De Nelson's Senior High

By chancelar

1.4K 361 10

Different lives intertwine in this crazy story of love, deception, hate and defeat all in one school that rel... More

Thanks For Choosing My Book
Chapter 1- Trees that lined up
Chapter 2- Craziest girl
Chapter 3- Welcome...Bitches.
Chapter 4- Through the dorm
Chapter 5: Other Teachers
Chapter 6- Kleptomaniac
Chapter 7- Excruciatingly long minutes
Chapter 8- Missing the point.
Chapter 9- Done with you
Chapter 10
Chapter 11- On Me
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14- Light up
Chapter 15
Chapter 16- Compulsory Siesta
Chapter 17-
Chapter 18- Basketball
Chapter 19- Power
Chapter 20- Wake up.
Chapter 21- Oxygen Mask.
Chapter 22- Powerful arms.
Chapter 23- Self-pity
Chapter 24- Stargazers
Chapter 25- Exasperated
Chapter 26- Sympathy
Chapter 27-
Chapter 28- In Junior High.
Chapter 29
Chapter 30- He's.....Comely
Chapter 31- Inspection.
Chapter 32- Invitation
Chapter 34- Freedom
Chapter 35- IV Tube
Chapter 36- Canes
Chapter 37- Rhythmic clap
Chapter 38- Celebrity.
Chapter 39- Busted.
Chapter 40- Infirmary.
41- Panic
Chapter 42- Virgins
Chapter 43- Recess
Chapter 44- Kite
Chapter 45
Chapter 46- Pig sty
Chapter 47- Expect Wonders
Chapter 48- PE
Chapter 49- Chitchatting
Chapter 50- Dome
Chapter 51- Girlfriend
Chapter 52- Rings
Chapter 53- Titanium Bars
Chapter 54- Personal Chauffeur
Chapter 55- Occult
Chapter 56- Saturday Night
Chapter 57- Daddy
Chapter 58- Jaeden Daniels
Chapter 59- The twin cities
Chapter 60- Cluttering
Chapter 61- OPD
Chapter 62- That Man
Chapter 63- The wedding
Chapter 64- Red Tacoma in Rain
Chapter 66- Baby boy.
Chapter 67- Blood
Chapter 68- Musicals.
Chapter 69- High School Musical.
Chapter 70- Medications.
Chapter 71- Exonerated
Chapter 72- Greatest Show
Chapter 73- Stratosphere
Chapter 74- Kwamena
Chapter 75- Ignite (Epilogue)
Book 2 is hereπŸŽŠπŸŽ‰πŸŽŠ

Chapter 33- Contributory Factor

12 5 0
By chancelar

That's Adam Olivant aka Baby

Katy perry- Rise.

" Has he told you about anything that might have been bothering him? Because emotional breakdowns don't just occur, it's due to a lot of thinking." Ms Bella asks her.

" He was worried about his mom back home." Ciarra responds realising where all this emotional breakdown was coming from and suddenly, she begins to blame herself, " I think I am a contributory factor too. I was mad at him on Saturday."

Ms Bella notices the film of tears in her eyes and tries to comfort her, taking her hand reassuringly in hers, " No, no no, don't put it on yourself. It takes more than just some petty disagreement to get someone like him to fall sick. Even if it was about his mom or you, it shouldn't cause him a breakdown. Did the nurse talk about something else?"

" Not really...but she did mention something about his eating and sleeping patterns." Ciarra says as realisation dawned on her. She looks up at Ms Bella, " Honestly I rarely see him eat anything and I don't know about his sleep."

" I told you." Ms Bella grins, " The only thing eating him up is his bad day-to-day choices. I can tell you one thing about Canticle House boys I have taught over the few years I have been here, they Never sleep. They are practically nocturnal. That plus his poor eating habits should be enough to cause him a breakdown with the help of some minor issues he had to think about."

Ciarra had to admit it, she was right.

" So please don't stress yourself thinking about him, he'll be fine." She calmly says, " Come over to my office after school. Don't come to the house else Asare will kill you. And by the way, you got all five of them on point." She commends, referring to the examples she had written down before getting up to continue her inspection.

" Alright, so it seems most people have an idea but for the sake of those who don't, let's head to the lab to get the bigger picture on what is going on." She calls out to the class after checking the last table.

In the last period, she had successfully demonstrated to them five different methods of separating mixtures; decantation, evaporation, filtration, magnetisation and crystallization.  The bell for recess brings their lesson to an end and they throng out of the lab back to class.

Zuri'ah sighed when she walked in only to find Rebecca sitting in her seat in the empty classroom reading a Star Trek novel.

" Becca!" She calls in a warning tone as she rushes towards her but before she could say anything further, Rebecca puts up her hand to stop her without taking her eyes off the pages of the book.

Zuri'ah sighs and still spoke up,
" Where the hell have you been?"

" Library." She replies monotonously still reading, " Do you know Captain Piccard?"

" Oh come on, don't tell me you've never read Star Trek before." Zuri'ah says with an eye roll as she shuffles into her seat and picks up her backpack for her daily pills.

" He is so brave, his ship is practically going to crush into debris and he's still in it playing captain." She says.

Rufidat walks in after Ciarra who had rushed into the classroom and headed straight to their sitting place. She begins to pack up his books from under his desk into his backpack in an absent minded frenzy when she noticed an envelope that fell out of one of his notebooks. Her name was written on the flap so she opened it.

There was the invitation to Ink It. He was probably planning to surprise her by inviting her as his plus one to this exclusive event not knowing she had already been invited. How'd he get an invite anyway? She slowly slips it back into the book before placing it in his backpack and reaching out for another book on his table.

She stops when she feels a warm hand on hers stopping her from picking up a book. She looked up and realized that it was her best friend.

" What's going on, Ciarra?" Rufidat asks with worry in her eyes.

They were best friends but surprisingly the difference in their houses had really pushed them apart. Not that they were changing but they didn't get to spend much time with each other like they did with their housemates.

" Kobby's sick." She manages to say. His three friends also walk up to her from the doorway.

" What did the nurse say?" Lejandro asks in an undertone as all three of them encircle his desk, " Nana Kwame told us about him but he didn't really get what the nurse said."

" Come with me." Ciarra motions when she realizes more people were pouring into the class.

She zips up his backpack and hikes it on both shoulders and walked out of the class before anyone else could start questioning her.

The walk to the school's clinic was silent, none of them wanted to probe her on what actually occurred because she already looked scared.

The nurse was different this time, much darker and taller.

" Oh, you must be here to see Kobby Johnson, Nurse Sandra told me you'd be coming." She perks up from behind her desk where she was going through a few folders for the kids that had to be detained.

" Hi." Ciarra barely speaks out.

" Please I'm Samed, we were wondering if we could get to see him."
" Actually, he's having serious trouble breathing on his own so we had to up our game a bit." She says gesturing with her head at his door.

" If it's serious, why aren't you transferring him to the hospital?" Rufidat wonders.

" Due to the heavy rain on Saturday, the roads to the General Hospital has become terrible and extremely slippery. So if you haven't noticed, nobody is going up our hill any more because they fear they'd just skid off the slope." She explains, " But don't worry, one of the doctors can't get to his workplace because of that so he's the one I called in here to confirm my hypothesis."

Zaron sighed and walked over to his door and opened it ajar.

Kobby lay pale in the white sheets with an endotracheal tube inserted into his mouth in addition to the tubes connected to the veins in his arm and his stomach.

" Oh my God!" Lejandro panics.

" Yup, that's him alright. He is so weak that we have to inject glucose directly into his stomach in addition to Adrenaline in his veins." The nurse explains, " I am not allowing you in to see because he's super sensitive and will be awake by the slightest noise  and he really needs this rest. I don't want to drug him to sleep so I was glad his body forced him shut."

" So how long is he going to be here?" Ciarra wonders.

" A few days, I'm also monitoring his rare symptoms of malaria. Come around after school. I'm sure he'll be awake by then." She responds, " You three are also from that house, aren't you?...this should serve as a warning to you boys. Get some rest. We spoke to his Dad and he said it had happened to him too when he was younger, and that he was going to be fine after some treatments and rest. I even spoke with their family doctor so relax."

The boys give each other concerned glances.

" Here's his stuff, we'll come back after school then."  Ciarra informs her.

" Sure." She says before they all take their leave.

Meanwhile in class, the Entertainment board was there to interview all who had placed first to third place in all the programs that Saturday. They were asking each of them fourteen questions for the upcoming school magazine.

Unfortunately, the boys and Ciarra weren't present so they spoke to those available, especially Rebecca who had emerged the winner. Baby was the interviewer whiles Naana was the writer.

" Okay, Rebecca, we're gonna play a little game here. I call it 14 Questions With The Wyre." He grins after a brief conversation with her. Surprisingly, he was one of the first people in the school who didn't seem judgemental so it was easy to talk to him, " The Wyre is the school's magazine."

" Alright, bring it on."

" Great, so if you don't wanna answer, you can pass it." He explains to her, " So here goes.."

" Is this your first show?"

" Yes!"

" Is there something else you're good at?"

" Yup, but I won't go any further."

" Where are you from?"

" Jordan."

" Hardest subject for you in this school?"

" P.E."

" Any nicknames?"

" My Aunt calls me Five but in this school, my classmates call me House dress or Rude Girl."

" A favorite movie?"

" Divergents."

" Which musician will be surprised you listen to his or her songs?"

" John legend, mainly because I don't really like him but I still listen to his songs."

" Favorite animal?"

" Polar bears."

" Favorite color?"

" Red."

" Celebrity crush?"

"  Tom Cruise."

" Wow, you like older guys." He observes with a small laugh.

" Yup, more experience." She winks at him and he lets out a laugh.

" Someone in this school who's closet you'll likely raid?"

" Lady Macbeth."

" Series or movie?"

" Movie."

" Favorite saying?"

" Many are Mad but Few are roaming." She says with a chuckle, " You could even be sitting with a psychopath and you'll never know."

" Where do you see yourself in ten years."

" Some Catholic convent." She replies easily.

" Wait, what?"

" My aunt has been threatening to send me to one if I don't behave and with the way things are going, I'll be there pretty soon." She says with a serious expression getting him to laugh.

" Well that's it for today Rebecca, it been very interesting having a conversation with you. I like you already." He shakes hands with her and says.

" That's a first." She replies and he shakes his head at her in amusement.

" I'd better move on before recess is over. But this is not going to be our last conversation."

" Definitely not." She assures him as Naana waves at her before they move to Heather's table.

" Heather Amarquaye." He greets and she looks up from her textbook, " Our newest dancer."

" We have thirteen questions for you for The Wyre, then we'll leave you to your books." Naana explains, " This is Adam by the way but you can call him Baby if you like."

" Ummm, sure. Go ahead."

He sits in Lejandro's empty seat infront of her and turns to face her.

" Okay, so here goes nothing," He begins, " Was this your first show?"

" No."

" Are you good at something else other than dancing?"

" I sew clothing...but I am still an apprentice."

" Where are you from?"

" Gamashi, Accra."

" Hardest subject for you in this school?"

" English."

" Any nicknames?"

" My sisters call me Babynaa."

" A favorite movie?"

" Blended."

" Which musician will be surprised you listen to him or her?"

" Vibez Katel."

" Favorite animal?"

" Cats."

" Favorite color?"

" Purple."

" Celebrity crush?"

" Majeed Michael."

" Someone in this school who's closet you'll likely raid?"

" Ashanti Goodman."

" Wow, she must be really trendy." He observes, " Series or movie."

" Series duuuh, you get more of the suspense."

" Favorite saying?"

" Measure twice, cut once."

" Where do you see yourself in ten years?"

" Hopefully, gainfully employed and independent."

" Nice Heather. It's been a wonderful time with you. I'll keep you posted."

" Alright."

He moves on to Ashanti's where she was organising stuff on her table.

" Hey." Naana greets and he beams at her as he sits in the empty seat infront of her.

" Hello." She looks up from her work and says.

" This is Adam from The Wyre, he's gonna be asking you fourteen questions for the magazine. So please spare us a few minutes."

" Sure, go ahead." She says still slightly confused.

" Was this your first show?"

" No."

" Is there something else you're good at?"

" I swim."

" Interesting, hardest subject for you here?"

" Biology, too many terminologies."

" Any nicknames?"

" My Dad used to call me Princess, some people still do and I still feel like one."

" Favorite movie?"

" Just Go With It."

" Which musician will be surprised you listen to him or her?"

" Righteous Brothers."

" Favorite animal?"

" Tiger."

" Favorite color?"

" Lilac."

" Celebrity crush?"

" George Clooney."

" Wow, you like older guys?"

" Nope, just him." She grins.

" Someone in this school who's closet you'll likely raid?"

" Afrakomah."

" Series or movie?"

" Movie, I like to get things over with."

" Favorite saying?"

" You are the reason why you are happy or sad."

" Where do you see yourself in ten years?"

" Single workaholic probably in a penthouse."

" Surprising." He comments,
" We're done. Where are the Canticles boys?"

" They stepped out with Ciarra. I think Kobby is ill."

" Oh really?...Naana please note that we'll be seeing him after school."

" Noted." Naana says as she flips to a new sheet on her clipboard.

" Hope I'll be seeing more of you around here." He says with a wink at her before turning and heading out the door like he owned the school.

Ashanti paused momentarily before getting back to her work.

The rest of the class hours for the day were a blur for Ciarra. Well, he was an annoying sitting partner, but seeing his seat empty and not feeling his otherwise irritating gaze cut her to the heart. It was as if a part of her, a part of the class, a part of the school was missing.

His self conceited comments, and extra attention for the feminine gender got all the girls to notice his absence. Even Mrs Asare noticed his absence, mainly because his friends had all in some way toned down in the class waiting expectantly for the sound of the closing bell. Even people he sat with at his dinning table during lunch noticed he was gone, the kid who would always claim the food was good no matter the meal on the menu and yet ate so little.

As soon as the bell rung, she grabbed her already packed backpack and headed out straight for the stairs not bothering to think about the compulsory siesta. Turned out the house mistress of Florida didn't care much about checking up on her wards as Mrs Asare had.

Lejandro met up with her at the bottom of the staircase and threw a hand over her shoulder with one of his contagious smiles plastered on.

" Let's go, the others are coming." He assures her as they walk into the crowd of science students emerging out of their classrooms unto the courtyard and to their various destinations. Most of them stared at the two and their close proximity because it seemed as though Lejandro was shielding her from them while they manuvered their through the crowd.

" People are looking." She whispers to him.

" Let them look. It's a privilege to even be a foot closer to me. Anyone I want closer than that is special." He informs her with a small laugh and she knew exactly what he was talking about.

" I'll have to make a stop at the Teacher's lounge to see Ms Bella." She informs him and he nods in acknowledgement.

She didn't want to ask but her curiosity got the best of her.

" What about Heather?"

He's silent for a while as they take the walkway leading down the street towards the teacher's lounge.

" Don't get me wrong. I like her a lot but she seems to have her own goals in life and a relationship is the last thing she'll ever want now." Lejandro finally answers as he loosens his burgundy necktie.

The heat had gotten everyone who had worn the full uniform to begin to regret having done so by second period.

" That shouldn't be a problem for you Lee, I admire you for your patience and if you really think you are into her, it wouldn't be so irksome to wait. You're not just good looking but you're also a great guy." Ciarra reminds him,  " Don't give up. Heather is gonna be a great person in future and she knows that, so she doesn't want to take any chances."

" I understand."

" Of course you do, you're Lejandro Jills. The guy who taught me how to understand and deal with a guy like Kobby. You're six feet of sweetness." Ciarra ruffles his hair and says and he giggles making him look even more adorable.

" But I won't stop making her feel special." He says just to clarify that he was going to continue to put her in a pedestal in his life.

Ms Bella wasn't in her office when they arrived but she had left them a message that read; for Kobby and a lunchbox. They grab it and head out back to the sidewalk leading to the infirmary.

The clinic soon comes to view and they realize at least four beds were now empty when they walked into the main ward. The nurse from that morning recognizes them from where she was next to a girl with a broken arm she was trying to get in a sling.

" Oh you're here, two others beat you to it. You can go in." She calls to them and she looks at Lejandro with confusion. Lejandro walks in before her to find out who they were only to find Kobby in bed laughing at something his visitors had said- Fede and Baby. What were they doing there? Ciarra wondered. Kobby didn't even know him yesterday.

On the other hand, she was glad he wasn't still in the endotracheal tube but he now had the nasal cannula back in his nose.

He sees her and waves her over to come sit next to him on his bed.

" Hello." Ciarra greets them with a warm smile.

" Yo man, what's up, didn't meet you when I got to your class today." Baby asks when Lejandro greets them with a bro hug.

" Had to come to check on someone today but turns out he's good." Lejandro informs them.

The person who was even more awestruck was Fede when Ciarra caught his eyes.

" Hi." She greets both of them like she'd known them for so long. Fede was pretty glad she wasn't totally blowing him off instead.

" Wait, you guys know each other?" Kobby asks looking from Ciarra to Baby.

" Yeah, we met before the runway show. And I went out with Fede just yesterday."

" Oh yeah, I remember that." Kobby says.

" How are you feeling dude?" Lejandro asks casually.

" Occasionally like I'm in pain and I still need this to breath better into my lungs." He says pointing to his nose, " What happened?"

" You fainted." Lejandro replies.

Kobby hugs her to himself on his bed, " I almost lost it when I woke up and found out I was in some disinfectant reeking room."

" Wait, you guys are like together?" Baby asks the obvious question.

" Yeah. Wait Fede, did you think a girl like Ciarra would be available?" Kobby teases.

" I was just hoping." He chuckles.

Ciarra reaches for her backpack that she had dumped on the floor next to his bed and picked out his invitation before walking up to him.

" I think I'll have to return this to you." She tells him.

" Why?" Fede asks.

" Because he was planning on asking me." She says referring to Kobby.

" Wait so if he hadn't asked you, you would have gone with him?" Baby wonders.

" Kobby is not that kind of guy. If Ciarra wants to go out with someone else he allows it and she also does the same." Lejandro explains.

" Wow, Fed you should try doing that in your next relationship. That way you don't get bored with each other." Baby laughs.

" Keep it. You can give it to a friend who really wants to go." Fede returns the card to her and says.

"Thanks. Hey, how did you get a card anyway?" She turns to Kobby and asks.

" We saw their performance on Saturday and decided they could be one of our schools acts at the party on Saturday so they each have an invite and then all of a sudden, we hear our star performer is in an hospital bed. So we're here." Fede replies.

" And also I need to interview each one of the winners on Saturday for the school magazine so, tadaaaa. " Baby jokes running a hand through his dark brown shoulder length curls.

" Let's get it over with." Lejandro smirks as the doors open revealing Samed and Zaron.

" Hey guys." They greet in unison and then glare at each other as if it was weird to say the same thing at the same time before bursting out in laughter and shouting out," Jinx!!"

" And the dorks have arrived." Lejandro calls out under his breath as if he didn't want anyone to hear it.

" Who are you calling dorks Captain Underpants?" Samed turns to Lejandro and grumbles.

" Are you guys always this weird?" Baby asks curiously.

" Oh you should see them infront of a swimming pool. It's like Suicide Squad all over again." Ciarra laughs.

" Wow I'll love to hear it." Fede coaxes.

" We've got Samed who's shorts never fit, Kobby who's mom keeps buying him beach shorts with childish cartoon characters drawn on them; we're talking Peppa Pig and Scooby Doo kinda childish. And Lejandro who swims in the kid's pool and Zaron who always needs his favorite rubber duckie floatie before he can get in the water even though he knows how to swims."

The two were already laughing their heads off before she was even done.

Baby turns to Samed, " Hey do you sometimes get out of the pool and realize you're no longer wearing your shorts?!"

Samed's dark skin turns a shade darker in embarassment as the boys laugh at him.

I love these guys. Vote.

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