When Blue Met Brown

Galing kay justwords07

43.2K 503 42

Hayley Marshall and Elijah Mikealson have a child.... She's a Tribrid, feisty and best-friends with the Lizzi... Higit pa

Mystic Falls Here We Come
Little Red
Too Little Too Late Princess
The Best Of Me Is In You
A Blonde With An Ugly Quiff
Night Grampa
Queen of Melons
Fuzzy Memories
This Is Kidnap!
GoodBye Dad
Shut Up
Little One
Please, Fight
Decade Dance
CrazyPants Episode
I'm Hungry
I hate you!
Queen Isabella
My Mother Raised A Queen
It's Progress
I care...
They would have been dog food
Needy Little Brat
Hulk and Pop Eye
I Ruin Things
Give Me A Break
The Cure
Stay Mummy
First Date?
Elena Never Listened
Be My Anchor
My Sweet Girl
Is AnyOne Going To Eat My Pasta?

Early Years

8.5K 103 16
Galing kay justwords07

DISCLAIMER!!!!! Hope doesn't exsist in this story, Hayley and Elijah are together. Elijah and Hayley have a baby Together which is Isabella. Elijah is Isabella's Bio dad. Werewolves have Alpha's in individual packs but theres a 'royal family' that is important to every pack... Hayley's family is the bloodline.


I breathe out heavily and look at Rebekah who held the new life that she just helped bring into the world. Giving birth in the living room isn't as fun as it seems. I wait to here my babies cry. "Is she okay?" I sit up slightly worried not hearing her. "She's perfect." Rebekah said smiling at the life. She carefully handed her to me.

She was okay, she was alive and breathing and just looking around with her big brown eyes. "Hi." I breath out softly looking down at her, she looked back at me before she blinked, she was perfect. I fell Elijah's hand on my shoulder. "How is she?" He asked having been outside to make sure no one came in.

Klaus had some war going on with the witches and they want their hands on my baby, of course that was never going to happen but it meant that he missed the birth of his baby girl. "She's perfect." I tell him not taking my eyes of the small life in my arms. He pressed his lips to her forehead softly. I was just taking it all in. The pain of birthing her was long forgot about, I was just amazed at this life. This little life I was responsible for.

Banging at the gates began and I knew we didn't have much time left. "She needs to leave now!" Klaus said coming into the room where I was still laid on the floor. "Now Hayley!" He demanded anyone would think it was his daughter. "She's fine thanks for asking." I say rolling my eyes before looking back at her, she had to go away for a while now. "I'd rather have a future with my niece than a few painful moments now... Rebekah take the child go." Rebekah gave me a second to say goodbye.

"Mummy loves you sweetheart. Aunty Bex and Aunty Freya will keep you safe." I tell her softly planting a small kiss to her cheek. I handed her to Elijah and he said goodbye too before we watch his sisters take off in a hurry with our new baby. moments. I held her for moments and i didn't know when I'll see her again. My heart was breaking into pieces. "Elijah get her out of here." He told his older brother. He helped me stand and took me to another room in the house.

I got teary eyed as I got changed out of my bloody clothes from giving birth. "She'll be okay with them you know." I just nodded not trusting my voice. I felt awful, my child wasn't safe enough in my arms she had t be taken away and hidden to be protected. I felt useless to her. She was my child. My baby. My little baby that I should be protecting myself!

"Stay out of there!" Klaus' voice boomed but people were pushing through my bedroom doors. "Where is she?" They demanded. Elijah stepped in front of me protectivly. "Get out!" "Wheres the babe? He took one of our own will take one your own!" "She's just a baby!" I say defensive. Klaus killed a fully grown witch who attacked him, they wanted to sacrafice a baby! A baby. my fricking baby!

One witch had Klaus pinned to the wall oppisite me and another threw Elijah out of the way, I was defencless, having just giving birth and not having any strength left in me, emotionally and physically I was exhausted and I couldn't fight them when they grabbed me or when they pushed me against the mirror holding me in place. "Where is she?" Glender asked looking me in the eyes, her eyes were a ice cold blue, the kind that you knew had seen somethings in their life. I couldn't say anything, what do I say?

3rd person pov

Glender pulled out a long tooth looking sharpe blade pressing it against Hayley's soft neck as she was pinned against the mirror in the corner of the room. Klaus and Elijah were trying to fight the magic that was holding them in place stopping them from saving a very important person in their lives.

"Don't you dare hurt her!" Elijah shouted and he fought so hard and managed to get his arm free before a witch snapped his neck with a click of her fingers, she relsed him letting him slide down the wall in a heap on the floor no longer and issue as he will be out for a few minutes enough time to get what they needed. Klaus was still trying to fight too but he now had two witches on him. Elijah was only strong enough to pull his arm free because of the love he felt for Hayley he musted up the strength because he couldn't stand to see her hurting.

Klaus locked eyes with Hayley and he noticed that she had given up fighting, her eyes were vacant. Her child was safe, what was left to fight for? Klaus shook his head and she just closed her eyes. "Hayley!" His voice echoed around the big room that was occupied by rodant witches he'd kill in a second if he could. Glender swiftly dragged the blade across Hayley's throat and Klaus watched the life drain from her as she just let her body hit the floor. Blood poured out everywhere. "You come for us we'll come for you." Glender said before leaving the large house and walking down the street feeling acomplished.


Elijah carried Hayley through the streets of New Orleans that night when he woke up and took her to the car before driving to the safe house with her. She woken up due to the blood of their baby still being inside of her from the messy birth. She was in transition. Klaus knew this meant she had to drink his un-named nieces blood or she'd die. So they took the weak women to the safe house.


"Happy Birthday to Isabella, Happy birthday to you." They all sang to the one year old who was just sat eyeing her cake up. Hayley helped her daughter blow her candel out and the minute the fire was gone Isabella put her hand straight in the cake before bringing a handful to her mouth "Mm." She says telling her mum she was enjoying it. "Thats my girl." Hayley says laughing at her cute baby.

She extended her arm out and offered her mum some of the cake that had been all squished in her hand. Hayley didn't mind too much. "Thank you." She says to her daughter who ws smiling at her. "Give some to Uncle Klaus." Hayley says teasing Klaus and pointing at him. Isabella did as asked and shoved some cake on Klaus' lips. "Thanks little wolf." Klaus says to the baby.

"Dada. Dada." She did grabby hands wanting her father to pick her up. He wiped down her hands with objection from Isabella before he scopped her up.



"Look at her go." I say to Elijah as we stand on the porch watching our little princess ride around on her bike she got for christmas with the aid of her uncle Kol. "She's growing so fast." He replied. Our little girl was now 5. And she was the smartest most special little thing. She had beautful shiney long brown hair that curled. In the mornings it was mayhem to brush through and tame the mane.

Isabella lives in England with her Aunt Rebekah and has since she was 2 years old. Me and her father come down as often as we can at least once a month and we call her every day. We want her home with us but it's safe for her to be away from us. Theres a lot going off with the wolves and the witches the whole quater is up in the air at the moment and it's not a safe place to have a hyper active child with boarderline anger issues and also with spotanous burst of magic it was safer here in the country side of Enland with acres of land to run around and play.

"Daddy Look I'm doing it. I'm doing it." Kol had let go of her seat and she was keeping herself up. "Well Done my princess." He called to her with a proud smile. I gave her a thumbs up. We were here for Christmas currently, it was freezing and we was still in our Pj's it wasaround 10am and were half way through opening gifts.

Of course Kol got her a bike and she wanted to go out on it straight away. I saw her tilting and before she could fall the three of us was there each pushing the bike up right so she didn't fall and hurt herself. "I'm okay guys." She sassed us unfazed by her slight accident and continued to ride around the garden.

"Bella!" Bex called standing with her head out the door. "Pancakes are ready come on in." She pouted and looked at me. I raised my eyebrows at her so she looked at her dad and with a flutter of her eyelashes. "5 more minutes. But you have to promise to come inside." "You have my word." I held back a laugh as she mocked her dads catch phrase. It was unbeleivable that she was onyl five." "Thats it." Elijah scooped her up off her bike and was tickling her as he held her, she was laughing loudly wriggling about. "Mummy save me." She said dramtically.

Not before long I was running with my daughter in my arms from elijah who was chasing after us. "Motus." She said and opened her palms flat in front of her as Elijah reached us which pushed him back and caused her to fall on his back. "No!" i tell her sternly putting her on her feet, I knelt on the cold grass and held her hands. "You do not use your magic on family." I warned her. "Apoligise to your father and go inside." She blinked at me with a blank look on her face. "Now Isabella." She narrowed her eyes. "I was just playing." "Yeah?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. "I'm not, go apolagise." I pointed to her father who was only a foot away at this point.


"Mummy!" My nine year old cheered as she ran to me. I held her tightly, our flight had just landed. "I've missed you." She said to me. "I missed you too my princess." I tell her back holding her close.

This was the year we were moving to England to settle down. No more fighting with witches or leading packs of wolves to victory. No more feeding on humans. We came to England to give our child a normal life, well as normal as it can be, with an origanal Vampire as a father and a hybrid mother.

But we'd get to take her to school and watch her plays, we'd be able to see her dance on the stage at her recitals and meet her friends, let her have sleepovers and actually be around whilst she was growing up. "Wheres my cuddle?" Klaus asked. Iasbella frowned. "Wheres Daddy?" She asked looked behind Klaus and around the area. "Boo." He came up behind her. She got over the jump scare and held her father tightly who picked her up she locked her legs around his waist.


I smiled watching my daughter and her best friend sing holding hairbrushes as their microphones. I came to tell them off because it was 3am but I was too amused by their singing. Elijah wasn't as thrilled as he wanted to sleep but it was a cute scene playing out in front of me.

"I kissed a girl and I liked it!" The song finished and I clapped and the girls jumped. "You gave me a heart attack mum." Bella said holding her chest. "Sorry... I didn't want to interupt the show but your father and I would love to get some sleep tonight and you girls have dance in the morning." "Sorry." They say in unison. "It's fine, just settle down and get some sleep." They both nodded.

Holly was Isabella's best friend has been since she was 5 and they went to primary school together. and they have been inseprable since, they took dance together and thearter hence the loud singing at three in the morning. It's safe to say they both have a lot of energy. Holly knew about Isabella's powers, she was a little freaked out at first but now she finds it cool because we recently found out they were hiding from teachers to miss classes by using a simple clocking spell.

I wish we never found a witch over here to tutor her, she was devilish enough with her magic before she learnt spells. We thought it would teacher to control it but it hadn't she's just smarter with her magic now. Tacticle. Because she has werewolf blood, she has a slight temper, which is then hiegtened by her Mikaelson traits. Since she's been living with us fulltime Elijah has been teaching her the term her calls self control but he'll never understand what the temper is like because he doesn't have it. So i do feel for Bella when he gives her a lecture.


I was sat in the lounge with my book and Isabella just came home from school. I looked up and smiled at her. "Hi sweetie how was school?" I asked her.

(Isabella's School uniform no chocker or nail polish)

Her lip wobbled but she kept her composure. "Baby?" I questioned clearly something was wrong, and she was my daughter I'd rip people limb from limb if they hurt my baby. "Nothing." She said softly forcing a smile on her face. "I'm going to go change out this." "Okay baby." She left swiftly, i listened closely to make sure she wasn't crying but she didn't.

I went back to my book and around 30 minutes later she came into the room quietly. Her father had returned home at this point and was cooking dinner in the kitchen. I didn't look up at her because she was trying to be quiet. I soon enough felt a weight on my lap and I looked down and placed my hand in her soft curly locks. "What happened princess?" I asked softly.

Isabella doesn't cry it's a known fact she gets close but she just doesn't cry so I wasn't expecting her to burst into tears and confess so I wasn't shocked when I heard her emotionless voice. "Lee Cheated on me." What she said shocked me. Her and Lee her boyfriend had been together since they were 14 they were now 17. So hearing that shocked me. "With Holly." She added. And the anger was burning inside of me. I was enraged. I wanted to hurt them both.

"You might get a call from my teacher." She dropped in casually. "What did you do?" "pushed him down a flight of stairs... He's fine though. He was just being a baby." "I'm not going to say I'm proud of you for doing that... But... I'm proud of you for sticking up for yourself."

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