The Redemption of The Chain H...

Af Kakirihazuri

61K 1.4K 455

Y/n L/n, the chain hero. Summoned into another world at a young age to become its hero against calamity. Howe... Mere

The Seed of Calamity/ Slave girl
Trip to the capital
The Second Wave
Filo the Filolial
Curses and a New Comrade
Cursed Shield
In the Midst of Turmoil
Return of Calamity
Devil of the Shield
Everlasting Memory
Gluttonous One
An Anticlimactic Series of Events
The Church of Treason
Dividing paths
Travelling on Uncharted territory
Preparing to be A Villian
A Reunion and An Eventful Day
What Feels Like An Eternity
Does This Count As A Filler Chapter?

Savior of the Heavenly Fowl

2.8K 76 21
Af Kakirihazuri

Y/n's pov

I am sitting on Filo's shoulders as we are travelling down a road. We are currently delivering herbicides to a village, there was a lot of bottles of herbicides but it was understandable when we got to the area. Vines and roots were everywhere, across the field and road. Naofumi spoke "This place definitely needs herbicide.." "this place needs more than just herbicides." Raphtalia pointed at a large walled in are "Master Naofumi, over there" Naofumi nodded "Filo, hurry to that" I held onto Filo tightly as she started running as fast as she could with the wagon. We were soon inside of the walls that lead to a small camp that was made by the villagers. We unloaded the herbicides and a few people approached us "Thank you, this place was about to fall to the vines as well" Raphtalia stares at them "Couldn't you have burned them?" the older guy responded "we tried everything we could think of. We even summoned adventurers, but the situation remains grave....Our village was already overrun by vines. What's wors, the planst turned into monsters and attacked us" A sudden scream interrupted the conversation, causing everyone to look up over the wall. "Some adventurers set out for the village to level up. I warned them against it but no no avail." Naofumi looks at Filo "Filo, go grab the adventurers and bring them back" Filo looked back at him, eating fruits "Okay, Be wight bag" Filo speed off out to the village, comming back a few minutes later and dropping 3 guys onto the ground. "There were monsters everywhere, some even spat poison or acid. Why would these guys go there when they're so weak? they must be morons" Raphtalia shook her head "you didn't have to say that last part" they started arguing a bit, causing people to stare at them commenting on how filo was speaking and calling her the Heavenly Fowl. The elder walked up to Naofumi "are you the savior who travels in a carriage drawn by a heavenly fowl?" Naofumi looked away "you got the wrong guy" Raphtalia frowned "Naofumi-sama" the elder started begging Naofumi to help cure their sick. Raphtalia looked at Naofumi, making him help. 

The elder lead us into a tent that had beds filled with children covered in plants. "as you can see, the plants are devouring their bodies....please Savoir! help them with your powers!" Naofumi sighed and walked up to one of the children "I cant promise that I can do anything" he took out a potion and poured some into the child's mouth before using potion enhance on it and pouring it over the child. The plants rotted away and Naofumi stood up, tossing some potions at me "Next" I sighed and went over to the other side of the room, using potions on the ones on that side while Naofumi used potions on the other side. Once we finished we walked outside and started walking to the wagon. Naofumi sighed "once we get paid we will be leaving, I dont want to be dragged any further into this mess" Raphtalia looked back at the men that approached us earlier, who were now bowing to Naofumi "I daresay that might be a little difficult." Naofumi looked back and they started speaking "Our Savior of the Heavenly Fowl, please save our village!" They explained how the situation happened. A famine affected their village, and the spear hero arrived with a 'miracle seed' that he had unsealed. The plants grew quickly and made fruits fast, however it soon mutated to from monsters, and then the plants started growing too quickly for them to stop it. after finishing their story they held out money to Naofumi "we will pay for the treatment and the extermination, so please" Naofumi sighed and grabbed the money "I hate cleaning up after that idiot Motoyasu, but I will earn my keep. Let's go!" Naofumi sighed and started walking out. Raphtalia, Rifana, and Filo started following him. I sighed and shook my head, walking after them.

We made it to the overrun village and ran into a plant monster. It spat poison but Naofumi deflected it with his shield. Raphtalia cut the plant into pieces and Filo kicked away the pieces that were sent at me. Naofumi looked up at the giant tree at the center of the village with an eyeball "If we take that out it will all be over?" Filo went charging in towards the tree, jumping off vines to get towards the giant eye. Naofumi used his airstrike shield to help her, Filo destroyed the eye but it regrew quickly while filo ran back to us. Naofumi tossed a bottle of herbicide to Raphtalia and told her to pour it on the eye. Raphtalia jumped onto Filo's back, joined by Rifana. Rifana cut away vines that approached while Raphtalia blocked anything else. Raphtalia cut branches that Filo was going to use to jump off of, causing them to fall down. Raphtalia and Rifana were grabbed by vines and held up in the air. Filo let out a chuckle that upset both demihumans. I sighed and looked at Naofumi "Enhance the herbicide" He nodded and took out a bottle, using potion enhance on it and started walking towards the tree. Vines went to grab him but I used my chains to whip them away. Naofumi got up to the roots of the tree and poured the herbicide on them, causing the tree to start withering. I walked over and dumped another one on a root just in case, and the tree started shaking. The vines holding Raphtalia and Rifana started withering and dropped them. Naofumi frowned "Get away from the tree!" Filo picked us up and ran away from the tree as it split apart and fell over. After it fell over we gather all the seeds so that they couldn't grow more trees. Raphtalia and Rifana argued against Filo for picking seed that they were going to grab, but Filo just kept picking seeds. While we gathered seeds, Naofumi tested out one of his new skills, [plant modification]. It allows someone to change growth rate, mutation probability, and other things for a plant. Naofumi finished modifying a seed and put them down into the dirt. The plant grew into the shape like the monster eyes, but the flower wilted quickly. Raphtalia told him not to do something so dangerous after we had just killed the thing. 

We went back to the village and Naofumi planted some of his modified seeds. They grew into tiny trees that were covered in fruits, which would actually make them good replacements for getting rid of the famine. Naofumi spoke with the leaders of the village and they thanked him for saving them and giving them the plants. However, Naofumi didn't let them have the plants for free. He had them pick a few crates full of fruit and said he would come back for more of the debt they owed him later. We packed our stuff into the wagon and got into the wagon, I wanted to ride on Filo's back but Rifana wouldn't let me. Filo and Rifana had a mini glaring contest before Rifana pulled me into the back of the wagon. I guess Rifana is still upset at Filo for laughing when she got caught by the vines, but I don't see how not letting me ride of Filo is related to that. We headed back to the town where the merchant was waiting and sold most of the crates of fruit, keeping 2 of them for Filo to eat later. After finishing out business, we got a new job from the merchant to deliver some stuff to an inn at a hot spring town. Naofumi accepted the job and we went off to the town, the town a rather peaceful looking town, that had a lot of hot springs around it. After delivering the the supplies to the Inn, Naofumi looked over at Filo, Raphtalia, and Rifana. They were all over by a fountain that seemed to be a miniature hot spring. Filo was kicking her feet around in the water while Raphtalia and Rifana were sitting still. Filo looked over at Naofumi and smiled "I wanna go into this hot spring thing too!" Naofumi thought for a bit "hot spring, huh?.....what about you Raphtalia?" Raphtalia's ears twitched and her tail started wagging "I'm not that interested...... but if you and Filo want to go, I'll accompany you." Rifana giggles "of course we'd all want to go" I chuckled and looked at Naofumi "it would be a good idea to let them relax a bit before we continue traveling" Naofumi smiled "That's that. We're spending the night here." Raphtalia and Rifana got excited and went to speak until Filo ran through the water over to me and Naofumi, splashing water into their faces. Filo hugged both of us happily "I wuv you!" Raphtalia and Rifana puffed their cheeks out and stared at Filo.

While Rifana, Raphtalia, Filo, and Naofumi headed to the hot springs, I went around the town and gathered some information. Apparently there was a boar out in the mountains called a [Silver Razorback] that would sell for a lot of money. I decided to go out and hunt for one before going to the hot springs since I wanted to make some money and try out the [Sin series] abilities I unlocked the other day. I walked into the woods and across mountains, searching everywhere I could for the animal. When I had found a [Silver Razorback]  I activated one of the abilities, [Gluttony]. I heard a voice in my head as I activated it "So hungry " I frowned as a shadow creature formed out of my hand and went towards the [Silver Razorback], however the animal saw the attack coming and immediately ran as far as it could. The shadow bit down onto the ground where the boar once stood, eating everything. the dirt, rocks, plant, even a tree. The shadow ate all of it, and I gained a bit of exp as well as an ability [Nature's Gift]. I deactivated [Gluttony] and looked at the new ability. I could grow plants out of my body using nutrients from whatever I have eaten. I sighed and started walking in the direction the boar ran off to. While walking I tried using [Gluttony] on other animals that I had encountered and found out a few things about [Gluttony]. Everything the shadow eats becomes nutrients and exp for my body. If I eat something with a skill or ability, I will gain the skills and abilities. Anything eaten with [Gluttony] can not be restored without using [Envy], another skill from the [Sin Series]. [Envy] allows me to make crude copies of abilities, steal items within my sight, and undo things that I have done using my other [Sin Series] abilities. 

I had been walking for a very long time, no longer being able to see any tracks from the boar I had scared off earlier. I sighed and decided to give up and head back to the town when I heard a noise of a projectile. I dodged to the side as an object came close to hitting me, instead lodging into the ground near where I was standing. I walked over and looked at the object, It was a purple crystal, I picked it up and examined it. [Latium], a rare crystal used in jewelry and charms. It's very shiny and so I decided to take it with me, after all, why shouldn't I keep something so valuable? suddenly I heard a voice in my head as a message appeared in front of me "hehehee, there is nothing wrong with a little greed " [Sin Series: Greed] unlocked. I looked at the message for a little until it disappeared. I sighed an put the crystal into my pocket before starting to walk to town. While I walked I got an idea of what I could do with the crystal. I wanted to see is some of the basic skills from my previous world would work normally in this world, and I had a skill called [Master Crafts]. It was a high leveled basic skill that allowed me to make any jewelry I wanted as long as I had materials to make it. I searched through my inventory for a good metal to use for making jewelry until I found something that I might be able to use, a golden coin used as currency from my last world. Since the money in this world was different than my last, I wouldn't be able to use any money from my last world. Golden coins were a common coin from my last world due to the abundance of the metal, however gold is a rare material in this world making it perfect for jewelry. I took out the coin and pulled the crystal out of my pocket, activating the skill on the 2 materials. Soon, the crystal and coin were gone, replaced by 3 items. a golden ring that had small cuts of the crystal embedded around the center, a golden necklace with a small sphere of the crystal held to the chains by a birds claw, and a golden bracelet bracelet with 3 diamond shape cuts of the crystal on it along with a lining made out of the crystal. I picked up the items and examined them carefully. The bracelet was a magic conduit, by moving mana into the bracelet you could store mana for later as well as cast spells using the reserve. The necklace was a speed charm, if you focus mana into the charm you could temporarily increase your speed or use a skill called [Quick Step]. [Quick Step] is a short ranged teleportation skill that moves you and anything attached to you a small distance depending on the amount of mana used for it. Finally the ring, it was different from the other 2 items because it had a name, [Cursed One's Ring]. The ring allowed the wearer to use skills from the [Sin Series] and the [Curse Series] without the negative drawbacks that may come. It was only useful for people that had any skills from those series. I slowly put the ring on my finger and felt like a tension had been released from my body. I sighed and put the other 2 items in my pocket, walking to the town quickly. 

When I got to the town I headed to the Inn that the party was staying at, when I got there I saw Filo, Raphtalia, and Rifana covered in dirt and scratches. Naofumi seemed to be holding a box with a small tool in it, probably a gift given to him by Raphtalia and Filo. Rifana walked up to me pouting "where were you! you've been gone since yesterday afternoon!" I stared at her "sorry, I lost track of time while I went out hunting. . . why are you covered in dirt?" She sighs and whispers to me "I went out searching for you, but I saw Filo and Raphtalia going somewhere and I followed them. They were trying to get something from some bird monster but ended up fighting some boar monster. I helped them kill it but I got a little scratched up from the fight" I nodded and pat her head "It's good that you helped them. but you should definitely go wash off at the hot springs." Rifana pouted "You are dirty too, you should wash off as well" I nodded "I had already planned on it, but you better not get any ideas and try to peep on me" Rifana blushed "I wouldn't want to!" I chuckled and pat her head. "I'm gonna go off now." I left the room and headed to the hot springs to go wash off. When I got there I moved the items in my pockets and my clothes into my inventory, putting a towel around my waist as I got into the water. I moved over to a far side of the water and sat down, staring to scrub the dirt off myself as I relaxed. After I finished washing myself off I just sat and relaxed, staring up at the sky. 

Suddenly, I got tackled and hugged from behind, pushing me under the water. I sat up quickly and tried to look at who did it, then I heard 2 familiar voices getting close, Rifana and Raphtalia "Filo, you cant just run off like that, what if someone saw you" "Naofumi-sama would get upset if ran off like that" The person holding onto me spoke, it was definitely Filo "But I was just coming over to Y/n" I sighed "and you nearly drowned me" I heard Rifana let out a strange noise "Y/n! Why are you here!?" I sighed "I said before that I was going to the hot springs to wash off a bit. This happens to be the closest one to the male's changing room." Raphtalia responded "oh" I sighed again "Filo, can you let go of me now?" Filo let go of me slowly and I sighed, sitting down again and looking away from Filo. I felt the water move around next to me, so Filo probably sat next to me.  She hugged onto my arm and giggled "Rifana-nii is so mean, she wants to keep you to herself and doesn't let me play with you" I look at towards her and sighed, patting her head. "it's okay, you should be more nice towards each other and stop fighting. It makes me sad to see you guys arguing against each other." Filo looked down and nodded "okay...." I started petting her "I care about both of you, so stop using me for your tug of war games. Now, you need to go back with Rifana and Raphtalia. It's bad for a girl to be in the same bath as a male if they aren't your special someone." Filo looked at me "But you are special to me" "I don't think you quiet understand......I guess in simple terms for a monster, it would be called mate." Filo stares at me "What if I want you to be my mate?" I blushed slightly and sighed "you will have to wait till you are older. and you would need my permission as well." Filo nodded slowly and got out of the water, going over to Raphtalia and Rifana. I didn't look over at them to respect their privacy. I heard them leaving and let out a sigh. Once I was sure they were far enough away, I got out of the water and headed back to the changing room. I dried off quickly and took my clothes back out from my inventory. After getting dressed, I put the jewelry back into my pocket, looking at the ring on my finger. I wouldn't notice it was there if I didn't look at it, like it belonged on my hand. I frowned and looked at it's status again. [Cursed One's Ring] Negates the negative effects of skills from [Sin series] and [Curse series]. It's affects were practically made to help me, but how? I didn't have control of it's enchantments. 

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