His Beta of Submission

By YOLOwriting101

241K 7.5K 3.1K

"Be mine." I flinch, my mind being brought back to reality. When I hear him say such a thing it instantly ma... More

twenty one
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forty one
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forty five*
forty six
forty seven


5.1K 180 119
By YOLOwriting101

I sat in the car as we were back in the castle. Stellan watched me intently even though I was at a loss for words. There was nothing I had to say...nothing at all.

Trenton was still making noise behind us and I wished he'd just...stop. Why did he have to make things so much more worse? I just want peace...and to get this debt done. I can't even do that properly.

"I've failed..." I whimper, my lips trembling and I see Stellan hand me my car keys.

"You didn't fail. What makes you think that?" Stellan questions me harshly, slamming his hand on the steering wheel. "I only saw you once and I can already decipher that you seem to be getting the harsh end of the stick."

"The harsh end of the stick, huh?" I whisper, seeing Stellan's eyes soften on me. "Why are you even here? Why am I sitting in a car with all of you?! I shouldn't be in this predicament!"

I find myself beginning to cry in frustration. There was sadness present because I...was hurt by the person I loved.

I felt like my heart was on fire. Why did it hurt so much?

It was like the realization that the person I love will never be the same...and we can never go back to before - hit me harder than ever. It was too painful and I wanted to collapse from the pain.


"It's just Theo." I interrupt Stellan, and he sighs in understanding. I look at Trenton and saw him glaring at me. "I can't do this..."

I rushed out of the car, running into the castle. Didn't care about the people I was passing and completely avoided anyone. All I wanted to do was cry and be alone.

I still couldn't see out of my left eye. I pray...that I heal quick enough so that Remi doesn't see it. It would break my heart to lie to him about such a thing.

I get to the room and open the door, thankful that I made it here without problem. Only for me to close the door and I lean my head against it.

My breathing was becoming rushed as I tried to calm down. My heart was broken even more and I knew that I would never be with him again. Never even realized that there was a small...part of me that hoped we'd go back to what we used to be.

I hoped to pay the debt - and then go to him. Keeping the secret of how I paid it off...all to myself.

Now that's not even an option. Never ever going to be an option. The fact that I thought it could be an option showed how crazy I was.

I had to catch my breath, but I couldn't grasp it. All I felt was the pain on my face, but the most prevalent was the pain in my heart.

"Where is Theo!" I hear Ezra shriek, and I gasp. I stand up and am quick to lock the door. Perfect timing because I saw the knob begin to twist repeatedly.

I don't know why I was so nervous, but Ezra sounded so angry. He told me not to get hurt and I did. What does that mean for me?


I was surprised by Ezra's soft voice, wondering if I heard that correctly.

"Y-yes?" I stammer, walking closer to the door now.

"Can you open the door please?" He begs me almost, making me feel like I needed to. I felt horrible and I...wanted a hug.

If Remi was here and I'd give him a million hugs. He always made me feel better with his smile...with his precious hugs. He's not here right now...I can't get that ease.

"If I open the door..." I whimper, walking towards it as I found myself crying more. "Can you give me a hug? I...failed you. I ended up getting hurt and didn't do what you asked of me. I don't want to be punished - I just want a hug."

"No punishments at all. I want to hug you too, I want to hold you... Hearing you sound like that is breaking my heart. Theo..." He whimpers himself and I open the door.

He stared down at me for a while. Looked at me and I saw the evident anger flash in his eyes. It was almost so obvious that I thought he'd lose it on me.

Except he rushes towards me and hugs me close. He hugged me so close that I felt like I was going to become one with him. It was kind of him to hug me and not be mad about my injuries.

They weren't intentional injuries, but it was something.

"You know I have to kill him, right?"

I look up, seeing Ezra look down at me with the most serious look. He didn't falter in expression and I look away from him.

"I don't think-."

"He hit you, Theo." Ezra interrupts me, causing me to grin awkwardly. "How could anyone want to hit your winsome face?"

That was a different word...a different way to call me attractive - innocently attractive.

"I don't...I don't know." Is all I say, and he grins. "It is my bad... I made him angry with saying I'd speak to you. When did you give him half of the debt? You even took his house? How far have you gone?"

"Not far enough." Ezra sneers, running his thumb over my injured lip that was healing moderately. "It's like he wants to die by my hands."

I see him pull back from me and he shakes his head in a disapproval.

"I'm not sure why Stellan is here either...but he didn't come here for me - I'm going to tell you that right now." Ezra tells me, and I feel bad for him. Except he walks towards one of Remi's jackets.

I see him pick it up, examining it. He stared at it as if an alien owned such a thing. Only for him to swallow a lump in his throat it seemed.

"Listen, I know what they're doing." He looks at me now, and he still held Remi's jacket. "There's a rule that was placed by our father's parents. Our father had another brother as well, and my uncle was to be Head Alpha. Until our father met our mother and ended up having a child before him."

I nod, not really understanding where he was going with this.

"The rule is that whoever has a royal heir first is to be Head Alpha. He was already made Head Alpha, but I could always usurp that power... If I have a child before Xavion-."

"Wait." I interrupt him angrily, glaring at him as I started to understand what he was saying. "You wouldn't dare..."

"Listen, if I was to have a child before Xavion I could get my revenge. I knew as soon as I saw you that long ago that I wanted you to be a part of this plan-."

"Ezra no!" I shout at him, and he sets Remi's jacket down. "You're really asking me to have a child for you so that you can take down your brother? Is that what you spoke about yesterday? How people are your pawns in taking down your brother... Was this it...? I'm a pawn-!"

"Not a pawn! You're the King piece in all of this. Without you this all fails. I need you to do this for me." He begs me now, and I shook my head.

"I am only here for the debt! I didn't come here for you to do this! I do not...want to be any part in your plan! This...this isn't fair." I whimper, rushing to a bag and start to rummage through it.

I am being used every person I meet!

I met Trenton...was used in the end to handle his debt. Used by friends when I was younger. I meet Ezra and I still am being used! It's an undermining way of being used...

I give him sex and anything else just to pay off the debt. Except that's just his excuse to use me in his own way.

I began to feel my heart tighten, and I clenched my chest. Feeling like...something inside me just darkened.

"I-I can't believe you."

"You have to believe in me. I've seen how you are with Remi and I find your relationship beautiful. If I was to have a child with anyone...I'd want it to be you. You don't have to stay around - just have the child and say I am the father. Once it is known I can take something important from Xavion. Then I will reveal everything he's done!" Ezra snaps, and I look at him as if he's crazy.

"You said I had a beautiful relationship with my son, but then are saying if I have your child that I could just leave them. No...I wouldn't ever do such a thing!" I shout at him, and he smirks.

"That is my bad. It's a little conflicting. Look...how about this-?"

"I'm not making any deals with you!" I shriek now, and I found myself wanting to cry again.

This wasn't what I wanted from coming here. I just wanted to get the debt done. Why is he doing this?!

"You do this, I will get rid of the debt completely."

I flinch, looking at him with widened eyes. He raises his eyebrow at me and I step back from him. I point at him and he points back at me.

"Do you even like me? Or did you think you could win my heart and do this easily?" I question him, and he grins at me.

When he doesn't respond I look away from him. Well...another lie has been told to me once again.

"I do like you, actually." He murmurs to me, but I still avoid looking at him. "I just wanted to do this in a right way. Except Stellan has come here faster than I thought he would... When he saw you at the restaurant I assume he might have assumed something. They might not be together, but he is a snitch for Xavion."

I see Ezra grip his chin and shake his head disapprovingly.

"He is assuming a thought that is correct, but it has yet to even become a reality-."

"It never will! You are using me as an opportunity to take down your brother!" I cry, causing him to sigh peacefully.

"I told you...you're option. You can do this for me...and you're debt is gone. Or...you can stay here for two years." He reminds me, and I stare down inside the bag. "You can keep doing this with me and risk everything. I have to take down my brother or it'll be the end of this country and pack - I promise-."

"If...I do this...you have to not only get rid of my debt, but Trenton's as well." I say calmly, continuing to stare idly.


"There's a school that is private...it is for the very rich and I have always dreamed of sending my son there. You have to pay for the tuition for him to go there for his whole school career. Elementary, middle, and high school." I add as well, and I see Ezra beginning to write these things down.

"I am impressed by your easy deals - deal, deal, deal-!"

"You have to tell me why you're having me really do this." I state finally. I notice the led on the pencil snap, causing him to smile at me.

I just look at him and already knew that I was probably doing the wrong thing. Except I wasn't going to be fooled or played anymore.

Earlier I felt like my heart was broken. It still does feel that way. It is just wiser to believe that the only person who has true intentions with me is Remi. I can't trust anyone, but him.

I want to be vengeful...but I can't.

"I want to...do wrong against Trenton... So bad." I collapse to my legs, covering my face. "Except I don't want to embrace this side of me. I just want to be kind for Remi and not do this to myself. I'll drive myself crazy if I held in all of this hatred like how you hold it in for Xavion."

I look up at Ezra, seeing him just look at me seriously. He walked to me and crouched before me, cradling my face.

I pull away from him and he pulls me closer again. I looked at him sadly because I was sad...I didn't understand.

"Sometimes it's okay to be vengeful. It keeps you stronger...for me it has." He confesses quietly, and I shake my head.

"No...I don't want to be like that... I want to be happy and not hold in that type of anger. I feel better forgiving." I whisper, resting my hands on my stomach.

I bite my lip at the thought of me doing this. Because I made those deals...but now I have this inclination to not really follow through. I just don't want to be hurt again...

I've been hurt too much. Remi has been hurt, but he's too innocent to notice.

"I would be honored if you helped me in this plan, but I need you to...pretend to be with me."

"What? I highly doubt that is needed."

"If it is found out that this isn't genuine - it can be voted that they disregard this whole thing-."

"Why would they do that? That's your child and the rule is too...wait." I stop, seeing Ezra smirk as at me happily. "Never mind. You're just teasing me."

"I just wanted to see if you'd care." He shrugs causally, and I nod slowly. "So you'll do this...for me?"

I close my eyes, taking a deep breath as I think about what Xavion has done. He has done unbelievable things that is completely disgusting and wrong. At the same time...he had good intentions, supposedly.

There was just something I had against all of this. I...I can't be separated from my child.

"I'm sorry." I whimper as I pull away from him. I look him in the eyes and see him look confused. "I can't do it."

I stand up, heading towards the door only for it to bust open. Revealing Xavion, I saw him shove Trenton onto my floor. His body limp and I felt sick as my hand flew over my mouth.

Saw Xavion look at me and soon grin politely as he nods down at his body.

"He isn't dead, I'll tell you that now." He says calmly, and I rush to him. I flip him onto his back and saw that his face was punched too. Except he was healing much faster than me.

I close my eyes tightly, biting my lip as I shake my head fast.

"Why did you do this to him?" I ask him quietly, and Xavion grins.

That's when I see Stellan walk in, with this cocky look on his face. He pointed down at him only to move his finger onto me.

"You looked like someone stabbed you in the heart earlier." Stellan starts, soon looking at Trenton. "It was sad. I pity sad things."

I frown, looking back up at him now. He frowns at me since I was doing so. Except I found myself upset by that.

"When did you start feeling that way? You weren't like this when you rejected Ezra." I leer at him, and his eyes didn't waver. "Am I wrong? You're just prying...because you think I'm your replacement. You think so...don't you?"

Stellan folded his arms, nodding down at Trenton who started to groan. He suddenly went to kick his head and I cover it, my arm getting kicked instead and I wince.

"Am I allowed to be kind?" He questions me curiously.

"I, of course, would say yes - you can be; but I know that wasn't your intentions. I'm not ignorant of what you guys have going on. I know I'm just an outsider that was thrusted in, but-."

"Okay, boring." Stellan groans loudly, snickering as he just randomly interrupts me. I look up at him in shock because he seemed decent...of course not. "And to answer your question, you could never be my replacement."

I see him walk around me and I watch. Seeing Ezra look so detached as he had his eyes locked on Stellan, leaning towards him. Stellan grins at him as his hand caresses his cheek softly, only to pull away with a smirk.

"He can't help but be drawn to me. You are not my replacement. You're just a distraction. Don't think that since you were brought here - that you're anything different from what you were before. A desperate, pathetic-."

"That's enough Stellan." Xavion interrupts him, and I glare at Stellan still.

"He wouldn't have to do any of that if he didn't have...such a horrible Mate like you. Maybe it was for the best that you rejected him. He could move on and find someone better than you! You're horrible!" I yell in anger causing him to scoff at me.

He points at Trenton and shook his finger at me.

"You have no room to judge me when you talk about 'horrible' people. If you're going to be like that, then it was for the best that Trenton abandoned you and your son. You can move on and find someone better than him, right? Yet you still stick up for him like he's your own child rather than an ex." Stellan mocks me now.

Before I respond I feel an arm wrap around my shoulder. I look to see Ezra doing so and he was glaring up at Stellan.

"You may have rejected me, but I never rejected you out of innocent kindness back then. Of course there's going to be the times where I am drawn to you naturally, but I will never truly want you. It's purely just instincts." He sneers at Stellan. "Unlike you, Theo isn't selfish and doesn't beg for things from me. He had so many chances to take advantage of all of this, but he didn't. You however, took advantage as soon as you found out my name."

Ezra faces away from him, setting his eyes onto me. I wasn't sure what he was doing, but I had a feeling he would try and manipulate them here.

"I could reject you here though... Leave an ugly scar on your neck like you did mine." Ezra growls in anger and I didn't look. I knew there was a tattoo he had covering it, it was creeping over his shoulders and curled around his neck almost.

"That isn't needed or necessary-."

"Shut up." Ezra interrupts, standing up now. "You saw the disgusting scar he left on me. He went too far...but, of course you will side with him. Absolutely the worst brother in the history of brothers."

I see Xavion fold his arms to his chest. Saw him contemplate what he was going to say until he didn't anymore.

"You're so ungrateful and spoiled. I try helping you and you call it me being a horrible brother. Maybe I am one! - but I don't deserve this treatment. You had this all coming to you Ezra. I tried helping you, but-."

"You were not helping!" Ezra shouts at him, his body trembling angrily when he said the last word. "You made my life worse! Horrible and you think I should be thanking you? Fuck that! You did it because-."

"Shut your damn mouth." Xavion snickers, shaking his head at him. "You need to watch that mouth of yours. It makes me so nervous."

I see Xavion look down at me only to soon look away. Now that I was watching this happen it seemed like an unfair fight. This wasn't even a fight - they were just being rude for no reason.

Stellan had an objective coming here. What is it exactly?

Ever since I saw him at that restaurant now he wants to show up here? Is he really going to tell Xavion something that he knows nothing about? If he tells him what Ezra thinks he is, he's just assuming.

"I'm over this." Ezra mumbles, and I see him shove his way past Xavion. Leaving me alone with them, I was still before Trenton's knocked out body.

They both looked down at me with these conniving expressions.

"Don't do anything stupid." Stellan warns me. I see Xavion look away from me now as Stellan said such a thing.

"Speak for yourself. I'm just trying to do what's right." I state.

"Oh really? Don't get involved in matters that have nothing to do with you."

"What if I was invited in to these matters? What then?" I ask him in annoyance, Stellan sticking his nose up at me.

"Watch your back then. Your son looks like a mommy's boy-."


I look down, seeing Trenton groaning as he shook his head.

"Don't talk about Remi - don't even think about threatening him." Trenton growls with as much threatening disposition as possible.

I was happy...because he at least showed care towards Remi. He didn't have to care about me, but if he showed concern for Remi that was enough for me.

"So much for Alpha." Stellan scoffs, and he finally leaves the room. Xavion looks at me...apologetically almost. Though he does turn and leave.

Leaving me alone with Trenton in the room, I look at their retreating backs. I don't know why...but I didn't like how they went about that whatsoever. I felt...this inclination.

Why did I feel like something was going to happen that involved not just them and me, but the whole country as a whole? I feel like something is going to arise and I don't trust them for one bit.

We have the wrong person as Head Alpha, I see that now.

"Theo..." I hear Trenton whimper, and I look at him. "I'm sorry for hitting you. I shouldn't have taken it that far. I was wrong...about it all."

I don't say anything because I had nothing to say. He realized that a little too late. Not that it would make a difference now...

"Theo...are you going to forgive me?"

"No...not at the moment." I tell him truthfully. I see him nod sadly, but he should understand why I'm feeling this way.

I just face forward...my hand resting on my stomach.

I don't feel necessarily obliged to do this...but at the same time... I need to check for myself.

Before I decide to do this one thing...I need to check for myself the facts first. I don't want to be naive about this. All I know is what I've been told, but it's pretty much opinion-based and lacks solid facts on both sides.

That's why I'm going to have to figure these things out myself before I decide...to do this...

I don't want to be used again.

I look at Trenton, seeing him grin at me and I just look away in disdain subtly. I won't let myself be used again...

I don't want to be stupid.


Then don't be stupid. 😌

You aren't stupid, actually. 🙇🏽‍♀️

This only gets deeper and deeper. 😠

Now this is happening? 🙄

A baby to determine one's status as Head Alpha, you say? 💁🏽‍♀️

Interesting. 😗

I think we all know the real reason why Xavion took Ezra's Mate... 🤦🏽‍♀️

If you catch my drift. 🥴

What do you think will come of them now? 😩

What will come ahead? 👀

I'm curious as to what you think will happen so forth... 😚

Because...it's a doozy. 🤐

The thing is...can you handle it? 😲

So, overall, what'd you think? 🤔

I think...a lot. 🤯

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~ YOLO❤️🎊

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