Chapter 56 Part 3

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The next day I'm back in LA, and I'm just got to the doctors office. I get called back, and go through the usual procedures. I have to get blood work done to make sure things are good, and do an ultra sound. "Yup...and there's he or she is. Of course we won't find that out for another 4 months from now." "So I'm about a month along?" "Just about." He cleans me off then walks out to get the pictures and comes back with other papers as well. "We'll your bloodworm came back fine. Here are pictures and prescription for your prenatal pills...any questions for me." "Yeah...I have couple. My husband I never really experimented with sex during it okay to have sex?" "It is. It's very normal actually. Of course it'd have to be a little more gentler, but it's fine if you do." "Cool, and another question...I'm a little embarrassed, but my sex drive has been extremely high. Like yesterday, I literally wanted to attack my husband, but I wasn't sure if I could." He laughs. "Ummm, some women do experience a high sex drive. It's typically during the first trimester...but could go throughout the entire pregnancy." "Okay...I was just wondering because when I was pregnant with my girls, I didn't have that high of a sex drive...I really didn't wanna have it at all." "And that happens as well......any more questions that I can answer for you?" "No that's it. Thank you." "Great. Well I'll see you next month...and if you have anymore questions, please don't hesitate to call. "I won't. Thank you."

{A week later}

We just got to Arizona. The girls are so happy to see Colin. They hate being away from him just as much as I do. After getting settled in, we let them know the news. "Again?" Cay'Lyn says. "Yes....again." "Is it gonna be a boy?" Cayleigh asks. "See even they want a boy." Colin says. And I roll my eyes. "I don't know sweetie, we'll find out in 4 months." "Okay."

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