Chapter 56 Part 1

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{Demi's POV}

The girls and I leave with out families to the airport. We're all going to different places. My families going back to LA, his is going back to Turlock, and we're going back to San Francisco. We say goodbye to everyone and get to our plane. Whenever I have my girls, flying private is always the first option. We get to our plane and take off in the next 10 minutes or so. During the flight, fans on twitter tweet me pictures from the end of the game. There's a great shot of all five of us. Colin's holding the twins, and I have Cali in my arms, and confetti is flying everywhere. Save it to my phone and post it.

"Superbowl Champs. My Niner played his heart out. Congratulations baby, you guys deserve it! ❤💛🐻 #TheyDontGetTired"

When we land, all three of the girls are sleep. I have to wake the twins up, and they're gonna be mad. We finally get home, I give them a quick bath and they're out immediately after. I have to wake up Cali to take her a quick bath as well. We comes back to the room with me. When I wake up the next morning, I open my eyes to see Cali cuddled up to her daddy. I didn't even hear him come in. I take a picture and post it.

"Waking up to this😍❤"

I brush my teeth, check on the twins, then go downstairs and watch TV. Colin comes downstairs with Cali in his arms and sits next to me. "How's my Superbowl champ this morning?" "Good. Real good." "...and what about mommy's baby?!" I say making her smile. "Do you want breakfast." "Na....I'm good. The girls will probably want something. I get up, make them so oatmeal and I'll warm it back up when they wake up. I warm up a bottle for Cali, Colin hands it to her and she feeds herself. "Now that the seasons over, what's next?" "Back to Arizona to train. I'm gonna be working with a quarterback coach out there. I still need to sharpen my skills." "When..." "About a week and a half." "That soon?" "Yeah." "How long?" "11 weeks." "Babe that's 2 months." "I know, which is why I'm insisting you and the girls come." "I actually have meetings in LA, and try and do some recording..maybe afterwards?" "Sounds good."

{Colin's POV}

A few days go by and ever since the winning the Superbowl, new endorsement deals have rolled in, and I have to do tons of interviews. Demi and I are in New York. Today, I'm on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. I'm excited and nervous, because it's usually Demi that's doing these types of interviews, not me. We get to where the show is being filmed and there are people outside with posters that has my name on it and they have on my jersey. It's crazy to think I have fans and supports all the way over here in New York. We get inside, talk with Jimmy backstage for a little bit then go to my dressing room. "That was crazy." I say sitting down in the chair. "Well you just won the Superbowl." "Yeah, but having fans all the way over's a blessing." She puts her arms around my neck and gives me a kiss on the cheek, leaving a print of her lips with red lipstick. "You deserve all the success in the world." She says. I take her hand, she walks around to the front of me and I sit her on my lap. "Wanna know what makes achieving success even better?" "What?" "Having you to share it with." "Awww baby...I love you." "I love you more." She gives me a peck on the lips. "You should go on with my lip print on your I know it's real." "You crazy." "So it's not real." "It's real but....." I sigh. "Fine...I'll do it." I add. I'm the last guest to go on, so after waiting, it's finally my turn. I wait behind the curtain for my introduction. "Welcome back to the tonight show, our next guest is Superbowl Champion, quarterback of the San Francisco 49ers, please give a warm welcome, to Colin Kaepernick." I walk out and the audience gets loud. I smile and wave. I shake Jimmy's hand and take a seat, meanwhile the audience is still going...I start blushing a little bit. They finally quiet down. "I bet you get this reaction a lot don't you." "Not all the time." "Before we start, are those lips on your face?" "Yeah...some crazy woman attacked me backstage..." I say snickering. "Awww man. Sorry to hear that." "Yeah, you should really tighten up on security." "I will." He says then laughs..

"Alright, so Superbowl does that feel. This is your second right?" "Yes. It's my second, and it feels just as amazing and fulfilling as the last one. That was some years ago though, but it's just great to know all the hard we put in paid off." "You also got Superbowl MVP..." "Yeah...I'm very grateful for that. I mean everyone was on their A-Game that day..offensive line gave me great protection. And defense held them to one score the entire second half, but I'm very thankful for the award." "Well congratulations once again, winning the Superbowl has to be the most awesome thing ever." "It definitely is." "So other than winning the biggest game ever, how's everything else in life?" "It's good. I have 3 beautiful children...well 5...if you wanna count my tortoise and puppy." "No way, you have a tortoise." "Yes Sammy. I've had him since I was about 10. He's huge...about 150 pounds.." "That's so I let you're kinda married to my BFFFFFFF." I laugh. "Yeah, I am." "Is it okay, if we bring her out..I mean I don't want her to steal your thunder." "Man she's gorgeous and talented, she's gonna do that anyway." "Alright we're gonna take a break, but when we come back, we'll be joined by Demi Lovato. After the small commercial break, he introduces Demi and she walks out. She gives him a hug, and I stand up to hug her. She sits down. "How are ya pal." "I'm good, how are you bestie." "I'm look amazing!" "Thanks!" "As always!" I add. "Awww thank you honey." "Are you the one that attacked him and left that mark on his face..." She laughs. "Ya know...I'm not saying anything, to confirm or deny this story.." "In other words, she did it." I say, getting the audience to laugh. "So what next for you pal. It's been a while since we've heard new music..." "This year actually. I've been in the studio a lot while I was pregnant with our third child, and so I should be releasing it soon...hopefully early this year." "Well I'm excited...but before you know I always like to play a game...I was wondering if you guys would like to play pictionary..." "I'm down. We're pretty competitive in the Kaepernick household." I say. "I'm down too." "Alright, when we come back, pictionary with Demi and Colin Kaepernick"

{Demi's POV}

I'm excited to play pictionary. Colin and I are really competitive, especially against each other, so this should be fun. He invites his first guest to play with us. "Okay so I assume that the two of you want to be on the same team." He says to me and Colin. We turn to each other a "is he serious look" then look back at him. "No." I say. "Not at all." He adds. "In these types of situations, we like it better when we're not on the same team." "Okay, well Demi and I will be together, and you two can be together." Jimmy says. "Oh yeah....BFFFFFFFFFS!" I say. "That isn't gonna help you win though." Colin says. "Yeah we'll see." "I love this." Jimmy says. I'm first. I go up and pick a card, it's butt dial. I start drawing it. "What the hell is that?" Colin says. "I'm just gonna ignore you..." "Technically you didn't because you responded." Jimmy keeps guessing..."BUTT DIAL!" He yells. "YES!" "UH! In yo face!" I say to Colin, and he gets up and it's his turn. He doesn't do such a hot job. His partner didn't guess was elephant in the room. We finally get to the end of the game, Jimmy and I are up 2 to 0. Last round. Colin and I both have to guess, while our partners draw, and whoever guesses it right first, wins the whole game. They start drawing and we just start blurting out answers, then he says "SUCKER PUNCH!" "That's right!" "YEAHH!" He says and gives his partner a high five. Gives jimmy a handshake then gives me a hug. "You got lucky." "Whatever!" We wrap up the show and leave. He still has a couple more interviews on these late night show. A couple meeting in San Francisco, then off to Arizona for his 11 week training session. Then after that photo shoots and stuff for his new endorsement deals. It's about to be hectic for both of us the next few months. I really wanna get an album out in the next few months.

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