Do You See Her Face? (A Jess...

By wantingvirginia

134K 3.5K 1.7K

Missing a piece of herself she knows will never be replaced, Ella Stevens can only hope to earn some extra mo... More

She's Very Clockwork Orange
A Regular Keats and a Regular Mozart
In the Company of Anne Sexton
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Catherine, Heathcliff, and Shangri-la
Much Beloved Dickinson
Wait to Find the Silver Lining
Eardrum Torture
As in Debbie Harry
Going Carole King
Can I Look, Miss O'Keefe?
Out of Nora Ephron
KISS v. Phantom
Pretty Gertrude Stein
Oliver Twist and Little Orphan Annie
California's Living Dead
Everything Joan Didion Promised
The Steinbeck Agreement
Tragedy of Gatsby
James Dean and Daria
Lily Briscoe, Remember?
How Kurt Cobain
A Thousand Beach Boys Songs
Andy Warhol Arguments
Grinches at Home
Holden Caulfield or Nancy Drew
Of Princess Bride Past
The Infamous Jethro Tull Incident
A Patti Smith Envelope
Really, Marcia?
An Orwellian Nightmare
A Dash of Morticia
What about Byron?
Not Joyce or Monet
This Ernest Hemingway Thing
A Truman Show Star
All Norman Bates
Nora Roberts Shit Like That

If James Bond Was Bruce Springsteen

1.9K 66 25
By wantingvirginia

Disclaimer: All Gilmore Girls content belongs to Amy Sherman-Palladino.

. . .

five years later

Biting at the inside of her cheek, Ella struggled to keep her eyes open. One hand was on her stomach, and her free hand went to her mouth. Ever since getting pregnant, the nervous nail-biting was nonstop. She didn't know exactly why, and she didn't know exactly how to get it to stop, either. After Jess finished another passage, he cast her a glance and frowned when he saw her fingers resting on her lips. He scoffed and gently reached over to bring her nails from her teeth.

"You need to quit that, Eleanor," he said.

Rolling her eyes, Ella shifted and readjusted her position with her head on his shoulder as he read. "Fine. I'm sorry. I'm just nervous to see your mom tonight."

"Why?" he asked, furrowing his brows.

She sighed. Things had been tense between Jess and his mother as of late, since she had accidentally landed in a religious cult with her husband and daughter. They had managed to escape before being totally brainwashed, but the incident left a bad taste in Jess's mouth. It reminded him a bit too much of his childhood, and the thought of Doula having to experience any of what he had made his insides squirm. The atmosphere of frustration had resulted in Ella and Jess waiting as long as possible to tell Liz and TJ about the pregnancy. Seeing them at Luke and Lorelai's wedding was simply inevitable, and the news would be obvious. Liz was a little over four months along, and had a clearly pregnant belly, which showed in the simple gray dress printed with small black flowers she was wearing. Jess, Ella knew, was more likely worried about exposing his own baby to Liz, even before she was born.

Ella shrugged. "I don't know. I just don't want seeing her to make you too upset. We're the ones who get to decide how involved she is."

Jess let a small smile across his lips. He leaned down to kiss the crown of Ella's head. "Don't worry about me, honey. I know."

"Okay," she said in earnest. "Just let me know if that changes."

"Will do, Stevens." Then, he shut the book, saving his place with his finger, and looked over at her inquisitively. Her eyes were tired, and she was a little pale. "You can sleep if you want to. We don't have to be at Liz and TJ's any specific time. No one here is gonna care if you rest for a little while."

"Maybe, Mariano," she said, running her hand over her stomach absently. "I just hate being so tired during the day."

"Hey, at least the puking finally stopped," Jess said with an opportunistic chuckle.

Letting her eyes flutter shut, she laughed with him. "That's true." Up until two weeks earlier had seen Ella constantly slammed with morning sickness. The tide was recently changing to crazy cravings, barbeque sauce on top of a banana being the highlight of the last week.

A couple minutes later, with Jess back to his reading, Ella did end up dozing off. She was cozy on the Gilmore couch, wrapped in a black cardigan over her soft, worn dress. The autumn chill had just arrived in the Northeast, and Ella had yet to adjust to it once more all the way. The air smelled crisp and familiar in Stars Hollow. It was the first time they had been back in over a year, busy trying to get pregnant, and then freaking out once they finally did. But distance had indeed made the heart grow fonder. Ella was happy to be able to see everyone again, and the idea that she was free to leave whenever she wanted, guilt-free, made the trip infinitely more enjoyable. The little blue house was finally sold to a young new family over eighteen months prior.

She floated back to reality at the sound of Luke's heavy footfalls down the stairs. Opening her eyes, she didn't move. Instead, she watched with Jess as Luke descended from the upstairs in his wedding suit. They'd barely arrived for the visit when Lue had raced upstairs with self-conscious requests for honest opinions. Then, he'd remained upstairs for twenty minutes fussing over himself before finally returning. Ella fought back a laugh as he came down, but he did in fact look decent in the suit. A fond smirk came over Jess's face as he shut the book with a snap, putting it beside him.

"Well, where's Right Said Fred when you need 'em?" he drawled dryly.

Ella snorted, finally raising her head from Jess's shoulder. "I second that."

Luke barely noticed their compliments, instead fiddling with the small silk square meant to go in his pocket. "The guy who sold me this suit put this thing in the box. I don't know what the hell to do with it."

"It's a pocket square," Jess explained, brows furrowed. Even he knew that one after being forced to wear a tux at the launch party for Dave Eggers' collection at Truncheon last year. "Do the math."

"Oh," Luke said, looking down at it. Realization dawned on his face and he put the pocket square in its rightful place. "Oh, it looks kind of nice."

"Sure does, boss," Ella said, biting back giggles. Luke was like a deer in headlights.

"So, this is the big outfit for tomorrow," Luke announced, finally turning to them and putting his arms up to show them the look. "Get it all out now."

"I like it. You look like James Bond if James Bond was also Bruce Springsteen," Ella said.

"That's what it is!" Jess said with mock excitement and wide eyes, pointing to Ella.

"But, I think it'll make Lorelai's whole life, Luke. Seriously," she said with more sincerity, almost pride.

"Thanks, kid," he said shyly. Then, he looked at his nephew. "Jess?"

Jess paused for a moment, then stood up and spoke with gravity. "Turn around?"

"Jess," Luke said, sighing in exasperation.

Raising his eyebrows expectantly, Jess gestured in a circle. "Turn."

Luke did as Jess said, spinning in a slow circle. "Well?"

"You are a very handsome man," Jess answered.

Luke rolled his eyes. "All right."

"I mean, very hot," Jess continued emphatically.

"I got it," Luke said.

Jess chose not to take the hint. "Rande Gerber hot."

"Enough, Jess," Luke warned.

Jess's face softened with sincerity. "Hey. You look good."

"Yeah?" Luke asked, surprised.

Jess clapped Luke on the shoulder and then went to sit back next to his wife. "I only do sincere once, man."

"Right, thanks," Luke replied.

Ella laughed, feeling nostalgic but not letting it overtake her. Since finding out about the pregnancy, Ella had been trying to focus on the future instead of the past. Even if it scared her a little. She was overjoyed at the idea she was going to get to see Luke and Lorelai marry. Before the conversation could go in any other direction, Kirk rushed into the house unannounced, taking a seat on the armchair opposite Ella and Jess. He put his head in his hands and gave a distressed groan.

"Luke! Everything is under control!" Kirk screeched.

"What happened to knocking, Kirk?" Luke asked.

"Yeah!" Jess said ardently, picking up his book again. "What if we were naked?"

Ella nudged him playfully with her elbow as a soft, sly smirk came over his face.

"Don't say that," Luke admonished him.

Kirk shot up and headed in the direction of the downstairs bathroom.

"Where are you going?" Luke asked.

Ella watched from her spot, her head back on Jess's shoulder, as Kirk shouted about how he was going to throw up because he had messed up the wedding decorations at the gazebo, where the ceremony was to take place the following day. In the midst of the argument, Lorelai wandered in from the kitchen with a Pop Tart in her hands. She wordlessly handed one to Ella, who had been telling Lorelai about her recent sweet tooth during their frequent phone calls. Smiling gratefully, Ella raised her head and threw the wrapper away in the bin next to her as the scene unfolded in front of her.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Luke asked.

"I live here," Lorelai said plainly. "You look hot."

"Rande Gerber hot," Jess chimed in without looking up from his reading.

Ella snorted a laugh.

"Yeah." Lorelai continued munching on her pastry.

"You're supposed to be at the Inn!" Luke insisted. Lorelai was meant to be spending the day at the Dragonfly, before Luke, Jess, and Ella departed to sleep in the apartment above the diner for the night.

"I was," Lorelai said. "They don't have Pop Tarts."

"Get outta here!" Luke exclaimed.

"Why?" Lorelai's brow crinkled.

"I'm not supposed to see you before the wedding," Luke explained. "It's bad luck."

"Oh, are we doing that?" Lorelai asked.

The confusion went on, as Rory entered the room as well and was equally surprised Luke wanted to partake in the superstitious tradition. The two Gilmore women pretended to leave lamely before Luke gave into letting Lorelai stay. At talk of pizza for dinner, Ella's stomach growled, despite her having just finished the Pop Tart. Jess heard it and chuckled, standing and putting his book in his back pocket before holding his hand out for her to grab.

"We should get going. Liz is making dinner and we won't have the heart to leave if you threaten pizza," Jess said.

"You sure? There's still time to back out," Lorelai said.

Ella sighed, tucking her hair behind her ear after rising. "No, I think we're stealing enough thunder telling her the night before your wedding, let alone the day of."

"Well, considering you didn't tell anyone you got engaged until after you got married," Luke said gruffly, "she probably won't be as shocked as you think she will."

"Agreed," Lorelai said, nodding.

They both still threw in the occasional jab about Jess and Ella's elopement, having missed it. Mostly, it was good-natured. Mostly.

"You guys got copies of all the pictures!" Jess said defensively.

Ella could only laugh along with Rory.

"Yeah, and you can keep Liz's thunder," Lorelai assured her, back on topic. "I don't think I'm interested in it."

Ella laughed, but followed with her hand back in Jess's grasp as he went over to the doorway. "We should be back in a couple hours."

"Hopefully," Jess added, sullen.

"Hey, look alive, Mister Sunshine," Ella teased.

He rolled his eyes playfully as he grabbed their coats and Ella's bag. Lorelai, Luke, and Rory began bidding them goodbye (while Kirk lay on the couch, wailing and wallowing). Ella's smile faltered a bit as she looked at Rory. They spoke semi-regularly, but it was sometimes very hard for Ella to bite her tongue. Rory was floundering in her career, burnt out from her intensity in school, and back to sleeping with unavailable men. Her affair with Logan, who was engaged, had been going on for a while, and Ella tried not to judge her. Instead, she just felt sad that her childhood friend was struggling. Rory had experienced meltdowns over bad grades even when they were in kindergarten. She had just begun working as the editor of the Stars Hollow Gazette, though, which Ella thought might actually be perfect for Rory. She hoped things would brighten up soon.

Jess held Ella's coat up for her to put on chivalrously.

It made Ella roll her eyes at how adorable he was. If she didn't know it was only because of what a good dad he was already becoming, it would have been irritating. But she couldn't help the way her heart glowed at the thought. He was a natural with kids. Always had been, even when he had no experience. And after the baby came, Jess and Ella were going to split time off, since Ella didn't want to miss the summer semester at the University. Both of them would be part-time, and Ella was glad for both herself, and also, the baby. She was lucky Truncheon had finally picked up enough speed for significant taking of prolonged leave.

"It's only a couple blocks, Jess. I think I'll just carry it. I'll be fine."

He narrowed his eyes at her. "That's what you said last time. Then you got a fever!"

"God, you have no concept of weather! You can't get sick from it! We've been over this!" she argued warily. "It was a coincidence! And it was just a cold, anyway!"

"Seems like a pretty big coincidence," he said.

"Yeah, seems like it," she retorted flatly.

He sighed. "C'mon, Elle. Help me out. What's the point in risking it?"

After a calculating look, she finally relented and turned, slipping her arms into the plaid peacoat's sleeves. "Okay. But I'm not doing this for me. I'm doing this for you, James Dean."

She faced him again, and shot him a look, as she pulled her blonde waves from beneath her collar.

"Thank you so much," Jess deadpanned.

"And, for Rhiannon," she added, putting a hand to her stomach again with the extra layer on.

Jess was donning his jean jacket, and he scoffed. "C'mon, Elle."

"Rhiannon?" Lorelai asked.

"I'm trying to convince him," Ella said, tilting her head to her husband.

"I just think it's a bit of a mouthful," Jess said, shrugging.

"But we can call her 'Annie' for short, like I said," Ella continued, unwilling to back down. The name had been on her mind forever. And they had already decided the baby's middle name would be 'Sophia.'

Jess sighed through his nose, then glanced at her earnestly. For once, Ella saw him actually consider it. Very seriously. Fleetwood Mac still wasn't his favorite, but as he looked at her back in the Gilmore house, a reflection of who she had been over a decade earlier, he could hear her playing the song on Miss Patty's piano the night of their first Thanksgiving together so vividly. It was like he was there again. And his eyes shone with love. It seemed he might like the name for their daughter after all.

"Maybe," he said finally.

She smiled widely, dimples showing and hazel eyes dancing. "Progress. I'll take what I can get, cutie."

"See you guys later?" Jess said, eyebrows raised at the other three.

They uttered various confirmations and Jess turned to open the door as Lorelai came up behind them, blowing a kiss. Ella and Jess walked out the door, hand-in-hand, towards the dark green Volvo, which now seemed like it had been their car forever. As they descended the front porch steps, orange leaves crunching under their feet in the yard, they talked amongst themselves.

"I can't believe I finally converted you to good taste, Mariano!" Ella teased. "Your daughter's gonna be named after a Stevie Nicks song!"

Jess scoffed. "Yeah, right. Like you're anywhere close to indoctrinating me, Stevens."

"So, you're not denying the name thing, then?" she asked.

"No, I'm not denying the name thing," Jess answered after a moment.

Ella pressed a kiss to his cheek as he rolled his eyes, but eventually turned genuine, turning her head with a gentle hand on her chin so he could kiss her on the lips just before they made it to the car. From the doorway, Rory shook her head and laughed at their familiar brand of bickering.

"Guess some things never change," Lorelai said, chuckling with her daughter.

Luke smiled fondly from behind the two women, while Ella and Jess prepared to drive away. He watched them go. "Yeah. I guess not."

. . .

Author's Note: Surprise! Here's the epilogue way earlier than I thought! Seriously, I have loved writing this story. Thank you so much to everyone who went on this journey with me. I hope you enjoy this chapter! Please let me know what you thought! Feedback nourishes my soul.

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