What Lies Within(Editing)

By teemty_

39.7K 6K 156

A heart touching story about a girl living with her family. Her father was advised to marry a second wife b... More

*chapter 2*
*chapter 4*
*chapter 5*
/chapter 6/
/chapter 7/
*chapter 8*
*chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 27
chapter 12
chapter 28
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 26
Not an update
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
change of book's name
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
Chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
charter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
Chapter 50
chapter 51
Chapter 52
chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Facts about "What lies within"


1.5K 165 28
By teemty_

This is the beginning of the story. I hope you'll enjoy 😊

"Muna! Where is the noodles I asked for?" Shouted mama from the Sitting room. She pointed the remote to the TV crossing her legs together

"I Am coming!"  I said pouring the noodles into a plate.

"Muna, didn't I tell you to go and wash that pile of clothes in my room?" Asked the stupid Nadiya that thinks backwards. Believe me, she thinks backwards and that is why she thinks I would wash her clothes. She stood, blocking the door leaving no way for me to pass.

"Hey do you think I will wash your clothes? Then you have to go for brain checkup". I said looking at Nadiya. "And please will you give me space to pass?" I asked but didn't wait for an answer as I pushed her out of my way. Oh but wait, the question is a rhetorical question.

I took the noodles to mama while Nadiya followed me at the back blabbing and making empty threats. I gave Mama the noodles and just then nadiy walked in.

"Mama, talk to this muna. You have to say something." Said Nadiya huffing as if she went for A run.

'What did she do to you?" Mama asked glaring at me. But what did I expect? This woman is always there to criticize me as if she came to the World to do that. Hmmph!

"Can you believe I asked muna to wash my pile of clothes before leaving only to just come back from school and see the clothes where I left them." Nadiya glared at me while I rolled my eyes only. Her lack of respect is not something new.

"Why didn't you wash her clothes, muna koh Mumuna ma kike. Dama gadon uwarki kikayi a muni (you inherited ugliness from your mother)" Mama said.

Me and you know who inherited the ugliness.

I said to myself though.

"But why would I wash Nadiya's clothes?" I wondered aloud, "Even if she wouldn't respect me as her elder sister she cannot ask me to wash her clothes." I said ready to face the consequences.

I knew it was bound to happen and was not surprise.Mama slapped me so hard on the face. "Ni kike gayama ma haka?( it's me that you are telling that?) you will leave this house and look for your poor grandparents. Oh how silly am I to forget That your mom came from an orphanage home" Mama said with a smirk.

And finally, she has hit the button. She has hit the button where I wouldn't want to show her the outcome of her actions. "Mama, with all respect, I give you respect but I can't tolerate you saying anything about my mother." I said but immediately tears begun rolling down my face, they betrayed me I swear because I have no intention of crying in front of this Woman.

Ummah came in at that time, "Subahanallah! Muna what happened why are you crying?" Asked the worried ummah.

"Munafika(hypocrite) you were the ones that trained your children to disrespect people Ko? I am not surprised because you your self lack morals because you were not given. Wayasani ma ko a yawon banza aka sameki uwarki ta jefar dake aka Kai ki Gidan marayun? ( Who knows if it was not legally that you were brought to the world that's why you mother took you to orphanage home)." Said mama looking at ummah.

"I've heard enough! I yelled at mama. I can't tolerate this Wallahi!" I yelled out of Anger

"Haba muna!" Yelled Ummah. "Are you supposed to shout at her like that?" Ummah scolded.

But okay I've understood her. She doesn't want us to grow up with no morals just like Nadiya. But I still had to protest. She shouldn't have at least scolded me in front of them, "But..... "

"Shut up that's not what I trained you to be. Oya say sorry to her."

"But ummah..."

"Say sorry to her I said." She said with a cold voice. But I understood she's doing this because of us. Causing Ruckus would only add up more problem for us because obviously when Abba comes back, apparently he'll see our fault here. Incase if I haven't mentioned, then Mama is a big hypocrite

I apologized to mama and wanted to leave when mama said, "ke come back here is this how to apologize? Oya say sorry to Nadiya because you did wrong to her not me."

Whaaaat! But it was my inner mouth that said it. I shifted my eyes to Nadiya that stood with a smirk on her face. I swear I felt like strangling that girl and twisting her head to the other side.

I looked at Ummah just to see tears in her eyes. So I had no other choice than to apologize. I apologized not because I want to, but because of ummah. Can you imagine that spoilt brat went upstairs and brought her clothes.

"Oya go and wash it." Said Nadiya throwing the clothes at me. Ummah ran out crying. I glared at both of them before I followed Ummah leaving those idiots blabbing. I followed ummah to her room as I tried so hard to gulp in my sob, Even though this is just litte of the Drama that happens in this house everytime. Ummah entered her room and fell on the bed crying. I entered and hugged Ummah.

"Ummah please stop crying the ummah I know is strong and doesn't let tiny things make her weak." I said trying to swallow my tears.

"Muna this isn't a tiny thing I have tried enough muna." Said Ummah busting into tears.

"It's okey ummah it's making me weak seeing you in this situation," I said hugging ummah.

"I know muna I just can't hold it anymore. I can't see you going through all this because of me."

"Ummah please don't say that this is how our lifes are destined to be. It will only be a story one day," I said wiping off my tears. However, I really yearn for that day

"Allah Ya nuna mana karshen wannan abun(May God show us the end of all this)" Ummah prayed as usual.

"Ameen ummah. Your Little Muna loves you, Ummah." I said stretching Ummah's lips with my thumb to make her smile.

"Big Ummah loves you, muna." Said Ummah smiling. "Go and wash Nadiya's clothes." She added, laughing.

"wash my foot!" I said stamping my legs on the ground. Even if this house would squeeze me I won't wash Nadiya's clothes.

"The legs are dirty already dama."  Said Ummah shrugging at the end of the sentence.

I laughed, "I need to go and study  before Tim Tim is back."  I said, getting off the bed.

"To shikenan Allah Ya bada saa"

"Ameen ummah" I said smiling. I left out of the room and entered my room. I sat in front of the door crying so hard.

I cried out my pain. I never let someone see my weakness but this is too much. Too much for me to bear.

I heard a knock on the door, so I stood to open the room because I know it's Tim Tim. I opened the door just to see Abu standing in front of the door.

"Baba tsoho do you want something?" I asked him.

"No. I heard sobs so I decided to check up. Why are you crying ya muna?." He asked as his eyes searched my face and I had to look away blinking more than the necessary.

"Crying? no I am not crying something kinda fell into my eyes." I said wiping off my tears.

"Ya muna I know you. I know you don't cry easily so please spill." He said,  looking worried.

I sighed and sat on the bed, "Abu I am trying so hard. I can't endure what mama and your sister do to me, Ummah and Tim Tim. We are sick and tired of this." I said sobbing.

"Ya muna I know it's hard for you and I also feel bad for you but you are strong! You are not weak you can't just let mama and Nadiya take you down. They are too small for that. And I will make sure to talk to mama and Nadiya."  He Said Seriously.

I smiled. "You are the only one among your mother and siblings that understand me and I am so grateful for that but please I don't want you to go against your mother and back us."

He rolled his eyes, "Ya muna, I didn't take anyone's side or at someone's back I am just at the back of the truth."

I grinned so hard, "Thank you so much Abu you are my best brother."

"Now wipe your tears plus you have to pay me." Said Abu smirking. Oh Lord! I should've known this boy by now.

I narrowed my eyes and folded my arms against my torso, "You didn't do it whole heartily." I rose a brow trying to look intimidating but the boy didn't get it. He wiggled his brows, "Yup!!" He popped the 'p'.  "For your delicious yummy mouthwatering cinnamon pancakes."

"Foodie!" I said laughing.

"If you think so." Said Abu shrugging nonchalantly. He's such a nonchalant person. Just then, Tim Tim came into the room

"Aa Tim Tim are you back? when did you come back?" I asked Just the stupid question people ask in other to show concern.

Tim Tim rolled her eyes, "1987" said Tim Tim playfully glaring at me. "You're seeing me coming back and you're still asking when I came back." Tim Tim playfully glared at me

"No need to talk sarcastic." I said rolling my eyes.

"Any ways Abba said I should call you." Said Tim Tim entering the room. My heart skipped a beat because whenever abba calls me, something is wrong. I rose from the bed and began my way out of the room.

"Feisty being!" Said Abu smirking he knew she would Argue and get pissed off and it's almost as if he loved pissing her off.

"Hey am not feisty!" Whined Tim Tim stamping her feet on the ground. I laughed and went out of the room leaving those two fighting. Abu saying feisty Tim Tim, while Tim Tim saying foodie Abu. They continued arguing. That's all they do.

I walked into Abba's room with a small taslim on my lips. But he didn't even wait to answer. He begun yelling at me, "What is wrong with you muna!" Yelled Abba sounding so pissed.

"Abba Lafiya what did I do?" I asked.

"Oh you are asking what you did ma ko? Kina Tara samari akofar gida( you have so many boy friends coming to this house) and I told you what you are doing is not right you just started insulting me you and your mom saying, I will my follow my poor parents to hell." Said mama shedding crocodile tears. Lord of Mercy and I can't really believe Abba believe this stupid lame lie.

"Innalilahi wainna illahi rajiun. When did I say so mama? And Wlh abba I don't have a single boy friend talkless of having many coming to this house." I said trying so hard to swallow my tears. I will not breakdown in front of her!

''Lallai na zama makaryaciya!(Am now a liar)" Said mama sobbing more corocodile tears. You always are, not only now. I wanted to tell her that but the sensible part of me stopped me.

"I didn't say that mama......"

"Enough!" Yelled abba. "You have 1 month to bring the husband you want to marry or you are leaving this house!"  Yelled pointing at me with his finger.

"Innalilahi wainna illahi rajiun." It's the ony thing that escaped my lips. For sure, Abba isn't in his right senses....

So how far? Hope you are enjoying the story? Poor muna😣.

So how far with the story?

Okay it might be boring now but this is just the beginning 😉 buckle your seat belts and get ready for the ride😊😉

Also there's alot of heart breaks so get your box of tissues ready for this ride

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Wadaan 🙋

Teema 💙💕

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