nathanielpoirrier tarafından

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(FINISHED WRITING, BEING REVISED!) An only child, by the name of Nathaniel, has a very unfortunate life. Unpo... Daha Fazla

Chapter 0 - Introduction
Chapter 1 - The Project
Chapter 2 - Blackout
Chapter 3 - Happy Eighteenth
Chapter 4 - Encountered
Chapter 5 - Clashing
Chapter 6 - The Date
Chapter 7 - Misdemeanor
Chapter 8 - Lizzie
Chapter 9 - Nathaniel
Chapter 10 - Zsen
Chapter 11 - First Day
Chapter 12 - Preperation
Chapter 13 - The Show Must Go On
Chapter 14 - Last Night
Chapter 15 - Settling In
Chapter 16 - Reputation
Chapter 17 - Demons
Chapter 18 - One Sided
Chapter 19 - Identity Thief
Chapter 20 - Zander
Chapter 21 - Publicity
Chapter 22 - Fenge
Chapter 23 - Standoff
Chapter 24 - Bonds
Chapter 25 - Complications
Chapter 26 - Lost Hope
Chapter 27 - Alive
Chapter 28 - Management
Chapter 29 - Who Are You
Chapter 30 - Legend Of Carter Jones
Chapter 31 - Ardent
Chapter 32 - Upheaval
Chapter 33 - Get Up
Cha¶tër ¾ ~ Icarus
Chapter 35 - Insight
Chapter 36 - Moralities
Chapter 37 - Misrule
Chapter 38 - Family
Chapter 39 - Compromise
Chapter 40 - The Monster I've Become (Lizzie 2)
Chapter 41 - Atone
Chapter 42 - Nieghborly
Chapter 43 - Blood Money
Chapter 44 - A Champion Is Born (Pt 1/2)
Chapter 44 - A Champion Is Born (Pt 2/2)
Chapter 45 - Surrealism
Chapter 47 - No Mans Land
Chapter 48 - As Days Go By
Chapter 49 - Query
Chapter 50 - Left For Dead
Chapter 51 - Conspiracy
Chapter 52 - Uneasy
Chapter 53 - New Faces
Chapter 54 - Warriors Of Generation Zenith
Chapter 55 - Conclusion
Patient ~ Lizzie Zaeva
Patient ~ Cornelius Hale

Chapter 46 - Reformed

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nathanielpoirrier tarafından

"Marcus... Fuck! Why?"

"I don't know, Zander."

"Hermosa, you know exactly why... Lizzie, we ain't have to pretend. Joceline was his girl. He always told me she the one and I ain't ever understood how he could be so sure. After seeing him without her, I realized how pointless he felt. He was always so chill, didn't care what anyone thought of him. He didn't care if he preformed like shit. As long as he was with her, nothing was bringing his mood down."

"Couldn't have said it better myself, Pico. He deserved better. We tried to brush it off and pretend we could move on from who we lost that day. I know all of us have had trouble sleeping or have broke down in the restroom alone... All because of our pride and not wanting to show weakness in front of each other."

"Liz... We have. At least I know I have. I ain't ashamed to say it. He was my bro, one of the best damned friends I ever had. He always had my back and always knew what to say to help me understand shit. He never judged anybody, always looked out for who he cared for. Can't say I know to many like that."

Rosalin entered with Vadice and Mallory. They explained what happened to her. We are all finally grouped up.

"We can't keep going like this."

"Agreed, Zander."

"Why would he do it?"

"Is that a serious question, Rosalin?"

We are all gathered in the living room, even Mallory and RJ are here.

"We all need to stay focused. Leave the drama behind you the moment time freezes. Nathaniel and I talked about this and every time there's an issue, you either need to open up and figure it out. Otherwise, shut the hell up and focus on what matters. If we can't do that... Well then, we're all as good as dead."

"I have to say, Zanders right. We have lost more soldiers than any other generation of Warriors. So we need to all let it out now."

"Well, hermosa, this one here, Mallory, is the only issue. This puta killed hundreds of innocent people and everyone ready to drop that. Marcus wasn't and neither am I. She killed Holly- fuck, she killed humans... Our own blood. She apart of why the government is so fucked. They get away with murder just cuz they military and whatever bullshit. It's unforgivable."

"I agree."


"Yeah. What I did is in fact unforgivable. There is no making up for that. Hate me as much as you want and I completely agree. But, we have to push feelings aside and stay focused. General thinks we have a chance to end this war and... well, this group is strong and if we stayed focus we can achieve that goal. What's done is done. Just know that I understand what I did was so horribly wrong and work with me to prevent any more lives at risk for good."

"You did help me out. For that... and for everyone who died... they are the reason I will end this with you. But that's it. Don't interact with me unless it's necessary for our jobs here."

"Thank you, Pico. That goes for everyone. If you don't like her don't interact with her more than you have to. No more attempted murders or bullshit. We can't lose any single one of you and that's including her. Got it?"

"Yes, sir!"
Everyone responds to Lizzie.

"Anyone else have anything they need to clear?"

"Yeah. I do."

"What is it, Riveck?"

"I'm not getting the respect I deserve around here. Constantly looked frowned upon and for what? Because I was trying to save the world. I never had bad intent. Also... I need my real partner back, Pozhar."

"You know we cannot alter change with our partner. You can always request A partner change with General but it's not very likely that it will happen. As for respect... I believe it should've been assumed by now after what we have already addressed, but it's good to state it now. Everyone needs to put their feelings aside for our duty here. Listen to orders. Be open to ideas and respect each other's thoughts. Most of all, you all need respect Nathaniel as our new Champion and whatever he says goes when we are out on the field."

"Wait, what?"

"Yes, Nathaniel. Champion is the Warriors leading commander. You should know that by now."

"But we always listened to you anyway."

"Yes, and that's exactly what I am talking about. When I say push feelings aside, I mean even your opinions of who is smarter or stronger. Nathaniel, Mallory, and RJ are the only ones in charge. Nathaniel is the only one you need to listen to, especially in a heated situation! Confusion will get us all killed."

"Well, why would we listen to him then? He has the least amount of experience than the rest of us and, honestly, he's always confused. We will die just trying to get him to tell us a simple yes or no."

"She's right, Lizzie."

"Nathaniel, Rosalin, enough!"

"Enough indeed."

General approaches everyone... He seems angry yet calm. It's somehow terrifying.


"Y-Yes, sir!?"

"You remember our little secret."

"Er-uh, yeah. Why?"

"Well... I'm afraid it won't be much longer. Not an exact date can be placed... I trust that you will inform the right people and only the right people, the moment I leave this door."

"S-Sir, but-"
"Warriors! I see you are all gathered discussing a very important, much-needed discussion. I'm going to have a word with all of you that I only ask you to keep between yourselves. As you all know, I have singlehandedly changed this shitty place into a quite remarkable city. It's not even a military anymore. Yet, regardless, I still make soldiers better than any other. Z666, why is that?"

"Erm... I-uhh. I can't really say, I-erm-"
"People are complicated beings. Such fragile creatures we are. Yet we are fit to adapt to many situations with just pure knowledge and reasoning. So, at about the same time as our technology advanced and we found out how to stop the world from moving... I began to notice who the better soldiers were and started to question why."

"Well, what was it?"

"Wonderful question, N377. You see, people understood the danger. They were trained hard and shaped up to be strong cold soldiers. However, the top soldiers I knew... They all had such a personality and always found a drive. The funniest thing is that all that training... changed them none. They didn't need to be cold to kill monsters. To be a stone-cold-killer is only needed to kill our own. Those soldiers were still the same person, same smile. You see, we do the training for all rookies, pardon me, Nathaniel, and show them what it's really like out there. Then we leave everyone be. Y'all aren't dumbasses, you can see what happens to those less fortunate so you're natural reaction is to find your own way to stop that from ever happening to you. We give you the tools and knowledge to survive and with an endoskeleton, everyone is more than capaple of taking down those beasts. Everyone has their place and surprisingly, it's worked. People are more confident out in the field and it even becomes fun for few. We have built a whole new world here for people and that is the reason we survive. Just how we as humans always have."

"Why are you telling us all this?"

"Well, Lizzie... Many, especially here recently, have doubts. It's something I have never explained. Why change how we create men and women to be soldiers? Why stop what the world has always done to make these killing machines? Because making sure we stay as humane as possible, is the strongest weapon we've ever had against these fuckers."

"General, I still don't understand the point."

"I've tried to put together a group-no... A family. When you are all out there, y'all push each other to limits no other human could go. Y'all keep each other going when shit gets rough. People judge you guys and have doubts. But think about it... Back when Quade was still Champion. That was the closest we ever were to killing Claw and ending this war. When things went to shit, he saved everyone and sacrificed himself. That's what a family does. Unfortunately, it has been a mess, but we need to fix our bonds. This is the reason I'm so relaxed with y'all. You guys are my family... and I can't see you all tearing each other apart no longer. Mallory... She made her mistakes, but so has humanity. It happens all through history. Yeah, she won't be remembered as such a great person as of now... but she can change. I expect you all to do great things, each and every one of y'all. That is why I have selected all of you and that's why so young. That's the true full reasoning for everything."

"So, we aren't really the best soldiers then?"

"Haha... Yes, you all are. Because you were all carefully picked perfectly to be the best of all time. So, I must ask that you all consider everything I have said, and try to take better care of each other. Let each other shine because without each of yourselves... The world is just not gonna be a better place."

Everyone is stood in silence. Everything he has said finally answers so many questions.

"I have a new list of partners for each of you. After seeing y'alls preformance... I hope I won't have to make another change."

General leaves... He knows he won't be around much longer. I guess he wants to make sure he leaves his mark here. He's such a mysterious man with so much going on. He always seems to know what's best.

Wait. Why is everyone staring at me?

"So, what's the secret?!"

"Oh! I-erm. I don know if I should be saying it."

"He clearly said you need to tell us."

"Well, not exactly, Pico."

"Okay, whatever. You can tell me. I'm your girlfriend."

"Well, I-"
"Come on!"

"Yeah, just tell us already!"

"We are all family he said, you should tell all of us!"

"Just say it, dude!"

"Enough! I... I need to go."

I bolt out the door and sit down on the ground.

Ugh... Who should I be telling it to? There is no way he wanted me to tell all of them.


"Hey, Pamela."

"You alright?"

"Yeah... I just needed to get out of there."

"Yeah, I know. Trying to figure out who to tell about General dying, Huh?"

"How did you know?!"

"I'm the one who told him. My father found out and didn't tell General, so I did. Ever since, my father has neglected me and General has started to give me a purpose in life. We don't all open up y'know. Sorry, I didn't tell you sooner."

"It's fine. You couldn't really talk about it anyway. You had no idea I knew."

"Would you like some advice?"


"Lizzie and Mallory... You cant tell them."

"What, why?!"

"They are close with General. It would start too much drama."

"Oh... Yeah. I guess that makes sense."

"Pico, Rosalin, Vadice, and Zander should know. Pico and Rosalin will take his word into more consideration knowing it's his last wish of us."


"Oh, yes. She keeps quite a lot of secrets. Anyway, Vadice needs the drive. She won't care, but I know she has been urging and fighting to be next General."

"Why Zander?"

"Zander... He's responsible. Mature. He will be able help you with the others feeling left out."

"Oh... You're really smart, y'know?"

"Yeah... Don't bother with Pozhar or Riveck. For all we know, they already found out."

"Oh! Corn! Do not tell Corn more than anyone else."


"Seriously? He will tell someone he isn't supposed to tell about what he cannot tell them."

Surprisingly, I can play that out in my head. It's that accurate!

"Hey, Nathaniel!"

"Oh, hey Lizzie."

"Sorry about what happened. I got everyone to settle down and agree that you will just tell us when the time is right."

"Thank you."

"So what's the little secret anyway?"

"Oh, erm... Nothing really."

"Then what is it?"

"Lizzie, I-er-"
"Why can't you tell me?! Why would General tell you shit and not me?!"

"Lizzie, I just can't tell you-"
"What happened to the whole open and honesty bullshit, huh!? Why aren't you telling me?"


"What? I don't know this secret."
Pamela says cleverly.

"Look, Lizzie... Ugh, fine. I will tell you... But you have gotta keep it to yourself, and I mean not even the General himself can find out you know."

"Yeah, fine. Whatever."

I began to tell her everything the General told me that day...

"I can't believe he never told me... I... I need to confront him."

Lizzie seems pissed more than upset than I thought she'd be.

"What, hey come on! You said you wouldn't!"

"Well, I changed my mind. That isn't something he just keeps from us!"

"Lizzie, come on!"

I'd try to stop her but I have seen the look on her face before. There is no stopping her...

"Well, try not to tell anyone else that you shouldn't tell."

"There was no stopping her in finding out."


I told everyone Pamela suggested. They all took it relatively well and some such as Vadice took it too well. I've returned to my room just deep in thought.


"Wassup, Zander?"

"Lizzie's back. She wants to gather everyone one last time to assign the new partners."



"Ah, finally. We can begin. Everyone, I think this group of partners is one we can all mostly enjoy. Nathaniel and I will be partners of course. Pico and Vadice. Kingston and Pozhar."

"What the hell! I specifically said I need her to be my-"
"And General said, you two do not work well together. This is the perfect set according to analysts and the General. So enough!"

"Yes, sir."

"Continuing, Zander and Riveck. Rosalin and Corn. And... That's odd... Pamela and Mallory. On-field doc and on-field intelligence it says."

"I've been expecting this. I have weapons I think you all will really appreciate on the field with me."

"I can vouch for her on that. She used one with me and my friend James. It seems pretty amazing."

"And I have only made it stronger since. I put negative fields in place of the anti-magnetic ones for when we're fighting Corrupted. It pushes their hands or whatever they choose to attack with away and if they don't have a direct hit on you, it will push em away, just barely missing you. That's the best it could possibly do. Of course, if any one of us is to use melee on a Corrupted in the field, it will act with the same manner. Basically, it's only worth using, if everyone in it is to use guns."

"Well, so do I."

Everyone looks to Mallory.

"Yeah, I mean, I've got fighting skills but, I got a few utility weapons that could save lives. I also have two plates that will spawn in an anti-Corrupted turret. They are armed with powerful shots that would even kill a Corrupted after a good ten to twenty shots. Oh, they are automatic too; not slow shooters."

Zander begins laughing.

"What is so funny. Not many guns can just kill Corrupted unless it's directed to a weak spot. My turrets will eventually shoot through the armor!"

Zander seems to be laughing more hysterically this time. Wait, so is Corn. What is so funny?

"Oh, man that is funny. You hear that, Corn? Hahaha!"

Lizzie seems to be getting angry.

"Can you two quit it?!"

"Sorry, sorry. It's just funny that she's trying to impress us. Corn has literally been talking of putting his own brand of bullets out there. You know what I mean. A single one of his bullets Peirce a normal Corrupted's armor."

"Hmm... Y'know, you should modify your turrets to be able to use those bullets. I mean the sniper ones. The other types, sure they are strong but, imagine an automatic turret that could tear down Corrupted. Imagine if we had it the day of the attack... Or if that ever were to happen again."

"That sounds brilliant. I will be working on that right away. Corn you wanna help?"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Not unless you pay for my Bullets. I'm no push-over, so you better have a good bunch of units to carry an efficient amount of bullets."

"One mill for six crate-fulls."

"Ha! What did I just say?"

"Fine, five mills for only ten crate-fulls."

"Haha! I ain't no pushover. That's what I said. I don't need your charity, you can take six free. Ha! How about that, huh?"

Everyone either facepalms or looks to Corn like he's an idiot... Well, he is.

"He will take one million."

Zander seems to have stood up for his idiocy.

"Okay, everyone. Get settled into your new rooms and figure out whatever. After this let's volunteer for a mission."

"But we'd have to stay overtime!"

"Yeah, that's fine. We need to start working together more and strengthen our group."

"Ugh! That's bullshit."

"Well, you don't have a choice. Riveck, you want respect? Then earn it."


"Then it's settled. Everyone, by the time I get back be ready to go on a mission."


"Hey, Pozhar."

"Zsen... I was hoping to meet once again. I guess what Riveck and I foresaw was not to come after all. Nothing of what we saw came to be so far. I'm having my doubts of his visions of the future."

"I guess so... What happened to you?"

"Right... I've had a burning desire to apologize. I've been fighting my own demons ever since that night when I attacked you and the guards were after us. Back before your Corruption. Back when the Special Forces still burned bright."

"It's all okay. I thought we all talked about this and moved on. Anyway, Riveck pushed you too far; he was controlling you."

"No. He kept me alive. However, that cost me every time... I lost control. He was helping me be better with my control over it. I never truly apologized to you, so, I'm sorry. I have a lot of medical issues and they are getting worse. I began to grow weaker and weaker since that day. So I have to spend most my time in the med-bay. I was out for a while just recently and I've finally regained my strength."

"It seems that's something the bunch of us have to learn. With control, I mean. During the attacks on Mallory; I never saw you the day of. I only have been hearing that you've been at med-bay for most of your time recently. What exactly happened to you?"

"She got a hold of me herself... She did horrible things to me I do not wish to speak of. I cannot imagine what you three have to go through constantly dealing with Corruption. Anyways, I wish to catch up and work on my relationships with the others."

"Yeah. Uhm, we are friends right?"

"Hehe. Yeah, of course."


"Ey, Z!"

"Wassup, Pico?"

"I was talking to the others... I was thinking you and I could take a run at this mission together."


"Well, as long as you and your lady down, we could swap for this one. It'd be good for us to work with each other differently as you and Lizzie already good with each other and same for Vadice and I. They have never worked together nor have we amigo."

"Well... Yeah, I mean that could be good for us."

"Really? Hell yeah, Z."

"I will talk to Lizzie about it."

"Uhm, hey. One more thing... I... Thank you. What you did for me with my fam. I really appreciate it. I know that couldn't have been easy for you... You still did it and went through that for me. You a real one. I want you to know, I consider you a best friend. I'm with you all the way. So when the day comes, let's kick Claw's ass."

Woah. Is that the first time he ever actually said friend... He called me his best friend... I... I've never had one before.

"Hell yeah. Best amigos. I like that."

"Haha! Don't ever say that again. Stick with english. Haha!"

"Yeah, true."

We both laugh. I begin to get ready for our mission and make sure everything is stocked up.


"Alright, everyone! We got a serious mission here. By chance, we came just in time. We got a search and rescue mission. We lost contact of Alpha squad G49 Red. They were out on a mission in the Corrupted realm to retrieve crystals. Let's find them and get them outa there!"

"Yes, sir!"

Okumaya devam et

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