Chapter 5

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(Brooklynes POV)

*1 Week Later*
Sammy and I have been hanging out everyday this past week, we would hangout just us two or hangout with everyone. I hope he asks me out soon I really like him and I think he really likes me so let just hope for the best.

My mom came in my room this morning and told me they had to go back to Canada for a few weeks because something had happened to my aunt so they were leaving Nash and I home alone. "We will leave you guys some money for food and if you run out please call us and we will send you some down" my mom said to me "I will mom don't worry we will be fine just go and make sure everyone is okay, love you and be safe" I say to my mom as she is walking out the door to get her flight with my dad. "Okay I love you to and you two be safe please" my mom said "We will now go, bye dad love you" "Bye sweetie love you to" and my parent's were gone

When they left I ran up to my room to get ready for my last day of school for the week. Finally its Friday I say out loud. I plug my phone into my speaker and put my phone on shuffle and start singing and dancing around my room to whatever song would come on. I did my hair and makeup like I do everyday and went to pick out my outfit. I went with my Love PINK tights and a dark purple shirt with my nude colour cardigan. I matched it with my dark gray vans.

I texted Nash to see if he needed a ride to school this morning and he told me his friend came and picked him up so he didn't need one, I texted Tara to see if she needed a ride because I know she takes the bus every morning. She texted back and said that would be great so I went and picked her from her house. I texted her to tell her I was here and she ran out and jumped in the passenger seat.

"Hey thanks again or coming to pick me up" Tara said "Hey its no problem". We had to music blasting to the radio and we were singing and dancing until we pulled into the school parking lot. I turned off the car and we got out and got are bags and headed into the school. She told me she would be back she had to go see Nate before class and had to stop at her locker and she would meet me in class.

*Skip To Lunch*

We were all sitting around a normal table eating lunch and just making small talk. Then one of Nash's friend's came out to are table and asked if I could come over to there table for a few minutes I nod and stand up and follow behind him. I turn around and everyone at my table had a confused look on there face.

"Hey Whatsup?" I ask Nash when I walk over, "Hey so you know how mom and dad are gone for a few weeks right, well I was wondering if you wanted to throw a party at the house?" he asked me. I looked at all his friends and they all had pleading eyes along with Nash. "I guess that would be cool" I say and Nash and all his friends stand up and all cheer and hug me.

I laughed and started walking back to my table where my friends where even more confused now. "What was that about?" Johnson asked. "Oh we are throwing a party at my place this weekend so you guys better be coming" I say with a wink. They all laugh and all agree.

*Skip To After School"*

I walked up to my locker after my period class and was putting my stuff in my locker and getting whatever I needed for the weekend, then someone came up behind me and tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around to see a shy looking Sammy there, "Hey Brooklyne, uhh...... I have a...... uh question..." he says looking for shy and nervous he looked so cute. "Hey Sammy what's your question?" I asked "Uh well I know that you are having your party tonight and stuff but I was wondering if you wanted to maybe so on a date Saturday night.... uh with me" I so happy that he finally asked me I was freaking out on the inside but played it cool "Yeah that sounds fun!" "Thank god I thought you were going to say no" "Why would you think that?" "Well because we are really good friends and I didn't know if you though it would be weird or not" "I am happy you asked me Sammy" I smile "Okay, well I guess ill see you tonight" he winks at me and starts to walk away.

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