Chapter 4

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(Brooklynes POV)

The thought of me and Sammy kept replaying in my head, I mean I don't think he would be a bad boyfriend, I actually think he would be the perfect boyfriend. I don't care what Nash says if I want to date Sammy I will, I want to prove to Nash that Sammy is a good guy. I just hope that he acually likes me. Well lets see what happens tonight.

(Sammy's POV)

It feels like i ha vent seen Brooklyne in hours when its really only been like 20 minutes. I really like her she is so sweet I always think that she would be a perfect girlfriend. I would take her on dates every week bring her flowers and anything else she wants to do. I have never felt like this about any girl before. I know what you might be thinking 'well what about Brittany, well yeah Brittany was hot and everything but really I cant ever see myself with her in the future.

But when I think about my future with Brooklyne it just looks so perfect, we have a big house, with a great big back yard, a big porch we can sit on in the morning and drink are coffee and just enjoy each others company. I could not picture any other women having my children other then Brooklyne. Yes some people might say 'your young you don't know what you want right now'. Well let me tell you if i had to be 100% positive about one thing in my life Brooklyne is it. I just hope she has the same feelings as me.

(Brooklynes POV)

I follow the directions Sammy sent me earlier to get to his house. I pull up to a house and it has Sammy's dark gray jeep sitting in it so I know I was at the right place. I pull in beside Sammy's jeep and turn off my car and clime out of my car and walk up to the front door. I stand there for a few seconds before i feel my hand slowly make its way up to the doorbell. I ring it once and wait.

I am standing out front of Sammy's house waiting for him to come let me in. Finally he came and opened the door for me and let me in. "Hey Brooklyne, sorry I was just cleaning up my room." "Oh that's fine I thought you for got i was coming over" "No way I could not forget about you" he said and winked at me. I started to blush so I looked down at the floor.

He put his figure under my chin and and lifted it up so I was not looking him in the eyes. "Brooklyne dont ever hind yourself from me, you are to beautiful to not look at" and with that said I began to blush even harder and he just chuckled at me, I hit his chest for laughing at me and we both started laughing.

"Want to go up to my room and watch movies?" "yeah sure that sounds fun!" "Okay what movie do you want to watch?" "Um I don't like picking the movie you pick!" "Are you sure?" I nod my head and watch Sammy as he goes threw Netflix to find a movie. I didn't even notice he pressed play on the movie and he jumped on the bed and laid next to me.

"So what movie are we watching?" I ask "We are watching The Women In Black" he tells me. I don't mind scary movies I just get really scared and trip out for a week thinking something will happen to me. I nod my head and he looks at me like he can tell I'm scared already. "If you get scared you can hit your face in my chest" Sammy says to me and winks, "Thank you" I say and lightly press my lips to his check.

The movie stared and it wasn't that bad till scary music started to play and I got really scared and jump onto Sammy's lap and hid my face into his chest. He started rubbing my back lightly and whisper little things like 'I am right here' 'it will be okay' 'nothing bad will ever happen to you when you are with me' 'I will never let anything hurt you' and so on. I looked up from his chest and looked into his beautiful brown eyes.

We are both just looking at each other and we both start to lean in, then there was a knock at the door. 'damn it!' I say to myself. I slide off of Sammy's lap and let him go and answer the door. He runs down to see who was at the door, I think hear talking I wonder who it is.

(Sammys POV)

Brooklyne and I where just about to kiss we were so close then someone had to come over right now!? ugh I was beyond pissed. I ran down to see who was here, i unlocked the door and there stood Skate. "Yo bro what are you doing here?" I ask him, I mean I love the guy he's like another brother to me but he sure knows how to pick a bad time to show up.

"Okay so you know how I have had feeling for Tara for like ever!?!?" he says, I nod my head yes "Well we finally kissed bro, I finally kissed her!" I have never seen him so happy before, I knew he liked Tara for almost a year now and I am so proud of him for getting the balls to do it.

"Bro I am so happy for you" I bro-hug him and he is just all smile's now. "Hey sorry bro did i interrupt something?" he said to pointing to Brooklyne at the top of the stairs. "Haha well we were in the middle of a movie" i wink at him "Oh shit bro sorry about that ill text you later man, bye dude" "Bye Skate" "Bye Brooklyne" he yelled up to her and winked at her. She just blushes and waved bye.

(Brooklynes POV)

I walked out of Sammy's room to see who was at the door because he was gone for awhile. I sat at the stairs, I seen it was Nate and I heard him talking about how he kissed Tara. I pulled my phone out really quick and texted her.

*Text Convo T-Tara B-Brooklyne*



B-So, how was it?!?!?

T-OMG it was honestly the best thing that I have ever experienced

B- I am so happy for you! But hey ill text you later Sammy is coming back up to the room :)

T- Wait how did you find out? and don't do anything I wouldn't do ;) we dont need anymore baby wilks running around

B- Nate came out and told Sam and I overheard. Ew Tara that's gross I am not doing the dirty, well at least not tonight ;)

T- LOL okay well text me later be safe!

B- Bye Tara

*End of convo*

I was laughing to myself when I was texting Tara, I didn't even notice that Sammy came back in the room. "What are you laughing at babe?" Sammy asked "oh I was just texting Tara about her kiss with Nate" I tell him. He just nodded his head and we just kinda sat there for a minute until Sammy finally spoke up, "So are we going to go back to what we were doing or...?" he says well rubbing the back o his neck and putting his head down.

I put my legs on each side of Sammy and I looked into his big brown eyes studying all his features like his long eyelashes, his cute pink lips, the way his jaw is lightly clenching every time we get closer to each other. Finally we are so close i can smell his mint gum. We both lean in and close are eyes and are lips finally meet again.

It felt perfect in the moment are lips moving in sync with each other. I moved my hand from cupping his face to running my figures threw his thick brown hair and pulling on it a few times and earning a few moans from him. He put his hands around my waist and started to explore ever inch of my body. After a few minutes we parted for air and just looked at each other and smiled wide.

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