Legend of The Wings of Freedo...

By LRHeartfilia

57K 1.6K 752

Y/N is well known around the world and became the most talented woman in the whole history but one day titans... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Special Chapter

942 25 10
By LRHeartfilia

(The Hidden Secrets)

After God created Alfred and appointed him as the King of Angels, the ruler of Hell abd creator of demons, Lucifer, heard the news.

"If the God created someone and appoint him as the ruler of angels then I shall create one and make the one I create as the leader of demons. I will make sure the one he created will be destroyed by mine!"

Lucifer plan to create in seclusion so he assigned Lilith as the temporary ruler of Hell. But in his dissapointment, his creation still didn't finish after a hundreds of years. He used up half of his power to reach the perfection of his creation until a thousand years passed.

A black ball of power is circulating inside a cave and Lucifer couldn't wait what will his creation look like. He remember the time when he want to establish a kingdom of his own in Hell so he created thousands of demons for his military power and same goes with his fellow fallen angels. Though at that time he doesn't have any idea what happen in Hell or if Lilith manage it well. Time has come and Lucifer watch as the circulating power stop. Suddenly, a baby appear and landed on his arms.

"What?.... A baby?!!!

Lucifer is furious,  after a thousand years of creating a life form that could destroy Alfred, all that he spent his efforts is to create a baby. He yell while letting out his power because of frustration causing the cave to shake forming cracks. The baby got scared and cry making Lucifer stop.

"Huh? Did you just cry? Stop crying you dimwit!!!"

"Eh?  Blah blah blah? Blah blah blah bla!!!!!" The baby try to mimic him

"Ah, so you're trying to copy me"

"Blah blah bla" The baby continue babbling then giggle

"You silly child"

The baby smile at him cutely. He couldn't help but smile at the baby as well. After all,  the baby is made of his flesh, blood and his power. It's like he have a child on his own. Lucifer found out that the baby is girl and indeed the child is beautiful. She have  a fair skin with rosy cheeks and the looks somewhat identical to him like a baby girl version of him.

"Since you're interesting and we're identical, I'll keep you. I'll name you Mira"

"My lord" someone called with full respect

"I thought I made it clear that no one will disturb me until I come back" Lucifer said

"Forgive me my lord but I have something important to report to you"

Lucifer turn around to see Lumina full of bruises and she even have injury on her shoulder.

"Why do you look like this? How did you get injured like that?"

She is about to answer when she saw a baby girl in his arms.

"Is that a human child? Wait... A demon child! "

"I thought you're here to report something important"

"I apologize my lord. Lilith has turn the world into chaos and didn't do what you ordered. She fooled Ymir Fritz,  a human and give her the power of titans. She sent demons to trigger most human desires to cause countless of wars. All demons want to object but they are afraid of being punished or possibly killed so they chose to follow her. I'm one of the subjects who bravely object her until now so she punished me and I managed to escape and find you."

"That damn woman! After I entrusted her my position for a time being and this is what she did!!?"

"What are your orders, my lord?"

"Let's stay here for a while"


"I lost half of my power so I have to recover first. Besides you,  other subjects that bravely objected her?"

"Alice and all higher officials"

"Looks like the only normal demon that didn't follow her is Alice. But what a surprise! Lilith was the one who created Alice yet she disobeyed her. I'm going to put Alice into good use"

"I've been wondering my lord. Why didn't you announced to all in Hell that we are fallen angels not demons?"

"They don't have the right to know. After all normal demons are created by us, fallen angels from our deep grudge and evil desires to Heaven. Those demons we created will laugh at us if they know that were once angels that have been punished by the God. What an idiot,  they never realize our wings are identical to angels. "

Lucifer spread out his majestic black wings. Lumina look at his wings in awe,  reminiscing about their time when they are once in Heaven a long time ago. All of them were created by God but Lucifer is the most special among all of them.  God gave him a beautiful appearance, perfect build and higher position. Lucifer is her great friend and she saw how his behaviour changed as time passed by.  He became envious of God and want more power for himself, he wants to be the strongest. He wanted all to bow at him and become a god that is more powerful than the one who created him. That's where all started, he always disagree with everyone and want them to only obey him and that's where they realize he became evil. He rebel and recruited other angles including her since he's her friend and she wants to understand him. Many angels join them, as many as the sands on the sea. They went to war against God and loyal angels. In the end Lucifer lost against Gabriel and they were banished from Heaven and thrown to the deepest part of Earth, now called Hell. She recalled how her wings slowly turn into pitch black as they fall into the dark abyss, a passageway to Hell.

"Lumina,  since you have proven your loyalty to me,  once I recover,  you will not going to war against Lilith for now"

"But why? My lord? "

"You endured too much pain ever since you chose to go against God for me. I appreciate you,  so all I want you to do while I'm gone is to take care of this child,  Mira. Teach her all you know,  turn her into a perfect warrior,  and make her stronger than that traitor!"

"I'll follow your order,  my lord"

"This is not an order,  I'm asking you a favor as your friend"

"My lord......."

This is the first time he show concern at Lumina. He's been coped up with his vengeance, jealousy and power for a hundred thousands of years. She feel happy that for the first time he appreciate her and that is enough to give him all her loyalty.

"Listen, this child is made up of my my flesh, blood and power so she is my real daughter. Though she's only a demon, she will have the same power as me but she doesn't have immortality. Meaning she will age just like the creatures created by god,  Humans."

"Given her lifespan, she only have many decades to live and that's not enough time to store enough of her curse power to outmatch Lilith's curse power"

"I already calculated that. We have to send her to hibernation for 300 years so her body can absorb more power. Though I plan in making her the leader of demons but given the current situation, it's better if they will not know Mira's existence."

Lucifer leave Mira in Lumina's care then sent her to hibernation. Lucifer together with other fallen angels declared a war against Lilith and demons. A war lasted over 5 years and Lucifer won the war and successfully captured Lilith. Lucifer ordered Lilith to dispell the curse she did on Eldians but she disobeyed even though she's been tortured nonstop by demons. Lucifer knew that humans alone cannot defeat the titans and titan shifters only have 13 years to live because it started when Lilith keep on telling Ymir to use her titan power for revenge but she didn't and keep on obeying orders of the king. After that time, Lilith grew furious so she cursed Ymir and the only way for it to be lifted is to use her titan power for revenge on the world. Founding Titan  is now under the control of Lilith so he gave the certain family a gift with unbelievable speed and strength that can be activated if when their mind is enlighten to something. And that’s Ackerman family that is now considered a family of warriors. Lucifer gave them that ability to be on par with titans in strength and to guide the founding titan. That’s only he could do because they are not supposed to get involve in human’s problems. He only did that because one of his people break the deal he made with god. The deal is that God will let the souls of human be punished by Lucifer’s subject in hell if they are greatly sinned while the soul of good humans will go to heaven and they will not involve in human affairs. Lucifer involve himself with humans to solve the problem his people caused and he doesn’t want to be known for causing the wars of human that he didn’t do. He is full of pride and he wants everyone to know he wants to stick to his deal they made and doesn’t want to break it to destroy his ego. 300 years passed and Mira woke up from her long time sleep. Lumina took care of her, taught her how to fight and tell her everything that happened in the past. She treated Mira like her own daughter sometimes, her best friend. Lumina find Mira’s curse power mindblowing and it totally scared her because Mira used her power to play pranks on her but her pranks are deadly that almost killed her sometimes and it make Mira panicked and apologized for it. That’s where Lumina got her hobby of playing pranks on humans. Two decades have passed and Mira grown into beautiful woman and reached the day where he can finally meet her father, Lucifer.

“My lord” Lumina greet then bow at him

Lucifer nods at her then look at the woman behind Lumina. Then he gesture at her to come over so Lumina move aside. Mira move forward then kneel in front of him in one knee then look at the ground to show her outmost respect. Lucifer gives her his blessings then tell her to stand up.

“For over 3 centuries, we meet at last, Mira. Looks like you’ve grown into strong warrior and I can even feel how powerful your curse power is” Lucifer said

‘Still not enough since Lilith is still getting herself stronger’

“You can call me father”

Then Lucifer hug her

After that Lumina and Lucifer talk privately.

“My lord, we have a big problem”

“What is it?” Lucifer couldn’t help but feel nervous. His gut tells him this is not good.

“It’s about Mira….”

“What about her?”

“A year ago, we spar on the fields outside the walls on the east side of Paradis Island where titans are not around. We specially choose a certain place so no one will witness us fighting and destroying mountains. Of course having injuries in battle is inevitable but her blood accidentally splashed on a living organism, called ant. The ant swallowed her blood and it started to transform into giant one with powerful strength, stronger then Titans.”
Lucifer felt his hand shaken.

“So you mean if someone will devour her completely they will become extremely powerful?” Lucifer ask

“That’s right”

‘This is bad, if Lilith got wind about this, she will hunt Mira and devour her to become powerful’ Lucifer form his hand into fist

Lumina look at Lucifer then to his bloodied fist.

“My lord…..”

Back when they established power in hell, Lumina didn’t like Lilith’s ways to become powerful. It’s because Lilith devoured countless of demons they created to gain the abilities of the one she eats and she can shape-shift into the one that she eats. That’s how Lilith become so much powerful compared to them but still can’t reach Lucifer’s level. It sometimes worried Lumina because Lilith might devour her if she feels like it. The way other fallen angels to become more powerful is the sins of souls they tortured in hell. All of them including demons can possessed humans and control them at their will if they want. It always gives Lumina pleasure every time she see those regretful faces of the sinners as she tortured them then collect their sin to make her powerful. Most of them usually let the soul burn on the raging fires of hell in addition, Lumina use her abilities to let them see their memories of the sin they made  then repeat it until it made them insane since no one will save them it’s because they’re too late to repent. Most favourite part for her is the soul with a very heavy sin, it will be their great honour since the one who will torture them is Lucifer himself.

“My lord!!! We have a problem!!” Someone communicate to Lucifer telepathically

“What now?!!”

“Lilith escaped!! With the help of other demons!! Alice almost got devoured by her but we managed to save her in time!”

Lucifer got furious at the same time he feel fear not for himself but for Mira.

“Lumina, Lilith escaped”

Lumina got paled since one of her fears happen.

“I must go, I’ll assemble my generals to search for her” The Lucifer left immediately


‘How did this happen?’ Mira thought while running ‘I can’t summon my wings or else they will detect me. I can’t let her sacrifice be in vain’

Her wooden sandals gave a clacking sound as she run on the rocky path.

‘Conceal! Conceal my curse power! Conceal my horns and red eyes! Lumina, be safe. Dammit! Father only left yesterday then many demons attack our hideout and their target is Lumina. And she held them off to let me escape since they still didn’t know my existence.’

Then she jumped off the giant boulder.

‘If only I’m stronger. Lilith was also there but I can’t fight her for now in addition, she has so many demons assisting her. I will only end up getting devoured’

Mira suddenly stop then look at sight not far from her.

‘The Forbidden Forest’

Then Mira remember how Lumina told her about the Forbidden Forest on the west side of Paradis Island that gave off dangerous aura and most demons even titans avoid going there so she is told not to go there because it might be dangerous. But it confused her since she felt the forest calling her to come. She enter the forest and she took notice of how all the trees have so much roots. That's when the roots suddenly move aside, clearing a path for her. She followed the aura that's calling her until she reach the clearing of the forest. At the center, is a book which gave the aura that she felt. The book is binded with many rusty chains. But to her surprise, all the chains break then the book fly towards her, landing on her hands.

"The Prophecy" She read

When she open the book, she saw many visions.

First is the woman who looks like her exept the h/c and e/c inside a crystal. Then her surroundings turn into a bloody battlefield, the houses that are ruined a long time ago are splattred with blood still fresh. She can see a giant wall surrounding her.

'Shiganshina District'

Her thoughts disturbed by a crash beside her.

"So Lilith, did you have fun when you ate my mother? " She heard the unfamiliar voice. To her surprise, the woman looks like her except, her other eye is gold while the other is red. Her other wing is pure white while the other black.


"I can't believe Mira really have a daughter and a half angel on top of that!!! " Lilith said while spitting her own blood

'What? '

The scene change to the woman in her torn battle armour, her black and white wings are bleeding while she hold the head of someone through the hair

"So what should I do? You are still alive even though your body is already been cut off to pieces" The woman mockingly ask the head that she immediately recognize


"Curse you! Your mother and father! " Lilith shout at her

"Oh, you can still curse at them right at my face" She said coldly at Lilith "Oh Lucifer. My grandfather. Watch me is I will open the gates to hell then burn the head of Lilith on raging fire that even the ashes will not left behind"

That's when Lilith have a horiffied face. Mira couldn't help but feel amuse at this. The woman stomp hardly on the ground then a large crack has form. The crack give off a sound of the crying souls and she can see a waves of fire below. The woman extend her hand until the head that she held is right at the opening of the crack.

"Bye! Bye! Shithead"

That's when Mira's vision stop. She froze on what vision she just saw until it clicked at her.

"Hahahahaha!!!  Looks like Lilith's going to die at the hands of my future daughter! Oh what a delight!"

Then the book light up then fuse at her body. She suddenly heard a crash behind her so she run. She run fast that is until she bump into someone. And the one she bump into is Lilith herself. Lilith has a crimson eyes with a white hair.

"Oh what is the human girl doing here? "

"W-who are you?" Mira said pretending to be a scared human

"What right do you have to know my name you disgusting huma-" Lilith stopped when she notice her appearance

"You look like him. A lowly human like you, shouldn't have a beautiful appearance as him! How about give your body to me. I'll give you anything just let me in"

Mira was about to say something when Lilith hypnotized her and enters her body. Then Lilith with the body of Mira starts to travel deep in the forest. Lilith didn't expect the deep part of forest to be snowing. She notice the lake then the idea struck in her mind

'How about I drown this body in that lake? Ooohhh I wonder what does the frozen human girl taste like in addition with similarities to Lucifer' Lilith thought

Lilith walk on the thin ice of the lake then stomp on ice forming a crack. That's when Mira woke up resulting in Lilith to be pushed out of Mira's body. Mira run fast while Lilith chase after her and when she was about to grab her, her hand has been cut off. Her blood splatter on the snow.

"So you're the one that's been disrupting the order of the mortal world" A manly voice said

Lilith look up to notice a man with golden eyes and hair in a golden armor with pure white wings. 

'Shit! It's Alfred! Damn him!' Lilith cursed then summon her black wings and escape

Alfred land beside Mira.

"Those wings........" Mira trailed off

"That's right, I'm an angel if you notice. I'm supposed to conceal our existence but given your situation, the demon that has been the hell's number one on wanted list is chasing you down, I couldn't simply let it go"

Then Alfred kneeled at Mira's level as the snow continue to fall. She didn't expect someone to save her and the angel on top of that. He look at her in the eye then smile.

"I'm Alfred, and you are... "

"Mira" Then she look at him with her now e/c instead of red eyes.

Wait.....  20 k reads?  What?!!!!!  Dovowkxnvnwkwofovosnwndncnc I have to look at it twice to see if I'm not hallucinating. Damn! Happy 20 k reads 🎉🎊😳😳 Thank so much guys!!!!

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