The Cry Of A Mockingbird •Dio...

By cvsmix_plvto

132K 7.6K 5.3K

vex /veks/ verb make (someone) feel annoyed, frustrated, or worried, especially with trivial matters. This wa... More

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•Thirty-Seven [Final]•


2.4K 160 68
By cvsmix_plvto

“Master Dio,” A voice called from the door, making you flick your gaze from the book in your hands. The fire crackled beside you, the flames breaking and burning the wooden pieces inside of it. The calm, peaceful atmosphere that was in the room changed to a much more tense one as the man stood in the doorway. Dio looked up from his own book and glared. 

“What’s the meaning of your presence, Jack?” He asked. You turned your attention back to the pages before you. You would rather not hear the scolding session and death sentence to the last man who’d walked in your room unannounced and demanded Dio’s attention. The other people in the mansion were usually quiet, and minded their own business, but then there were the ones who walked in and interrupted the conversation you could have with Dio. Personally, you didn’t care about the interruptions--they gave you an excuse to not talk, but Dio on the other hand...He hated when anyone would even show their faces around you. When your back had been turned, the residents and servants had prowled towards you, the thirst for your blood overwhelming them. They had seen terrible ends by the blonde who always seemed to be on guard whenever you were around. 

As you turned the page, the next words that Jack said made your interest drop from the book and fully turn your attention towards them. 

“Jojo is coming,” Jack said, stepping away from the growling blonde. 

“How many others are with him?” You asked, making them both look towards you. Jack glared at you, but a single glance back at Dio made him drop it. 

“T-two other men, and a carriage driver,” He said as you stood up. 

“I’m going with you,” You said, turning to Dio. 

“Get out,” He snapped, turning to Jack, who scurried out of the room quickly. 

“You can’t stop me from going with you,” You said, putting your hands on the back of the chair you’d been sitting in and leaned against it. 

“You are not-”

“Are you going to try and stop me?” You asked, raising your voice over his, silencing him. 

“I easily overpower you,” He scoffed. 

“That’s true,” You said, raising an eyebrow. “But would you rather me, a mere mortal, stay in a mansion full of vampires who thirst for human blood?”

“No one else will be here,” He said, moving towards you. 

“Is that any better?” You asked. 

“I said, no,” He said, leaning over the chair, lowering his face closer to yours. 

“Do you think that means anything to me?” You grinned. 

“If you knew what was good for you, you’d listen to me,” He growled, grabbing your throat warningly. 

“Intimidation may work on your little slaves, but they do not affect me,” You said. “You may have gained some other-worldly abilities, but to me-” Your lips curled into a defiant smirk, eyes glinting with confidence he’d never seen before. “-you’re still the fifteen-year-old I slammed into the dirt.”

Dio’s eyes widened and you saw anger wash over his face before quickly receding. He exhaled deeply, closing his eyes as he regained his composure. You put your hand on the wrist of the hand he had closed around your throat, not squeezing but rather just resting there. He opened his eyes and looked down at you, amber eyes glinting with leftover annoyance. 

“Why do you act like this?” He questioned, removing his hand from your neck. You grinned wider. 

“Because you can’t kill me. You can’t hurt me, and you can’t stand when I am injured. You’ve grown so attached to me it’s almost pathetic, Brando. You are always at my side, and you murder any of those who dare to glance at me in the wrong manner. You can barely take enough time away from me to feed on the townspeople. You leave in the dead of the night while I sleep and then are there before I wake. Admit it, Brando,” You said, grabbing the collar of his white shirt and brought your faces closer together. 

“You’re obsessed with me.”

A cocky and smug look washed over your face at the way Dio frowned, yet his eyes seemed to dilate ever so slightly at that moment. 

“When did you begin to act like this?” He asked, grabbing onto your waist and bringing you flush against him. He had a point. Your sudden burst of confidence and defiance had also surprised you, but you weren’t exactly cursing it. You were actually glad it was there, otherwise, you’d probably be lowering your head and agreeing to what he said. You weren’t even sure of why you’d suddenly felt so rebellious against him. Perhaps it was the feeling of you being trapped. You felt caged within the walls of this manor, and Dio was the only person with the key. 

Dio’s question went unanswered as both of you fell silent. A pounding on the door made you pull away from Dio as Jack burst in with the simple phrase: “They’re here,”

“Go,” You said, sighing as you flopped back on the chair. Dio looked down at you for a second, eyes narrowing at your sudden agreement. Nonetheless, he had to brush it aside for the moment. He had more important things to take care of now. 

“Behave, Y/n,” Dio said, hand brushing under your chin as he walked away. 

“I can’t guarantee that,” You said, making him pause in the door. He looked back at you as you kicked your feet up and folded your arms behind your head. 

“What do you mean?”

“Well, I can’t guarantee that I’ll be here when you return,” You said. 

“Then I’ll hunt you down,” He muttered before leaving, slamming the door behind him. 

“I’d like to see you try,” You said under your breath, standing and walking to the window. A few minutes later, you saw multiple figures jump away from the mansion, now wisps in the night. You backed up before turning and darting from the room. Your steps echoed through the mansion as you raced down the stairs, thankful your leg had enough time to heal almost fully by now. 

The stairs were twisting as you descended down them quickly, only stopping at the bottom when you saw someone standing there. Your breath caught in your throat at the piercing red eyes that stared back through the darkness. A growl left its lips as it saw you, the smell of your blood washing through the room. It stumbled towards you slowly. Its movements were sluggish and its reaction time was heavily delayed. You quickly whipped your blade out and slashed its throat, before kicking it back into a suit of armor, impaling it on the staff and making it fall limp. You carefully stepped around it before dashing out of the manor and looked left to right as you pulled your hood up. 

You were getting the hell out of here. 

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