CHAPTER 18: Allies. (EDITED 07/22)

Start from the beginning

"Is that because of what happened in the throne room? Don't worry about that, things like that are not going to happen again, thanks to Enoria, things are going to be way softer than they should be," he explained.

"You don't seem happy about that."

"How could I? My father needs to show he is the one in control, by listening to her he will only look weak."

"Is trying to do things without violence a weakness for you?" Tanya asked with gritted teeth.

The look she gave him was a mix of anger and disappointment and Saya didn't miss to notice that. He apologized telling her he should go back to the Palace as she had a lot of things to prepare for the coronation ceremony and she probably needed time by herself to learn everything she had to. She didn't ask him to stay, she didn't want to continue speaking to him anyway. His hand was already on the door handle when she asked him to tell Enoria she wanted to see her. But it only made Saya let out a loud sigh. He was tired of how easily she had managed to slip into everyone's heart. His own father was trusting her more than he was trusting him and now, the woman he loved wanted to see her while she didn't want to see him.

"Why do you want to talk to her?" he asked, not even trying to hide his annoyance.

"Does the High Priestess have to justify everything she does?"

"No, but I wonder what business you could have with someone like her, you shouldn't trust her, Niruha. She is not a friend, she made sure to be close to you so that she could use you when she'll need you. She is manipulating you just like she is manipulating my father," he replied, turning to look at her.

"I know how to choose my friends."

Saya let out a small mocking laugh before he coldly looked back at Tanya. "You trust her, don't you? How can you trust someone like her?  You made a scene because of my reaction during what happened in the throne room but you are ok with someone capable of killing her own mother mercilessly? Does the rules apply differently for her and for me?"

"What do you mean?" Tanya questioned, confused, "her mother died during what you people call the Great Hunt or whatever."

"Not at all, but I guess she didn't tell you that, did she? Do you remember the ambush we fell into weeks ago?

"Yes, how could I forget that?"

"Taealha told me it was set up by her mother who had escaped the hunt. Enoria had killed her mother and her entire family which included two young boys who had nothing to do with the attack, and what for? Pure vengeance. And who do you think was the one who killed that girl, Chaeun, you were crying over? She was killed with her entire family and Enoria was among the killers."

Tanya turned her back to Saya so that he didn't see she was upset by what she had heard. She didn't really know who to believe. She was aware Saya was probably trying to set her against Enoria but she also knew what the warrior was capable of. She remembered well how she had easily taken the lives of those thirty-two men who wanted to harm them in the forest, how blood-curdling she had felt when the Igutu had put her dagger on her throat, threatening her not to say a word about her hidden relationship and the look in her eyes while doing so that made her shiver from fear. 

"What kind of person do you think she is? She is just like the man she loves, a brutal emotionless cold-blooded killer, that's what she is, that's what they both are. That's why you shouldn't befriend her, nor should you think she is on your side. Think about the number of lives she probably took, think about all the blood on her hands, compared to her, what I have done is nothing," Saya continued.

Tanya didn't answer him, she didn't even want to look at him as she was sure her emotions were showing on her face. 

"You need people you can truly count on, true allies, and she is not one of them, me however, I will always be by your side, Niruha," he added.

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