Baby Winchester

By AleeyahRoses

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Dean rescues 5 year old Hayden from her abusive family and takes her under his wing. After recruiting his bro... More

Season 1
Season 1 - 1 (Pilot)
Season 1-2 (Wendigo)
Season 1-3 (Dead In The Water)
Season 1-4 (Phantom Traveler)
Season 1-5 (Bloody Mary)
Season 1-6 (Skin)
Season 1-7 (Hook Man)
Season 1-8 (Bugs)
Season 1-9 (Home)
Season 1-11 (Scarecrow)
Season 1-12 (Faith)
Season 1-13 (Route 666)
Season 1-14 (Nightmare)
Season 1-15 (The Benders)
Season 1-16 (Shadow)
I'm So Sorry (A/N)
Season 1-17 (Hell House)
Season 1-18 (Something Wicked This Way Comes)
Season 1-19 (Provenance)
Season 1-20 (Dead Man's Blood)

Season 1-10 (Asylum)

618 19 9
By AleeyahRoses

Hayden played in the bath tub of the motel while Sam was on the phone and Dean flipped through their father's journal. Dean had bought her some new toys for the bath.

She had been trying out a new power that manifested a couple weeks ago. She stared at her mermaid dolly and rose her hand, the doll rising with it. She smiled triumphantly as she dropped the doll. She couldn't wait to tell Sam and Dean about this. She hasn't told them yet because she wanted to surprise them.

After getting out of the tub and dressed in her clothes, Hayden suddenly found herself in a trance as she stared at the door. In front of her eyes the single, brown bathroom door turned into double white doors.

Hayden quickly looked around in confusion and found herself in a different room with two unknown people. There was a woman in a big bed and a man dressed as a cop in front of a dresser.

Hayden hesitantly walked over to the man and studied his face.

"So what? You're still not talking to me?" The woman asked as the man pulled the gun and keys from his waist, placing them onto the desk. Hayden noticed that his expression stayed the same. Something was wrong.

"Walt. I said I was sorry about before. How many times do I have to say it?" She said. Hayden quickly ran over to her as she was sitting up on the bed.

"Miss? Miss you have to leave. He's dangerous. You have to go." She said. But the woman couldn't hear her at all.

Hayden glanced at Walter as his hand went towards his gun.

"Miss-" Hayden was cut off by Walter swiftly pointing the gun at the woman. She let out a loud scream as he shot the woman, killing her. She covered her ears with her hands and backed into the wall, screaming again as a second shot was heard.

She peeled her eyes open seeing both of the adults dead, blood flowing from their heads. She closed her eyes and screamed again.

Hearing screams from the bathroom, Sam and Dean quickly burst in. Hayden was pressed against the wall between the tub and the sink, with her hands covering her ears and her eyes shut tightly.

Dean quickly picked up the whimpering child and took her out of the bathroom, with Sam hot on his heels. He set the child on the bed and covered her hands with his, gently pulling them away from her ears.

"Hayden? Hey it's alright." He said. She shook her head still afraid to open her eyes.

"Haddie, come on. It's me. It's Daddy and Sammy. You're safe. I promise." He pressed. She slowly opened her eyes and saw Dean and Sam were surely in front of her. She looked around seeing she was back in the hotel room. She turned back to Sam and Dean with teary eyes.

"He- he shot her. He killed her. She didn't do anything wrong and he killed her." She cried.

"Who? Hayden, who?" Sam asked.

"The cop. He shot the woman on the bed. Then he shot hisself." She answered.

The brothers shared a look before Sam grabbed their laptop and opened it.

"Is this him, Hayden?" He asked showing her the photo on the screen.

She nodded at him before burying her head in Dean's shoulder. Dean looked towards his brother, who's face showed annoyance.

"We're going." He said.

"Hayden, get your stuff. We're leaving." He ordered, stepping away from the child. Hayden felt the anger and annoyance from both Sam and Dean. She knew they were arguing again. She also took notice that Dean was getting all bossy again.

Everyone packed up their bags and they hit the road.




"Hayden, I want you to stay here and do not under any circumstances leave this room." Dean said.

"But daddy, I don't-" Dean cut here off.

"Hayden." Dean started.

"I don't wanna be left alone." She said.

"Hayden." He repeated.

"Why can't I just go with you guys?" She asked.

"Hayden!" Dean yelled silencing the child. "I said to stay here and that's final. Got it?" He said.

"Yes sir." She said sadly. Dean instantly regretted yelling at her like that. The two men watched as she climbed into bed and buried herself in the covers. Sam glared at his brother before walking over to Hayden.

"Hayes, we're just gonna go to the bar and do some investigation. Just stay here and we'll be right back. It won't take that long. Promise?" He said calmly. Sam sighed as she didn't respond and walked out the door.

Upon hearing the door close, Hayden slowly peaked her head from underneath the covers and saw the room was empty. She sat up, letting the covers fall to her waist and stared sadly at her hands.

"What's the matter?" A new voice asked. Hayden's head shot up seeing the cop and his wife.

She gasped and backed into the headboard.

"Hey. Hey. It's alright. I'm not gonna hurt you." He said.

"But you shot her. She apologized to you and you shot her." She whimpered.

"Something made me do that. I would've never done something like that." He said.

Hayden calmed down a little as the woman stepped forward. "It's alright, child. What's your name?" She asked.

"I'm Hayden."

"It's nice to meet you Hayden. Why were you crying?" She asked suddenly next to Hayden on the bed.

"Daddy and Uncle Sammy are mad at each other and I made Daddy madder and he yelled at me. He never yells at me. Even when we're training, he's never yelled at me." She said turning her eyes to her lap.

"It's alright. I'm sure he didn't mean it." The wife said softly.

Hayden looked over to the man then to his wife the back to him.




Sam exited the bar and walked over to Dean, who was leaning on the Impala waiting for him.

"You shoved me pretty hard in there, buddy-boy." Dead said.

"I had to sell it, didn't I? It's method acting." Sam replied as he walked to the passenger side of the car.

"Huh?" Dean asked turning to his brother.

"Never mind." Sam waved him off.

"What did you find out from Gunderson?" Dean asked.

"So, Walter Kelly was a good cop. Head of his class, even-keeled. He had a bright future a head of him." Sam explained.

"What about at home?" Dean asked.

"He and his wife had a few fights, like everybody. But it was mostly smooth sailing. They were even talking about having kids." Sam finished.

"Okay. So either Kelly had some crazy waiting to burst or something else did it to him. What did Gunderson tell you bout the asylum?" Dean asked.

"A lot." Sam replied.

"Alright. Let's head back. We'll check out the asylum first thing in the morning." Dean said before getting into the car. Sam sighed and followed suit.

"Dean." Sam started only to be cut off.

"I know what you're gonna say. Just don't." Dean said.

"Dean, you've never yelled at her." Sam said.

"I know, Sam." Dean said.

"Why'd you yell at her then?" Sam asked.

"I don't know, okay?! I just, I lost my cool. I... I didn't mean it." Dean said.

There was a short silence and Dean sighed.

"I know you're stressed about telling her because you're scared of losing her. I am too... but Dean we can't keep this from her forever. She'll hate us for that." Sam said. It had been almost a month since they found the article about her real family.

"I just... She's my little girl, Sammy. What am I supposed to do?" He replied. Sam paused. He was just as conflicted as Dean was. He couldn't imagine their lives continuing without Hayden. They both wanted to watch her grow up and to be there for her. On the contrary, they knew that she should be with her real family.

"Let's just go for now." Sam said. The two set off back to their room.




Hayden, Walter and His Wife all sat on the bed in front of the open laptop.

"Why did you do it, Mr. Keller?" Hayden asked.

"I don't know. I went to the asylum with my partner. There were kids in there that weren't supposed to be. The last thing I remember was checking the basement. There was something down there. Then the next thing I knew we were like this." He explained.

"You went home and you shot her and then yourself." Hayden said.

"Yeah, I know. It says so right there." He said. Hayden turned to him with a frown.

"I know that. I meant that I witnessed it. She was saying something about you being mad at her and that she said she was sorry." She said.

"How- how did you?" Mrs. Keller asked.

"The same way that I can see you. Daddy said I'm not human." She said. She then frowned and turned to Mr. Keller.

"Why were you mad at her? She said you weren't talking to her." She asked him.

The couple shared a glance before looking at the child. "Sometime, adults disagree with one another and they end up fighting about it. But it's good to work it out and not fight about it anymore than to stay mad at one another." Mr. Keller started.

"Daddy and Uncle Sammy get mad at each other sometimes too. Maybe I can help you... and them. Let me look up the Asylum." Hayden said. She closed out the tab she was on and went to open a new one when a the previous tab opened.

"Wait a second. What's this?" She thought a loud frowning in confusion.

"What's wrong?" Mr. Keller asked. Hayden didn't respond as she read the title of the article. The Lewis Family Murder.

She was fighting with herself as she remembered what Missouri told her. Her eyes glowed purple as he other side won the battle.

"I don't care what excuses you're about to make for them. I wanna know what the hell this is." She said. The two ghost disappeared soon seeing the change in Hayden. She didn't care as she started reading the article.




Sam and Dean exited the car and walked up the their room in confusion, seeing that the lights were still on. The frowned at each other and opened the door to a very upset Hayden.

"Hayden what are you-?" Dean cut himself off seeing her purple eyes.

"Are you other Hayden?" He asked. She rolled her eyes and turned away from the two. She grabbed the laptop and shoved it into Dean's chest.

"What the hell is this?" She asked. The brothers looked at the screen shocked to see the article detailing what happened to Hayden's real family.

"Well?" she asked when she didn't get a response.

"Hayden, we were going to tell you." Sam started.

"When?" She asked.

"We don't know. We just didn't know how to tell you." He replied. Hayden scoffed and turned away from them. She grabbed her bag that hadn't been touched since the arrived. Dean's eyes widened.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm going to find my brother." She said and started for the door. She instantly paused and groaned grabbing her head.

"No. I'm not leaving them." She whimpered. There was a pause as she was having an internal war.

"They hid this from us!"

"I don't care! If he has answers to what I am, then we'll find them together. I won't leave them. They're my family." She said.

"He's our REAL Family!"

"Hayden-" Dean was cut off by Hayden talking.

"I don't care. I don't know him. I don't know anything about him. How can I leave people I know and love for someone I know nothing about?" She said.

"Because he's our brother. Our real family."

"He could hurt me like my last family and yes I don't know that but I don't know if he'll be good to me either. So I won't leave my family. Now shut up and go back." She said. The purple hue in her eyes faded as she turned to look at Sam and Dean.

"How long?" She asked.

"A little while after we left Kansas." Sam said. He didn't even want to look at her.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked calmly. The brothers looked at her bewildered at her calmness.

"You're not mad? You don't hate us?" Dean asked.

"No. I am sad that you didn't tell me but I know you didn't mean any harm. It also kinda explains why your emotions were weird lately." She explained. The family stood in a short silence before Hayden walked up to Dean and hugged him.

"I'm not going to go find him, not without you and Uncle Sammy. I don't know what he's capable of. We don't know if he has powers like me or not. So I don't want to find him yet because there's a chance he could hurt us." She said.

"Don't you want to know where you came from? Or why you have these powers?" Sam asked.

"I do but for now... I'm good where I am here. We can find him another time. I don't like the risk of losing you guys for any reason." She admitted.

"How did I end up with such an awesome kid?" Dean replied hugging her back.

"Come on. Let's get you to bed." He said.




"So we're going to the Asylum today?" Hayden asked as Sam was giving her pigtails. She had asked him to put butterfly clips in her hair.

"Yeah. We gotta check it out. What else did the ghost tell you?" Dean asked.

"Nothing he couldn't remember. He only remembered check the basement and then he was dead." She answered.

"Alright. We're done." Sam said. Hayden got up and ran to the full length mirror and twirled in delight. Her baby blue dress flowed in the air as she did.

"Maybe you shouldn't wear a dress today." Dean suggested. Hayden pouted.

"But it's my favorite dress." She said.

"Exactly. If it gets dirty or messed up in the asylum, I'll never hear the end of it. Go change." He said handing her a pair of leggings and a t-shirt.

She pouted more and did as she was told. Once she was done, they left to investigate the asylum.




Sam and Dean jumped the gate. Hayden looked up at the gate, wondering how she was gonna get over it. Then she remember that she could teleport.

She appeared next to Dean on the opposite side, startling him.

"I forgot I can do that." She giggled.

"I will never get used to that. Let's go." He said. The three ran up the stair to the entrance of the asylum.

"Ew." Hayden complained as Dean closed the door behind them.

"It stinks in here. Like something burning." She said.

"Let's find out what it is." Dean said.

"So apparently the cops chased the kids here, into the south wing." Sam stated.

"The south wing huh? Wait a second." Dean said pulling out their father's journal. Hayden looked around anxiously as she slid closer to Sam, grabbing his hand.

"What's wrong?" He asked. However, Dean started reading a page from the journal before she could answer.

"In 1972, three kids broke into the South Wing, only one survived. The way he tells it, one of his friends went nuts and started lighting up the place." He read.

"So whatever's going on, the South Wing seems like the heart of it." Sam stated.

"Yeah but if kids are spelunking the asylum, why aren't there a ton more deaths?" Dean asked. Sam looked at the door seeing a broken chain hanging from the handle.

"Looks like the doors are usually chained. Could've been chained up for years." He said and started to the door.

"Yeah. To keep people out... or to keep something in." Dean said walking to stand next to him brother. Sam pushed the door open with his foot.

Hayden urgently ran forwards and pulled the brothers back.

"What? What's wrong?" Dean asked as they looked at her concerned.

"Something's watching us. I can hear him laughing." She said.

"It's alright. Come on." Sam said and the three went into the south wing.




"Let me know if you see and"y dead people, Haley Joel." Dean joked.

"Dude enough." Sam said. Dean chuckled.

"I'm serious. Shorts are attracted to that ESP thing you got going on." He said.

"I told you it's not ESP. I just have strange vibes, sometimes, and weird dreams." Sam explained.

"Yeah, whatever. Don't ask, don't tell." Dean said.

"You get any reading on that thing or not?" Sam asked.

"Nope. Of course that doesn't mean nobody's home." Dean answered.

"Someone's definitely home." Hayden said.

"Spirits can't come out during certain times of the day." Sam stated.

"Most. Some of them can and will." She stated trying her best to avoid looking at the spirits she saw, so they wouldn't know she could see them.

"The freaks come out at night. Hey Sam, who do you think is a hotter psychic? Patricia Arquette, Jennifer Love Hewitt or you?" Dean joked. Sam playful punched Dean's shoulder and he and Hayden laughed.

"Gosh they're really loud. I'm gonna get a headache again." Hayden pouted. Sam chuckled.

"They're just screaming and yelling. I hate when this happens. It's harder to block them out when they're just screaming." She continued as she rolled her eyes.

The three walked into another room and Hayden gagged at whatever she was smelling. The three split up, looking around the room.

"Man. Electroshock, lobotomies. They did some twisted stuff to these people. Kind of like my man Jack in "Cuckoo's Nest"." Dean said.

"No wonder these people went insane. They were tortured." She said quietly. She could feel remnants of pain and suffering left all over. Especially in the chair that was used for the torturing experiments.

She stared at the chair and saw flashes of memories from her previous family when they learned of her healing abilities. They would tie her to a chair and burn her with hot iron just to watch it heal and do it again.

Hayden was so lost in the memories that she fell to the floor, cowering away when Dean touched her head.

"Hayden?" He asked in confusion.

"Daddy. I-" she cut herself off turning to the chair then back to Dean and Sam, who had placed the sign that Dean gave him on a table next to him.

"What did you see?" Sam asked.

"N-nothing. I saw..." Hayden sighed at herself stopping her lie.

"When they found out I could heal... they'd burn me with hot iron because it wouldn't leave any marks. It made them happy and mad at the same time. It was fun for them... to torture me because of my powers." She said turning her eyes to her lap. Dean grabbed her hand making her look at him.

"Nothing like that will ever happen to you again. I swear on my life." He said.

"I know." She said smiling at him.

"Let's go. It's time to leave." He said helping her off the floor.




Dean and Hayden waited for Sam outside of a therapist office. Hayden watched the passing people. There was a man and his daughter walking a small dog.

"Daddy? Can I have a dog?" She asked. Dean frowned.

"What? No." He replied.

"Why?" She pouted.

"You don't even know how to take care of a dog." He replied.

"But they're cute. Plus, how can I know how to take care of one if I can't have one? The only way for me to learn is for me to get one." She asked.

"Answer's still no. We don't live a life where we can have a pet." Dean ended the conversation. Hayden simply shrugged her shoulders.

"Worth a try." She said.

Sam finally came out.

"Dude you were in the forever. What the hell were you talking about?" Dean asked as the walked back to the impala. Hayden frowned noticing that Sam's energy was off. Something was wrong.

"Just the hospital you know." He said.

"And?" Dean asked.

"And the south wing, it's where they housed the real hard cases- the psychotics, the criminally insane." Sam started.

"Fun." Hayden said sarcastically.

"Yeah and one night in '64, they rioted. They attacked the staff, attacked each other. That's probably the screaming and yelling Hayden heard earlier." Sam continued.

"So what? The patients took over the asylum?" Dean asked.

"Apparently." Sam replied.

"Any deaths?" Dean asked.

"Some patients, some staff. I guess it was pretty gory. Some of the bodies were never even recovered, including our chief of staff, Ellicott." Sam explained as the group stopped behind the impala.

"Wait, what do you mean "Never recovered"?" Dean asked.

"Cops scoured ever inch of the place but I guess the patients must've... stuffed the bodies somewhere hidden." Sam said.

"That's gross." (Hayden)

"That's grim." (Dean)

"So they transferred all the surviving patients and shut down the hospital for good." Sam finished.

"Alright so to sum it up, we've got a bunch of violent deaths and a bunch of unrecovered bodies." Dean summarized.

"Which could mean a bunch of angry spirits." Sam stated.

"Good times. Let's check out the hospital tonight." Dean said.

"Wait Uncle Sammy. There's one thing missing." Hayden said stopping the brothers from getting in the impala.

"Why did they riot? I mean something must've happened that caused it. What if... even though the deaths were violent, the patients' ghost aren't?" She asked.

"That's highly unlikely. Violent deaths lead to angry spirits." Dean stated.

"But what if that's not always the case? What if that's not the case here? I mean they went as far as to hide the bodies so they wouldn't be found? Why would they do that?" She continued.

"Why do you ask?" Sam asked.

"Because we're missing something. Some information, maybe some very important information. There's holes in that story. Also, I didn't feel any violent energy when we walked the halls. It was different until we went in that room." She explained.

"What did you feel?" Dean asked.

"I'm not sure. I can't really put my finger on it. It's was a mixture of a lot of things." She answered frowning deep in thought.

"Well maybe you'll get a better feel when we check that hospital tonight. Let's go." Dean said. Hayden nodded and the three left.




The family walked back into the South Wing. Dean pulled out his EMP reader as Hayden and Sam turned on their flash lights. The EMP was already going off like crazy. Hayden looked away from the device in Dean's hand to the halls in front of her as they proceeded through.

"Getting readings?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, big time." Dean asked.

"They're everywhere." Hayden said as her eyes darted across the hall.

"If these unrecovered bodies are causing the haunting." Sam started.

"We gotta find them and burn them. Just be careful though. The only thing that makes me more nervous than a pissed off spirit, is a pissed off spirit of a psycho killer." Dean finished.

They started to walk again when Hayden felt a cool breeze on the back of her neck. She paused feeling a presence behind her. She slowly turned around only to be greeted by a ghost with a large cut covering his entire face. He had burn circles on his temples and a hole in between his eyes. Sam and Dean had yet to notice that the child went next to them as they walked further down the hall.


"Who? Who did that to you?" She asked. Sam and Dean stopped and turned around upon hearing her voice. Sam pointed the camera at her seeing a white orb floating directly in her face.

"Dean." He called to his brother. Dean looked over to the camera seeing the same thing. The ghosts head started to shake violently.

"HELP ME!" He cried out.

"How?! What do I do?" She asked urgently. The ghost froze.

"Don't let him get you." It's said before floating away. Hayden stared after it as the brothers walked over to her.

"What just happened?" Dean asked his daughter.

"He was warning me. He said 'don't let him get you'." She answered.

"Who?" Sam questioned.

"I don't know... but that ghost was terrified." She said.

The family went on investigating the rooms. As Sam was looking around, a female patient appeared in front of him.

"Dean? Dean! Shotgun!" He called to his brother as the woman walked up to Sam. Hayden stood back watching, taking note that the ghost didn't have harmful intentions. Also, she was whispering something.

"Sam, get down!" Dean ordered. Sam ducked as Dean shot the ghost in the head making her disappear.

"That was weird." Sam stated.

"Yeah you're telling me." Dean said as the three left the room.

"No, Dean. It was weird that she didn't attack me." Sam pointed out.

"It looked pretty aggro from where I was standing." Dean remarked.

"She didn't hurt me. She didn't even try. Even the ghost from before with Hayden. He didn't hurt her. So if she didn't want to hurt me, then what did she want?" Sam said.

"What if she was trying to tell you something?" Hayden suggested.

"What do you mean?" The brothers asked in unison.

"I may be wrong but she was whispering something. I could barely hear her because of all the noise but I think she was whispering to you, Uncle Sammy." She explained.

A whimpering noise was heard from the room in front of them before the brothers could respond. They looked in the room, seeing one of the beds flipped over hiding something behind it.

Sam rose his flashlight as Dean rose his shot gun. The brothers started to go in but Hayden stopped them.

"I wanna try something." She said and stepped forward before Dean could protest.

The brothers stayed close behind her as she stopped in the middle of the room. She rose her hand and waved it to the right. The bed flew in the same direction. A girl turned around quickly, shaking and whimpering in fear.

"It's alright. We're not gonna hurt you." Dean reassured her.

"What's your name?" Hayden asked.

"Katherine. Kat." She said standing up.

"I'm Dean. This is Sam and my daughter, Hayden." Dean introduced.

"What are you doing here?" Sam asked.

"Um... my boyfriend, Gavin-" she was cut off by Dean.

"Is he here?" Dean asked.

"Somewhere. He thought it'd be fun to see some ghosts. I thought it was all just... you know, pretend." She answered.

"No offense but your boyfriend is an idiot." Hayden stated. Kat laughed a little bit. Her smile fell just as quick as it came.

"I've seen things. I heard Gavin screaming." She explained.

"Alright, Kat come on. Sam and Hayden are gonna get you out of here. Then we're gonna find you boyfriend." Dean said.

"What? No!" Hayden and Kathrine protested at the same times

"I'm staying with you!" (Hayden)

"I'm not gonna leave Gavin. I'm coming with you." (Kathrine)

"It's no joke. It's dangerous." Dean said.

"That's why I've gotta find him." Kat said.

"Alright I guess we're gonna split up then. Kat, Hayden stay with come with me." Dean said.

"What about Uncle Sammy?" Hayden asked.

"Hayden I'll be fine." Sam said.

"I'm not leaving you alone." Hayden said rejecting the idea.

"Hayden this isn't up for debate." Dean said.

"Yes it is, daddy. That ghost was afraid of something else that's in here. We don't what it is or where it is. This is a very debatable debate." She said frowning at the brothers. She was getting upset because they always did this and she hated it.

"Hayden-" Sam was cut off by a chair flying through the door.

"I'm sorry. That wasn't a ghost. I lost control for a second." Hayden said as she took a deep breath calming down.

"Uncle Sammy, I don't want that thing to get you just as much as I don't want it to get daddy. The ghost said to not let him get you. He can get you if you're alone. Daddy can help Ms. Kathrine. Which means me and you should stick together. Please?" She begged. Sam sighed.

"Fine. You stay next to me. Do not leave my side for any reason whatsoever. Understand?" He instructed. Hayden nodded.




"Gavin!" Sam called looking around.

"Gavin!" Hayden called as they continued walking around to find the boy.

"Hayden, what was that back there? With the bed and the chair? You can move things with your mind now?" Sam asked.

"Yeah. It happened a couple of weeks ago. I've been practicing to surprise you and daddy but then we got caught up in this hunt." She explained.

"It's a really awesome ability Haddie and it's one that you've always wanted." Sam said. Hayden smiled as she turned to Sam. Hayden turned to continue their search and stopped immediately. There was a different patient in front of her. A woman.

"U-uncle Sammy, Don't freak out." She said to Sam who couldn't see the ghost but could see Hayden's reaction.

"Ms? You won't hurt us right?" She asked. The patient shook her head. Hayden glanced at Sam, giving him a nod to signal that they were safe.

"We're looking for someone who's not supposed to be here. He's a human, like us. Have you seen him?" She asked the ghost. The patient nodded.

"Can you show us?" She asked. The patient turned and started to lead the way.

"This way Uncle Sammy." Hayden said following the ghost and Sam followed Hayden.

The ghost turned a corner and led them into a room where they spotted having Gavin unconscious on the floor.

"Gavin." Sam called to him as he went to his aid. Hayden turned to the patient to thank her but she was already gone.

"Dang it. I wanted to ask her why they started the riot." She pouted.

"Who are you?" Gavin asked.

"My name is Sam and this is Hayden." Sam introduced.

"We found your girlfriend." Hayden said.

"Kat? Is she alright?" Gavin asked as Sam helped him up.

"She's worried about you. Are you okay?" Sam asked.

"I was running and I think I fell." He answered.

"What were you running from?" Hayden asked.

"There was- there was this girl. Her face. It was all messed up." Gavin explained.

"Okay listen, listen. This girl, did she try to hurt you?" Sam asked.

"What? No. She uh- she kissed me." Gavin said. Hayden burst out laughing.

"Um- she didn't hurt you physically?" Sam questioned shocked.

"Dude, she kissed me. I'm scarred for life." Gavin whined.

"Dude, she could've killed you." Hayden mocked him before laughing again.

Sam gave her a look but Hayden knew it wasn't a trouble look. He was only trying to get her to stop laughing, which only worked enough to turn her laughs into small giggles.

"Do you remember anything else?" Sam asked.

"Uh, no. Wait... actually yeah. She tried to whisper something in my ear?" Gavin said as Hayden stopped laughing at him.

"What?" Sam asked.

"I don't know. I ran like hell." Gavin replied.

"You know, ghost hunting isn't for scaredy cats." Hayden remarked. Gavin frowned at her and Sam laughed as they went to find Dean and Kat.

"Can we just admit that I was right?" Hayden asked as they walked.

"No." Sam said.

"What?! Come on! I was totally right! I said 'what if the spirits aren't violent even though they died violently?' and the spirits of the patients aren't violent. Which means that I was right." She said. Then she paused.

"What's wrong?" Sam asked.

"The spirits of the patients aren't violent." She frowned deep in thought. Then she realized something.

"Uncle Sammy-" She was cut off by a scream echoing through the halls. The three broke into a run in the direction the scream was coming from. They rounded a corner seeing Dean trying to pry a door open.

"What's going on?!" Sam asked.

"She's inside with one of them." Dean informed the group.

"HELP ME!" Kat screamed.

"Kat! It's not going to hurt you!" Hayden yelled.

"Listen! You have to face it! You have to calm down!" Sam yelled.

"She's gotta what?!" Dean asked in shock.

"I have to what?" She asked.

"The spirits aren't violent. They're trying to tell us something. You have to listen to them. You have to face them." Hayden informed.

"You face it!" Kat cried.

"Alright." Hayden said with a shrug. Even though she didn't know what the room looked like, she thought of how Kat look and was able to teleport into the room.

Kat was pressed onto the wall as a spirit was approaching her. Hayden walked over to her and pulled her away.

"Sit down. Wait here." She said sitting her by the door. She stood straight and turned around, only to be met face to face with the spirit.

"Geez! Will you guys stop doing that?" She complained. The patient looked at her. It sounded like he was wheezing.

"It's alright. Tell me." She said. Kat watched in shock and fear as the patient leaned down and whispered something in her ear. Then he vanished. Kat stood up as the door open.

Dean pulled Kat out and Hayden stood staring at the spot where the patient was. Dean got down to Hayden's level and held her by her shoulders.

"137. That's what he said." She informed them. There was a short pause as the family of three looked at one another.

"Room number." They said in unison.

"That was freaky." Gavin commented.

"So wait a second, if you could magically teleport into the room, why could you teleport her out?" Gavin asked frowning at Hayden as the three step back into the hall with them.

"That's not the question we should be asking. Who brings their girlfriend ghost hunting when they're more of a scaredy cat than she is? That's the question here." She sassed as Sam and Dean bent down to their bag on the floor to have a small conversation.

Gavin went to say something back but Hayden rolled her eyes and turned to her dad and uncle who stood back up.

"So are you guys ready to get out of here?" Dean asked.

"That's an understatement." Kat said.

"Okay. Sam, Hayden get them out of here. I'm gonna go find room 137." Dean said. Hayden gave him a disapproving frown.

"Nope. Not up for debate." He said and walked down the hall before Hayden could protest.

"He does know that I can still teleport and follow him right?" She asked no one.

"And you will not be doing that." Sam said. He grabbed her by the arm and turned to the couple.

"Let's go." He said.

"As if this could stop me." Hayden grumbled but complied and walked with Sam, Gavin and Kat.

"So, how do you guys know about all this ghost stuff?" Kat asked.

"It's kind of our job." Sam said.

"Why would anyone want a job like that!" She asked.

"I had a crappy guidance counselor." Sam joked.

"And Dean? He's your boss?" She asked.

"No." Sam chuckled and the group continued their walked. As they came to some door, Sam tried them and they wouldn't open.

"Alright. I think we have a small problem." Sam said.

"Let's break it out." Gavin urged.

"They're held closed with ghost energy, genius." Hayden said nonchalantly.

"Then a window?" Gavin suggested.

"They're barred." Kat said.

"Then how are we supposed to get out of here?" Gavin questioned.

"That's the point. We're not. There's something in here and it doesn't want us to leave." Sam said.

"Those patients." Kat said.

"No. The patients aren't violent. It's something else." Hayden said.

"Wait here with them. I'm gonna see if there's another way out." Sam said. Hayden was about to argue but she simply nodded her head.

"So Hayden? How old are you?" Kat asked.

"I'm 6." She replied.

"Does any of this ghost stuff ever scare you?" Kat asked the child.

"It used to. But my daddy taught me to be stronger and Uncle Sammy taught me to be smarter so I can beat them. Plus I have cool powers." She said.

Then Sam came back.

"Alright. I've looked everywhere. There's no other way out." He informed the group.

"What the hell are we gonna do?" Gavin panicked.

"For starters, we're not gonna panic." Sam said.

"Why the hell not?" He panicked more.

"Because we're the experts here. You just a scaredy cat that thought he could hunt for ghosts. Try to calm down, would you?" Hayden stated. Then Sam phone rang.

"Hey..... Where are you?.... I'm on my way." He ended the call.

"What's wrong?" Hayden asked.

"Can any of you handle a shotgun?" Sam asked the couple.

"What?! No!" Gavin said.

"I can. My dad took me skeet shooting a couple of times." Kat said.

"What's going on?" Hayden asked.

"Alright, here. It's loaded with rock salt. Now, it might not kill a spirit but it'll repel it. So if you see something, shoot." Sam explained as he handed her the gun.

"Uncle Sammy! What's wrong?!" Hayden yelled.

"Dean's in trouble. Come on." He said and the two left the couple.

The two quickly got to the basement calling for Dean. Sam opened a heavy metal door with a caution sign printed on it.

"Hold on, Uncle Sammy. What happened?" She asked.

"I don't know. He said it was coming at him and he was down here." Sam explained as they looked around the very small room. Finally having a second to pause and think, Hayden realized something.

"I didn't feel anything." She stated.

"What?" Sam asked.

"I didn't feel anything from Daddy. No pain. No panic. Nothing." She said. Then Sam's light went out. A door opened behind them as he tried to get it to turn back on. He immediately got his gun ready and entered the room.

Hayden stepped in and paused as she got a vision of Dr. Ellicott performing horrid experiments on patients in secret.

"Oh no. Uncle Sammy." Hayden went in after him.

"What?" He asked not taking his eyes off the area around him.

"The patients. That's what they were trying to tell us." She said.

"What?" He asked.

"Why they rioted and hid the bodies. The doctor, Dr. Ellicott. He used the patients for experiments. Horrible experiments. He's the violent spirit." She said. Then a shadow moved behind a curtain. Sam went and checked, keeping Hayden close behind him.

Sam snatched the curtain back and frowned a bit seeing nothing was there. Then Hayden was thrown away from Sam. Her head smashed into the corner of a medical tool tray. She fell unconscious as blood started to pour from her head.

Sam turned to go to her aid when the ghost of Dr. Ellicott attacked. He put his hands on Sam's head, electrocuting him.

"Don't be afraid. I'm going to make you all better."




After hearing for Kat and Gavin that Sam and Hayden followed a call for help from him (which he didn't make) to go to the basement, Dean went there to find his brother and daughter.

"Sam! Hayden! You guys down here? Sam! Hayden!" Dean called as he looked around the basement. As he turned around, he saw Sam standing there silently and without Hayden.

"Man! Answer me when I'm calling you!" He complained.

"Are you alright? Where's Hayden?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Sam replied ignoring the question about Hayden.

"Sam, where's Hayden?" Dean repeated.

"We split up to look for you." Sam lied. Dean immediately knew he was. Hayden had been so insistent the entire night that they stick together. There's no way she went off on her own.

"You know that wasn't me that called your cell right?" He asked.

"Yeah. I think something lured me down here." Sam said.

"Yeah and I think I know who, Dr. Ellicott. That's what the spirits have been trying to tell us. You haven't seen him have you?" Dean said.

"No. How do you know it was him?" Sam questioned.

"Because I found his logbook. Apparently he was experimenting on the patients. Awful stuff, makes lobotomies look like a cup of aspirin." Dean explained.

"But it was the patients who rioted." Sam said.

"Yeah, they were rioting against Dr. Ellicott. This is the missing information Hayden was asking about. The why. Dr. Feel good was working on some sort of Extreme-Rage Therapy. He thought that if he could get his patients to vent their anger, then they'd be cured of it. Instead it only made them worse and worse and angrier and angrier. So I'm thinking, what if his spirit is doing the same thing? To the cop, to the kids in the '70s- making them so angry that they become homicidal." Dean explained.

"Come on. We gotta find find his bones and torch them." He said walking past Sam.

"How? The police could never found his body." Sam asked.

"Well, his log book said he had a secret procedure room down here where he'd work on his patients. So if I was a patient, I'd drag his ass down here and do a little work myself. Plus we need to find my baby before he does. Let's go." Dean explained.

Dean walked off and opened the same door Sam and Hayden had previously went through.

Sam walked in the room seeing Dean looking around for the secret door.

"I told you. I've looked everywhere. I didn't find a hidden room." Sam said.

"Well, that's why they call it hidden. And Hayden has to be around here somewhere." Dean said and paused as he heard wind. He followed the sound of the noise finding a small crack at the bottom of the wall.

"There's a door here." He stated.

"Dean." Sam called as he pointed his shotgun at his unsuspecting brother. Dean looked at him and frowned.

"Step back from the door." Sam order as he wiped away the blood dripping from his nose. Dean stood up slowly.

"Sam, put the gun down." He said.

"Is that an order?" Sam sassed.

"No. It's more like a friendly request." Dean remarked.

"Because I'm getting pretty tired of taking your orders." Sam said raising the gun to Dean's head.

"I knew it. Ellicott did something to you didn't he?" Dean said.

"For once in your life, shut your mouth." Sam said.

"I will when you tell where the hell my daughter is." Dean stated calmly.

"Probably bleeding out somewhere. Now shut up." Sam said rolling his eyes.

"What are you gonna do Sam? The gun's filled with rock salt. It's not gonna kill me." Dean said.

Sam didn't waste another second before shooting Dean in the chest. The force of the shot knocked Dean through the hidden door.

"No, but it'll hurt like hell." Sam said before walking over to his brother.

"Sam, we got to burn Ellicott's bones and all this will be over and you'll be back to normal." Dean groaned.

"I am normal. I'm just telling the truth for the first time. I mean why are we even here? Cause you're following dad's orders like a god little soldier? Cause you always do what he says without question? Are you that desperate for his approval?! I mean you'll be the reason why Hayden dies tonight."

"This isn't you talking Sam." Dean said ignoring his comment about Hayden. He knew there was no way she was going to die.

"That's the difference between me and you. I have a mind off my own. Even Hayden has a mind of her own. Unlike your pathetic ass." Sam said.

"So what are you gonna do? You gonna kill me and let Hayden die?" Dean asked.

"You know, I am sick of doing what you tell me to do we're no closer to finding dad today than we were six months ago." Sam said.

"Well here, let me make it easy for you." Dean said as he pulled his handgun from his waist.

"Come on. Take it. Real builders are gonna work a hell of a lot better than rock salt." He urged as he held it out for Sam. Sam grabbed the gun and tossed the shotgun to the side before pointing the handgun at Dean.

"You hate me that much? You think you can kill your own brother? Well then, go ahead. Pull the trigger." Dean said.

However before anything could happen Dean slid across the floor far from Sam. He jumped as a hand laid on his shoulder. He looked seeing Hayden next to him.

"Oh thank god." He said in relief. She then used the last bit of energy she had left to throw Sam into the wall behind him, knocking him out cold.

"Hayden!" Dean called out as she fell unconscious again. He pulled he into his lap seeing her head injury. He quickly ripped his shirt and tied it around her head. She should've healed by now but the cut was still fresh and the blood was still pouring.

"Hang in there princess." He said laying her on the floor before going to check on Sam.

"Sorry Sammy." He said as he tapped Sam's back. He then began his search for Ellicott's body.

After walking around pushing back every single closed curtain, he saw a small cabinet with hair sticking out of one of the doors. He opened the door, revealing Ellicott's badly decomposed body and it's horrid smell.

He immediately jumped back at the smell, gagging. He grabbed his bag and began pouring salt and gasoline on it.

"Yeah. Soak it up." He said. Just as he was about to set the body ablaze, a cart rammed into him knocking him onto the floor. Ellicott's ghost appeared over him and began electrocuting his head, just as he did with Sam.

"Don't be afraid. I'm going to help you. I'm got to make you better." He said.

Dean grabbed his bag and pulled his lighter from it. He lit it and threw it onto Ellicott's body before the ghost could drive him insane. Ellicott sat up looking at his hands in shock. Dean backed up into his brother and covered his face as Ellicott's ghost hardened and fell to the floor in a pile of dust.

Sam popped up, looking around in shock before making eye contact with his brother.

"You're not gonna try to kill me, are ya?" Dean asked.

"No." Sam said shaking his head.

"Good because that would be awkward." Dean stated as Sam rubbed his head. Hayden groaned as she came back to consciousness and, even though they were in pain, the brother were quick to her side.

"You alright princess?" Dean asked.

"My head." She whined. Dean removed the shirt and saw that the wound still hadn't healed.

"Why hasn't she healed yet?" Sam asked. Dean shook his head just as confused.

"When I get hurt on my head and the hit can kill me, it takes longer to heal." She explained.

"I don't even want to know how you discovered that. Come on. Let's get out of here." Dean said as he picked her up.




"Thanks guys." Kat said after the were finally out.

"Yeah thanks." Gavin added.

"No problem. No more haunted asylums, okay?" Dean said. The couple nodded and walked off to their car.

"Hey Dean. I'm sorry, man. I said some awful stuff back there." Sam apologized.

"You remember all that." Dean said.

"Yeah. It's like I couldn't control it but I didn't mean it- any of it." Sam said.

"You didn't huh?" Dean asked.

"No of course not." Sam said. Dean nodded.

"Do we need to talk about this?" Sam asked.

"No." (Dean)

"Yes!" (Hayden)

The brothers looked at her.

"No." Dean said.

"Yes you do. You two forget that I can feel your emotions! You need to talk more than you talk... about Everything." She stated.

"No. I'm not in the sharing and caring kind of mood. I just want to get some sleep." Dean said before getting into the impala.

"This is never going to work." Hayden sighed to herself before following Dean and Sam followed her.




In a new motel room, Hayden and Dean slept in one bed and Sam in the other. The three were sleeping peacefully until Dean's phone rang.

"Dean." Sam called but Dean was deep in sleep. Hayden rolled around until she threw herself completely over her dad's bare torso and slipped back into slumber. Dean, on instinct, shuffled over so she wouldn't fall off the bed.

Sam sighed, grabbed Dean's phone and answered it.

"Hello?" He asked sleepily. He immediately shot up, wide awake as he heard the voice on the other end of the phone.


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