Spideypool- Feelings

By yikesBuzzardbaited

25.2K 821 366

Wade Wilson? Out of every man, woman, or living thing, who knew that the one to fall in love with Spiderman w... More

Sobbed Confession
Dad's Concern
To Forget
Yellow and White
Getting Along
One Million
Heads or Tails

Did they?

1.1K 32 4
By yikesBuzzardbaited

"What are you looking at?" Deadpool snapped once the door of the nearest Mexican food luxury slid open. Spiderman kept his manner on the cashier, attempting to act as if he didn't notice the moronic man at the window booth. "What, are you blind in your ears? Stop staring, lady, I'll be fighting more than just cancer if you don't change your sense of direction, pig."

Peter couldn't help but take a glance at the scene behind him, knowing the circumstances of his awful insults. He then figured it was just an elder that probably couldn't even hear. He could hope for the least of a shriveled woman, hopefully her listening sense was deceased. What person in their right mind wouldn't stare at the criminal drafted in all the papers, unless the mask is what startled her. Disregarding the situation behind him, he returned to an order of four chimichangas.

"Keep the change." Spiderman insisted, keeping in mind his awareness of the fact it wasn't his money, "have a good day, sir."

Peter interrupted the minor scene happening in the restaurant, because saying nothing with a bad of greasy food was somehow interruption.

"For here or to go?" Wade asked, reaching his hand out for the extra change.

"Nothing extra, just tips. I don't imagine we'd stay here, since you've apparently met your rival."

Wade shrugged, "as sixth grade as she is, she couldn't keep her eyes off my delectable figure." He posed charmingly for the readers, giving them a good stare into their soul, pondering the reason why they might have had a sexy pose in mind. He shrugged again, "she couldn't describe my desirable, well fitted body, that's all." He exposed.

"Well then, we head to your place? I'd rather not know what you're talking about and probably shouldn't welcome it into my home." Peter explained validly, unaware that the audience did in fact want them to go into his apartment.

"Oh sure, why not? But I'll properly pre-inform you that it's a little bit messy on a day like this. You know what they say, Thursdays can manipulate your life."

Peter rolled his eyes behind the mask, only listening to the agreement they'd come to. He headed for the door to leave, hoping Wade would just follow him and shut up. He watched his feet move one at a time; forward left, forward right, forward left...

He opted away from the idea of interfering with the upcoming police sirens, they were still pretty far anyways. Policemen have their job to handle on their own anyways, can't remain dependent on SpiderMan forever. The trail behind him fell cold, he couldn't sense anyone following him anymore. He scanned his surroundings once or twice, not seeing Deadpool anywhere and decided he was no longer his problem. Peter didn't bother, he was hungry and made a current decision to go home instead of waiting for the fool to unlock his door.

This lead him towards two possibilities; one, he could look for Wilson to defeat the risks of being heavily and unwillingly interviewed by both the media and police; or two, leave the trouble for wade and he later, eat some freshly hot chimichangas and get there after a good nap.

He concluded his plan to just web home, his stomach wasn't kidding; four burritos did sound like a satisfying fix at the moment. They weren't intentionally for himself only, but didn't see why not considering Wade couldn't keep up for only a few minutes. Yeah yeah, throw a fit if you'd like reader, don't blame him blame me. Can you really, truly not understand the glory of four chimichangas. I don't know about you but I would probably do anything for that just about now. Right now I just have two steaks and a salad, it's not bad but if I had an option, think of the burritos Spiderman will enjoy. :)

Disregarding a possible involvement in a Deadpool incident, the burritos were actually quite nice, you could pretty much say the shit was bussin respectfully. As he chewed, he could more think of what he's gonna do about Deadpool. Once the public finds out, it will crossover to networks and medias he probably couldn't bare momentarily. Once they find out, Stark finds out.

Tony was always tough and more dedicated to the whole Wade Wilson files, one of the only men he couldn't quite catch somehow. Wade killed bad people who did bad things, sometimes Peter had to take deep breaths and heavy consideration about these murders. Is it possible to justify these means? They were bad people..

Sometimes he wondered;

Did they deserve to die?

HELLO MY LOVELY READERS, my sincere apologies for my absence, leaving the story a mystery for those who enjoy it. I've read all of your comments and realized I must continue the story, I hope you've made it to the next chapter :)

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