Let the games begin - Yu-Gi-O...

By ShiranuiSama

6.4K 71 13

OC Sombra may have knowlagev and clues to help the pharoh figure out his past, but as she joins the gang, she... More

the Kaibas reunite?
the Great Escape
Safely away
Yugi vs. Joey
Fall of the King
Not so Free
an almost lost holiday
Ancient Relic
a Favor
Motor Man


257 5 1
By ShiranuiSama

I didnt know wether I was more angry or afraid. My hands were shaking and my heart, racing. I clenched my jaw. There he was. In all his glory. White hair half hiding his smug face. His smile mocking and tormenting. His damn red suite all crisp and clean and so out of place in this hell hole. Mokuba was unmoving. I thought he was just too frightened to move, after all this was the man, or monster, responsible for all this chaos. But something in Pegasus's hand caught my eye. To my horror, it was a card. It wasnt the card itself that scared me. it was what was in it. The shining face of the card depicted Mokuba, arms outstreatched, screaming silently for help. Kaiba was outraged, throwing threats and harsh words into his face. He simply smiled wider and challenged Kaiba to a duel to win back his brothers soul, IF he could defeat Yugi first. He had taken Mokubas soul?! Anger and sorrow flooded though me. I told him I would protect him, and I couldent even do that when Im two feet away. I could only imagine what Kaiba was feeling. After a few harsh words, Kaiba agreed. He turned to me, everlasting scowl on his face. " You watch him or so help me I will kill you too!" I didnt take his harsh words to heart. He wasnt exactly a people person and at the recent events was far from content. I nodded. Giving a serious scowl of my own, not to Kaiba, but the white haired devil behind him. I didnt know what else to say or do. Kaiba didnt know me or trust me and it was obvious I wasnt fit to protect anything both in the recent past and my damaged arm. Pegasus looked at me with further amusement and they both stormed off. I tried to wake Mokuba up, but nothing worked. He just stared strait ahead. You could see it in his eyes, no one was really there. No one was really looking through those eyes. There was no emotion and no thought. he simple was just there. Just existed in this space. Unmoving. Without any function or purpose. It had really happened. Pegasus had taken his soul. I felt tears trickle down my cheek. I punched the ground as hard as I could with my good hand. I let it happen. I was littereally two steps away, behind a locked door, away from that man, and I still couldnt defend him. Not again. If anyone tried to lay a finger on him, I was going to lose it. My breathing became quick with rage. I would NOT let this happen again. It had been me and him against the suited men. Them and that monster. Now it was just Kaiba against Pegasus. No. No it wasnt. I gasped. Yugi! Mokuba had said something about Yugi having to win to free his grandfather, if Kaiba beat him.....How could this all be happening? What kind of monster would do this? It was either Mokuba or Mr.Moto walking out of this one. Not both. Or even worse, Yugi and Kaiba joining them. I bit my toung. How could I say that? No. No one has EVER defeated Yugi. And he was the only one to ever beat Kaiba in anything. I had to have faith in them, if anyone could figure this out it was one of them. I had to have hope and trust in them. I stared at Mokubas unseeing eyes. We both do. 

I wasnt sure how much time had passed scince then. I was exausted. I couldent sleep. Footsteps caught my attention. It wasnt one, so I guessed no food was coming. So who was coming and why. I walked to the bars. Two men in suits came. thye werent as big as the one that carried Mokuba in. " Step aside girl the brats coming with us." " Where are you taking him." I snapped. I had to be strong. I told Mokuba and Kaiba I wasnt going to let anything happen to him, and I would NOT fail again. They chuckled darkly. " Well if you must know, Master Pegasus had arranged a little game between him and the older Kaiba. What? After all this he still found a new low to sink. And another way to tick me off. " Well you are going to have to get through me." I stepped back until I was just infront of Mokuba. I was an idiot, I know. It was two against one. Two grown men against a short highschooler with and injured arm thats been shut away and malnurished. Not the best of my plans but its not like I was famous for having good ones. Ever. They only laughed more. " Fine." They came slowly and stedily. They looked at me with smug faces and amused smirks. Taking me down was nothing more then a game. I lunged at the first one, creating a domino effect and taking the one behind him with us. He landed againt the others chest and i worked to make sure I put as much weight on him so they wouldent get up. I lasted about...oh roughly.....three seconds. I was thrown down and kicked. Almost on accicdent, I swept my legs knocking one down. I grabbed the leg of the other one and pulled as hard as I could. Pain rippled through my arm, but I barley noticed as adrenalin started to kick in. In no time at all, I has straddleing one, scratching and hitting his face as hard as I could. The other one got up and kicked me in the face with a loud thud. I was thrown against the wall and kicked more. Finnaly, with one last huff, the one I scratched slammed his foot down on my bandaged arm. I heard a loud CRACK and my arm jutted out slightly at an angle about halfway from my wrist to my elbow. It didnt register how much it hurt. I was in shock. Unforunetly it didnt last long. Pain slowly crept along my arm like spiders, slowly erupting with white fire and daggers. I gritted my teeth and cradled my arm. They laughed and began walking back twords Mokuba. No matter how much pain I was in, or how many tears I shed, I would not let them take him so easily. Brusies were starting to form and the right side of my face began to well in the shape of a size 10 boot. With the last bit of streangth I had, I Shot out in front of Mokuba. Panting, I knelt in pain and exaustion. I was in the mist of defeat, but I could not, WILL not let them touch Mokuba. With sick grins plastering their faces they inched forward. Static from a radio haulted them mid step. The one who kicked me answered it as the other whiped what little blood I managed to draw off his face. He stared at me, I stared right back. Hate seemed to match in our eyes. The other sighed in frustration. " Allright, Master Pegasus says your comin with us too." I glanced at Mokuba. I couldent fight much more, or anymore really. I would have no choice but to let them take you. I turned back to those damn suited men. I hardened my gaze as they flicked glistening chains in their hands.But Im coming too.

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