"I wanna go home,"

"You can probably go home tomorrow evening. I know it's tough,"



"When I graduate, you're gonna teach me here to be a brain surgeon, right?"

"Yeah, but right now, I am your friend. I'm not your doctor, or your teacher, I am a friend,"

"Okay," I sniffed, "Pinky promise you will see me again,"

"I'll visit as much as I can,"

"Can you all find Kaykay and make sure she is okay?"

"Yeah. Can I grab you anything at the canteen?" Sierra said, Luke heading off when his pager went off.

"No thankyou,"

"Not even a panini or something?"


"This is the second day you have barely eaten," Ashton, "Well, no, it's probably been a while,"

"I'm trying,"

"I know you are, but you are having a big, big surgery in just a few weeks. I am considering a feeding tube,"


"We need you strong," he said, "And right now, you aren't,"

"I will eat. I will have a panini,"

"I'll be right back,"

Sierra left the room and then it was just Michael and Ashton left, both of them looking at me in pity.

"Did they say anything that upset you?"

"No. This whole thing is freaking me out,"

"Do you think speaking to a counsellor might help?"

I shrugged and curled up in my blanket, picking at the plaster over my picc line. Gently, Ashton took my hand away and I looked at him, slowly blinking.

"I think Kaykay would benefit too. I will see if someone can come and speak to you tomorrow during chemo,"


"I will sort that out,"

Michael's page went off and he gave us a weak smile before heading off to answer it, leaving just Ashton.

He held my hand and looked at my monitors, giving me a smile. When he smiled, I felt safe, and comforted. I trusted him, even though I hated that.

"I got sick very quickly,"

"You did, so we are going to treat you very quickly,"

I nodded and bit my lip, looking round the room. It was standard. A clock, a tv, some crappy art for kids. There was a computer and some drawers, and then lots of annoying, beeping machines.

"Sorry for saying you aren't my family,"

"Had a change of heart?"

"You've been there for me more than my dad ever was. You're not my dad though,"

"I know," he said quietly, "I am glad I can be there for you,"

"I didn't mean it all those times,"

"Coming into our home must've been hard, and I respect that. Ontop of all the change, you had your secret, and your pain. Go easy on yourself,"

"I think I met all your friends today,"

"Well everyone but Cal and Crystal were in your room earlier,"

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