Chapter 48 Part 4

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{Demi's POV}
I get the girls in their car seats and we leave. I really didn't even wanna out them in daycare, but Colin insisted. It would give me some help during the day, that way I can focus on Cali. I'm so in love with her. Makes me feel like I'm a new mom all over again. I get lost in her gorgeous blue eyes every time I look into them, and I love her curly black hair. She's perfect, just like her older sisters. We get to the daycare and I can tell they're both nervous as we pull. I grab their back packs that has a change of clothes and everything. I hold their hands as we walk up and Cay'Lyn stops and lets go of my hand as we get to the door. I look back at her and she's shaking her head. "Come on Lyn." "I don't wanna go." She whines. "Wait right here sweetie." I tell Cayleigh, then walk over to Cay'Lyn. "Remember what daddy told you." "I don't care. I don't wanna go." She says then crosses her arms. "Why not?" "I'm scared." "There's nothing to be scared of. Don't you wanna make friends." I say taking one of her hands, unfolding her arms. "Cayleigh's my friend." She says pointing to her sister. I smile. Cayleigh walks over and holds out her hand. Cay'Lyn takes it and I almost cry. I had to take a picture. I walk them inside and they've already met their teacher earlier this week. "Double kisses." I say. They give me a kiss. "Daddy will pick you up." They nod. "Can mommy have a hug too?" I ask. They each give me a hug individually. "I love you." I say. "Love you." They both say. The teacher comes over. "Hi there." She says to the girls. "Hi." Cayleigh says nervously. Cay'Lyn waves. It's so weird because this is the first time I've seen her this nervous. "Come with me, so I can introduce you guys to everyone." She says holding out her hand, and they slowly take them. I watch them walk off and then I head out to the car. I sit in the car and post the picture of the girls. "Cutest thing just happened. Cay'Lyn was nervous about her first day of daycare, and Cayleigh grabbed her hand to let her know everything will be okay. These two are always finding ways to melt my heart😍❤" After posting it, I start up the car, and go home.

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