false confidence. [original]

By shayslater

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EVERYONE HAS THEIR OWN SECRET Everyone has great confidence in themselves... but what really is the truth beh... More

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By shayslater

Later that day, After school." Cassie, are you coming with us at S&N?" Liv asked as they walk out the school with the Harpers and the group as Cassie was on her phone texting someone then looking over at the Harpers.

" Excuse me for a second." Elise said as her phone ringed, so she walked away from the group and went somewhere private." Uhm, sorry I can't." Cassie said.

" Why not?" Oliver asked." Grandpa said I can't. Maybe next time." Cassie said looking at the parking lot where Andrei was already waiting.

" Andrei's here. I got to go... See you guys tomorrow." Cassie said giving Oliver a peck on his cheek before driving away with Andrei.

" Hey I'm back. Sorry I took too long." Elise apologized." No worries, let's go." Liam said. They all went in their cars as Elise hopped in with Natalie and Avery.

As they got to S&N, everyone in that place were in shock as they saw Elise. Memories flashed as Elise stepped inside. It's mostly where she grew up.

In this diner, with the same people she's with today." Come on." Oliver said, leading the group to their usual table.

They all sat down the table as Oliver ordered their food." I..have a lot of questions I've made up in my head all day." Liv said.

" Go ahead." Elise said." First of all, where were you all this time?" Liv asked." Everywhere away from here." Elise said.

" Let's just say... I was out for some business... and recovered myself from everything." Elise answered." What really happened to you? You just went missing... and your bracelet, there was blood, we found it in the forest." Liam asked.

" Uhm... I think we should not bring that up." Elise said." Right, sorry. What was I thinking." Liam apologized." Don't worry about it." Elise said.

" Max, you seemed quiet. What's wrong?" Avery asked." Oh, nothing." Max said." Are you sure you're alright?" Natalie asked.

" Yeah, of course." Max said turning to Elise who was looking at him." Hey guys I'm back." Oliver said placing down their orders.

" What's going on while I'm gone?" Oliver asked." Basically a Q&A." Avery said." Ooh, Q&A. I have a question." Oliver said.

" When you were gone for a while, did you date any boy?" Oliver asked. Everyone looked at her, wanting to know the answer. She laughed.

" I'm way too busy to date anybody." Elise said. Oliver smiled, nudging Max." So what business do you do?" Max asked, getting the courage to finally talk to her.

" A lot. I took care with some family businesses." Elise said." Enough of me, let's talk about you guys." Elise said.

" How long have you two been dating?" Elise asked." We started dating last summer, so, we're 5 months going 6 next Monday." Liv said.

" I always knew you were in love. You guys were just too shy with each other. That's why I came up with your Shipname, cause I knew it would be useful one day." Elise said.

" We kept the 3 months a secret because of Oliver. But then Cassie found out." Liam said." That you guys were making out in the laboratory?" Elise asked.

" H-how did you know?" Liv asked." It's West Brooke, what do you expect? News are everywhere." Elise said." So you were here ever since August?" Max asked.

Elise nodded." And you didn't show up to us until now?" Oliver asked." Yeah because I was too busy to show up at school at the first day. Why do you think Avery and Natalie came back?" Elise asked.

" You guys knew the whole time?! Liars!... No seriously, I'm kidding." Oliver said." Well at first we didn't knew she was still alive until Last week of August." Natalie said.

" We honestly lost our hope you would ever comeback but here you are." Liam said.

" Things might have changed but I still think about you guys while I was gone." Elise said.

" I'm happy to hear that you're all in a happy relationship." Elise added. " Not all of us." Max said.

" Oh, then why were you kissing Jordyn at homecoming?" Elise asked." You were there?! " They all asked.

" It's not like you need to know." Elise said." Someone's jealous. " Natalie teased.

" I'm not. " Elise denied." First of all, I wasn't kissing Jordyn, she kissed me, I didn't kiss her back. " Max said.

" Sure you didn't." Elise said." Well of course you didn't know what happened next because knowing you, you would walk away." Max said.

Everyone looked at them mouth closed with awkward silence in between.

" It's getting late, I think we should go." Avery said looking at her watch.
" Oh... Ok." Liv said, a little upset.

" Goodnight guys. " Natalie said holding Elise's hand going out of the diner with Avery following behind.

Max sighed. " I'm going home. " He said before leaving.

It was Saturday which means it's EMAs which Natalie's going to perform at.

She was getting ready for the red carpet and all other kinds of stuff.
" You look beautiful." Avery complimented that made Natalie smile.

" It's a big night for you." Elise said, coming inside the room. " I got you something." She said handing Natalie a small box.

Natalie opened the small box and it was a Cartier bracelet. She smiled as she looked at her sisters who also showed the same bracelet.

" We bought matching bracelets. We thought it's time to replace our old sibling bracelets. " Avery said.

" When?" Natalie asked.
" Last night. It was a last minute shopping." Elise said.

" Are you ready?" Avery asked. " A little nervous but dancing with both of you tonight would be the best thing that will ever happen. " Natalie said wearing the bracelet.

They all went inside the car and drove to the venue as they flew to Europe Thursday night.

When they got there, photographers were all lined up as artists walks down the red carpet.

" Tate, glad you're here already, you'll be in the red carpet in 5 minutes." Brooklyn said.

" Let's do a retouch before walk in the red carpet." She added, and lead the three sisters in a trailer with their names on it.

Later then, the sisters came out of the trailer and was leaded to the red carpet.

Everyone was murmuring as they were looking at Elise." Isn't that Brynn? I thought she went missing?" One of the girls asked her friend and the three overheard it.

" Just ignore them." Natalie whispered to Elise. Elise just nodded." You're next." Brooklyn said to Tate who smiled and walked in the red carpet.

Everyone was calling her name to look at their camera. They had a couple of interviews before the show so then when the show begins, they sat down and watched.

They were leaded backstage as it's almost Tate's turn to perform. They changed costumes and did their make ups.

" I just wish I don't mess up." Natalie said. Elise placed her hands on her shoulders and gave her a back hug.

" You won't, because you're amazing and I know you'll do it perfectly." She reassured.

" Elise is right. Just take a deep breath and relax." Avery said. Natalie smiled and nodded before they were leaded backstage and prepared.

Some of the celebrities backstage talked to Natalie and her sisters for awhile before they performed in the stage with the crowd cheering.

When Natalie finished performing, everyone was standing up, applauding and cheering for her. A big smile on her face as she looked at the crowd.

After that, they all went backstage and changed again. The event continues presenting the awardees and as expected, Natalie won.

Later at the after party, Natalie was called for an interview.

" Hi, Today we are here with Tate McRae, wonderful performance you gave us tonight Tate." The interviewer said and Natalie smiled.

" We had goosebumps as we watched you perform, how was it? Cause I can tell it's very emotional and you are so talented." The interviewer said.

" Well, I was very happy to finally perform it live and include my dancing. I've been a dancer since I was a child and been a singer and songwriter when I was a teen. To perform it, the meaning behind the lyrics was what brought the emotions to life. and of course, dancing with my sisters was very important to me." Natalie explained.

" Fantastic, I bet you and your sister have a very tight bond with each other. Especially that you all share the same interest in dancing." The interviewer said which Natalie totally agreed.

" This song is very meaningful to you, would you like to explain?" The interviewer asked." I don't know if I can explain it now, I know everyone's wanting to know the whole story so to respond to that, I am making a documentary of my life, a short documentary that I'll probably release early next year. That's all I can say for now." Natalie said.

" Ooh, that's actually great cause some people tell that you're very private with your life, and we totally respect that, so this documentary should be fun." The interviewer said.

" Now I just want to ask, how's your life, I heard you moved back to your hometown." The interviewer said." Well, the thing is, me and my siblings were born in different states because our parents travelled a lot and worked for over 2, 3, or 4 years in each state. It's funny and fun at the same time." Natalie said.

" Seems like your parents have fun traveling." The interviewer said." Yeah, so then finally we moved to West Brook which me and my sisters continued studying. Kaycee and I are in 3rd year college while Brynn's in her senior year in high school." Natalie said.

" You're in the same year as Kaycee who's 2 years older than you? You must be really advanced." The interviewer said and Natalie nodded.

" One more question before we let you go and enjoy the night, people were talking about you and your outfit awhile ago, it was trending. Some people were gossiping about your outfit tonight which was you, wearing a suit and people say it's only for men. How do you feel about that?" The interviewer asked.

" Here's the thing, it's stereotypical for people to judge someone base on the clothes they wear. Clothes don't have gender. Neither does color. Whether your favorite color is pink or blue. It doesn't define ones sexuality or gender. It's the toxic masculinity for me that people think suits are only for guys. Or that guys can't wear skirts or dresses. So to say, I don't really care." Natalie said smiling at the camera.

" That's very mature to say for your age that you're only 19. I'm amazed, in all different aspects, singing, dancing, song writing, humbleness, generosity, everything you do is amazing. Thank you so much, once again, one of the talented ladies of this generation, Tate McRae." The interviewer said while Natalie waves goodbye to the camera before leaving.

Her sisters on the side, watched her proudly.

Ladies and Gentlemen and My Non Binary Friends, it's been a while. I am soooo sorry for updating so long, I'm just really busy even though I literally had a week of break from school, I've been working in our family business. Anywayssss, I hope what Natalie said(toxic masculinity) can make sense to people. I don't know if I did it right so correct me if I said anything wrong.

-fluffybears I am extremely sorry that I haven't read and spammed your books. I'm sorry I couldn't spam as much as you do to FC. I am really really really really sorry. I love you baeeee.

And we must stream Rubberband nonstop because it's a Bop. Ok I'm done. See ya! Peace!

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