as we finished our intense practice for the first part of the cheer dance competition. 

"That wasn't a date, okay?" I told her while wiping my sweat off and arranging my things.

"I ain't believing you," She said before walking out of the gym.

Lim Yoona

❤️ 3 Million Likes

LimYoona I want some good time

View all 971,205 comments
Taetae My oh my
Gugie I bet a million dollars, Taehyung hyung is drooling rn
Sonho I mean, who wouldn't?
Hwasaa Is it bad that I am also drooling?

Our performance was a lot better than I expected. When the news first broke to us, I had expected a bad performance because of the bad teamwork we all would make. Luckily, every personal issue was set aside during the performance resulting in it being near perfect. But of course, everything went back to normal as soon as we walked back to our locker room. Murmurs of hate and diss being thrown nonchalantly everywhere so my teammates and I just returned to our dance practice room.

Taehyung's POV

I've been watching each and every performance Yoona had today and she never fails to surprise and make me go in awe. She is a really talented person and her beauty doesn't overshadow it which makes her much more unique.

"Taehyung, you need to go to Yoona's dressing room now," Coach Kwon snapped me out of my thoughts and brought me back to reality.

It's already 6 in the evening and the opening ceremony today ends at 10. The last program is the presentation of basketball teams along with the university's muse. It was discussed that everyone will wear formal attire since there will be a party after this. This is why everyone looks forward to the annual University Sports Competition.

As I continue to worry about my upcoming performance, I walked to Yoona's dressing room where I will also be dolled up. When I reached there, I knocked thrice and waited for a response before entering. 

"Woah," I froze in the doorway as my eyes witness how busy and hectic things are going on.

Yoona had been changing in here since this morning? She is sitting in front of the huge vanity table in the middle of the room and behind her are racks of clothes, some of which are worn while others are still untouched. Two stylists are focusing on her hair and makeup, one is making sure that Yoona's gown is flawless and not even one strand of her is there, another is polishing her black heels, two others are checking all of the accessories Yoona will be wearing, and there are a lot more running errands. Oh! There are staffs doing the same to my attire too. 

"Hey, Yoong," I greeted Yoona as I recovered from my shock and closed the door behind me.

Yoona, whose eyes were fixed on her screen, looked up, and glanced at me before turning her head back forward as the stylists hissed at her. "Hey, Tae."

"Taehyung-ssi, please come here and sit down. We have a lot to do and there's not much time left on the clock," Someone ushered me in front of the vanity which was against Yoona's.

I hesitantly sat down and nervously waited for them to do something.

"Is it your first time?" Yoona asked and I released a nervous chuckle.

She's right, I've never done something like this or even remotely close to this. Well, I've never had the need to do my hair and put some makeup on.

"Is it too obvious?" I asked and my stylists giggled making me pout in embarrassment.

"Just relax, Tae. Don't get too tense. I swear this is one of the most relaxing things in the world," I hummed in response to Yoona and decided to trust her.

Right, what's the use of getting so worked up anyway? Someone will just do my hair and makeup, nothing else. 


I took Yoona's words too seriously and ended up falling asleep.

"I'm sorry," I apologized to my stylists who must've had a really hard time doing their work.

They even called someone to keep my head steady because I was bobbing them too much in my sleep. 

"It happens all the time, no worries." I smiled at the assurance and followed the order to get changed into my black suit.

Once I wore it, I cannot help but admire how nicely it fits me. I now understand why many praise the Fashion Department. You really can't help but wonder how can they make such nice clothes even if they're just students.

The stylists fixed my hair and makeup while Yoona changed into her gown. After a few minutes, she finally went out of the changing room and I couldn't help but stare at her every move.

"You look so perfect, Yoong," I said catching her attention and she smiled at me genuinely.

How can she make me this mesmerized by her? This must be illegal since I don't think this is normal. I've liked other girls before I met Yoona but no one got me this much hooked.

"You're not so bad yourself, Tae," She said before turning her back on me to wear her shoes.

I watched Yoona as she walked over to a bench and bent over to wear her shoes. Since I've noticed that she was struggling to do so while holding her gown together, because of the high slit on the right, I decided that maybe I can lend her a hand.

"Let me." I kneeled before her and took her black heels before gently placing them on her feet.

Is it bad that I am so tempted to kiss her feet right now to show her how much I adore her?

"Thank you," Yoong muttered after I finished putting her heels on her.

We both stood up and I smiled at her, before offering her my arm for her to hold on as we walk to the backstage.

My heart pounded faster and faster as we slowly approach the backstage. Not because of the walk but because I am escorting Lim Yoona. This person has millions of followers on Instagram and I can't forgive myself if she gets embarrassed because of me. That's why I took all my runway training seriously. I actually focused on that more than basketball since I already knew what to do there. I need to do well for Yoong.

"You're up next," A staff informed us and I took a step closer.

As both our names were called, I gathered all my confidence and walked out of the backstage and walked in the middle of the stage where I met Yoona. I offered her my hand, just like how we practiced, before we walked down the runway with her hand resting on mine. As we continue our walk, I almost couldn't help the smile that was threatening to come out as people screamed so loud no one can hear the music. I glanced at my teammates and saw that they were all giving me teasing looks, shouting nonsense, and giving us both a thumbs up and I was so shocked to see that Yoona's dance troop teammate were doing the same thing.

The walk felt so long when we were on stage but now that we're back at our dressing room, it felt like it happened so fast that I'm not sure if it really happened.

"You did great, Tae!" Yoong complimented me as we both sat out on the couch.

"Not as good as you," I said and we both chuckled.

There was a moment of silence between us and it was only broken when one stylist asked us if we're not attending the party.

"Let's go?" I had no plans of going but since it was Yoong who asked me, who am I to decline?

As we walked in the party, the crowd started a fuss. I guess the girls were talking about me while the boys were all over Yoona. Can I punch them all for at least once?

Yoong and I got our own light drinks since we don't want to get too drunk tonight. The night went deeper and most are already drunk.

"They're gonna regret that tomorrow," Yoong pointed at the athletes of another university that was partying so wild one may think that we're in a bar.

"Thank goodness students in our school are still at their right mind," I sighed in relief as most of our athletes aren't drunk, maybe tipsy but not wasted.

"Did you enjoy the walk to the runway?" Yoong suddenly changed the topic and I smiled as I recalled the earlier events.

"I get to hold your hand, who wouldn't enjoy?" I uttered without thinking too much, maybe it was the alcohol but I am not regretting it.

"Are you flirting with me, Tae?" She asked straight to the point which made me a bit flustered.

When people said that Yoong is always composed, I guess they aren't lying.

" What if I tell you that I am?" I asked as I once again gained courage.

"Then I should flirt back." Yoona's response caught me off the guard even if my teammates told me that there's a 90% chance that she likes me too.

I mean, who would even believe if someone tells you that this girl, Lim Yoona, likes you? The same girl who's treated like a literal goddess in your university.

"Why don't we just date then?" Yoong leaned in my hand as I gently caressed her cheeks.

"I'v been waiting for you to ask me out for years." Her confession made my heart skip a beat.

She liked me for so long and I didn't even notice? How can she also not notice my feelings for her?

I still can't believe that this is happening right now. It was as if it was just yesterday when I thought Yoong doesn't even know that I exist.

"You're now my muse then," I emphasized to make things clear between us and Yoona giggled so adorably.

"And you're my center now," Yoona said before I pulled her in for a gentle and passionate kiss.


️ 9.7 Million Likes

Lim Yoona My Center

View all 1.2 million comments
Seulgigi Omfg! Are you! Oh god!
Highchul Yah! Lim Yoona! Congrats!
Gugie Shit! Taetae hyung wasn't lying!
Sunnyshine Where do I find my own man?


️ 5.3 Million Likes

KimTaehyung My Muse

View all 125k comments
Taengoo Wait you two are seriously dating?
Momo Congraaats!
Chimin Thank goodness! Finally!
Hoshi Couple of the year!

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