The Maze Runner -Flare In Fla...

By PerryladyIsDaBomb

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•Third and Final book to The Maze Runner Series• Y/N and the others live happily ever after on the safe haven... More

Chapter 1~The Safe Haven~
Chapter 2~Her Speech~
Chapter 3~I'm Not Ready~
Chapter 4~I Am Here~
Chapter 5~Her Blank Expression~
Chapter 6~The Unwelcomed Visitor~
Chapter 7~Tentions Rising~
Chapter 8~Goodbye Safe Haven~
Chapter 10~Lights~
Chapter 11~Risks~
Chapter 12~The Agreement~
Chapter 13~It Doesn't Hurt Anymore~
Chapter 14~First Day On The Job~
Chapter 15~A Days End~
Chapter 16~An Act of Hope~
Chapter 17~Ryan Davis~
Chapter 18~To Let Him Go~
Chapter 19~Recruiting Day Pt. 1~
Chapter 20~Recruiting Day Pt. 2~
Chapter 21~Come Back For Me~
Chapter 22~It's Normal~
Chapter 23~Settling In~
Chapter 24~The Warehouse~
Chapter 25~Temporary Solution~
Chapter 26~The Opportunity~
Chapter 27~A Way Out~
Chapter 28~Pawns~
Chapter 29~Unexpected Guests~

Chapter 9~Stowaway~

774 22 5
By PerryladyIsDaBomb

"There is something I need to tell you three." Ava announces as we all sit around the kitchen table. A steaming grilled cheese sits on a plate in front of me. My head just barely peaks over the white table. I must be young. Especially since Tony is sitting in a booster chair. "Janson and I..." She starts off. Teresa and I pay close attention while Tony stares at the food sitting there getting colder and colder by the second. Can you blame him? He's only so young. "Janson and I are not your real parents." Ava announces. Teresa and I sit here in confusion as Tony still drools over his food. "What?" Teresa questions as Ava makes eye contact with her. "Teresa and Y/N. Your parents were great people. They were doctors much like me." Ava explains. "Your biological mother became sick with the Flare. Your biological father dropped everything to take care of her. Things got hectic. Your mother was always screaming in agonizing pain. Your father grew tired of the non stop caring for you two and your mother. Eventually he requested Janson and I look after you two while he was caring for her. Then he became infected." Ava stops for a second to take a drink of her water. "After they passed from the Flare, Janson and I took you in as our own. He didn't want to tell you, but I knew that it was the right thing to do." Ava finishes as she watches Tony dig into the food in front of him. "So Tony?" I question as Ava finishes my sentence, "Tony is my biological son." Teresa and I sit there in silence. We're both too young to fully understand what we were told. Suddenly we hear the front door slam shut. "Girls, it's Janson. What I told you needs to stay between us." Ava finishes as Janson walks into the kitchen. I quickly take a bite of my grilled cheese as Teresa does the same.

       The rocking forces me awake mid-memory. I almost forgot we're on the boat. It couldn't have been long that I was asleep. An hour tops. I sit up straight while the blood circulates through my body. I knew it. All this time I was never actually their kid. Teresa nor I look nothing like them. I should have figured that out from the start. I tie my shoes onto my feet, stepping up from the makeshift bed of blankets and a pillow on the hard boat bench. Not the most ideal sleep in the world, but I have a feeling this next week I won't get very much sleep at all. I climb up to the top deck, the bright sun causing me to shade my face. "Rise and shine sleepy head!" Thomas shouts walking past me. I watch as he makes his way to the ships helm where Jorge, Minho, and Frypan argue about who's steering the boat correctly. I knew we should have had one of the builders take us to the mainland. It's barely even a days travel, and we don't know very much about traveling on water. I turn around as I see someone hunched over the side edge of the ship. "Is that Aris?" I question aloud when Brenda walks by. "Yeah... poor kids been like that since you went to sleep." Brenda informs carrying a small empty wooden bucket. "I'm okay!" Aris shouts as he continues to throw up into the sea with a thumbs up in the air. As soon as Brenda makes her way to wherever she's going, Gally stands against the pole holding up the sail laughing. I make my way over to him as he continues to chuckle himself to death. "What are you laughing about?" I question giggling here and there. "Watching these idiots figure out how to steer the ship." He replies pointing at Jorge, Thomas, and Minho. "That's not how to do it shuck face!" Minho shouts at Thomas. "Blah blah blah. Like you know what you're doing either!" Thomas fires back. "Of course I do!" Minho starts, "I'll have you know before I was put in the Maze, I wanted to be a pirate!" Gally and I look at each other confused as to where this conversation is going. "And you know that how?" Thomas questions Minho as he starts laughing. "What retards." Gally laughs as I do. "Are we sure we're going the right direction?" I question Gally. He turns to me and nods. "Follow me." He replies walking to the edge of the top deck. "See that in the distance?" Gally points out to the sea, not very far from where we are. "Yeah." I reply. "Now if you look closely, you can see a line of land. That's the mainland." Gally informs as I gasp. "That's so close!" I mention while he laughs. "Yep, we should hopefully be there by tomorrow morning. That's if those shuck heads don't get us lost." The freckled boy laughs as I do. I stare out to the horizon getting lost in my thoughts. We're finally doing this. The mainland is so close. Only a nights journey if we're lucky. I know we can do this. And I know we can do this without losing anyone.
       Quite some time has passed. About 3 hours. The sun is still up and shining. I sit here on a barrel starring at the mainland as it gets closer and closer. We're so close, yet so far away. "Hey Y/N!" Someone yells from behind me. I stand up turning around to see Jorge at the wheel calling for me. "Yes?" I shout back walking in his direction. "Can you head down the latter where we're keeping our supplies and get me my binoculars? They should be inside a crate labeled tools." Jorge requests continuing to maneuver the ship. "On it." I reply walking towards the latter. The ship is surprisingly big for the amount of time the builders had to construct it. I reach the hole in the floor leading down to where we're keeping all of our supplies. Most of our bags, crates, and barrels full of things we could need. I turn around making my way down the latter into a darker part of the boat. Box labeled tools... box labeled tools. I move most of the bags over to reach the crates. "" I read a crate aloud moving on. "Weapons." I read another. "Stuff... wow real creative." I laugh continuing. "Ah! Tools." I say pulling down the crate. I open the lid digging through other tools like a wrench, pliers, and scissors. There they are! I grab the black rope connected to the two eye pieces. I place the rope over my neck before shutting the tools box and placing it back where it was. As I'm walking back to the latter, a small sounding sneeze comes from behind me. "Bless you." I continue thinking nothing of it. "Thank you." A tiny familiar voice replies. "You're welcome-." I stop both my words and my walking. I slowly turn around seeing nothing different from the room I just finished searching through. Oh hell no. No. No. No. I am not dealin' with no ghosts. "Who said that?" I question with my eyes wide open looking for anything suspicious. "Not me." The voice answers again coming from behind the barrels. I slowly make my way over to the barrels, my heart pounding. I steadily peak around the big containers as my eyes widen. Little Violet sitting on the floor staring up at me. "Hey. I said it wasn't me." She speaks with her small squeaky voice. Panic rises over me. "Oh my god." I mumble backing up. "Oh. My. God." I repeat as Violet comes out from her hiding spot. I start to hyperventilate. "Hey Y/N. Jorge sent me to fetch you. Said you were taking too long-." Minho's voice starts as he stops I assume because of the 6 year old child standing before us. "Oh my god." Minho copy's blankly starring at the girl. "What is she doing here?" Minho whispers to me unable to comprehend what he's seeing. "You're asking me?! Better question. How did she get on the ship without anyone seeing her?!" I question with a whisper shout. "You know I can hear you guys." Violet states as she stands 6 feet away from us. I clear my throat as I walk up crouching to her level. "Violet sweetie. What are you doing here? How did you get on the ship?" I question as the little girl puts her head down. "I just wanted to be like you. Go on a cool adventure and save some people. So I snuck on the ship." Violet replies starring at the ground as she draws circles with her feet. I sigh turning back to Minho as he puts his hand on his forehead. "Come one sweetie. Let's go up there and figure out what to do." I stand up holding my hand out. Her tiny hand grasps mine as I look at Minho again. His expression says everything. We have to go back.
       Everyone on the ship stands on the top deck in a circle starring at the small child. Violet still grasping my hand. "So. What do we do?" Thomas questions starring at the innocent girl. "Um, I'm sorry. Do none of you shanks see what we have to do?" Gally questions as pissed off as ever. We all stare at the freckled boy without saying a word. "We have to take her back to the island." Gally announces using his hands to help his speech. "We can't." Jorge states. "What! Why can't we?!" I argue starring at Jorge with disbelief and concern. "We don't know where we're going. We haven't exactly been going in a perfect straight line. Finding the mainland was easy. But finding an island? That's nearly impossible if you're not an experienced sailor. And quite frankly I don't see anyone obligated to do so." Jorge explains as we nod. "He's right. We could get really lost." Harriet mentions. "And we can't afford to get lost. With the little supplies we have." Aris adds. I look down at little Violet. "Well then we just have to bring her with us." I suggest as a huge smile appears on her face with one of her front teeth gone. "Absolutely not!" Gally refuses. "What do you suppose we do?! Throw her over the edge?" Sonya argues aggressively motioning to the ocean around us. "Jonas wouldn't be too happy." Frypan mentions. I gasp. "Oh no! Jonas! He's probably so worried about her." I remember the initiate cook who asked me to take her to day care a few days ago. "It's okay! I left him a note!" Violet answers with confidence. We all look down at the 6 year old. "What did it say?" Thomas questions what we're all wondering. She smiles, "To Jonas. Went with Y/N. Don't worry. Love Violet." Gally puts his hand on his face as Minho starts laughing. "Great so I'm the one to get blamed." I state. "Why can't the little hermana come with us?" Jorge questions as Brenda joins in, "Yea! Why is it such a bad thing?" Gally starts laughing. Oh here we go. "I don't know, I don't really feel like becoming a baby sitter while we're trying to save the world. Besides, what if she gets infected?!" Gally claims with his usual 'pissed off face' along with his hand motions. "She's immune Gally. That's why she was with Wicked. She was in the Maze." Thomas corrects as Gally sassily laughs. "Yea just like Newt was?" He blurts out before covering his mouth instantly regretting his rude remark. I feel my face become bright red in fury as I stare at the douchebag with the freckled face. I let go of Violets hand before punching Gally in the cheek. "You son of a bitch." I mumble going to punch him again when Aris stops me, Thomas getting in between the both of us. "Y/N. Calm down." Aris states putting his hand on my shoulder. "He-." I start until he interrupts me. "I know. He's a dumb ass." Aris laughs and continues, "Just calm down." He suggests as I take a deep breath in. Aris let's me go as Gally rubs his cheek, "I deserved that." I turn around to Violet crouching down to her. "If you're going to be coming with us, we have to set some rules." I declare as she stares into my e/c eyes with her dark brown ones. "Rule number 1: You always have to be around us. You cannot run away if you get scared, because we cannot protect you." I start off as she nods in understanding. "Rule number 2: No more of this sneaking around. You have to do what we say, so bad things don't happen." I add as she nods again. "Lastly. Rule number 3: Anyone that is not us, you do not trust. No matter how nice they seem." I finish. "Yes ma'am." Violet agrees saluting to me. "Violet, I'm serious. You cannot break any of these rules. You could get seriously hurt." I explain as her eyes widen until she shakes her frightened face away. "I promise Y/N. I won't break any of your rules." Violet smiles as I do too. "Good." I reply messing up the top of her hair. I stand up turning to the other, looking at their expressions. Some are excited about our newest member, while others look as pissed as ever. I have to keep her safe. I don't know what I would do if I something happened to her.

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