Danny Phantom X Oc- The Outca...

By AnimeMavy

56.2K 1K 425

Her name is Aero. Her father was born into a family of famous engineers and researchers. He grew up, knowing... More

The Move
Mystery Meat
Parental Bonding
One of a Kind
Attack of the Killer Garage Sale
Splitting Images
What You Want
Prisoners of Love
Shades of Gray
Fanning the Flames
Teacher of the Year
Fright Night
Public Enemies
Lucky in Love
Life Lessons
The Million Dollar Ghost
Control Freaks
Memory Blank
Pirate Radio
Reign Storm
Doctor's Disorders
The Fenton Menace
The Ultimate Enemy
Identity Crisis
The Visit
Secret Weapons
Micro Management
Flirting With Disaster
Beauty Marked
Double Cross My Heart
Kindred Spirits
The Fright Before Christmas
King Tuck
Masters of All Time
Reality Trip
Eye for an Eye
Infinite Realms
Girl's Night Out
Torrent of Terror
The Birth of the Half-Ghost
Family Drama
Urban Jungle
Identity Swap

My Brother's Keeper

1.2K 22 8
By AnimeMavy

This week at school was the Spirit Week. On the front of the school had a huge banner that read; 'Spirit Week Centennial: 100 Years of Casper Spirit.'

Jazz and Lancer are walking through the hallways.

"Can I talk to you for a minute, Mr. Lancer? About my brother Danny? He's been acting really strange lately. Like he's not himself anymore."

During that time, Aero and Danny are walking up to their lockers. Aero was telling him about how her dad was now letting his full engineer side come through. He was designing his own plans for a speeder, something that would be easier to drive and be less noticable. As she was explaining it to him, Her and Danny's ghost sense go off. He looks at her.

"Want help?"

"It's probably a small fry. I got it."

She nods and Danny jumps into his locker. He transforms, goes intangible and flies through the door nearby.

He sees at ghost inside. It was this gelatinous blob looking ghost. It  turns and growls at him. Then they begin to fight.

Cut to Jazz and Mr. Lancer walking down the hall.

"I'd talk to him, but I'm his older sister and he's just going to think I'm being bossy. And if he doesn't get some help, if he doesn't talk to somebody, all that frustration he's repressing could come out the wrong way."

Back to the fight; Danny shoots several ectoblasts at the ghost, but misses. It growls at Danny, then flees through the ceiling. Danny transforms back to his human form. Suddenly Lancer opens the door to find Danny in the counselor's destroyed office.

"Good one, Fenton. You let him get away, you idiot." Danny whispers to himself.

Lancer grabs him by the collar and yanks him away.

Soon they meet up with the counselor, Spectra, in her now destroyed office.

"Is it always so cold in here?"

Spectra turns the thermostat from Cold to Colder.

"Of course! I find that cold temperatures keep the mind icy sharp."

She straightens up her office a little.

"And don't you worry about this mess of an office, either. Stuff happens! No biggie. Right, Jasmine?" She questions as she sits down.

"It's Jazz. My friends call me Jazz."

"Yeah, well, your brother calls you fink!" Danny exclaims.

"Danny, I'm just trying to help. Come on, we used to talk all the time."

"Yeah, when I was 8 and you weren't a fink." Danny rebuttals.

Lance speaks up.

"That's more than enough out of you, Fenton. Get to class while Ms. Spectra and I decide what your punishment is."

Danny scowls at Jazz, then stomps off in a huff. Lancer looks to Spectra.

"Unlike her brother, Jazz is one of Casper's best and brightest. She'll be giving the keynote pep speech at our centennial Spirit-a-thon on Wednesday."

"Right on! That's why I'm here."

Spectra gestures at a series of photos on her wall, in which she looks chipper and various students look horribly depressed.

"To pump up the pep, one student at a time."

"Jazz, Dr. Spectra is a highly respected motivational speaker and teen therapist. She's agreed to help pump up the volume on that old Casper High spirit this week."

Soon a guy walks in holding a sheet of paper.

"And this is my assistant, Bertrand." Spectra explains.

Jazz waves to him, but Bertrand just sniffs. Jazz stops and looks away, awkwardly.

"Jazz, we're gonna have a super week! Wait'll you see what we have planned for the Spirit-a-thon! Right after your speech."

Spectra looks to her assistant.

"Show her, Bertrand."

Bertrand holds up a photo, showing 'Casper Spirit' written in dominoes.

"We'll set off this domino chain that says 'Casper Spirit'. Dominoes represent how each person's spirit affects the next person they touch. Slammin', huh?"

"If by slammin', you mean weird, then yes." Jazz answers.

"And the spirit sparklers go off afterwards...right?"

"Oh, you bet they will."

She pulls a pair of sparklers out of her desk, she leaps up onto it, brandishing them enthusiastically.

"After all, what's spirit week without spirit sparklers?"

"You know, you're a little over-peppy, but my brother might benefit from talking to you. But he's so mad right now, he'd never listen to me." Jazz explains.

"Yes, well, he'll listen to me."

Later that day, Danny is sitting, angrily, outside Spectra's office, under a sign declaring his chair the 'Happy Chair!'. Aero walks over to him.

"Lancer made you come to the counselor?"

He looks at her and groans.

"Yeah, from my sister's suggestion."

"She's been really on you lately, huh?"

"Yeah, I don't know why!" Danny replies.

Aero sighs and then thinks of something.

"Hey, we can go to Nasty Burger and I can help you study."

Danny looks at her, in confusion.

"So...like a date?"

Aero blinks and blushes.

"I-uh....Why? Do you want it to be a date?"

Danny rubs his neck, blushing.

"Uh, I mean-"

The two jump and look over as the door opens. Paulina & Spectra walk out.

"So, you're saying my popularity is, like, completely dependent on my beauty?"

Spectra gently replies.

"I'm not saying it's fair, sweetie. But if you feel like you need something, like, a lot of makeup, I say go for it! You're the only you you've got!"

Spectra turns to the two.

"Danny, come on in!"

Aero starts to walk off.

"I'll see you later then."

Danny gets up.


Spectra goes back into the office and Danny follows her. As he walks in, he thinks; wow that was the worst timing. He then closes the door behind him. Paulina stands there despondently for a moment, then turns and walks away. Aero looks at her, confused and then walks away.

Inside the office; Spectra is sitting at her desk and Danny is shivering in the chair across from her.

"I can't believe my stupid sister convinced Lancer to make this my punishment. And can we please turn up the heat in here? I can see my own breath!"

"Wow, you do complain a lot. Hm."

Spectra shrugs.

"Well, your sister did say you could be a bit of a baby."


"Sweetie, it's not your fault she thinks you're a loser." Spectra assures.

"Wait, Jazz called me a loser too?"

Spectra holds her arms up, in defense.

"Hey, those are her issues."

Spectra gets up and walks behind Danny.

"I'm not saying you're a loser, Danny. I think you're a great kid!"

She puts her hands on his shoulders and he immediately slumps over.

"Then why do I feel so miserable?"

"You know what I think? You might be a mess-"

She crouches down to his eye level.

"But mess is just the beginning of message! Now go out there and be a better you."

Danny gets up to go, running into the wall on his way out and slumping off, dejectedly. The door slams shut, revealing Bertrand behind it.


Spectra opens a compact, and her head starts glowing green with ecto-energy. In the mirror of the compact, we see her slightly wrinkled face turn fresh and young.

"Why are you wasting your time on a messed up kid when we've got a big to-do planned for Wednesday?"

"Yeah, but Wednesday's still a couple days away. Hmm. Teen misery is the nectar that keeps me looking fabulous."

Spectra snaps the compact shut.

"And that Fenton kid is like a walking spa treatment!"

Bertrand glows, melts down and reforms as the ghost Danny fought earlier.

"Hmm, then maybe I should up the ante."

He reforms as a giant hornet.

Later; Danny and his friends are walking down the hall, he is still looking dejected and angry.

"Dude, you ok?"

"Yeah, what happened with the counselor?" Aero questions.

"I'm fine. I can't believe my sister told that shrink I'm a loser."

"Are you sure Jazz said that? That doesn't sound like Jazz to me." Sam asks, skeptically.

Jazz soon comes down the hallway towards them.

"Hey, you guys."

The four stop short.

"What doesn't sound like Jazz to you?"

Danny scowls and his friends look at him as Jazz walks over.

"Still mad?"

"Wow, you are the smart one." Danny sarcastically remarks and scowls again.

Jazz approaches him.

"Danny, I know you're angry, but I'm worried about you. Ever since the accident-"

Danny interrupts her.

"Jazz, I know you think you're helping, and I'm sure when I'm older, I'll appreciate it, but right now I don't."

Jazz gets irritated.

"You have to talk to somebody, Danny. You barely have any friends."

Aero, Sam, and Tucker frown.

"Besides these two and having one smart friend like Aero."

Sam and Tucker glare more. Aero looks in confusion.

"And you have absolutely no extracurricular activities."

"Unless you count the ghosts." Tucker whispers.

"Shut it!" Aero and Sam whisper back.

Danny gets up in Jazz's face.

"Well, maybe this is me now, huh? Not everyone's pumped up full of spirit all the time, you know."

His ghost sense goes off.

"Ghost sense? I don't see anything." He whispers and starts shivering.

"Danny? You're shivering."

Jazz puts a hand on his shoulder, and he runs away.

"Leave me alone!"

"It's worse than I thought."

Suddenly, a random kid grabs Jazz, pointing in a certain direction.

"A freakishly large hornet!"

He screams and jumps into the nearest locker, shutting it on his leg.

"Owww, my leg!"

Jazz gasps and people scream as Bertrand, the freakishly large ghost hornet, buzzes around the corner. It turns to look at Jazz and she screams.


Aero runs over and blocks Jazz. The bee flies up, grabs her and licks her head. She shivers.


"Oh, so gross!"

Suddenly, Danny Phantom comes flying to the rescue.

"Back off, ghost bug!"

Bertrand looks up, then phases through the nearest door. Aero wipes away the salvia.

"Oh, seriously gross..."

Jazz grabs her shoulder.

"Ghost bug? Wait a minute, that was a ghost? That was two ghosts?!"

Aero stutters.


Outside, Bertrand and Danny are squaring off.

"Somebody called for an exterminator?"

"My, you are clever, aren't you? Swat this, big boy."

Bertrand attacks with his stinger, and Danny throws up his arms, defensively. The stinger slices his arm and he falls to the ground, clutching it and crying out.

"I should have gone intangible. Idiot! I'm not getting better at this. I'm getting worse."

Bertrand dives in for a second shot, but gets blasted away. Danny looks and sees Aero in ghost form. She lands down next to him.

"You okay?"

"Yeah. A little pain, but I'm good."

Danny gets up, brandishing the Fenton Thermos.

"Alright, pal! Time for you to-"

He looks around and sees that Bertrand has vanished.

"Gone. Great. Another bad guy gets away."

Aero walks over and holds his shoulder. We see Jazz watching through a window.

"Maybe Jazz was right. Maybe I am a loser. I'm sorry...I'm not gonna go to Nasty today."

Danny flies away from Aero.

"Hey wait!"

She flies after him. Jazz turns away from the window.

"That was a ghost?"

She grins, excitedly.

"Wait'll I tell Danny!"

Next day; Jazz corners Aero, Sam, and Tucker.

"Don't you think he's been acting weird?"

The three exchange glances.

"I mean, haven't you noticed how gloomy and negative he's been lately?"

"Uh, Jazz, we're Danny's friends. That means we keep his secrets from you." Tucker replies.

Jazz reaches into her purse and hands him a $20.


Aero and Sam block her from Tucker.

"We've all got our problems, Jazz. I know you're worried, but Danny's ok."

Aero holds Jazz's shoulder.

"Look, I know he's been a bit off lately. But Danny's fine. I just think he's going through a rough patch and when he's ready to talk, he will."

Danny soon walks past them to the water fountain next to the fire alarm. As he goes to drink, Bertrand's arm reaches out of the wall and loops his backpack strap over the handle of the alarm.

"He keeps some things to himself, but it's not like he's doing anything criminal."

Danny starts to walk away, his backpack strap pulling down the handle and setting off the fire alarm. Aero, Jazz, Sam, and Tucker turn to look, and the sprinklers go off.

Cut to outside; a police cruiser and two fire trucks are parked, and several people are standing around the yard. Lancer is confronting Danny; with Aero, Jazz, Sam, and Tucker behind them. Everyone is soaked.

"A month's detention?! But I didn't do anything!" Danny exclaims.

Spectra zips up behind Lancer.

"Hey, Mr. Lancer! It was an accident. But we're going to take that accident and make it an accid-don't, and learn from it so it never happens again!"


"No buts. You could learn a little bit about school spirit from Ms. Spectra here. When I was in school, I got the same advice. And look how I turned out!"

Lancer poses, enthusiastically. Danny and Spectra exchange a look.

Now in Spectra's office; Danny is wearing a large top hat, a spirit sash, and a diaper.

"And this is supposed to help me how?"

"We're gonna help you overcome your fear of being called a baby."

Danny sits down.

"I'm not afraid of being called a baby. I'm afraid of...being called a loser."

"Ahh, and therein lies the problem. You care too much what other people think." Spectra explains.

Dash and two other jocks walk in; carrying boxes.

"Where do you want us to put these banners up, Ms.-"

All three of them stop, surprised, as they see Danny. Then Dash grins.

"Hey guys, check it out. It's the Casper High Spirit Baby."

All three of them laugh.

"Of course."

Danny slumps, and Spectra reaches out to touch his shoulder. Once again, we see her wrinkled face becoming smoother and more youthful as she feeds off of his misery.

Later, after school, the group is at Elmer's Pharmacy. Valerie and Kwan walk past them; sitting at a table. Tucker and Aero have ice cream and Sam has a cube of tofu in a cone, but Danny is just sitting at the table with his chin propped up in his hand.

"Man, it was brutal making you wear that stupid baby suit. I could hardly watch. Though I did get some good digital pics."

He shows Danny a photo on his PDA, of Danny in the baby suit looking miserable as other students laugh at him.

"Hey, whose side are you on, anyway?"

Aero elbows Tucker's arm.


"Danny, come on, you know he's kidding."

"Ah-- Yeah, I know."

He drops his head into his arms on the table.

"I don't get it."

Danny sits up again, slightly.

"Why am I so depressed and angry all the time? That shrink was supposed to be helping me. Ever since I started talking to her, I've been feeling worse."

"Maybe you should stop going to her...I have noticed everyone that talks to her gets depressed." Aero replies.

Soon Jazz walks over.

"Hey Danny, how's it going?"

"Like you care. Just go away, Jazz."

"Now's not the time, Jazz. I told you, when he's-"

Aero gets cut off when her and Danny's ghost sense go off.

"Oh, no."

Danny looks over to the counter, where Paulina is powdering her face as the store clerk watches.

"If my skin's perfect, I'll be perfect."

She looks at the clerk.

"Do you mind? You're like the second old woman to hover over me today and I'm so not in the mood."

Suddenly, Bertrand pops up out of the floor behind her and lurks over her shoulder.

"Gotta keep Jazz busy."

Danny hops to his feet, he glares accusingly at Aero, Tucker and Sam.

"Yeah, well, if you're gonna take her side, then you hang with her too!"


Danny grabs Jazz by the shoulder and shoves her into his chair.

"Here, take my seat, you've already taken my friends."

He races off through the back door of the pharmacy. Jazz jumps up.

"Danny, wait!"

She runs after him.

"Jazz, I told you to leave him alone!" Aero exclaims and run after her.

"Come on!"

Sam and Tucker take off after them so fast Sam's tofu cone is left spinning.

Jazz runs up to the back exit door.

"He went this way. I'm sure I can head him off."

As Jazz is looking around the alleyway through the half-open door, Danny goes ghost. Jazz gasps as he launches off and flies away. Then Aero, Tucker and Sam run up into the alley, Tucker is still holding his ice cream.


Aero, Tucker, Sam, and Jazz are all staring after him. Tucker turns and notices Jazz standing there. Aero & Sam turn around as well.

"Did you see that?? Tell me I didn't see what I just saw."

Tucker cringes.

"It's not what you think, Jazz."

Sam grabs Tucker's ice cream and stuffs it into his mouth.

"Of course it's not. Jazz, you sound like your father." Sam tries to change the subject.

Jazz stares at them quizzically, then looks suspicious. Her eyes widen as she realizes they know exactly what she just saw, and that they're covering up for him.


"Oh. Oh, of course!"

She fakes a laugh.

"My parents are such loons, it's rubbing off!"

She babbles and checks her watch.

"Oh my gosh, is it that late? I've gotta work on my Spirit Week speech."

Jazz runs off. Tucker and Sam both sigh in relief. Aero squints at Jazz as she runs off. Those two head inside to check on Danny, Aero soon follows.

Later; Danny is sitting alone at the kitchen table with an untouched dinner plate, playing with his fork and looking depressed. Jazz comes to the doorway and stares at him. Danny notices her staring at him.



She walks over and examines him closely, then pinches him. Danny flinches.

"Ugh! What?!"

"Nothing! Uh, so, uh, Danny."

Danny rubs his pinched arm, frowning.

"I know I've been kind of hard on you lately, but you know I think you're great, right?"

"Yeah right. That's not what I hear." Danny remarks.

"Then you've heard wrong. Look, I know you think I'm pushy and I'm a know-it-all. I know you think I can be a jerk sometimes..."

Danny is listening with a smirk.

"...You know, you can stop me at any time."

"I know."

Jazz sighs.

"All I'm saying is I'm your sister and I care about you."

She puts a hand on his shoulder.

"And even though you don't think I'll understand, you can talk to me about anything."

Danny looks away, like he's seriously considering it.


Suddenly there is a loud crash, startling both Danny and Jazz. They run to the opening overlooking the living room to find the couch half destroyed and smoking. Jack is wielding the Fenton Peeler with Maddie right next to him. They are talking about ripping ghosts like Danny apart.

Jazz and Danny look on, vaguely alarmed. He looks at Jazz's hand on his shoulder. He frowns and shrugs it off.

"I don't feel like talking about it."

He walks away and crosses his arms, sulkily.

"Yeah, I'd imagine not."

Jazz walks over to him and kisses the top of his head then walks away. Danny looks surprised for a moment then smiles after her. Then, he realizes it.

"Oh, gross!"

The next day, the group is standing around Danny's locker.

"Uh, is it just me, or is this the worst Spirit Week in the history of Casper High Spirit Weeks?"

The hallway is full of depressed-looking students.

"And to make it worse, we're all gonna have to sit through Jazz's idiotic speech when she tries to put the 'I' back in spirit or some other nonsense."

The four look over as Jazz runs down the hallway, looking delighted.

"What the heck is she so happy about?"

"Don't ask me. I'm usually the sour one around here. But compared to everyone else, I'm the goth bird of happiness." Sam remarks.

"Yeah, it's so weird...it's like everyone's energy has been sucked out of them..."

"And we're the only three people in this school who haven't had a session with Dr. Spectra." Tucker points out.

Danny perks up.

"Wait a minute."

He grabs Tucker's PDA.

"Let me see something."

He opens it up and sees one of the pictures of himself in the baby suit.

"Uh...I was gonna delete that."

"Glad you didn't. Look at that."

In the photo, Danny's breath is clearly visible.

"I kept thinking I was seeing my breath."

He zooms in closer.

"That it was cold. But what if that's my ghost sense? What if Spectra is somehow making people more miserable? What if she's a ghost?"

Aero snaps.

"That makes sense and confirms what I've been thinking! I noticed more and more people getting worse after coming from her sessions. And when I go by her door, my eye's flash."

"Only one way to find out."

"Oh no..."

Later; at Spectra's door. It slams open to show Tucker and Sam, looking terrible.

"I hate my life."

"I hate your life more."

They walk away. Spectra comes up to the doorway, her face older and wrinkled.

"Buh-bye! And remember, there's only an 'I' in misery if you spell it that way!"

She slams the door.

Invisible, Danny and Aero fly through the door into the office. He finds Spectra in a swirl of ghost energy, breathing it in and becoming younger-looking in the process.

"Ahhh. Man, that's good."

She sits on her desk.

"I'm gonna miss these kids."

She shuffles through Tucker's and Sam's student profiles on the desk.

"They're a waterfall of misery."

Bertrand flies through the wall.

"There you are. You hooked up the device?"

"Of course. And when the spirit sparklers go up, vaporizing the only chipper kid left in the entire school, there'll be enough misery and anguish in that room to keep us looking young forever!"

The two, still invisible, listens in horror. The bell rings, making them all look up.

"Well, there's the bell. Shall we go hear a speech and bum some more kids out?"

The two then merge into a single blob of ecto-energy and zap through the wall. Danny and Aero land, becoming visible again.


Cut to the gym. Everyone looks depressed. The cheerleaders give a lackluster cheer.


Lancer walks over to them.

"Hey! What's the matter with you kids! You call that a cheer?"

He takes a pair of pom-poms and cheers with enthusiasm.

"We've got spirit, yes we do! We've got the spirit, how 'bout you!?"

Crickets chirp as he looks at the depressed and silent students.

"Ok..." Jazz remarks from the podium.

Spectra and Human Bertrand are walking down the hall.

"After we've destroyed everything, you up for a cappuccino?"

"Ooh, that's a marvelous idea-"

Suddenly an ectoblast knocks Bertrand away. Spectra looks after him in surprise, then turns to find Danny hovering in the hall behind her.

"I figured it out, finally. You feed on misery, don't you?"

"I'm sorry, can I help you?" Spectra questions.

"No, I'm sure you can't. You can't help anyone except yourself."

Spectra lunges for him, but he dodges, going around behind her.

"You find that one thing that a kid's most afraid of-

Spectra listens in amusement.

"-their future, their looks, their confidence -- and you pick at it and pick at it while your snippy little ghost assistant feeds on it!"

"Hey!" Bertrand shouts.

Spectra claps.

"Very good."

Her eyes flash red, and a purple ring of fire flares up around her.

"But I fear you've missed a few details!"

The fire turns to purple smoke, and she shifts into her all-black form, flying at him with both hands glowing with ecto-energy. Danny rears back, startled, and yells. A Wolf Bertrand goes to tackle him, but Aero blocks him. And she goes intangibly through the wall with Bertand.


Meanwhile, back in the gym, Jazz is standing at the podium between what are obviously two giant ray guns pointed right at her, with a large array of dominos set out on the floor in front of her.

"In this, our centennial year, we pay tribute to the past with these ceremonial dominos, each of which will fall into the next and finally trigger the ceremonial spirit sparklers."

Lancer looks around and is met with silence. He throws his arms in the air energetically.


Once again, there are crickets in the audience. Lancer reaches down to knock over the first domino, and the row starts to fall.

Outside, Wolf Bertrand knocks Aero through the wall and pins her to a tree.

"Well, isn't it the little miss that blasted me earlier. You'll pay for that!"

"Yeah. Would you like your payment? Fist or kick?!"

Aero then kicks him square in the face. He flies back. Soon Danny lands outside after getting hit with a blast.


Aero flies over to him, but gets intercepted by Spectra. They start flying through the air.

"Well, well...you are just oozing misery."

Spectra begins sucking the misery from Aero. She groans.


Danny starts to get up, but Wolf Bertrand pins him to the ground.

"You thought you were going to stop us? You? You're just a frightened little kid!"

He swipes at Danny with his claws, but Danny goes intangible and phases through the ground at the last second. Bertrand looks around for him and Danny phases up through the ground, punching him and sending him flying over the building.

Suddenly Spectra grabs him around the neck from behind. Danny looks as Aero struggles in her other hand.

"Let go of us!"

"Why would I do that? Your doubt, your misery, it's delicious! Especially hers! Missing mommy, huh?!"

A small tear goes down Aero's cheek. They fly up to the window of the gym, where they can see the dominos falling down.

"And the best part is, as soon as that silly speech is over, and that last domino falls and the sparklers vaporize the speaker, we'll leave you two here to take the blame. And by the time I'm done with you, you'll be sure it was all your fault!"

"Man, I am so tired of you dumping on me. And I am so tired of dumping on myself."

Danny looks at Jazz and looks at Aero.

"Jazz never did that, even when I was mad at her. And I'm tired of you putting Aero through pain. So I won't let them down!"

Danny throws off Spectra and catches Aero. He places her down on the ground as she sniffles.

"Bertrand! Sic 'em!"

Wolf Bertrand phases back through the school, shape shifts into a ninja. Danny gives him a flat look as he whirls a set of nun chunks around for several seconds.

"I so don't have time for this."

Danny pulls the Thermos off his back, he uncaps it and sucks up Bertrand.

"No! Aaaahhhh!"

Danny grins at Spectra and rattles the Thermos around.

"You're through!"

She lunges at him.

"And you're done telling me what to do!"

He flies around behind her. He grabs Spectra by the tail and throws her into a nearby Dumpster. He smiles triumphantly for a moment, then realizes what he's forgotten.


He goes intangible, he zips through the wall and drags Jazz out of the way and through another wall just as the last domino triggers the ray guns, barely avoiding the podium being blasted. They land in the back hallway, staring at each other. Suddenly, Spectra grabs him from behind and yanks him into a storage room.

Spectra seizes his head.

"Look at you."

Danny tries to open the thermos, and she knocks it away.

"What are you? A ghost trying to fit in with humans? Or some creepy little boy with creepy little powers?"

Jazz comes to the doorway, clenching her fists angrily.

"Both! Uh...neither! I don't know."

"You're a freak! Not a ghost, not a boy!" Spectra shouts.

Danny starts glowing green with ecto-energy, which Spectra absorbs. She drops him and he falls to the ground, disoriented.

"Who cares for a thing like you?"

"Excuse me."

Danny looks up in surprise.

"I don't know this kid, but I hope it's ok if he gets a second opinion."

She holds up the Fenton Ghost Peeler and activates it. Armor starts to encase her.

"...This is weird."

Completely suited up, she fires the Peeler at Spectra. Spectra screams as her black form peels away to expose her 'human' form, which then peels down to successively older and more wizened versions of herself. At last there is nothing left but a smoking, ancient woman surrounded by ghost peelings.

"Talk about having nothing within."

Spectra feels her face.

"Aaahh, nooo! I am nothing without my youth!"

She screams more as Danny sucks her into the Fenton Thermos.

Jazz powers down the Peeler and looks at it.

"Hey, it worked! But it's still weird."

She walks up to Danny, who flinches back.


Jazz smiles, turning a blank look to a ludicrously fake look of fear.

"Ahhh. Ghost."

She runs to the door, she pauses and looks back.

"You'd better go."

Danny sighs in relief, turns, and walks right into a stack of boxes.

"Oh. Uh, right."

He goes intangible, he flies off. Jazz smiles as he flies off.

"He can tell me when he's ready."

"Miss Fenton."

Lancer runs up to her with the pom-poms.

"You're needed."

Danny flies back and finds Aero changing back and wiping her eyes. He lands down next to her.

"You okay?"

"It was just...painful to think about again."

Danny hesitates to hold her hand, but does it. She clenches it without a second thought.

"Hey, I skipped out on you. Mind if we do that Nasty Burger study time today?"

Aero smiles at him.

"Yeah, I'd like that."

Lancer and Jazz return to the gym to find the entire student body pumped up and chanting;

"Jazz! Jazz! Jazz!"

"Hey, she's ok!" Tucker shouts.

"Ahh, everybody's mood has lifted, as though some gloomy malevolence has been shooed away."

Jazz sees Danny is sitting with Aero, Sam, and Tucker; smiling. He waves at Jazz.

"Your disappearing act worked marvelously. They've got their spirit back."

Jazz looks at Danny.

"They're not the only ones, Mr. Lancer. They're not the only ones."

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