Chapter 9

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(Brooklynes POV)

I ended up just sitting in bed all day crying and thinking about Sammy and I, we might have only been dating a few days but we were friends before we started dating and I don't think I want to go back to being friends with someone who cheats on people.

I heard my front door open and shut, once again I didn't both getting out of bed. "Hey Brooklyne how are you feeling?" I heard behind me "Uh I've been better" I turn around and see my brother standing there with ice cream, McDonald's, and like 5 different kinda of chocolate. He came over to my bed and set everything down and just looked down at his eet. "Nash thank you for all of this you really didn't need to" I say to him but he still wouldn't look at me. "Nash whats wrong?", he puts his head in the hands and says "Its all my fault that my baby sister is sitting in her room heart broken and crying, its all my fault and I feel so bad-" I cut him off before he could say another word "Nash this is not your fault at all, this is my fault for not listening to you, you told me that Sammy was bad news but I didn't listen. There's probably a million other reasons that he cheated on me, I guess I just wasn't good enough for him" I say looking down at my lap and tears starting coming out of my eyes again.

Nash just got up and came to sit beside me and he rocked me back and forth until I stopped crying. Nash started with me and ate all the food he broght me, Nash is honestly the best big brother a girl could ever ask for. We were watching a sad movie and I started to drift off to sleep.

(Nashs POV)

I felt so bad for Brooklyne I know I told her so many times to stay just friends with Sammy, but she just didn't listen. I went to the store on my way home and picked up some junk food for her. We talked for about 10 minutes then we started eating the food and watching a stupid girly movie just she was sad and I just wanted to be here for her. She ended up falling alseep so I took all the food off the bed and put it on the dresser and turned the movie off and tucked her into bed. She needs the sleep she has been at home all day crying.

I walk out of her room and look at my phone to see the time, 9:30 pm. Damn that movie was pretty long. I went to the hall closet and got a towel and headed tot he bathroom to take a shower. I came out went to check on Brooklyne to make sure she was okay and I headed to bed myself.

(Sammys POV)

I left school early today, I didn't want to listen to everyone ask me and cheating on Brooklyne. I went home and locked myself in my room and walked to my dresser and pulled out 2 bottles of vodka and a 12 pack of beer and just started drinking. I don't drink as much anymore, not after that night.


I was at a party with the guys Tara didn't want to come to this one. So I got into the kitchen and I see the girl I loved kissing another guy, we weren't dating but I did really care about her. I got so pissed off I got a bottle of vodka and whisky and started drinking them. I was so upset at the moment I didn't care what happened to me.

I remember i drank both bottle and started to feel pretty good. I seen a girl that wouldn't stop looking at me so I look her up to an empty room and we had drunk sex. I ended up leaving that party and woke up in the hospital because I had alcohol poisoning.

*End of FlashBack*

(Sammys POV)

This is all my fault, if i just held myself together I wouldn't have lost the girl of my dreams. But I did to a girl I will never talk to again. I start to get even more mad thinking about it and smashed the bottle of vodka against the wall. I have been sitting in my room for hours now, I should call her I think to myself.

*Phone call*


S- Broooooklynneee, i looovee youuuu

B- Sammy what are you talking about? Wait are you drunk!?!

S- Imm noot evveen thaatt drunkkk

B- Sammy this isn't funny go to sleep please I dont want you doing something dumb

S- But I already did Brooklyne, I lost you the best gurl I ever had

*End of phone call*

(Brooklyne POV)

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. I got up to see who it was, I picked the phone up and said hello, then I heard a very drunk Sammy on the other end, I had to hang up I cant stand to hear what he has to say, even if he is drunk and didnt mean any of it. After the phone call with Sammy I knew I had to call someone to make sure he was okay, I know for a fact I'm not going over there when he is that drunk.

I thought about who I could call, Im not asking Nash he already hate Sammy, Tara cant handle him on her own. I call Johnson there was no answer I mean it makes since its 3 in the morning. Next I called Skate and he was with Tara and I didnt want her to go with him. Last I called Gilinsky and he picked up

*Phone call*

G- Brooklyne its 3 am what are you doing calling me this early?

B- Gilinsky, please I need your help


S- I'm fine its Sammy he just called me and he was wasted out of his mind. Please I need you to go over there and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid please!

G- Okay calm down I will go over now, ill call you when I'm on my way home

B- Thank you

*End o phone call*


Sorry that this chapter was short I wasn't really in the mood the write today. Il be updating again this weekend, I will make it  a good chapter promise

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