Baby Daddy c.t.h.

By brokenscenexx

176K 3.3K 1.3K

Shaylee Ava Hemmings, twin sister of the one and only Luke Robert Hemmings. After some drunken sex with Calum... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
New Fanfic!!!
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Sequel Stuff
Untitled Part 24
Chapter 18 pt. 1
Chapter 18 pt.2
Chapter 19
Chapter 19 (For real lol)
Chapter 20
Would You?
It's Out!!
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
I'm Sorry...
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Sequel Shenanigans
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Pray For Paris
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Important, please read
Chapter 32
Update Soon
Chapter 33
Thank You
Fanfiction Awards

Chapter 9

4.6K 91 38
By brokenscenexx



Shaylee's POV

(the next day)

"Oh my god this was a crazy and painful idea." I whimper.

"Oh c'mon stop being a wimp Shaylee. It's painless."

"Easy for you to say. You've done this like five times. You're used to it." I whine.

Kimberley had a great idea to get "best friend" tattoos. They're just tattoos that symbolize your friendship. Obviously I agreed to the idea and now I'm regretting it because of how painful it is.  Although, I shouldn't complain because compared to this child birth is probably a millions times worse.

I also despise needles with a burning passion. They've always scared the shit out of me and still do. I can't even get blood work done without either screaming or passing out. Let's just say I had a bad experience with them when I was little. Now here I am at the age of 17, almost 18 being tortured with a needle because of my friend.

"Alright, you're all done." The woman said, "I'm just gonna put a bandage type thing on and you'll be good to go." The woman leaves my side for a few minutes and returns to put the bandage thing on my neck.

"See," Kim smirks, "it wasn't that bad." I flip the birdie at her and roll my eyes.

"Haha, you're hilarious." I say fake laughing. "You know I'm terrible with needles and I'm especially not good with pain you ass."

"Calm down." She says.

"No you're being an asshole Kimberley. You know I don't like this kind of stuff. You could've told me before we got it done."

"Shaylee, don't let the hormones take control of you. Please just come walk with me to the ice cream store next door so you could sit down and calm down." She tries telling me.

 "No. Shut up Kimberley." I snap.

"Okay, now you're the one that's being an ass Shaylee." Kimberley yells at me.  My eyes began to well with tears. Hormones are just amazing. Just kidding they're incredibly annoying.

"I'm sorry. It's just I'm so mad and I'm really sorry." I say. The tears begin to fall down my face. Kimberley frowns and takes a step towards me, wrapping her arms around my waist,

"Don't get upset. I'm sorry too. C'mon now let's go get some ie cream." Kimberley smiles. I nod my head and we beginner to walk towards the ice cream store.

Kimberley opens the door, making the little bell go off. "C'mon let's go wash off a bit in the bathroom and then we'll order our ice cream." Kimberley tells me. I nod and follow her to the bathroom.

She turns on the faucet and wets a paper towel. See, this is why I love her. She's so sweet to me and she takes care of me.

I remember the first time we met.

~~Flash Back ~~

(6 Years Old)

I sat in the corner of the classroom tears rushing down my cheeks. One of the boys in my class, Zachary, pushed me and I scratched my knee. It hurt so bad and I didn't know what to do.

I didn't want to go ask Miss. Davids for a band-aid. Last week when I asked for one Zachary and his friend Ben made fun of me and called me a cry baby. I didn't want to be made fun of again.

A little girl walked over to me, Kimberley, I think her name is. She had long brown hair, but today it was in a pony tail with a purple bow.

"Hi Shaylee. What's wrong?" She asks, sitting down next to me. I look up at her with tears still spilling out of my eyes.

"Z- Zachary pushed me and I scraped my knee and now it's bleeding." I stutter.

She gets up and puts out her hand, "Come on let's go wash it off with some soap and water in the bathroom. Then we can go ask Miss. Davids for a band-aid."She explains to me.

I nod my head taking her hand. She pulls me up and takes me to the bathroom. She stands upon her tip toes and grabs a few paper towels from the towel dispenser. She turns on the warm wetting the towel and then applies some strawberry scented soap on it.

I sit down on the cold, hard, white tiled floor, sending chills up my spine. Kimberley, once again, sits down next to me and wipes the wound clean of blood. "It stings." I whimper.

"That's normal." She starts to tell me, "That's what my mum tells me. She's a doctor."

"Really?!" I ask.

She smiles and nods her head, getting off the floor to get a dry towel. She takes one from the dispenser and gets back down to dry my cut off.

She grabs my hand and we get up together. "Thanks Kimberley." I say.

"Oh, you're welcome." She smiles, "You can just call me Kim."

~~Flash Back Over~~

"So," Kimberley starts, "have you thought of any names for my nephews yet?" She asks.


"What?" I ask her, "I'm confused."

Kimberley laughs, "You know names for the boys. Have you and Calum decided on any yet?"

"Kim, I don't even know the genders yet." I laugh.

"So, you can still brain storm on some names. Pick out four names. Two boy names and two girl names." She explains to me. I scoop up some chocolate ice cream and eat it. I haven't had chocolate ice cream in forever. It's weird because, I'm having it in the winter time but, who the hell cares.

"Well, I guess we could start thinking of some." I say. Kimberley claps her hands together and smiles.

"Okay, for a boy it could be Carter Jay Hood, you could call him Cj for short, it'd be cute." She tells me.

Carter Jay Hood, that's cute.

"I like that. I was kind of thinking, if I did have a boy, I would want to name at least one of them, after Luke, or at least Lucas. But, I do really like the middle name Jay."

"Okay, let's think of one more. Then we could leave the girl names to the boys." She laughs.

"Alright, what about Lucas Jay Hood. I think that has a nice ring to it." I say.

"Awe, that's adorable. It's so nice that you want to name your kid after Luke, well kinda. It's still cute."

"Well, Luke's been there for me when other people couldn't like; my parents, my friends, just important people in my life. You know, we're only 9 months apart so we're really close. My mum had him in July of 96 and then exactly nine months later, April 16 1997, I was born. We had a really a really good bond. We were basically at each other's sides all the time." I tell her.

"Awe. That's so cute. I wish me and my brother could have that type of bond. Man, even if I step foot in his room for a second he'd tell me to fuck off." She laughs.

"Yeah but, you and your brother are like 5 years apart. Tyler was an only child for quite some time. So he probably didn't enjoy becoming a big brother." I explain to her.

"True. Hey, maybe thing one and thing two will have a really close bond since they're twins and have basically been together their whole lives. Maybe they'll be like you and Luke." She smiles.

My eyes started to well again, "Oh my gosh Kim, you're gonna make me cry. Shut up." I laugh. That would be really nice for the twins to have a nice relationship.

I could imagine Calum and I's daughters having pillow fights all the time or coming to each other for advice on boy problems. Twin boys would be nice too. They could like play fifa together and be on the same sports team. Or if the boys are identical they could switch classes when they get to school, to fool with the teachers.

Now, having a boy and a girl would be just adorable. If I did have a boy and a girl, I would want to have the boy first. This way he could be like the protective older brother (a/n yes, I really just did that Alissa :) ). But, then sometimes the girl would annoy the crap out of her brother and it'd be hilarious. There could be other times where they get really mad at each other and don't talk for like a week but, then one of them just can't take not talking to their sibling and just spit everything out all at once. It would be perfect.

"Hey, um Shay I think we better get going. Didn't you say the boys have to be at the arena by 4:00?" She asks, pulling me back into reality.

"Oh, yeah. I almost forgot about that." I look down at my phone. 3:45. "Yeah, we should get going."

And with that, we left the Ice Cream store and headed to the arena.

Calum's POV

"Guys, what the hell am I supposed to do?!" I ask. I continue to pace back and forth in the room.

"Dude, you need to talk to management. Are your parents even allowed to do that?!" Ashton asks me. I shrug my shoulders.

"Wait, so explain to me what happened again." Luke asks me.

"I just got off the phone with my parents and they want me to break up with Shay. Then after I do that I have to come home and I have to quit the band. They said I had to or else I'd pay 'the price'." I explain.

"Cal, you really need to go talk to management. I don't think they could actually do that. Besides, you're turning 19 in like 4 months. You don't have to listen to your parents. You'll be a proper adult." Ashton tells me.

"Yeah, dude. Go talk to management." Michael says, stepping into the conversation.

"You know," Luke starts, "maybe my mum could try and talk some sense into them."

"You're probably right. I'll talk to management. Then I'll talk to your mum." I say.

"Sounds like a plan." Ashton smiles, "Now let's go make some music!"

~~One Hour Later~~

"Good luck babe." Shaylee says, placing a kiss on my lips.

"Thanks Shay, I love you."

"Love you too, now go. You can't be late for your own concert like last time because of the rainbow." She laughs.

I laugh and give her one last kiss on the cheek before running on to stage.

Michael starts playing the chords for the first song, then I start, and then Luke starts. Before Ashton starts drumming away he yells into the microphone, "Good evening North Carolina! We are 5 Seconds Of Summer!"

Before Michael starts singing his part Luke says, "And this is a song about Good Girls."

Do do do d-do do do do do do

She's a good girl
She's Daddy's favourite
He's saved for Harvard
He know she'll make it
She's good at school
She's never truant
She can speak French
I think she's fluent

'Cause every night she studies hard in her room
At least that's what her parents assume
But she sneaks out the window to meet with her boyfriend
Here's what she told me the time that I caught 'em

She said to me,
"Forget what you thought
'Cause good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught.
So just turn around and forget what you saw
'Cause good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught."

Whoa oh oh oh- oh whoa oh
Good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught
Whoa oh oh oh- oh whoa oh
Good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught

She's a good girl
A straight A student
She's really into
All that self-improvement
I swear she lives in that library
But if you ask her she'll say,
"That's where you'll find me!"

But if you look then you won't find her there
She may be clever but she just acts too square
'Cause in the back of the room where nobody looks
She'll be with her boyfriend
She's not reading books!

She said to me,
"Forget what you thought
'Cause good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught.
So just turn around and forget what you saw
'Cause good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught."

Do do do d-do do do do do do
Good girls are bad girls and good girls are bad girls
Do do do d-do do do do do do
Good girls are bad girls and good girls are bad girls

She's a good girl
(She's a good girl)
Hasn't been caught
(She's a good girl)
She's a good girl
(She's a good girl)
Hasn't been caught... caught... caught... caught... caught... caught... caught... caught...

She said to me,
"Forget what you thought
'Cause good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught.
So just turn around and forget what you saw
'Cause good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught."

She said to me,
(She said to me)
"Forget what you thought
'Cause good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught.
So just turn around
(Just turn around)
And forget what you saw
'Cause good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught."

Whoa oh oh oh-oh whoa oh
Good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught
Whoa oh oh oh-oh whoa oh
Good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught
Whoa oh oh oh- oh whoa oh
Whoa oh oh- oh oh whoa oh
Good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught

The song ends and it's time for us to introduce our selves. "How are we this fine evening North Carolina?" Ashton says into the microphone. Our reply; a bunch of girls screaming.

"Okay, so I'm Ashton Irwin and obviously I play the drums!" He says, banging on the drums a few times after.

"Hi! I'm Luke Hemmings!" The crows cheers, "I love you guys too." He laughs, which creates  more screams, "I'm the lead singer!"

"What's up North Carolina, I'm Michael Clifford and I enjoy eating pizza and being the lead Guitarist for 5sos!"

"And last, but definitely not least," I start, "I'm Calum Hood! I'm the bassist and soon-to-be daddy in 5 Seconds of Summer!" The cheers grow louder. I smile. I love hearing people go crazy just because we're in the same room as them. It's just so amazing how far we've gotten.

I don't think sixteen year old Calum Thomas Hood expected to be here on a stage, thousands of miles away from home in the next three years.

It's awesome thinking about it. We had so many people that supported us and we still do, and everyday we get more and more people that support us. Who cares about the people who don't support us? They're just haters and there's nothing you can do to stop them from hating.

They feed on our sadness and if they see we're upset they're just going to keep doing it. But, if we stick up to them and show them we don't care, they'll get bored of us and start feeding off someone else's sadness. They'll keep doing that until there is no one else's sadness to feed off of and then they'll just die off.

Michael always tells us to ignore the people who don't support us. He told us that and then said, when ever someone's hating on you, you just have to think, "Fuck the haters" and move on.


Hehe, that was deep. Lol. Double update!!!!!!!!! You're welcome. Thank you guys so much for all of the reads and comments. ILYSM!!!! <3

If you guys want, start commenting baby names in the comments and if I find one I like I'll use it!!

<3 Terrilynn

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