Changed Since Texas / Post Ma...

By postylove74

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Charlotte (Charlie) Roman and Austin Post have always been great friends, but will his fame change who he is... More

Authors Note


437 12 9
By postylove74

He walked back out from the bathroom, a white cloth clutched in his hand as he gently wiped up the small amount of his juices that had managed to find their way back out, leaving a small glistening spot on the inside of my thighs. He gave me a quick kiss on the lips, grabbing my hands as he helped me off the bed. He threw the cloth down on the floor as he handed me my shorts and tank that I slipped into last night, watching intently as I pulled them over my body.

"So when do I start this new life baby?" I asked him with a smile as he grabbed my hand and pulled me up to walk with him out towards the patio where we spent most of our evening last night.

"I was going to leave tomorrow, but I was on the phone with Dre this morning and we moved a few things around for me to spend another two days here" he smiled, sliding open the door to the patio as we stepped outside, the bright sunshine kindly reminding me that I indeed still had a pounding hangover headache.

"So what does that mean for when we get back? You are going to be a little busier than normal?" I asked, my eyes widening to see that he had breakfast delivered to our room during the time I was still sleeping. The sweetness of it melting my heart as he pulled a seat out for me gesturing for me to sit down.

He walked next to me pulling out the chair letting out a long sigh as he put his hand in mine, lacing our fingers together before picking up my hand and placing a soft kiss on the top of it. "Charlie it is going to be different. I don't have much free time, Dre likes to keep me busy as much as he possibly can. I also feel horrible that I asked you at this point, especially since Dre just reminded me that I will be touring for the Stoney album soon" he said, his eyes looking up at me.

I felt my heart start to plummet at his words, feeling like he was trying to take back his request or trying to steer me out of the direction I had decided that I wanted to go. I cut my eyes away from him as I looked down at the ground. "What are you trying to tell me Austin?" I asked him quietly bracing myself for heartbreak that I didn't think was going to come so soon.

"Oh shit Charlie, I'm not trying to talk you out of it. Fuck no. I just wanted to let you know what was going to happen so that you weren't taken by surprise" he said reaching out and turning my face to look at him. "I want you with me for the rest of my life Charlie, please believe me" he said.

I nodded my head slightly as I looked at him, giving him a shy smile as he flashed one in my direction. I reached out and started putting a few breakfast items on my plate, the both of us chatting happily about the things that have been going on in our lives since the last time we started talking, a feeling of guilt washing over me as he was spilling everything that happened with him as I still managed to keep his son a secret.

I have to say I was quite impressed by the amount of things he has accomplished since the release of his mixtape, and I was so proud of him. He had always wanted this, ever since I could remember, and he took the leap to do it and he made it big almost overnight.

"I don't know how you do it Austy" I said to him quietly, as I finished up the Danish that I sat on my plate, wiping my hands together briefly to rid them of the microscopic crumbs that stayed there.

"Uhm lets just say I'm always tired" he laughed. "More tired than I have been my whole life" he laughed shaking his head as he took a sip of his coffee. "But I don't want you to feel like you have to live like that too. I don't want this to be a burden on you" he said. "I just want to be done with my day knowing that I have an amazing girlfriend waiting for me to make a hard days work worth it" he smiled at me.

"Your such a charmer, did that come with the LA lifestyle too?" I laughed shaking my head at him playfully.

He shrugged his shoulders as he tilted his head back and forth causing me to burst into a fit of laughter. "I'll be right back baby" he smiled getting himself off of the chair, placing a small kiss on the top of my head as he walked back into the room.

I quickly grabbed my phone out of my pocket, my head still racing as to how I was going to tell him about little Austy. Clearly through our conversation Rich nor Jodie slipped up and Austin has no idea that he has a little boy running around, literally thirty minutes away from him. I found Casey's name, as she was the only person I could think of talking to right now hoping that she had a few words to help me out.


Oh shit what happened?

He asked me to go to LA with him....

So why is that an SOS, that's fantastic!

He has no idea about little Austin.....

Come on over, Mark wants to hang out with Austin anyway. We'll talk.

Thanks Case, see you soon.

I pulled my head up when I heard Austin walk back through the door, my heart fluttering as he flashed me a smile as I slipped my phone back in my pocket. He walked over to me, sliding his arms around my shoulders as he placed a lingering kiss on the side of my neck. "Casey?" he asked with a laugh.

"How did you know?" I asked him moving my head to look him in the eyes.

"Mark just sent me a message and asked me if I wanted to go and watch the Cowboys game with him" he smirked. "So I figured the two of you were planning something, undoubtedly to talk about us" he smirked, my face falling into a relaxed smile as I looked up at him.

"You can go baby, it's okay. You don't have to sit here and take care of me all day" I laughed.

"But what if I wanted to?" he whispered into my ear, sending chills to form up and down my arms at his words, heavily implying just how he wanted to take care of me.

"I mean, I guess if you wanted to it's fine. We'll just call Mark and Casey and tell them that we are busy all day" I said, my eyes closing and my head tilting to the side giving him better access to my neck as he started littering it with little kisses. I brought my left hand up to rest on the back of his head, my mind starting to spiral out of control at his actions when suddenly he pulled away.

"As much as I want to, I don't want you to think I just came back here to fuck you senseless Charlie" he said quietly holding out his hand as he helped me off of the chair. "Come on, why don't you go get changed" he smiled as he walked us back to the bedroom.

I grabbed my bag heading into the bathroom as I pulled out a pair of jean shorts and a black v-neck quickly sliding into them as I spread a thin layer of coconut lotion over my legs and repositioned the knot on top of my head into a better knot. I grabbed my makeup bag putting on a small amount of BB cream and a fresh coat of mascara before hanging a single ruby necklace on a white gold chain around my neck. I opened the door, clutching my bag in my hand to find Austin laying on the bed that was still a complete mess from our undying need for each other this morning, his hands behind his head as he smiled at me stepping out towards him.

"You are so beautiful Charlie, even when you are hungover" he laughed sitting up as he walked over towards me. He had changed out of his black shirt and slid into his Prescott jersey, ready to go cheer on his favorite team with his friend. It was cute, and I couldn't help but chuckle at how infatuated he was with the them.

"Thanks Austy, you ready to go?" I asked him, swinging my bag over my shoulder granting a confused look from him. "Yes?" I asked with a smirk.

"Are you not staying again tonight? I mean if you don't want to that's fine I just thought that..." he started but I stopped him by placing a chaste kiss on his lips.

"Austin relax. I am going to stop and get some more clothes while I'm with Casey. Your nuts if you think I am not going to stay with you" I smiled, even though my heart twanged a little at the thought of abandoning my son again, when the three of us could be spending some much needed time together.


"I'll be back to pick you up after the game baby?" Austin said to me as we were standing next to the drivers side of his rented black Mercedes, Casey and Mark giving their quick goodbyes as Mark hopped into the car patiently waiting for Austin.

"Yeah Austy that's fine" I smiled, as we stood staring into each other eyes, neither of us willing to be the first one to break the connection.

"Will you kiss her already so we can get going, I don't want to miss the first quarter of the game" Mark teased from the passenger seat.

"I guess that's my cue" Austin chuckled as he leaned down and placed his lips gently on mine, the connection making me feel like I was being swept away on a beautiful wave, safe as long as I was in his arms.

"Have fun Austy" I smiled as he leaned in one more time placing a peck on my lips.

"You too baby" he smiled getting in the car and driving out of Casey's wrap around driveway, giving a small wave of his hand as he and Mark pulled down the road heading to the nearest local dive bar to indulge in beer, wings and ideal guys afternoon.

"Okay so spill" Casey said as we walked into her house, a foreign feeling to me as we are often down the boathouse hardly ever spending time inside her parents home. "Please tell me that you were good and didn't fuck him as soon as you guys got to the hotel" she laughed as she plopped herself down on the oversized beige couch in her parents decadently decorated living room, the decorations making me realize why we were never up here.

"No we didn't have sex last night, but we did this morning" I said blushing as I grabbed one of the oversized white pillows and held it in front of me, the barrier giving me a feeling of comfort as I felt like I wasn't as exposed to her criticism with it in front of me.

"Okay, not entirely happy about that but at least it wasn't last night. Did you guys at least talk first?" she asked, resting her head against the palm of her hand, her left foot swinging back and forth inches above the floor.

"We did" I said with a small nod.

"And? Did you get any answers?" she asked raising her eyebrows.

I gave a small nod at her question before telling her what he told me. "Pretty much he told me that he didn't want to take me to LA with him when he first left because he didn't think that he could take care of me and that is not how he wanted to start our relationship together. Then I said well why didn't he ask me when he became established. He told me that he didn't think that was the life for me and he saw Ash and figured she knew what this life was about and it wasn't really love at first sight like he said in the Breakfast Club interview..."

"Do you really believe that?" she asked with a small chuckle.

"Which part?" I asked.

"That it wasn't love at first sight?" she asked.

I let out a sigh as I thought of what I wanted to tell her. "If he were to tell me that over the phone, no I wouldn't believe it for a second. But the look in his eyes Case, it was sincere. He also told me that she basically told him that it was her or me and that if he chose her he couldn't talk to me anymore" I said looking down at the pillow in my hands.

"That's some fucked up shit" she said shaking her head. "So when did you come to the conclusion that all is forgiven and that Austin is once again the best thing to ever happen to you and you want to go to LA with him?" she asked with a laugh, which to be honest I deserved.

"I've always wanted to go with him Case, but I think when he finally told me he loved me, that's when I knew I had to be there" I said, my eyes slanting up to look at her as I saw her mouth hanging open in shock.

"He what?" she said practically jumping out of her chair at my confession.

"He told me that he loved me and not just once" I said with a smirk on my face.

"Okay so this puts a new twist on things, now you really have to tell him about little Austin Charlie, you can't hide it from him" she said, her tone now becoming serious as she sat on the edge of the couch staring at me.

"Yeah but how am I going to do it? We just got back to this stage, what if me telling him I've been hiding a son from him for three years ruins it all and I'm stuck with him walking out of my life again. I don't think I would be able to handle it" I said sadly.

"Please don't fucking tell me you want to leave little Austy with your parents and live your life with Austin like your son doesn't even exist" she said to me, ready to pounce.

"Fuck no, I don't even know why you would think that" I said, feeling slightly aggravated that that thought had even crossed her mind.

"Listen, that wouldn't surprise me with you. No offense" she said holding up her hands as she positioned herself differently on the couch.

"So what do I do?" I asked, looking over at her with a hopeful glance.

"I say we go talk to your parents and Rich and Jodie, you have to go over there anyway don't you?" she asked as she started to get up from the couch.

"Yeah but" I started only to be cut off by her.

"No buts, we're going. Get your ass in the car girlfriend" she said grabbing the keys to her Mercedes off of the counter as we climbed into her car and headed towards Rich and Jodie's house.


We pulled into the driveway, Casey shutting off her car as the both of us walked towards the front door. I reached out and turned the door knob as I stepped inside, sliding my shoes off at the door as I followed the sound of laughter out towards the back patio. "Mommy!" I heard little Austin yell as he ran over towards me. I scooped him up in my hands instantly, peppering his face with tiny kisses as he wrapped his arms around my neck. "I missed you Mommy" he said sweetly, holding my face between both of his tiny hands. 

"I missed you too buddy. Were you good for your Grandparents?" I asked him with a sweet smile. He nodded his head quickly as he looked back at the four of them, smiles pulling across their face. 

"He was an absolute joy. We're in love" Jodie smiled. 

"Well you look good despite the circumstances from last night. Did you girls have fun?" my Mom chuckled as she picked up her coffee taking a long sip, my Father eyeing me curiously. Even though it was my Mom and I that were as thick as thieves, it was my Dad who always had the uncanny ability to read my like a book and his stare let me know that he knew something was up. 

"We had a blast! We ended our night at some club in Dallas. I think we ended a little earlier than intended but that was probably for the best" Casey laughed looking at everyone who was eyeing us cautiously. 

"I'm glad you girls had a good time. Who came to pick you guys up?" my Dad asked, his eyes not leaving mine. I nervously fiddled with the straps to my bag as I let Casey take over. 

"Oh Mark and Allen came to get us" Casey said smiling widely. 

"Okay Dad I can't take it anymore" I said throwing my bag on the ground as I looked at him laughing. 

"I don't know what you mean" he smirked taking a sip of his coffee. Everyone's head turning to face him as if they were expecting him to spill what was happening, but he is good. He wanted me to do it so he was going to hold out as long as possible. 

"Austin came to pick us up, there are you happy" I said throwing my hands out to the side as I fell into the nearest chair feeling like I just ran a marathon, little Austy climbing into my lap as he cuddled into my side. 

"Wait, Austin is here? In Dallas?" Jodie said with excitement beaming across her face. I wasn't sure how long it was since they seen him, but her expression seemed to give me a hint that it has been quite sometime. 

I smiled as I nodded my head. "Yup, he showed up last night outside the club and being drunk like I was I had thought I was seeing things but nope, it was him. Every single part of him" I said getting lost in my thoughts when Casey cleared her throat. 

"Well where is he? How come he isn't here? Where is he staying?" Jodie asked excitedly. 

"Relax honey, I'm sure he will come and see us before he leaves" Rich laughed. 

"He is currently at a bar down the road from my house watching the football game with Mark" Casey said helping me out. 

"And he didn't think to invite his old man. How times have changed" Rich said shaking his head causing everyone to burst out into laughter. 

"And he is staying at the Four Seasons in Dallas, well we're staying at the Four Seasons in Dallas" I said hanging my head waiting for the twenty questions to start. 

"So you didn't stay at Casey's last night?" my Mom asked raising her eyebrows. I shook my head in response as I fiddled with some hair that had fallen out of my bun and nestled itself on the shoulders of my sons shirt, picking it off as fiddled my fingers until it soared smoothly to the ground. 

"Well just break it to us little one" my Dad said with a sigh, using his nickname for me that he used to call me when I was little. He positioned himself in his seat as if he was ready for the longest story of his life as I sat little Austy down on the floor. I rested my elbows on my knees running my hands over my face letting out a long sigh, feeling the eyes of everyone on the porch on me. 

"He asked me to go back to LA with him" I said, uncovering my face as I rested my chin on my clasped hands, waiting for everyone to have an instantaneous response. I looked to see Jodie and Rich beaming happily, as they have honestly been waiting for this moment since Austin decided he wanted to go years ago. My parents... not so excited. I could see the apprehensiveness radiating off of them like the lights from a light house. 

"And" my Dad said, running his hand down the side of his face, an action that didn't go unnoticed by Austin's parents. 

"I said yes" I said quietly. 

"Can I say something without trying to bring any disrespect to you guys" my Dad said, focusing the statement on Rich and Jodie who nodded their head in understanding. "Charlie honey, after everything that happened and the heartbreak that you went through for years, do you really think this is a wise decision? I mean what if you get all the way out there and something like this happens again? No one is going to be around to help you out of it, and we know what it was like to see you crying for weeks straight" my Dad said. I looked over to see Jodie and Rich's head looking down at the ground as they both didn't say a word. 

"Well I guess you can say it isn't final" I said just as quietly as I spoke before. 

"What do you mean?" my Mom asked shaking her head. "Your 21 we can't tell you that you can't go Charlie. If you already told him yes then you're going" she said. 

"No, it may be final on his end but it isn't on mine. Guys, I have to tell him about his son and when he finds that out that could change everything" I said sadly, as I was playing with the ruby necklace that was hanging around my neck. 

"Can I give my input?" Jodie asked quietly, finally dragging her stare from the floor. I nodded my head yes as I flashed her a kind smile. 

"Why don't you spend one more day with Austin like normal. Make sure that he really has changed and really wants to be with you and make sure that the decision that you are making is the right one. Your Dad is right sweetie, if he does something like this again you are stuck there with no one but your son. We are all here to listen, but we can't be there to help get you through it" she said quietly grabbing on to Rich's hand. 

"I think that sounds like a good idea Jodie" my Mom said with a smile as she nodded her head in agreement. 

"Okay, but how do I tell him about his son? We would be leaving here in two days" I said letting out a breath. 

"We both want to see Austin, so why don't you invite him over for dinner. Tell him that I am making chicken parm and he will be over here faster than you can count to three" Jodie laughed. "It can be just the four of us, since he doesn't know your parents came and we can ease him into thing and then when he goes to the kitchen your parents can be there with Austy" she said looking at me with a smile. 

I let out a sigh feeling grateful for Jodie's kind suggestion, knowing that at least the getting him here part was going to go over well, the rest... well that was up in the air. I lifted up my head and smiled at them as I gave a slight nod. 

"Okay, that sounds like a plan" I smiled, but in my head feeling like this could be the real end of me and Austin for good. 


A/N: Guys I am so sorry that I haven't updated this story in a few weeks. I have been focusing a lot on my story Chance Encounters... it kinda holds a special spot in my heart haha. But I promise to update more! Maybe my lack of updating is the result in the lack of regular readers that I have had and I apologize for that. I promise to be updating other stories regularly as well. As always thank you for reading, and I love hearing from you!! 

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