Living With Complications

By SuperLordHero

4.3K 95 27

FanFiction. AU. Percy is doing his yearly tradition of spending his summer with his father and his family. Al... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Treading In The Unknown

Chapter 9

177 3 0
By SuperLordHero

The week has past, and Percy was waking grudgingly before dawn again. He rubbed a tired hand over his face, before getting out of bed and made a start to be ready for the day.

He turned on the shower and waited for it to warm up. As he was waiting he stared at his reflection in the mirror. It was the first time he truly studied his appearance since before the accident. Percy couldn't find any other words to describe his expression except for hollow. His face no longer carried the happy joking smile or the glinting eyes he used to have. Instead his lips marred into an almost permanent frown, his eyes were dull, no light can make them glint as they used to.

He ran a hand through his overgrown hair. He hasn't done anything to it since the accident, he didn't really had a chance to anyhow. Percy turned his attention back to the running water and undressed before stepping in. He stared at the shower head as the warm water rained down over his body. The steam filled the small space baking him in warmth. Water echoed off from the walls and he continued to stare in a daze.

A loud bang on the wooden door of the bathroom startled him. "You have ten minutes before I ditch your ass" Triton's voice sounded outside the door. Percy sighed and turn off the water and quickly dried off.

He more or less almost fell down the stairs in a rush to gather his belongings. He held on to the railing for dear life as he caught his breath from mere panic moments earlier. Mrs. O'Leary walked in, sensing the change in Percy's mood. He sighed and petted the dog. Over the week he was home he really bonded with her. She stuck her tongue out of the side of her mouth and tilted her head to the side. Percy scratched her behind the ears in affection.

Percy stoop down to gather his backpack. Triton walked towards the front door keys in hand, he barely glanced Percy's way before walking out the door. Percy draped his backpack across his shoulders and hobbled after him on his crutches.

"Percy don't forget I'm picking you up during school today. You have an appointment for a refitting of your prosthetic leg later this afternoon. Remember to stay away from the stairs."

Percy's hand stilled on the handle of the screen door at the reminder my father gave me.

"Alright got it." He hurriedly got out of the house once he heard Triton's car start up.

The car ride to school was quiet. Not that Percy was expecting anything else. Soon enough they pulled into the school parking lot. Both of them  went their separate ways once they entered through the front doors.

Percy headed to drop his jacket in his locker. He fumbled with the combination on the lock, when a crash, something hitting against metal, sounded behind him. Percy jumped and turned to see what it was. Luke and his friend with an eye patch were behind Percy leaning against the lockers. Luke has a juul between his fingers before putting it to his lips and blowing out the vape.

Percy gave them both a bored expression before turning back to my locker.

"So you and Thalia, right?"

Percy grimaced at that conclusion. He turned back to face them with a w-t-f expression on his face. Luke shot up an eyebrow, puffing out another mouthful of smoke.

"Ah. So she was telling the truth about that part. How come I never heard of her supposed cousin who is missing a leg? Pretty sure she would've said something about that, especially how she drones about her other annoying cousin, what was his name? Nico, yes that's right. Why not you, are you not special?"

Percy rolled his eyes, "I never heard about you either. So I guess you must of not been a hot shot that you present yourself to be. Besides since you and Thalia don't appear to be a thing anymore, why do you care?"

Luke chuckled as the vapor poured from his lips. His friend however interrupted his response, "Olympion coming in at three o'clock."

Luke turned his head slightly to the right, Percy's gaze followed until it landed on Triton. He quickly turned his head towards his open locker. He shoved his jacket in, hoping that Triton didn't see his gaze.

"Castellan, Nakamura, it seems like you made a new friend. It's quite the bunch if I do say so myself, we have Scarface, eyepatch kid, and one legged amputee. Hmm, interesting. I'll see you later Scarface. Don't stand so close to the office Castellan, you wouldn't want to have another issue now do we?"

Percy waited until he heard footsteps round the corner before he turned back to face them. They both wore scowls on their faces. "I'm guessing you guys don't get along."

The one with an eyepatch scoffed, while Luke rolled his eyes. "C'mon Ethan, Silena is waiting for us in the auditorium." Both of them left. I shrugged and shut my locker.


Percy sat down at the table happy to finally be able to eat lunch. He sat by Grover and Jason, it was enchilada day, so Percy happily began to dig in. He was three bites in when Grover spoke, " Man those were good. If I could marry enchiladas I would." Percy let out a snort of approval, as he glanced at Grover's empty plate. Wait, empty plate? Percy took a double glance. Didn't Grover just sit down with a full plate a minute ago? How did he eat it so fast?

Thalia pulled Percy out of his stupor, "Alright Annabeth, what has the enchilada done to you? You have repeatedly stabbed it multiple times. No enchilada deserves your glare either."

Annabeth let out a sigh, "You're right Thalia, the enchilada doesn't deserve it. Miss. Dodds assigned me to do a project with no one other than Percy." She waved her fork at Percy then stabbed the enchilada with it again. "Sadly there's a punishment for causing bodily harm towards another student, therefore the enchilada is the next best thing."

Percy eyes widen at that comment. Does that mean if there wasn't a punishment, that fork is meant to be forcefully jabbed into him like it is with the enchilada?

"Geez Annabeth, I know you and Percy are not the closest of friends, but don't you think that it is a bit much?" Jason asked struggling with his bag of chips.

Annabeth snorted, "You try having your ten years of perfect grades be ruined by one individual who is incompetent to function."

Percy's eyebrow shot up,"Excuse me?"

"Bahh, what about these enchiladas man? They're great, remember? Let's talk about these wonderful creations from the gods than talking about potential murder." Grover nervously said before putting his fork and knife into Percy's own enchilada and stealing a piece.

"H-hey!" Percy stuttered, shocked of Grover's capability to steal his enchilada.

Grover shoved the piece into his mouth, "Sorry man, I'm still hungry."

"Didn't you pay for an extra enchilada though?" Piper furrowed her brow on confusion.

"Yeah and I'm still hungry!"

Jason chuckled while Percy still stared wide eyed at Grover. Did Grover really just steal his enchilada?

Math Class

"Jackson, nice of you to join us again. Let's see I have about seven hours of homework for you to catch up on." Miss. Dodds sneered.

Percy rolled his eyes and pulled a note from his backpack, "Actually Ma'am I have a doctor's note excusing me from strenuous activity, including tests, quizzes, and specifically your homework."

Miss Dodds paced to his desk and snatched the note from his hand. As she read the note her eyes became more narrow, her fingers clenched the note harder.

"Very well Jackson. You're gonna make up the work after this 'doctor' seems it's appropriate for you to complete. However you will not be excused for the assignments, or this project. To make it fair for the other students, you're going to do seventy-five-percent of the project while Annabeth will do the other twenty-five-percent, due to your setbacks. That's-"

"But Miss. Dodds-"

"No Chase, it's completely fair, as the teacher I expect you to show respect for my decisions. Now Jackson, instead of your original seven hundred problems, I'm gonna add 350 of Annabeth's problems. That will leave you with 1,050 problems, with a three page essay describing the importance of Algebra makes in the professional fields. The project is due on December twenty-first. If you don't do your part, both you and Annabeth will fail. Do I make myself clear, Jackson?"

Percy looked at the teacher in disbelief, Annabeth looked downright horrified. Percy open his mouth to retort, a knock on the door interrupted him.

A shy student walked in holding a pass and gave it to Miss. Dodds. She yanked it out of the poor lad's hand and waved angrily to dismiss the aid. The student booked it out of the classroom. She read the pass with as much anger as she had done with my doctor's note.

"Jackson you are excused, I expect you back here tomorrow, you have a lot to catch up on young man." She threw the pass at Percy. He gathered his things while he felt both Annabeth's and Miss. Dodds glares at his back.

Percy hurried out of the classroom, as he read the pass. He remembered now that he has an appointment to get his leg reevaluated for his prosthetic.

Percy saw his father's car in the school's parking lot. He made his way to it, thankful to get out of that class.

"I see you stayed away from the stairs. Tough day?"

Percy snorted at him as he buckled his seatbelt, "You have no idea".

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