Chapter 60 Part 3

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{Demi's POV}

A month goes by, and a couple weeks ago, we celebrated Cali's second birthday, Cay'Lyn won her second pageant...but she has to put it on hold because her and Cayleigh are starting big kids school today. She's not too happy about putting it on hold, but after meeting her teacher last week, and was told about all the things they'll be doing, she's kinda excited to go. Cayleigh...she really doesn't want to, but she understands that she has to. Colin and I are both up, he and CJ are downstairs, and I'm getting the girls ready for school, and Cali ready for daycare. She's a lot like Cay'Lyn. She's more outgoing and likes to play with other kids, so I figured why not put her in daycare with other kids, and junior still seems too young to go. Colin says I'm babying him and he can go and play with other kids too, and maybe he's right, but oh well. He's not going. After getting the girls ready, they go downstairs to eat breakfast, and while they do that, I make their lunches. Afterwards we load up in the truck and drop Cali off first and then drop the twins off. We walk them into their classroom. "Ready?" I ask. "Yes. Can I go in already?" Cay'Lyn asks. "Can mommy have a hug first?" She gives me a hug then Colin, and gives her little brother a kiss. "You'll have fun...I promise." I say giving Cayleigh a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Wait..before you guys go, let me get a picture." Colin says. They stand by the door of their classroom and smile and we both take pictures with our phones. "Can we go in now?" "Double kisses, then you can." They give me a kiss on the cheek. "I love you." "Love you too." They say..then Cay'Lyn holds out her hand for Cayleigh to grab. They walk in and colin and I walk in behind them. Their teacher is excited to see them. Once they go join their classmates on the carpet we walk out and get to the car. A tear escapes my eye. "Are you cryin?" He asks. "Maybe...they're growing up so fast." "Demi, it's only elementary school..." "You're not helping." "Okay. I'm not gone say anything else." He says and pulls out of the parking lot.

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