In Another Life

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Planet Laenza. You were just a Izali. A peaceful race. Your race was one of the largest and strongest around. Your race was peaceful, you refused to fight unless it came to it.

Only you met someone. A prince in fact. Your father (the king) didnt know. You were only 18. He was 20. He came to destroyed your planet by himself but you faught him alone. Forcing him on the ground with a powerful kick. You were in a dress/robe. It was silver. Barefoot. You loved your planet and knew it meant no harm.

He laid on his back. Attempting to sit up but you placed your foot on his chest. Pushing down. "Who are you." You growled out at him. Your hair blowing in the wind.

He had spiky hair, onyx eyes as he glared at you. "I am Vegeta. The prince of all saiyans. You worthless, ah!" He yelled in pain as you stepped down harder onto him. Your robe opened showing your leg.

"Leave." You deadly stated. "Or else you won't be returning anywhere."

He looked up into your (E/C) eyes. Your (H/C) hair that blew in the wind. The power you held. You were mesmerizing to Vegeta. His eyes roamed your leg. You were perfect to him.

"Fine." He growled out. As he held your smooth (S/C) ankle. Sending a small shock through you. Making you close your eyes for a second. Savoring his touch before you opened your eyes.

You glared at him another minute. Examining his strong eyes that held nothing but honesty. Easing up your strength and nodding.

He slowly lifed up your ankle then stood up. Removing his hand as you placed your foot on the ground as Vegeta stood.

Vegeta did not want to let go of your smooth skin. He wanted to run his hand up your leg. Feeling your entire leg.

Vegeta nodded towards you in respect. Vegeta hasn't faught someone strong in n a while, but n.v something held him back.

Not wanting to tell his boss of his failure. Not because he was scared to be punished but for your safety. He had no idea if your planet would be safe.

"Will there be more?" You cant help but ask. It wasnt for the information, but to hear his voice.

"No." He mumbled as he turned around.

You had no ides what to say. You didnt want him to leave. "Where are you from?" You ask. Hoping he would stay.

He turned to face you. "Planet Vegeta." Then looking around the empty land. Just the trees and river in view. "Where are you people?"

"I cannot say." You whisper a bit. "I snuck out." You say shyly. Looking down to avoid the topic.

Vegeta smirked. Chuckling a bit.

"What is your name prince?" You give a small smile as you looked at him. Changing topics.

"Vegeta." He nodded towards you as in asking who you are.

"Im Y/N." It was quiet for a moment. You two would look at each other. Little glances.

"Im assuming your father is king." Vegeta said. As he examines your figure. You were messing with your fingers a bit. As you looked up. Trying to clear your mind.

"Why would you guess that?" You ask. Now looking at him curiously.

"There is no one else in sight and if you snuck out, i can only assume your father or mother would be worried. If you were some lowly commener it would not be a big deal, but you." He smirked a bit. "I can tell you are nervous to return."

"Well. You would be right then." You sigh slightly. "My father wont be happy."

"Why are you forbidden to leave?"

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