Chapter 8

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(Nash POV)

I don't know what to do..... I don't actually know if Sammy is going to jacks or is he is going to a girls house..... I don't want to tell Brooklyne then she will think I'm just trying to break them up. I wish I knew the truth, wait what if I could get the truth I thought to my self. I got into my car and tried to follow Sammy without him knowing its me.

(Brooklynes POV)

I ended up waking up in the middle of the might with no Sammy in my bed, I got out of bed to go and find him. He might just be getting something to drink or in the bathroom or something. I went and looked threw the hole house and I couldn't find him. Maybe he had to go home or something so I went to my phone and i didn't have any text's so I started to get worried.

I texted Sammy to see if he could answer and I waited 10 minutes and still no answer. By now I had a mix or worrying and I was extremely pissed like why would be not have woke me up i he had to leave. I got up and went to Nash's room to see if he knew where Sammy went, I know that Nash sometimes has trouble sleeping and goes and sits in the living room and goes on twitter until he get tired.

I go into his room and hes not in there so I go to the living room and hes not there either I am starting to freak out now. My brother and my boyfriend are not here, where could they be? Maybe they went for food or something kept thinking to myself. I texted Nash as well and Sammy again and no answer. I ended up staying up for the rest of the night.

Around 5:30 am I heard the front door open and close. I walked into the hallway and walked down to see who just walked in. It was Sammy, "Um where have you been?" I ask him clearly he didn't see me. "Uh Brooklyne what are you doing up this early?" he asks not looking at me "Sam where are you been? I have been up all night worrying about where you are and I texted you and you didn't answer." I was no longer worried I was pissed now.

"Babe come on we should start getting ready for school" he says walking up to me "Is it that bad you cant tell me where you were, I have aske you 3 time now. Where were you Sammy!" My face was getting hot because by now I was yelling at him. "JUST DROP IT OKAY" he yells at me. I just stand there, "get out." I tell him "What? No Babe.." he was about to finish when I cut him off "No Sammy get out, you cant even tell me where you were. your hiding something from and I want to know and you wont tell me so get out please."

I watch as the man I thought I would never lose walk right out of my house. Not even looking back, I slid down the wall I was now leaning on and cried. I don't understand what is so bad that he couldn't tell me, so many thoughts where going threw my mind when they where interrupted by the front door opening and closing.

I quickly whipped the tears that were falling from my eyes and got up from the floor. I stood up to see Nash standing in the door with head down. "Hey Nash whats wrong?" I asked walking up to him. "Oh hey Brooklyne uh oh nothing uh wheres Sammy?" "Oh.. um we got into a fight and I told him to leave uh why?" "Oh just wondering um if I tell you something will you promise not to get mad at me?" Nash said looking down at his feet.

"Nash please tell me I wont be mad" he just stand there for a minute "NASH! please tell me" I start getting annoyed. "Okay.. so I couldn't sleep so I went and sat on the the chair in the living room and Sammy walked down and was leaving the house, so I asked him where he was going and he was going over to jacks house to help him with something and I asked him why he was going this late at night and he said that it was important. So I didn't believe him so I followed him in my car"

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