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By FanFic_colby_Daddy

251K 4.7K 7.4K

Livia Dawn knew it was a bad idea to follow three guys, who were probably criminals, into the woods. Mistake... More

~π•€π•Ÿπ•₯π•–π•£π•žπ•šπ•€π•€π•šπ• π•Ÿ~
Authors note
Book two: Darling


4.1K 81 126
By FanFic_colby_Daddy


Waking up the next day was horrifying, to say the least. I don't know what I was expecting, but, for some reason, I was surprised to wake up in the comfort of the soft and plush bed I had cried my eyes out into the night before. I gasped when my sore eyes darted around the unfamiliar room, only calming down when the memories from last night flooded my brain and I was left with the same sinking feeling I've had for a while now.

Isn't it great to wake up in the luxurious home of your kidnapper?

I drag my aching body off the bed and towards the restroom, where I splashed water on my face and stared at my reflection. Barely recognizing who I was.


I'm not going to be mopey all day, I have priorities that are much more important. Colby mentioned people may be over today, so I guess I should start there.

But first, clothes. I mean, I have a whole new wardrobe I need to try on anyway..

Opening the closet door, staring at all the possibilities was exhilarating. The buzz of creativity in me flourishing upon seeing the different kinds of shirts and shoes, and even the pants. But I needed to be neutral, so, after skimming through all my options, I settled on the simplest outfit I could muster together.

A pair of purposefully baggy jeans and a light beige cropped shirt. It was super short though, barely showing my belly button.

I stared at my reflection, pleased, and slightly angry with myself.

I hated that small bit of enjoyment seen in my eyes.

I quickly put on my poker face and slowly crept out of the bedroom, making sure to look into the hallway before doing so. No one was there, thankfully, but I did hear voices coming from somewhere downstairs. So this meant there were people here.


Don't know how to feel about that but it's in the plan so I guess I've got to be okay with it.

I made my way down the hallway, down the grand staircase (which I'm still in love with), and slowly walked towards the kitchen. The voices got a little louder, and when I peeked my head around the corner, I saw no one in the kitchen but instead in the room across from it. There, 3 girls were sitting along with Corey and Sam.

Mustering up enough courage, though there was barely any, I made my presence known by walked around the corner.

I tried to seem as confident as I could, but I think I looked more like a lost puppy than anything.

Sam was the first to notice me, and he smiled upon seeing me look fresher and put together than I have the past few days.

"Morning sunshine." He greeted, causing all attention to go onto me, "Or, afternoon." He corrected himself.

Confused, I ask "Hm? What time is it?"

"Around 2 p.m. there's pizza on the counter if you'd like some." He offered.

My eyes widened slightly. was I seriously asleep for 11 hours? Damn, I must have seriously been exhausted.. can't say I blame myself. Not my fault I was forced on a two-day road trip and underwent serious trauma worthy experiences..

No shade at all.

"Oh, I remember you!" Tara, who I recognized from last night, explained, putting her hand to her head. Her long acrylic nails looked dreadfully long, I couldn't imagine going restroom with one of those on. Damn.

I smile nervously, awkwardly, "And I you."

She giggled, knowing what I meant. "Yeah sorry about that, I was slightly drunk and a little preoccupied with my emotions. You know what I mean?"

No, I don't, but I'm going to nod my head like I do anyway.

"Girls, this is Livia." Sam introduced us.

"She's fucking Colby." Corey snickered, hiding his smile with his hoodie.

Okay wow, so we're still going on with that?

"Damn okay." One of the girls puckered her lips and bobbed her head up and down. She was beautiful, well, they all were. Each carrying a heave face of makeup, their completions looked like they had been sculpted by the gods.

Lucky bastards.

I glare at Corey and tilt my head, "Unbelievable. Why?" I sigh, disappointed almost, "You couldn't have just said 'sleeping with?" I guess I was playing along.

He shrugged, smiling, "I'm simply restating his exact words." He teased, proud of himself "Not my fault you two are fuck buddies."

I scoff, crossing my arms, "Shut your trap" I hiss, walking over to a couch and sitting down. It was very comfy.

"I like her." One of the girls smiled, showing off her rosy cheeks, "I'm Devyn, now tell me, how did it happen?" She leaned forward, taking a sip from whatever beverage was in her glass. I'm guessing alcohol, based on the color.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "How did what happen?"

"You and Colby becoming fuck buddies dummy." Another girl asked, "I'm Katrina." She smiled sweetly, flipping her hair over her shoulder.


Way to put me on the spot.

The girls looked genuinely intrigued while Sam and Corey didn't know what to expect to come from my mouth. Good thing I consume my brain with scenarios like this all the time, so I was prepared. "You see I spotted him across the bar before, and shit was he hot-" They giggled and the boys were shocked at how much I spoke in confidence, "But I didn't approach him. That was a few months ago and recently I saw him again, but this time he approached me, and we clicked.. in more ways than one." I grin, "I didn't think I'd see him again after that night and after sneaking out of his room the next morning. But he's good with his hands and slipped his number in my back pocket. We stayed in touch after that and both agreed to, as y'all would put it, fuck around a little longer. Guess we both were pretty pleased that night" I smiled, basically like a self-centered bitch.

Someone, please hand me my Oscar. And careful not to get your dusty prints on it.

"That's hot," Katrina said, amazed with the tale.

"You're hot." Tara directed at me, making my cheeks heat up.

"Seriously, you're so fucking gorgeous and I'm not sure you're wearing makeup at all." Said Devyn, looking over at Corey who was still staring at me and lingering on how I quickly pulled together my fib. Same with Sam.

"No, you," I say right back. She nodded knowingly and batted her eyelashes, making me laugh softly. I tell no lie, they are all so fucking pretty.

Maurice entered the room, holding a bag which he then handed to Sam. "Mr. Golbach, your joints have arrived." He said, nodding his head once before exiting the room, not receiving so much as a thank you from any of them. How rude.

"Sammy, why did you order some? You know I've got a whole stash back at my place." Tara frowned.

Sam chuckled and shook his head, opening the yellow bag and pulling out a small box, "And you know Jake doesn't like you traveling with substances in the car. Besides, these are the best in the market." He explained, pulling out a small cigarette looking roll and smiling down at it. "Now, anyone wanna share?" Everyone nodded their heads, the girls setting down their drinks.

A weed joint? Oh hell no.

"I'll pass." I respectfully decline. I wasn't looking to do drugs, especially right now.

"Oh come on." Corey urges, "It's a great stress reliever." Beside him, Sam took out his lighter and lit the tip of the joint, bringing it to his lips and taking a deep inhale before breathing out the white smoke.

I pinched my lips together and simply shook my head, "I don't smoke, you know this." I tell him.

"Okay well, what about a drink?" Tara suggests, "Maurice makes a killer Olde Fashion."

I shake my head, "Don't drink either, sorry."

She was taken back by this, "Well shit, how the hell did Mister hard ass get his dick in you." Ew.

"I've never been in the same presence as someone so innocent," Katrina added, her hand to her chest as she took a hit from the joint and blew the smoke my way. I wafted it away and shrugged my shoulders.

"I guess I'm just that good." I smile awkwardly.

Tara lifted the joint to the air as it was passed to her, "Well amen to that." and then took a hit herself.

As the 5 of them continued to pass around the roll of weed, laughing at the boy's failed attempts at doing tricks with the smoke, my eyes wandered around the room a bit. I inspected the smallest details on the smaller objects until my eyes wandered past a priceless vase and landed on a door in the other room. I Don't remember going in there.

"Hey, Sam." I caught his attention. "What's that door lead to," I ask.

He leaned forward in his chair and peered out the room following my gaze. He shook his head, "You're not allowed in there." he simply stated.

"It's Colby's little man cave." Devyn giggled, "I think he hides dead bodies down there."She jokingly whispered though it wouldn't surprise me, and that slightly scared me. I nodded accordingly and continued to stare at the door, wondering what could be in it.

He seemed to have a lot to hide, this guy; and it was incredibly annoying. I've always hated secrets. Good or bad I've always wanted the truth from people, it saves me the drama and heartbreak that I loathed to have. I had enough heartbreak in my lifetime, I didn't need any more of it. That, and I was genuinely a very curious person. And I let my gut and interest persuade my mind very easily.

One of my greatest flaws by far.

"I'll be back." I hum, standing up from my seat. I needed to escape the strong smell of weed before I got high myself; that, and I wanted to explore around the house a little more on my own. You know, seeing as I'll be locked up here for the rest of time? I need to get familiar with my cage.

I left the smokey room and walked towards another room, wandering around it and looking at the different decor. It still amazed me how beautiful everything was, and how expensive it probably was. It made me wonder more about the guy's job and exactly what they do. Oh, how I wish I had an exact definition. But I didn't, yet. I will one day.

I went into the next room, which was decorated kind of vintage with some modern art to it. There was a pool table in the middle of the room, a couch in the corner, and two small tables on both sides of the room. On the walls, paintings and a dartboard were hanging with an image of Shrek taped to it, darts penetrating his eyes. Slightly weird out, I left the room.

The next room I walked into was the one with the bear in it. I glared and made a face towards it, sticking my tongue out at it. It was huge, standing on its hind legs to appear bigger. I copied its stance and expression, contorting my face to match it. "Rawr." I growl at it, "Bitch." I sigh, letting my hands fall to my side and turning away from it.

To my surprise, Maurice was standing in the doorway staring at me. It took me by surprise, and I gasped when I saw him. Embarrassed, my cheeks flushed red. I pized my horrible posture and put my hands behind my back awkwardly, "Uh, y-you saw that?" I whisper.

He laughed to himself and shook his head, "Don't worry, I have seen people do much worse in this house." He chuckled, walking over to me, "I'm pretty sure a girl once had her tongue down the bear's mouth." he shuddered, "That was something."

I snorted, "Oh, well I'm sorry you had to see that."

He shrugged, "Don't be, it's not your doing." he said, "..Walk with me?" he offered, gesturing towards the doorway. I nodded my head and he smiled warmly as I stayed by his side and followed him out of the room. From the other room, I could hear the girls and the guys laughing loudly as something shatters on the ground.

I frown, "Sorry about them." I apologize, feeling the need to for their behavior.

Maurice looked at me strangely, and I furrowed my eyebrows at his questioning look, "What?"

He looked back straight ahead, "What are you doing here."

Okay well wasn't expecting that.

"What do you mean?"


"I've had this job for a while now Miss Dawn, and not once has a girl Mr.Brock has brought home looked like you. Acted like you." He said, "So tell me, what is your business with my boss?"

Uh... fuck what do I even say? Not the truth, Colby would kill me.

"I-I'm not sure I understand what you're implying." I stutter out, nervously.

"I'm not implying anything, I'm asking you. You can lie or you can tell the truth, we'll see." He replied. His voice was very calm. It reminded me of my own.

"I'm not from here." I finally respond, my stomach doing flips, "I'm from Indiana. I can't tell you everything; how I got here, why I'm here, hell I don't even know the answer to the last one. All you can know is I'm not sleeping with Colby, and I have no business with whatever the guys do." I explain carefully, trying not to reveal too much. I didn't know how much he knew either, I mean, he is just the butler.

But, he nodded his head, "I understand. It's a complicated world you're in now. Everyone has things to hide." He smiled knowingly, " I won't pry, I can tell you have no bad intentions." He stopped walking and turned to face me completely " I just want you to know, I hold my boss and his friends very dear to my heart. They are like my sons, and I take pride in looking out for them in whatever way I can. You mustn't apologize for their actions, it's simply in their nature." His smile was full of love and care. It really warmed my heart.

"You at least deserve a thank you," I argue, frowning.

"And I get one. I have a place to stay, food to eat, and purpose." He smiled warmly, "Caring for these boys is all I have nowadays. I'm old ya know, and they're keeping me from the old folks home." He chuckled.

I smile sadly.

"I love my job." He reassured me, "I could tell you though I didn't."

He wasn't wrong, "I mean, I would hate it if I did a lot for them and didn't get a thank you in return. I'd probably spit in their food." I joke.

He laughed and nodded, "Well, that's you, my dear. The fact you don't stand for their behavior is exactly why I think you'll do some good around here."


"I'm like their dad, whether they realize it or not. You could be their mom if you realize it or not. Sway their emotions when they're not at work, make an impact. I know you can." He was speaking so encouragingly, his voice smooth like butter but at the same time rough like rocks. He reminded me of Mr.Barry.

"How are you-"

"I just know." He cut me off, " Now, I think I have some broken glass to pick up." He chuckled, looking in the direction of the guys, "Remember what I told you." And then he placed his hand on my shoulder, walking away but turning around one last time to say "Oh, and be patient, Mr. Brock.. he's a good fellow" and then walked away.

A good fellow?

Was he serious?

He must have never met the guys then because everything he just told me was not accurate. Does he enjoy taking care of them? How does that even make sense? How does someone just enjoy working for rude, self-centered, cruel, and inhumane boys?

It made no sense to me.

But, with his words still lingering in my head, I realized we were now in the kitchen. I could see the smoke peeking into the air from here and decided it was time I returned to the guys. I still needed to get semi-close to them, if I was to unravel their secrets. I was still on a mission, and I wasn't going to let Maurices words sway me just yet. I didn't know what he meant by me being able to change them. What influence could I have on these ruthless criminals? Certainly not this kind he hopes me to have.

I had to ignore it.

For now.

I've got my priorities straight, I won't add new elements to the already complicated equation.

I needed to find x, and then I can fill in the blanks.

That's it. That's the plan.

"Livia!" Katrina giggles, holding her stomach from all the laughing she was doing, "Get your ass in here and get high with us!" She demanded.

I smile nervously, shaking my head, "I still say no." I replied, spotting Maurice who had a sweeper full of glass in his hands.

He walked by me, gave me a look I couldn't decipher, and then left the room.

"Your no fun." Devyn scoffed, but still smiling, "No worries, we'll crack through your shell soon enough." She promised.

I just nodded in agreement. Because, well, I felt she was right. With this equation I was working out, I was bound to need to combine at some point if I was going to find X. I would need to participate and create new numbers to move onto the next step.

Things were going to get a lot crazier at some point, I knew it. They all smoked, they all drank, and I had no doubt they partied. Maurice said there have been parties here, so I may have to participate here. And if not here, Colby said we'd be going out and I would be going as well.

There was I avoiding it.

But, I can delay that from happening sooner.

Let's just see how long I can hold out.



Notice she's using algebra references while scheming her plan lol. Equations, finding X, combining... if you're not caught up with it you may not understand which is fine lol.

P.s thanks for all the love♥︎

P.p.s yes I made the cover black and white

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