Say That You'll Stay (GMD3/Di...

By EmilyRachel_D3

104K 1.5K 559

When Mia's best friend Sky comes to live with her in England, they almost immediately bump into Dan and Micky... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 32

2.2K 46 18
By EmilyRachel_D3

A/N: Do what you 3eeks do best! Comment, vote, fan and share it with others please! :)

And uhh, cliffhanger. Whoops. Sorry :P


Tears start to stream down my cheek, but I ignore them and continue to run. Lots of different thoughts start to circle in my mind. Why am I running away from Dan when I've been yearning to see him again after a week? Why didn't I run up to him for a well needed hug instead? It just feels like I'm fighting against my own thoughts.

I take a cautious look behind me to see no one. One part of me relaxes in relief while another part of me tenses. Why am I doing this?

I reach my house and I quickly get inside. Leaning against the door, I wipe away my tears the best I can, ready to dash past Sky to lock myself in my room once again. I'm not in the mood to talk about anything to anyone.

"Mia?" I hear her voice call from the lounge.

I take a deep breath and run towards my room, avoiding direct eye contact with her.

I slide into bed and pull the covers over my head. I curl myself up and just start to break down crying.

"Mia! Open the door!"

She starts to knock loudly and desperately on the door. "What happened? Are you okay? Mia! Talk to me!"

"Go away," I grumble softly, my voice still sounding weak and shaky.

Sky gives up and I breathe out a deep sigh. But soon enough, my heart starts to sink again, realising that I possibly just pushed Dan away even more.

With my thoughts spinning wildly in my head, I try to cry myself to sleep; hoping this would all sort itself out when I wake up, or hoping this is just another terrible nightmare.

I lie on back back staring at the ceiling, drowning myself deep in thought, as I finally come to terms with myself as to why my first instinct was to run away from Dan.

Dan saw me with that boy. What if he thinks that I've moved on? All the boy was doing was helping me up from my fall, but how will I explain that to Dan? Would he even believe me? I scoff inwardly to myself- The last time I told him the truth, what happened...?! And then I just ran away- why the hell was I so stupid to do so?

I groan quietly, mad at myself for everything.

Tears start to roll down my face and I start to sob again as I continue to argue with myself in my head.

I hear Sky's phone ring, cutting off my thoughts to nosily eavesdrop.

"Hey Mick," I hear her giggle.

My heart soon sinks as I can make out what their conversation is about.

"Mia? No, she wouldn't. Are you sure he recognised her properly?"

There's a pause from Sky as Micky talks on the other line.

"There must be some mistake. She was just telling me a while ago how much she misses him."

I start to feel light headed. My nightmare just got a whole lot worse.

"I'll try talk to her...Oh, he is?...Let's hope everything works out then. Thanks Mick, love ya, bye."

Shit. What have I done? Now everyone thinks that I've moved on from Dan.

There's a series of sharp knocks on the door, and soon I hear Sky's voice- "Mia, are you alright? Can we have a little talk?"

I pull all my effort to walk over and unlock the door, before sitting on the edge of my bed with my covers draped around me.

I watch Sky warily as she walks in.

"It's not true," I blurt out.

Sky looks at me, startled. "What's not?"

"What Dan told Micky and Micky told you. About the boy this morning. I don't-" I pause, taking a deep breath to calm myself and to avoid anymore crying. My eyes are already red and unbelievably puffy.

"I knew you wouldn't move on that easily," she nods her head in understanding. "But Mick told me...Something about him holding you?!"

I sigh in preparation of my explanation. "I bumped into him and tripped. He helped me up and that's why he was holding onto me. Dan coincidentally was walking towards us and saw. He shouted my name and I just panicked and ran away from him. How would I explain to him? He wouldn't believe me and it'd be like the whole Kalia situation all over again, but worse! I-"

I find myself wincing at the mention of Kalia's name. My tears start to flow uncontrollably. Sky rubs my back for comfort, and I see that she's too in shock, she's stumbling for words for once.

"I'm so sorry about all of this Mia," she says, and I see her eyes glistening with unshed tears.

"What do I do?" I choke out.

Before she can reply, the doorbell rings. Sky gets up from beside me and gives me a look before walking to open the door.

"Hey Dan...Yeah she's upstairs,"

The butterflies in my stomach start a rampage. I can't run anywhere this time.

I plop myself back into bed and throw the covers over my head, trying to block out the world's existence, but I still hear his footsteps approach.


A/N: As promised! Have an amazing Christmas guys! :) I'm boarding my flight to Japan in 2 hours! Bye for now! :)

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