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By FanFic_colby_Daddy

251K 4.7K 7.4K

Livia Dawn knew it was a bad idea to follow three guys, who were probably criminals, into the woods. Mistake... More

~π•€π•Ÿπ•₯π•–π•£π•žπ•šπ•€π•€π•šπ• π•Ÿ~
Authors note
Book two: Darling


4.5K 92 112
By FanFic_colby_Daddy


LA was exactly as I imagined it, if not more. It was very bright, despite it being almost 11 at night, the buildings lit up the large city with bright exotic colors. Each shop and restaurant seemed to have a glowing sign to mark their spot in the jungle of beautiful and Wild displays of fashion and diversity. It was quite beautiful, but oh so very loud.

I was used to a quiet town with maybe a few car honks here and there; nothing crazy. But the streets of Las Angeles were something else. It was like sensory overload.

There was music playing from speakers, street performers, and even from the passing cars. The ongoing traffic caused for a lot of honking and yelling by the drivers. I'm guessing road rage was big here. And then the people walking on the sidewalks were all laughing and chatting amongst themselves and the people around them. You could easily spot the drunk from the sober and it was a game I let myself play while we sat in the car waiting for the ones in front the pick up the pace.

Apparently, we were heading to "The Lab" which was code for "Base". I'm not sure what to expect, but I'm guessing into some nice ass building with dentist lights and locks on every door. If not that, then the complete opposite.

I was nervous, scared even. But, I tried to stay positive and tell myself that it would be alright and I wasn't going to get murdered. At this point, I was pretty sure I wasn't, but, who knows, Colby seems to get annoyed with me a lot. He may pull out a knife and carve it into my heart at any given moment. I don't know.

I hope not..

We ended up on the edge of the city, right next to an abandoned train station. I looked out the window and at the old beaten down trains that sat on the rusting tracks. None of them looked to be in working condition, so it was kind of like a graveyard. A creepy one..

"Whoa." I breathe out. My hands were gripping the handle of the door, my breath fogging up the window as I stared out it.

"Yeah; whoa." Colby mocked back, opening his car door and exiting the vehicle.

Following him, we all got out and stepped foot on the heavily vegetated ground. Screws, bolts, and pipes scattered in between the jumble of grass and weeds. As we walked, the green ended as soon as it touched the grass. Then, it was replaced with large rocks and gravel.

The trains around us were of dark crusty colors. Blues, greens, reds, and grey were the most common colors I noticed. But, they were covered with a thick layer of dust and dirt, making the colors wilt and their vibrancy dull to a less appealing color. Overall, they were very dirty. With missing wheels and shattered windows, these trains look like they've been through a lot..

"Livia, welcome to, what we call, the boneyard." Colby introduced as we walked through the small paths in between the ginormous hunks of metal, "Originally it was a station which transported soldiers across the states during World War II. Soon, as the trains began taking damage, they were left here and overtime they just piled up. When the war ended this place was abandoned and left to rot." Turned a corner revealed a large unstable looking building. Shattered windows, graffiti, and vines littering it's dented walls. It looked like a factory. "This was the warehouse where bombs and other weapons were stored before being transported. As you can see, a lot of them are still intact." He pointed to crates that were covered in dust, but, still looked nice. Roughly painted on them were pictures of mistake bombs and other war crafts like that.

I gulped.

When we made it through the large area, we entered through a door that leads to a long hallway. At the end of it, was an elevator. But what stood out to me about it was the green light above it.

It was working.

"Uh." I stared at it.

"Yes, it works," Colbys answered my thoughts.

I nervously nod my head and continue to follow him down the hallway. We made it to the end and he pressed a small button located next to the Steele doors. There was a buzz and then a voice came from someone within it.

"Welcome back." The guy humored, "Brought a friend?"

I knew he was referring to me, and I kinda froze.

"Something like that." Colby glances at me and then to the corner of the wall, where I spotted a small camera.

"Open the door, you moron! I'm fucking tired!" Jake complained towards the camera.

"Fuck you." The voice cursed before the elevator dinged and the Steele doors slid open revealing a brightly lit elevator.

This was all so crazy..

We wanted the small room, the doors shutting behind us. It shook, indicating we were moving and my heart only sped up as it did.

"Few rules." Colby suddenly began, "Don't talk to anyone unless it's me or the guys, or unless I permit you. If someone addresses you, I'll answer. Don't touch anything. Anything." He repeats, emphasizing his words, "And the most important one. If at any point someone asks who you are, I'll explain your just someone I'm sleeping with."

My eyes widen, "I'm sorry what." I say speechless.

He didn't get to reply because the doors opened and my mouth fell open once my eyes set sight on the visual in front of me.

A large dimly lit space was presented in front of me. A few people were scattered around, each having a determined look on their faces. What stood out to me about it though was how clean-cut everyone looked. They all worse something on the lines of a suit or a leather jacket, and everything in between. It was strange. But, what was even more strange, was the fact that a lot of them held briefcases.

Maybe Colby wasn't lying when he said this was a company..

We stepped foot out of the elevator, and as soon as we did, everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at us. Or, more specifically, Colby. I stood still, scared to make so much noise and bring the attention from him to me. Why have they focused on him anyway?

In a quick motion, Colby nodded his head and everything resumed to what it was before. Almost as if he permitted them to continue.


"Let's go." He commanded, confidently walking through the crowd of people who seemed to mindlessly make a path for him as they walked. Some stopping completely or simply picking up their pace.

The 4 of us followed, me trailing in between Corey's and Sam. My eyes traveled all around the long room. I looked at the various desks and computers, the people who walked by us, and the different doors and hallways leading to unknown places.

It was almost like a renovated bunker. And I couldn't help but wonder if this was here before or if it was simply restored to something more fitting for the "business"

Whatever the hell that business was.

We made it to a hallway and entered the first door to our right. We entered a room with a large number of screens filling one of the walls. In front of it, a desk, where a guy sat. He was kind of dorky, or, at least his desk was. It had different figurines and gadgets sitting on the post and in a few different spots. There was also a gas station cut sitting on a semi soggy napkin.

"I was beginning to think the Demogorgon had taken y'all to the upside-down back in Indiana." The guy joked, "I was prepared to call up a telepathic girl named after a number." He wiggled his eyebrows humorously. Then, his eye landed on me. "Okay well you defiantly didn't find an alien, but a girl?" He eyed Colby.

I didn't speak, being told not to.

"She's the girl I'm fucking." Colby simply answered.

Well..  I don't.. could he be any more douche?

I don't even know what to say. So, I just roll my eyes and refuse the urge to slap him.

"Well, cheers to that." The guy took a sip from his drink after lifting it toward me. He set it down and sighed, "Hi, names Reggie."

I looked to Colby, expecting him to answer for me. But when he didn't, I did it for him. "Livia" I simply respond.

"So what can I do for you fine fella's?" He asked, turning his chair back around to face the screens, his eyes scanning across them.

"We need some money to be cleaned," Sam answered.

Reggie nodded, typing a few things onto a computer, "Okay, how much?"

Jake dropped the two duffel bags onto his desk, knocking over a few of the figurines. Reggie gasped and groaned "Dude, c'mon, I just got these." He whined.

"Not my fault you spent over $100 on dumb figurines." Jake mocked.

"Prick," Reggie muttered, fixing the small figures upright.

I give Corey a look, and he whispers into my ear, "They're brothers."

With a nod, I stayed quiet.

"So, how much?" Reggie asked again.

"$800,000," Colby said.

I'm sorry what? I said they were at least 600,000, not fucking 800,000?!

"Well damn. Who'd you kill to get this." Reggie said, typing the number into his computer.

He said that too casually for my liking...

"Just two guys. They shot first so." Corey shrugged, "Hell was it a good shoot-out though." He laughed.

"I bet." Reggie hummed.

"I got the final thot though." Jake spoke proudly, "Hit their tire with a single shot and sent them swerving into flames."

My stomachs stirred.

"Single-shot." Reggie mocked his brother, laughing amongst himself.

Jake glared and slapped the back of Reggie's head, cursing him. Reggie rubbed the sore spot and rolled his eyes, continuing to type into his rainbow glowing keyboard.

I looked around the room a little bit. Inspecting the various posters and signs of the most random tv shoes and anime video games. There was a single plant, halfway dead, hanging from the ceiling. And the LED lights around the edges of the rim lit up the room with various colors as they rotated. It was a nice little office. He was a proper nerd but seemed charming enough.

With a final click, Reggie put his hands on the back of his neck and leaned back, "The money'll be clean and transferred by tomorrow afternoon at best." He said, "I'll have Kev come and get it tomorrow and he'll text you." He explained.

"Good," Colby said, turning and leaving the room. They all filed out of the room, not even saying a thank you.

I wasn't proud of it. But I wasn't raised wrong..

"Thanks, Reggie." I quietly thank him, giving him a single wave before leaving the room. Before doing so, he gave me a strange unbelievable look. Almost like he heard me wrong.

I wish I heard me wrong. I just thanked him for making dirty criminal money useable. Ugh.
I hate being a good person sometimes.

"Anything else we need to do here?" Sam asked as we ventured a little further down the hallway. It's obvious we did, or else we would be leaving, not going deeper in.

"Just one thing. But I only need Livia for that." He responded, making me stop momentarily.

"The hell you need me for?" I spoke quietly.

"Didn't I say not to talk?" Colby glared.

I sigh, "Yes, but no one here. Now, why do you need me?"

He looked at me as he walked, not responding, and then turned back around.


"Here." He opened the door for me and hesitantly, looking back at sam for reassurances, who simply nodded his head, walked in.

The room was dark, being unable to see anything. It only scared me more once the door shut completely and I was left in the pitch black.

I yelped in fear as soon as everything went black and took a step back, only to collide with a body. And in fear, I latched onto it without hesitation. My hands clasped together as soon as they met around the body, and my eyes were squeezed shut as I searched for comfort.

Through my eyelids, I could see a light turn on. So, I opened my eyes to see my arts tightly wrapped around Colby's torso.


I quickly pushed myself off of him and stared into his confused deep blue eyes. Wishing I just disappeared, I wrapped my arms around my torso and formed my lips into a straight awkward line.

"You really Don't like the dark do you." He muttered to himself, taking a step and walking past me.

My body followed his own and I realized we were in a sort of interrogation room. There was a singular table, one chair sitting behind it.

"Uh, no. I do not." I stutter out.

"Hm." He mumbled, taking out his phone "I'll have someone add a nightlight to your room." He spoke lowly.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Uh, you don't- you don't have to-"

He stuffed his phone into his pocket and spoke quickly, "Already done, now take a seat."

Not asking any questions, I took a seat in the chair and leaned back, not averting my gaze from him. My eyes followed his every move. The way his elbow rested in his palm and his hand-picked at his lip. The way he stared into a wall as he paced back and forth slowly, thinking. And the way his tattoos were displayed along his arm. Still, the most noticing one being his skull jar with Toxicity written under it,

"What's Toxicity?" I ask, not thinking before the words left my dry lips. I was in dire need of chapstick.

He stopped walking momentarily, glancing from his tattoo's and then to me. With a tiny grin, he cocked his head to the side slightly, "Checking me out?" He said cockily.

I grimaced, "Ew."

He laughed and shook his head, "It'd be alright if you do." He reassured me, "Can't say I blame you." He flexed his arm.

I purposefully look away, to stop myself from gagging in disgust. Big-headed cock sucker.

Who knew I was such a vulgar person..

"Okay okay, geez you've wounded my ego." he grinned playfully.

I scoff and look back at him, "Good, someone had to." I respond.

Breathing out a quick breath of air, he bowed his head and then brought it back up to meet my stare. "So Livia, Livia Dawn."

"In the flesh."

"Must you always have a smart mouth?"

I nod, "Matches my personality."

"I can tell." He mutters, "Does Livia stand for anything?" He asked.

I shrug "I guess. I was told my mom's name was Olivia, so I think I was semi-named after her."

He furrowed his eyebrows, "You were told that was your mom's name?" He questioned.

"Well, she sure as hell didn't tell me," I reply dryly.

"And why is that?"

"Is this an interrogation?" I cock my head to the side.

"Oh very much so." He nods "Do you know your mom?"

I scoff "Way to be direct."

"Answer the question." He demands.

"I don't see how it's relevant."

"It's not." He agreed "But I'd like to know you a bit."

I nod, "Okay, my favorite colors gold. I love strawberries and pineapple. I'm scared of the dark and ladybugs. The grass is green, the sky is blue, oh, and fuck you." I falsely smile.

He pursed his lips and sighed sadly, "Well that wasn't very nice."

I nod "Well I'm not a very nice person."

He shook his head in disagreement, "You are. You spared that guy's life yesterday." He noted.

"And? He had a kid, I couldn't do that to her." I cross my arms and shrug.

"Who says the other two didn't?" He counters.

I glare at the ground, "I'm not the one who killed them." I angrily spit.

I was still angry about that. I hope he hasn't forgotten.

There was a small silence.

"So you don't know your mom." He concluded.

I roll my eyes and look back up "Never said that."

"Never said you did either." He got across.

I pause; then glare and lean forwards, "I don't have to tell you anything about my life and my parents." I hiss.

He nods, "So you don't know either of them?" He suggested.

"What? No!"

"So you don't."


"You did." He nodded.

I was about to speak, but then replayed my words in my head and then scoffed and leaned back, defeated. He got me there.

"Sorry." He said.

"No you're not."

He didn't respond to that. Instead, he asked another question. "Do you have any friends?"

It was my turn not to respond.

"So no?" He tilted his head.

I roll my eyes.

"Why not?"

"Oh my god." I drag out, "Different question please?"

"Is the friend's topic harder to talk about than the parent's?" He asks.

I groan, "How about we talk about the other non-existing people in my life. Hm? How about Santa Clause, or the Easter bunny? Why the hell does he deliver the eggs and not the actual chicks?" I sass.

"So" he put his finger to his chin and looks up, "no parents, no friends, and no Santa or Easter bunny."

I lean my head completely back, "Sure, I guess."

Could he be any more heartless? I mean honestly?

"Well okay." He walked over to the door and opened it, revealing the guys who were pressed against it, causing them to tumble forwards. Colby looked like he expected it and sighed, walking past them and out the door.

I roll my eyes and look at the guys as they fixed their posture and stared at me awkwardly. They heard me I guess. Simply perfect.

"What did you say to him?" Corey asked.

I shrug in response, standing up and walking towards them. "Your friend needs to learn boundaries," I tell them, walking past them and following after Colby who was a few paces ahead. The 4 of us caught up to him and we made our way down the hallway, through the main room, and then up the elevator and out the warehouse. The walk through the boneyard was just as quick and we ended back up at the car in less than a minute.

The entire time no one spoke.

I was pissed, Colby was thinking, and the guys were acting as though they hadn't heard anything. When, obviously, they had.

I liked my privacy. So who was this guy to think he could pry into the most private aspect of my life and then walk away like it was nothing? It was sick and totally disrespectful. He was sick and disrespectful.

And I was going to have to deal with that.


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