The Prince's Concubine (Smut)

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In this Planet Vegeta never got blown up.

Explosions and fire engulfed the trees. You looked around your neighborhood. Most of them destroyed or broken down. You got your motorcycle and drove. Maneuvering around the broke down cars, fallen trees and fires.

There was an alien invasion. It seemed to be people with tails but then they started to shoot balls out of their hands and shooting around. Blasting everything.

You saw people being killed and some being taken. Mostly women being taken. You were trying to get out of town. You were out of the neighborhood and trying to get out of the city.

You had to hide. Somewhere. So in a cave or even mountains would do for now. Only once you were on the main road someone popped up out of no where.

He smiled and stopped your bike with one hand. Catching you in the other as you were forced off your bike.

"Get off of me!" You shout. Trying to punch him, but he seemed unaffected.

"Got a lot of spunk. I like that." He chuckled darkly.

The man was tall, big, bald with a mustache. His smile sending a bad chill down your spine.

He threw you over his shoulder and started to fly. Only you were a fighter. You wouldn't go down so quick. You bit his neck. Causing him to growl and ripe you away and smacking you across the face.

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way." He growled still flying towards a huge ship.

You spit in his face. "Fuck you."

He growled and smacked you again causing you to let out a painful yelp as your head snapped to the right side. You cheek stinging with pain. He carried you around you waist. Making sure you couldn't reach his face.

As you both approached the ship, you saw women chained up and crying. The man threw you to another who caught you and put chains on you.

"Careful." The one who carried you before said.

You went to punch the one who was trying to chain you but he easily caught your fist and put the chains on.

"Shes a fighter. Just how I like em." He smirked at you.

You looked down the line. Seeing strangers crying down the line. There were about 20 women chained up together.

"What are you planning to do with us!" You yell at the bald one as he turns to leave. You glare daggers at him.

He turned and walked towards you. "Well, if you must know we are going to have fun with you. Maybe if your lucky I'll take you and take that offering of you fucking me."

You growled at him. "You can't do this! Were human. Living creatures."

"That's exactly why. Your weaklings." He smiled wickedly as he flew away.

You felt your chains being pulled and you saw that someone was pulling you all onto the ship. Taking you to an empty room.

"I dont want to hear anything from you." The man growled as pushed you in last.

"You can't do this!" You yell at him.

"We just did." He smiled and shut the door.

"Let us out!" You yell. Kicking the door but no one replied. You sighed and looked at the scared women. You felt terrible. The youngest one must of been only 12. She was crying hysterically. Running to her mother and putting her face to her mother chest.

You sighed and sat against the wall. There was nothing you could do for now. Only rest and regain your strength so that's what you did.

It seemed like only minutes, but it was hours before the ship started moving. Finally taking off.

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