The Wrong Dimension Pt. 4

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Vegeta stood there. It was as if time stopped. He saw your body start to glow and he knew something was happening. Something bad. He couldn't scream. Could say no, he couldn't say anything. You were his air and without you, he couldn't breathe. His entire world then just disappeared from him. In a blink of an eye.

Vegeta was hurt. That's when the dragon turned it's head towards him. "Y/N wanted to give you a message." That's when a piece of paper appeared in his hand and he read the words you spoke not long ago to the magical being.

Im so sorry. I never thought I would of ended up here in a million years...but I did. You are the love of my life. It sounds so stupid coming from me. This is suppose to be a cartoon/Anime, but I can see it's so much more than that. You have a wife and a child. Someone who belongs here. I don't. As much as I want too I don't. I was born in another dimension and I am meant to be there. I don't want me to be the reason you're not with your wife. You had a life without me and I'm so sorry it I screwed it up. Live your life. Be happy.

You are the strongest man I ever met and I want you to be happy. Live to your fullest and don't let anyone ever surpass you because I know you are stronger than anyone, anything out their and I believe in you. I love you... so fucking much. Good-bye Vegeta.

Vegeta just looked at the paper in his hand. He couldnt imagine the tears or sobs you let out saying these words. He knew you didn't belong here, but Vegeta knew one thing. He wanted to be where you were.

The faith you have in him was something Vegeta loved. The way you looked up to him, gave him more pride if that was even possible. The way you came into his life and turned it upside down, was something he wanted to live with. Fuck Bulma and anyone else who got in his way. You are his.

"How many wishes are left?" Vegeta didn't remove his hand from the piece of paper. He could only look up. Refusing to let go of the words you spoke.

"One wish remains." The dragon said to Vegeta.


Your eyes flew open as you took a deep breathe of air. Quickly scanning your surroundings, you realized you were back in your room. You couldn't help but cry.

There was this huge void in your chest and you knew why. Vegeta. That man made is way so close to your heart, that this was pure pain. Leaving the man you truly love, just to let him live his life without you.

Tears continued to fall from your eyes. Grabbing the pillow and crying into it. Grabbing the pillow as tight as you could as your tears soaked the pillow.

After what seemed like hours, you had no tears left. All you could do was look at your tv. It was just a black screen. Looking outside you saw the sun rising and you decided to start your day. Taking a cold shower and then getting dress. You had to visit your parents today. You needed to see them after your crazy trip and you did.

As soon as you got there you ignored the emptiness in your heart as they both hugged you. Their dog immediately trying to force his way through as their cat mowed for your attention. Even with all the love their house brought, you knew something was missing. Vegeta. You had to ignore it as you and your parents made small talk.

Turns out you were gone for only a few days. Not too long for anyone to know and thankfully you had off so you didn't need to worry about your job.

Your parents ordered dinner not realizing you were visiting. "So. What made you come down here to visit?" Your father asked worry. You usually called them since you always liked to give them a heads up and sometimes asked for your parents to cook something special since you loved their cooking.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2022 ⏰

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