Mari (Soul Eater)

By Writer-Chann

10.5K 739 323

Mari was five when her mom died, after, her dad becoming an alcoholic and locking her in their house after th... More

Part two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
Part Ten
Part Eleven
Part Twelve
Part Thirteen
Part Fourteen
Part Fifteen
Part Sixteen
Part Seventeen
Part Eighteen
Part Ninteen
Part Twenty
Part Twenty-One
Part Twenty-two
Part Twenty-Three
Part Twenty-Four
Part Twenty-Five
Part Twenty-Six
Part Twenty-Seven
Part Twenty-Eight
Part Twenty-Nine
Part Thirty
Part Thirty-One
Part Thirty-Two
Part Thirty-Three
Part Thirty-Four
Part Thirty-Five
Part Thirty-Seven
Part Thirty-Eight
Part Thirty-Nine
Part Forty
Part Forty-One
Part Forty-Two
Part Forty-Three
Part Forty-Four
Part Forty-Five
Part Forty-Six
Part Forty-Seven
Part Forty-Eight
Part Forty-Nine
Part Fifty
Part Fifty-One
Part Fifty-Two
Part Fifty-Three
Part Fifty-Four
Part Fifty-Five

Part Thirty-Six

103 13 2
By Writer-Chann

A/N: Hullo everyone! I know it's been a little while and I took a few days to make this part but I've been a little busssssyyyyy!!




The following week had been "okay" for Mari. People hadn't bothered her much, too scared to look at her. But now they gave her looks of horror, fear, and for a few people, unmoving stares of hatred. No one had touched her yet, and it almost felt like they were waiting for the other to attack her before they did. Well, finally someone had decided to.

Mari had chosen to walk home alone that day after a rough day of school. Someone had tripped her in the hallway and then ran off before Kidd could catch them. People had laughed at her then hurried on as soon as Kidd looked at them with hate.

She walked down a back road of Death City, not wanting to see anyone from the school, or the city. She really just wanted to disappear. She saw a figure at the end of an ally and walked faster before they could catch a glimpse of her. But it was too late.

Someone grabbed Mari's shoulder roughly and she was pushed backward into a wall before she could think of what was happening. She gasped in pain as she heard one of her ribs crack.

"Stupid demon." The feminine voice said. Mari's vision went back to normal and she saw a tall girl and a shorter one behind her. Her hands were on Mari's neck, pressing her into the wall. She could feel her lungs screaming for air as the girl tightened her grip. "You should just die." She said.

Mari heard footsteps at the end of the ally as her air became completely cut off and her vision started getting dark. The girl was torn off of her and she fell to the ground.

"I want the privilege to kill her." Another person said and Mari's head started spinning. A foot connected with her stomach and she coughed, black blood spurting from her mouth. The new person lifted her from the ground and held her up so her feet were dangling off the stone street. Their fist slammed into Mari's face and her head swung to the side. "I'm going to make you feel the pain you made my meister feel, you stupid monster!"

Mari's weak hands lifted and tried to make the person, a boy, let go of her. They made a noise of disgust and punched her again. They threw her to the ground and she was still for a moment, blood leaking from her, black and dark. She lifted herself up with her arms, gasping a little and holding her neck. The other people began to argue on who would kill her and get her soul and she stood up, propping herself against the wall.

"Get where you belong!" one of the girls yelled and she slammed her knee into Mari's face. Pain exploded in her head and she fell to the ground. The voices returned to arguing and Mari's eyes slowly closed.

'I hurt... so much...' she thought and tears slid from her eyes. 'Why can't I just die?'

'Because,' a voice in her head said. 'You have to live for him.' It said and Mari tried to move again.

"Just die already!" a girl's angry voice yelled and her foot slammed into Mari. Mari gasped and her hand went limp.

'If you can't even live for him, you're nothing.' The voice continued.

Mari's tears fell to the ground. 'I'm not good enough for him. Not a monster like me.' she thought and the voice was silent.

"I'm going to kill you once and for all-" one of the boys said but was cut off by a girl's familiar voice.

"Get away from her." Amme said, sounding muffled as Mari's hearing began to buzz.

Mari's eyes opened a little to see Amme and Sora, red eyes gleaming on the girl. "A-amme?" she asked and the girl glanced at her, worried flashing in her eyes briefly.

"Get away from Mari or I'll kill all of you." Amme said.

"No way! You're just a little girl!" One of the girls said.

"But," Sora said, his red eyes seeming dark, like he had seen things that a sixteen year old should never have to witness. "You don't want to mess with us." he said, his body glowing and forming into a weapon. Amme held out her hand and caught the weapon as it fell into her soft hands. But no. those hands weren't soft, they were covered in scars.

Sora stopped glowing and the other students stepped back as they saw the long, jagged, double-edged sword. The students ran past Amme and Sora, out of the ally.

Amme looked back to Mari, her eyes full of worry. "Mari!" She said and ran to her, Sora returning to human form. Amme's hands landed on Mari and tried to help her up, the white dress she was wearing becoming wet with blood. "Mari? Mari! Don't move! Sora! Get Stein!"

Mari stood up, black blood pouring from her. She pushed Amme away from her, her black eyes full of tears and regret. "What do you want from me?" she said, coughing and causing black to splatter down her front. "I'm sorry. There. Are you happy?" Mari spat out, anger filling her chest.

"Mari-" Amme said and Mari cut her off with a shake of her head.

"You acted like I did something terrible to you, but you don't get it." She said, swaying as blood ran down her face.

Amme opened her mouth, anger flickering in her eyes. "You said you didn't want to be my partner anymore! Just like that! No warning! No nothing-"

Mari tilted her head back, a smile slowing the tears running down her face. "And you know how many times I've regretted that? How many times I've wondered, 'what would I be like if I had just stayed at school that one day?' What? You think I hated you? I'm freaking insane!" Mari screamed the last words, grabbing her hair and pulling at it. "I don't want to hurt anyone! I don't like blood! I don't enjoy pain!"

Amme had tears in her eyes and she held out her hands. "Mari... please... don't say that..."

Mari laughed a little. "Well..." she said. "If I don't say it, I don't believe it. And I don't like not believing the truth, Amme." She turned and stumbled to the end of the alleyway, the sun beginning to tilt toward the horizon. "Goodbye, Amme. I hope to see you around." Mari said, walking off, leaving Amme's crying behind.

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