Izukus Gang

By PippaCash

33.5K 587 438

What if Hisashi and Inko were abusive? But one day they argued and Hisashi killed Inko. And then he abandoned... More

1 Izukus past
About the gang and my OC's
about Izuku not a chapter
3 The deal with the hero
Not a chapter
4 The school trip
Thank youuuuuuuuuu
6 Their Parents
7 captured... oh not any more
9 On the trace
Chapter 10 Ryukas Parents
11 the chase
12 the Small talk
About the OC's and the gang (again)
Random question
13 Kota vs. Kisho-Roastbattle 2.0
14 captured Kisho and a lot of chaos
15 Chaos in the whole city
Explaining the timeline
New story, dont worry
I made a mistake
What should I do?

8The traces

1.3K 24 7
By PippaCash

Last chapter:

...Yuri hugged and thanked everyone

Kirishima POV  (while his conversation after the free)

This gang was really manly. We captured one of them and the rest freed him, in a REAAALLY manly way. That was just so cool. 

„Suddenly, everywhere is smoke. I see a shadow scurry past me. Like a creature. A monster, that wants to eat us. My eyes hurt a little and I have to close them. I cough cause of the smoke too. When I open my eyes...the boy we captured was nowhere to be seen. ANd there is no s9ight of a shadow too." 

(It's like he tells that as a story to himself, you know what I mean?)

Then Denki made a stupid commentar about a monster, that ate the boy and wants to eat us too. And then he began to freak out and said something about cool, clever blondes, that have electrizity Quirks, but I didn't pay attation, cause I saw a Shadow in an alleyway. No. Wait. It was two shadows. I blinked my eyes in confusion, and then they were not there anymore. I shrugged it of as my imagination and looked at my class. Mina laughed at Denki, who was sacred and clung onto our alien girl. Bakubro was mad. Really mad. He set some explosions free again, but just on his hands. Iida wasn't happy either. He talked with his „squad" Uraraka, Tsu and Todoroki. They called themself the „Todorokisquad" While we, me, Mina, Denki, Sero, Jirou and Bakubro, are called „the Bakusquad" 

Then I looked at Aizawa Senseii. He was tired as always, but I could see that he was also angry. 

He said: „Class. We have to go the appointment. We don't have to hurry, but I have a feeling, that  we will be stopped again." And I think I heard him say: „I don't get payed enough for this." And: „I need more coffee." Then I walked to my squad and told them about the shadow in the smoke. Jirou said: „We should tell Aizawa about that. The shadows could be two members from the dark shadow. Don't you think?"  I nodded. Suddenly I saw something on the street. It was a paper. I picked it up and opened it. It was a note. I read: 

„Ryuka, go to the grocerie store. We only have 15 bottles of alcohol here. And pay it with your own money. I don't want to give my money for that. And be home before 6 pm. And eat somewhere else. We don't have food in the fridge.

 Mrs. Johnson (I don't know why I picked that name. It isn't that important.)"

I noticed that the handwriting wasn't very good and definitly not in a line. Like if the writer was drunk or something. That doesn't sound very nice for a mother to tell that her son. And then I realized that it might  be from the boy that we had captured. I stared at note and ran to Aizawa Senseii. 

I tapped him at the shoulder and he looked at me. HE sighed and asked: „Waht do you want?" I said: „Aizawa Senseii, I found this on the ground." I gave him the note. „I think it could be from the boy. The handwriting is looking like the writer was drunk or something like that, don't you think? And ONLY 15 bottles of alcohol? Whoever this wrote... I don't want to be her son or something like that." Aizawa read the note and looked at me again. Then he said: „Thank you Kirishima. You're right. It lookes like that. And it really could be from one of the boys. But now we have a trace. Even if this Yuri isn't someone of them, it is better then nothing. And if the houshold one of them lives in is that bad, how it lookes like, we have to get him out of there. I'm gona look what I can find about this Mrs. Johnson and this Yuri."

I nodded and got back to my friends.

Yuri POV(in the red zone)

I hugged everyone. That was really cool, how they freed me. Just like I expected it. Then I looked at Ryuka. He seemed nervous. He looked in his pockets but couldn't find what he was looking for. I asked: „Hay, Ryuka. Did something happen?" He looked in his last pocket and got pale. The rest of the gang looked at him. HE said: „I had a note from my mother in my pocket. It says that I have to buy alcohol in the grocery store. But it isn't here anymore. I think I lost it when we freed you, Yuri. What if they find the note? My mother always writes Mrs. Johnson on notes like this. What if they find my apartment?" We all looked at him. That wasn't good. But the only think we could do now, was hoping, that noone finds the note. We couldn't go and take it again, it was to dar away. And it was late again. The way to the red zone was long. And some of us had to go home. Well, only 5. The rest was homeless. 

Then we said goodbye to eachother and the homless boys of us, all snuggeled together in one of the alleys in the red zone. I was there too. I was homeless too. 

Aizawa POV (in the evening)

It's Erasermic. If you don't like it you simply don't have to read it. Soooo...

I got home and was greeted with my husband Present Mic, or Hizashi Yamada. When he saw me, he yelled „HEEEEYYYYYY!!!!!!! SHOTAAAAAA! YOU'RE HOME!!!!!!!" I said: „Yes, and I'm happy if I wouldn't become deaf because of you." He laughed and said: „Ah, sorry Shota. How was your day?" I answered: „It was as ok. We saw the dark shadows again, on the way to the apppointment with the problem children. We chased them but we could capture only one. At that one escaped. Well...the others freed him, I think. They used a smoke bomb or something like that." I thogught of the note agaoin. Whoever this Mrs. Johnson is, She is definitly a alcoholic. ANd I think Ryuka is her son. Maybe it is from one of the dark shadows. ANd it's irrelevant if it's not. We had to get the boy out of there. 'Zashi noticed that I was thinking about something and asked „What are you thinking about, Shota? You look concerned." I asnwered: „One of the problem children found a note on the ground. He gave it to me. ANd to whoever the note belongs to...I want him out of that household he is in." I gave him the note and he read it. I could see, that he dind't like what he saw too. The writer was definitly drunk. My husband said:" Yes, you're right. The poor boy." And I said: „And the note could be from one of the dark shadows. So we have a trace to them." Hizashi looked at me in concern. 

At that was chapter 8. Wow. I'm faster than usually, with updating. Again, I hope you like it. ANd I wanted to know....

SHould I do some ships?

I like really a lot of ships. Just not pro-hero x student. And I have nothing against them, but I don't think a three-person-ship is good for that story. What do you think about OchacoxTsuyu? Or DenkixJirou? Kiribaku? I don''t know.


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