"And I met them too,"

"You did meet everyone! That's good,"

Sierra came back in the room with a panini, then had to rush back out and left us alone again. I looked at it, feeling my stomach churn, before picking it up and taking a small bite.

As if my body was rejecting it before it even went down, I gagged and spat it into the napkin, feeling my lip tremble.

"Do you not like it?"

"I do it just... happened,"

"Try again ay?"

Obliging, I took another bite and the same thing happened, making my slam the panini down and cover my face.

"Slow breaths. Try one more time,"

"I can't. I'm gonna be sick,"

He put a sick bowl down and shushed me, rubbing my shoulder.

"I can't eat,"

"I am going to make the executive decision to give you a feeding tube," he said slowly, "We can put it in once Kaykay is found and calm enough to be with you,"

"I will eat the panini,"

"You cannot, and that is okay. However, you do need strength for surgery, so we need to get the nutrients in you somehow. Could you step on the scale for me sweetheart?"


"Please, angel. I just want your weight and height to figure out the food to give,"

I climbed out of bed, lightheaded, and stood on the scales for him, then he tucked me back into the bed and paged Kaykay.

"Don't you have other patients?"

"You're my last one of the day,"

"Lewis said he would see me at the end,"

"He is scrubbing into a surgery with someone else, he isn't on my service today. Well, he wasn't supposed to be, but he has spent a fair bit of time with you,"

"That was my fault,"

"Do you like him?"


"He's quite good with little kids but prefers my service over Kaykay's. I guess it's because we see both kids and adults,"

"I will have steady hands after this, won't I?"

"There is no reason why not. They're probably shaking right now from exhaustion and lack of nourishment,"

There was a quiet, nervous knock on the door, and Ashton opened it to reveal Kaykay. Immediately, he hugged her, and kissed her, then she came over to me and held me in her arms.

While Ashton explained everything that had happened, she sat next to me supportively. And unfortunately, she believed a feeding tube was a good idea.

Ashton put a pair of gloves on and then called Juliet to come down to my room with one. When she came, he had her measure it, then he did it again just to be sure.

"Her bloodwork looks good,"

"I agree," he said.

"You're not gonna enjoy this, but it won't hurt. When I say, start to drink,"

"Okay," I said, taking the water with a straw, "My throat is getting no rest,"


"What if I can't breathe again?"

"You will be okay,"


"This numbs your throat," Juliet says, "Open wide,"

She sprayed it and I grimaced, clasping Kaykay's hand.

"Alright, this is gonna feel strange, but don't freak out,"

He began to put the tube up my nose and I shut my eyes, clutching Kaykay's arm.

"Start swallowing,"

I did, my eyes watering from my nose, until he said stop and taped the tube to my cheek.

"I need to do an ultrasound to make sure its in place," he said, carefully wiping gel over my stomach . Juliet passed him a portable one and he used it, Kaykay sat by my head, humming.

He wiped my stomach dry and pulled my gown down, then sat with us.

"This is for your own good,"

"I know,"

"Hopefully it will make you feel a little bit better,"


"Juliet, please could you work out what she needs to have and give it to her?"

She looked at the chart and they spoke about it, then she went off to collect my 'food'.

"I'm not a fan of today," I giggled slightly, wiping my running nose with a tissue.

"I can't think why,"

"This probably cost you so much,"

"Whatever the bill is, we will pay it,"

"I can sleep soon, right?"


"Good. This is exhausting,"

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