{Chapter 2}

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The sun beamed into the room, falling on the sleeping male werewolf. He turned away from the window not looking forward to waking up yet. Aaron closed his eyes again going to drift back to asleep, but a sudden burst of the door made him jump up out of bed and fall on the floor.

"Good morning lil' bro!", Melissa shouted.

"Gah! Melissa. What the hell?", Aaron groaned out.

"It's only two days until Christmas! Get your lazy but of the ground!", she grinned.

"No..., I don't want to wake up yet.", he moaned turning away from her in still on the ground.

"Ugh, you're just as bad when you were in high school.", Melissa folded her arms.

She walked back towards the door and smirked while her back still faced Aaron.

"You know, I was planning on going to Aph's tomorrow, but I guess that you don't want to send her anything. I'll be going now.", she pretended to walk out the room.

"Wait!", Aaron said sitting up, "Why didn't you say that from before. I would of course gotten up."

"I know. Now get up and get dressed! Breakfast is ready.", she said walking out of the room, down the hall, and down the stairs.

Aaron pushed himself of the floor and walked over to the window to open it and let fresh air in. He walked over to the bathroom, then got dressed after freshening up. He was about to walk out the room when he saw a picture of him and Aph on his nightstand. It was the picture of them at Love~Love Paradise on the yacht.

"* sigh* I wonder how she's holding up this year.", he thought to himself aloud and went downstairs.

He went down-stairs to only see Melissa.

"Umm, where's-"

"They..., had to go out for a meeting. They should be back soon.", Melissa cut him off.

"Oh, okay.", Aaron said looking to the ground then back to the table which lay two plates of pancakes and orange juice.

Melissa sat down first then Aaron followed. They ate in silence, not saying anything. Melissa looked up a couple of times and opened her mouth as if her wanted to say something but nothing came out and she lowered her head back down. She soon done with her pancakes and began fiddling with the fork on the plate, thinking to herself. Aaron looked up and noticed his sister doing this and saw the look on her face, which had a small smirk on it.

"What's wrong?", he asked.

"Hmm? Oh nothing. I was just thinking to myself."


"Well, if you want to know..., I was wondering how Aphmau was doing since last I saw her."

"Why do I feel that's not the only reason?", Aaron raised an eyebrow.

"W-what do you mean? Can't I be concerned about my brothers girlfriend?", she pouted.

"Yes but, your face tells me otherwise."

"Fine! I was wondering what you were going to send her. Last time you sent dad's Poopsie. I was just wondering if you were going to steal anything else.", She folded her hands.

"First of all I didn't steal it, that can't be proven. Second, I'm still thinking about what I'm going to send her.", he out his arm to the table in a way so that his head can rest on his hand.

"Well, if you don't have any ideas...", her smirk grew wider.

"Whatever you are thinking no.", Aaron got up to put his plate in the sink.

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