Omniscient reader's viewpoint...

By JynXlore

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Kim Dokja failed the scenario and stucked on the horizon between the other world side. He thought he would be... More

Ch.1 Failure
Ch. 2 Dead
Ch.3 The Owner
Ch. 4 Guardians of Laws
Ch. 5 Don't Mess Up With The Guardians
Ch. 6 Spirit Of Flame
Ch. 7 Hidden Horizon
Ch. 8 The Protest Of The Human
Ch. 9 Our Story
Ch. 10 It's An Order
Ch. 11 Follow The Path
Ch. 12 Heaven
Ch. 13 Fallen God
Ch. 14 Hell
Ch. 15 Drag Into The Darkness
Ch. 16 Hello My Friend
Ch. 18 Be The Last To Stand

Ch. 17 Star Stream vs Ancient Age

430 16 1
By JynXlore

The man's light golden hair fluttering in the air while the sunlight shines at the top throughout the abyss. He is just like the male version of Uriel, but the different thing was there's no light in his gaze as if he has no soul.

However, he still looked holy in the somber region even though he is not a pure God.

' Although he looks similar with Uriel, their personality is totally different from each other.'

Staring at Acheron's majestic but somehow sly expression, made Kim Dokja got the chills.


" What a strange name."

Yoo Jonghyuk frowned with a disgusting notion on his face while Dokja gasped at his word.

" Yoo Jonghyuk! Could you not see the situation we are in right now?" Kim Dokja whispered.

" Ya, indeed. It's a stupid name. Who named it?" Zoe added on.

Zoe's action made him looked more similar to Han Soo young, though. It felt like he was the real Han Sooyoung.

It will be great if Han Soo-young was there, but thinking of her for being a man was too over. Kim Dokja doesn't wish to have another savage person like Yoo Jonghyuk by his side. 

At least Han Soo young sometimes gives some manners to her companions. He could not imagine what's Han Soo Young in the male version looks like, nor him or Yoo Jonghyuk switched their gender in the other world.

Because there was a sample for him that what would happen if Soo Young turned into a man.

" Haha, that's doesn't irritate me. Are you perhaps trying to abuse my rage to force me to use my skills?" Acheron chuckled.

' Huh? Is that so? But what does it have to do with his skills?'

Before Dokja could think, the fourth wall shown up again.

[ Fi n is h -! ! !]

Its voice ringing around Dokja's head, as if it was cheering about what it had done.

' Fourth wall?! Where were you?'

[ Ha ck ing~]

' Hacking?! Well, who? Acheron? System?'

Kim Dokja thought with anxiety, he got an ominous feeling about this...


An ear-piercing rumble echoed in Acheron's realm. Those individuals could see the sky started to crack into a line, and between those gaps, they know there's something behind it.

" What the?" Zoe gasped.

" Wow! Whatever it takes, just to make me use that thing?! Does it really have to use my skills to make that 'path'?" Acheron laughed with disbelief.

However, another cracking sound appeared on the opposite side of the first gap. It was like two doors to the different world have opened at once.

" How did they even found this place?  It's at the outer universe!" Acheron yelled with sadness because it takes a decade of years to find a covert place like this and it wasted a lot of energy to create it too.

' What have you done, fourth wall?!'

[ I on ly o pen ed t he ga te to the An ci ent A ge. T he oth er on e i s no t my wi lling.]

The fourth wall said as if a scolded kid.

' No, I mean why did you do that?'

[ That Hy ve ro us ]

' What?'

[ Th at m an, he po sses es th e sk ill t o br ing e very th ing ba ck to nor mal. B ut we ne ed to fi ght hi m so I br ing en emies. A nd go od l uck.]

' What bullshit is this?! Why are you acting like Yoo Jonghyuk too?'

Fortunately, there's no movement from the gaps after the crack. 

At that moment, an unfamiliar window appeared in front of him.

[ Announcement.]

[The ' Ancient Age' has realized the collapse of the ' Gate'.]

[ Announcement.]

[ A huge amount of ' Zuroh' have realized the gaps between the worldline.]

[ Announce...

The way the system acts was different from the Star Stream too. Well, to be honest. It's quite annoying as every time it put that ' Announcement' at the beginning.

 Then, a familiar blue window appeared.

[ The wall between the ## ?!world has been collapsed.]

[Several of Constellations have realized your existence.]

[Several of Outer Gods have realized your existence.]

[[ Hahaha! Finally, it opened! Constellations, Bihyung has succeeded!!!]]

Kim Dokja could see Bihyung floating behind the gaps. He has never seen Bihyung laughed like that before, seemed like Bihyung had done something big.

[Some Constellations are cheering for the Dokkaebi ' Bihyung'.]

[ Several Constellations have offered coins to the channel!]

[ The Constellation " Demon like Judgment of Flame" is thankful to ' Bihyung'.]

[ The Constellation " Prison of Golden Headband" can't wait to ruin the worldline even more.]

[ The Constellation " Abyssal Black Flame Dragon" has found ' Bihyung' to be cute.]

[ The Constellation " Father of the Rich Night" is waving to you.]

" Wow..." Kim Dokja could not say anything about the emerged of the stars in the sky but gasped again. Thinking about that is it really okay to keep ruining the worldline?

[[ Kim Dokja!]]

Bihyung passed through the gap and flew towards him. Other than the stoic expression on Bihyung's face, Kim Dokja could somehow feel the excited and touched feelings inside him. 

Why? Because the Constellations keep offering the coins extravagantly to Bihyung after the collapse of the Gate.

Especially, the current scenario made the situation became intense while everyone was focusing and supporting the channel.

Kim Dokja wanted to greet him back, but he and Yoo Jonghyuk still remained in the same position since they been dragged out of the water. So, he activated the demon version and slowly floated into the air.

[ Activated " Demon King of Salvation".]

The variation of his body made the individuals have an astonished gaze. 

" You should have used it earlier," Zoe grumbled. Glanced at Yoo Jonghyuk who was still grabbing by the collar. Wondering that whether he could be transformed like Kim Dokja.

For a moment of hesitation, he sighed as if he was disappointed and put a spell on Yoo Jonghyuk reluctantly to let Jonghyuk floated in the air by himself. 

" Keep yourself away from the water, Dokja. It sinks." Acheron gave an intimate reminder as if he cares about Kim DOkja.

" Oh, and don't fly too high. The Stars are watching." He added on his sentence as he saw Bihyung flew over. And Bihyung flew lower intuitively since he doesn't want to know what will happen if he didn't listen to him.

' Emm, that sounds a sort of warning instead of an advice.' Dokja thought.

[[ Who's he? I have never known an Outer God like him.]] Bihyung whispered beside Kim Dokja's ear who was floating in the air.

" It's a long story. And how did you get here?"

[[ The Constellations want me to break the gate as the crumble of the worldline started. They said because of the crash with other worlds, we must break the foreline or else the shrink of the universe will make Star Stream's worldline burst.]] Bihyung said complacently.

 [[ It has been consumed a lot of strength but I still manage to make it!]]

" Oh, I see..."

" Are you a Dokkaebi in another world? How cute." Acheron praised. 

[[ What the heck?]] Bihyung cursed but stopped immediately because he doesn't want to irritate the person who he didn't know about, especially he is an Outer God.

" Ow, you so docile than I thought." Acheron gasped and glanced at Bihyung with an ambiguous feeling.

After what he said, Zoe pathetically snorted at his words while there was a recalling in his mind, thinking of something Kim Dokja and Yoo Jonhyuk would never know.

" No, it doesn't seem to be like that." Kim Dokja refused his words and Yoo Jonghyuk gave a confused expression. They think Acheron might have never seen how a Dokkaebi reacts in a scenario.

" Why? At least it won't enlarge whenever it gets furious." 

" Huh?"

[[ Huh?]]

" ...?"

Those who were ignorant have lost in words, and all the gaze went on him.

[ Several of Constellations are curious about the' Dokkaebi' in the' Ancient Age'.]

[ Several of Constellations are curious about how the ' Dokkeabi' looks like in ' Ancient Age'.]

" In other words, the Dokkaebis in our world will react as lunatic as they could to provoke the scenario to become more chaos," Acheron explained while rubbing his chin with his hand.

" Therefore, they have the ability to stronger themselves to inspire the atmosphere! Well, they're cute sometimes, especially the Dokkeabi King that I know."

" Incredible," Dokja said while thinking that Dokkeabi King must be Bihyung or Biyoo in another worldline. Where's Biyoo anyway?

[[ Im...impressive. If I have that ability, I would have flipped the hell of the scenarios... But that's only my dream.]] Bihyung stuttered as there's an ambitious feeling in his eyes.

" The hell..." Yoo Jonghyuk had a somber expression on his face, thinking that if a Dokkaebi could be like that, then it will be the paramount enemy in every scenario.

[ Several of Constellations are gasping in disbelief.]

[ Several of Constellations assume that kind of Dokkaebis would definitely ruin everything.]

" Don't worry, my friend from the other world. The current Dokkaebi King is different than others. He at least would listen. Also, he is the last Dokkaebi in our world after the war between the Dokkaebis."

[[ What?...]] Bihyung gasped in confusion. If there's only one Dokkaebi left, then doesn't it means that all the scenarios are controlled by it?

Acheron explained to them as usual, but there's a question in Kim Dokja's mind.

' Why is he keeps telling us everything about the other world? And did he not aware of the fourth wall's intention or did he even has the will to turn things back to normal?'

Kim Dokja knew that it may be the future or the past of the Dokkaebis. But, is that okay to tell the others? In that case, would fate be revealed?

There were too many errors in the situation, it was like it had been fixed to be going like that and no one's gonna change it either. What are they wasting time for? What is the fourth wall trying to do?

" Ah, my friend. That is...." 

Acheron realized Kim Dokja's thoughts. When he tried to say something, there was a shadow came out from the opposite gap in the sky as the system started to ring.

[ Announcement.]

[ An individual has passed through the foreline.]

[ Announcement.]

[ The #0057 ' Dokkaebi King' has entered the 'Outer Space'.]

" Oh, wait! Bino..." 

[ Warning.] 

[ ' Sky Beyond the Stars' has discovered the intruder.]

[ Warning.]

[ ' The Abyss Sky' glaring at the intruder.]

[( !?)]

In that instant, a ray of light going straight down from the abyss-like sky and hits on the person that floating above them.

Now they know why Acheron told them to fly lower...

Acheron quickly switched off his skills and created a half-transparent boat on the surface of the water where the person actually fell on it.


After the person fell on the boat, they could see him slowly raised. 

Kim Dokja and Yoo Jonghuk have expected that it would look similar to Bihyung, but what's appeared in their sight was a fluffy thing but a slim body like a cat with a sheep ear and three horns on the forehead which the middle one was much shorter than the other two.

Besides that, it has a long snake-like tail at the bottom and has a cute face like Biyoo. Which looked like a devil with a cute face. It made everyone felt unexpected even more as they heard its yelling.

' It must be Biyoo at the other world...'

[( What the heck, moron!!? Are you trying to kill the Last, Great Dokkaebi King?!)] Bino cursed while showing out his fangs from his cute little mouth towards Acheron.

[( I, the only Dokkeabi who survive through the bloody hell! You dare to irritate me?!)]

At the same time, his body started to enlarge a bit by bit the more he yelled. And Kim Dokja had a thought in his mind.

' I think you should have switchback on the skills, Acheron.'

" I'm really sorry about my rudeness, Bino. I should have switched off the skills earlier." Acheron apologized.

Watching the Dokkaebi King howling like that, everyone would have assumed that he was having trouble with his breathing because of anger.

" Emm... I think you have to cool down first, Bino. You know things will get worse if you get furious..." Zoe frowned at him as if he could not bear the Dokkaebi King's childishness.

[( Do you think I care?! And don't call me that disgusting name! It's the great Hayter! )]

The more he argued, the more intense the atmosphere gets. At the same time, Kim Dokja had an ominous feeling that what would happen if this keeps going on.

Expectedly, Acheron spoke once.

" But I thought Lasha said she is the one whose names you ' Bino'..."

' Can you please just shut up! And why is it everyone started to play stupid lately?...'

[ The Constellation " Demon like Judgment of Flame" thinks has a bad-tempered.]

[ The Constellation " Prison of Golden Headband" said, "What's the difference with that? All Dokkeabis' name starts with 'B'."]

[ The Constellation " Abyssal Black Flame Dragon" said this ' Dokkeabi King' is suitable for a cute name instead of ' Hayter'.]

Added up the comments from the Constellations, Bino has been speechless for a moment and clenched his teeth.


[( No one... had ever mocked me with my name!!!)]

As he roared, the atmosphere started to change. A window popped up in front of the individuals at the same time, including the Outer Gods and Constellations.

[ Announcement.]

[ A scenario has arrived.]


[[ Scenario #code???- A Chaos War 1.2.20]]

Category: Unknown

Difficulty: ! Over 100%!

Scenario Details: This is a chaotic war with everyone participating, including mortals and immortals, animals, monsters, and every other variety of living things. They will generate hatred with each other and slaughter until the last ones standing.

Clear Conditions: Be the last to stand/ survived.

Time limit: -

Compensation: The player will be rewarded by any wish they desire. ' Unlimited VVVIP' will be unlocked.

Failure: Death.


As soon as the task arrived, the two gaps at both sides of the region started to rumble, and there're messages pop out from the opposite system.

[ Messages arrived.]

[[ ' Blossom of The Faint Sunshine' has discovered the appearance of the scenario.]]

[[ ' Tears of Hollow Ocean' has discovered the scenario from the tribe.]]

[[ ' Rumble Daylight Cloud' has been shocked by the sudden appearance of the scenario which had vanished for decades.]]

[[ ' Cliff Edge Undertale' is yelling 'Why is it right now?!' and slams the door.]]

[[ ' Submerged Dazzling Twilight' is gripping his spear with an ambitious gaze towards the party.]]

[[ ' Man With The Wistful Night' is sobbing while holding the vine bottles with hatred eyes towards ' Father Of The Rich Night' and said " She... accepted my confess in other worldlines?!" ]]

[ A sudden irritation appears in the ' Star Stream']

[ Raging complex activated on every individual.]

[ A huge number of Outer Gods and Constellations have started their move.]

[ The Constellation " Demon like Judgment of Flame" is trying to stop herself from the madness.]

[ The Constellation " Prison of Golden Headband" is gripping his golden hoop vigorously.]

[ The Constellation " Abyssal Black Flame Dragon" is entering towards the 'Battle Field' while calling out the dragons.]

[ The Constellation " Father of the Rich Night" has replied, " You jealous?" and holding her hand.]


They started their first shot by a ray shooted from the gap abruptly like a fort. Kim Dokja could see it was an enormous arrow but somehow blocked by a barrier which been created by that instant.

[[ Ick!!! Th...t..The Lord....!!!]] Bihyung gasped.

[( Ladies and gentlemen! We have started our first blow!!!)] Bino shouted in the scenario which with no audience, perhaps persist in making chaos and scenarios is the only errand he must do.

In that situation, Kim Dokja has comprehended that they could not do anything but watching the game started even though Yoo Jonghyuk was glaring at him like saying what bullshit is this. He might have a lot to say.

' Wait, if the scenario said to be the last stand. Then which means I have to fight Yoo Jonghyuk too??'

Kim Dokja turned his head over to take a glance at Yoo Jonghyuk and the rest, it seemed to be no raging effects or irritations on any of them which made him relieved and said.

" What should we do..." 

" !!?" At that moment, Zoe glanced in a direction and widen his eyes. Then, his figure has no longer existed in front of Kim Dokja as if he got hitten vigorously by an object and caused him pushed back immediately.

" Zoe!" Kim Dokja gasped while Bihyung cursed in a language that Dokja didn't understand and hide behind Yoo Jonghyuk.

They could see Zoe trying to withstand the person on top of him behind them. The person radiated out a cool gas and made Zoe's hands started to freeze like the ice has been dominated by him.

[( Wow, looks like one of the Element Lord ' Burnt Ashes Under The Iceberg' has been the first to enter the battlefield!!!)] Bino gave a wicked grin and laughing like this is heaven to him.


Zoe unleashed a wave of blue flame which caused the person to flinch by the burning temperature. In return, his palm touched that person and burst his back like a grenade.

" Not bad huh? It's been a long time since the last battle, my limbs are getting itchy for that." 

The man with two pairs of devilish horns, yellow eyes, and snowy hair, was wearing a fur coat, acting lordly. Kim Dokja can't tell who would it be but he knows he is definitely one of his companions in his worldline.

" Can't you stop the persist, Rudolph? I have been quit from it for a long time ago and you're still stuck with that bizarre desire of yours?"

" Like I will accept your suggestion," Rudolph replied with a smirk.


Their fight continued.

As Kim Dokja jerked his head, he saw there're more arrivals and they started to attack each other. 

 Regardless of which race, species, or immortals and mortals. All of them participated in the battle and soon the region has turned into chaos. From a normal people's perspective, they would think that this is an infinity Hell.

' This is the craziest thing I have ever seen in my life... I have to do something.' Kim Dokja thought and floated towards where the chaos was.

" Kim Dokja!" Yoo Jonghyuk stopped him.

" What?" He turned back his head and glanced at Jonghyuk from the sky.

" Where do you think you're going?!" He shouted with a big frown on his face.

Looking at the dreadful glare on Yoo Jonghyuk's face, he hesitated for a moment and made an irritating expression to him.

He let out that grin again.

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