Chapter 35 Part 3

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Some time goes by, I give the girls baths and bring them into the room with me. I get them all set up on the bed. Put cartoons on and they have their stuffed animals that they fall asleep with and I go take a quick shower. I hope they don't fall asleep because Demi should be calling soon. I take a shower, put on briefs and sweat pants and join these little nuggets in bed. I get in the middle them. I can tell they're getting tired so I find says to keep them up. Blow on their cheeks and make them laugh really hard. Play peek-a-boo by covering their eyes with their stuffed animals. Cayleigh lets out a big yawn. "Tired?" She nods. "Okay..I'm waiting for mommy to call so see can see y'all before you go to bed. Wanna wait for mommy?" "Nooo." She whines shaking her head. "Okay....Cay'Lyn wanna go to sleep too?" She shakes her head no. "I want mommy." She says. "Okay." I tuck Cayleigh in and give her a kiss. "Night baby girl." She falls asleep quickly. "Now it's just you and me kiddo." "Mommy" "I'm waiting for her to call." My phone finally starts ringing and it's Demi. I answer it and her face pops up. "Mommy!!!" Cay'Lyn says. "Hi baby." Demi says with a huge smile on her face. "Are you being a good girl for daddy." "Say yes." I say. "Yesss." "Where's sister." She points over to where Cayleigh is. "She tried to stay awake, but she was too sleepy." I say putting the camera on her. " Aww my sweet baby. Sorry it took so long. Flight took longer than expected." "It's okay. We're glad you made it safely. What time is it there." "Like 5 in the morning." "This time difference is gonna be tough." "I know. But we can make it work." "Did you sleep a lot on the plane." "Not really. I stayed up writing and thinking about the girls." "What about me?" "You know I'm always thinking about you when we're not together." "And I'm always thinking about you." I look over and Cay'Lyn's knocked out. "Well she's outta there." I say putting the camera on her. "I miss them so much." "They miss you more...but you should get some rest okay. I love you." "I love you more baby." She says then blows a kiss and we hang up.

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