24: Survive and Escape

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The Leaders have successfully went out of Furroko's Borders. They decided to build an underground bunker on the most secluded side of the Wilder's territory so they won't get caught. They started digging the day after they settled their area, though it took them a long while they managed to make a space big enough for them to hide underground, store their necessities and be able to hide in plain sight.

"That took so long!" Leon said stretching.

"We have to continue making the rest of this underground bunker, we're not done yet." Elizabeth said, wiping her forehead with a cloth.

"Fine..." Leon sighed.

They continued to expand their underground bunker until they can be able to sleep in there.

They got to fix all their things and got ready for the night.

The next day, they started tracking down the whereabouts of Acheros' home. They assumed it's also underground, so they tracked down by following some of the other Wilders to be able to see who are with him. Leon and Isabel mostly did the following mission so they won't get caught and they give their reports once they return.

"So did you get any leads on his location?" Finn asked as Leon and Isabel returned.

"Yup! It's something big this time!" Leon exclaimed.

"There's a metal door that was exposed when we were tracking down one of the Wilders, and there was hooded figure that went out." Isabel explained while Leon nodded the whole time.

"Oh, I guess we can try and search there by night time. You guys can rest, I'll tell them about it." Finn said as he got up and went to the others.

Finn went to the others who are cooking and preparing dinner. He can guess they're having something with soup since something's boiling.

"Hey guys...Leon and Isabel came back." Finn caught their attention.

"Did they find anything that we can use?" Ethan said while preparing dinner.

"Yup! They saw an exposed metal door leading underground. We can check it out during the night." Finn explained.

"We'll do that tomorrow night since Leon and Isabel need to rest, for now...How about we have dinner?" Elizabeth said as she presented their dinner.

Finn called Leon and Isabel and they all ate. Their dinner was a bowl of hot curry soup with bread. After they ate they all laid down their sleeping bags and let the fire burn in their little fireplace as they let the dark night pass. It's the next day and got ready for their night mission, they were hidden underground for most of the day so no creature won't be able to see them. The night has arrived and they are ready to go to their destination. They got all their things ready and headed out of their bunker. Leon and Isabel led them to the metal door and as they went there, they made sure no one was within the area so there are no witnesses. When they arrived, they revealed the metal door and were surprised to see that it was unlocked.

"Are you ready, guys?" Ethan asked, the others nodding.

"Wait, we need to check if someone was there." Leon said and volunteering to go there and check.

They agreed and Leon turned into a mist and went through the door. He saw other Wilders about to go the next door, but they were avoiding specific tiles. He examined, remembered and went out.


Planned by Anwir as a place where he could stay. This was built with the help of the other Wilders and was soon given access after it was done. There are different rooms that hold different purposes, a list was made of what the different rooms are for and a sketch of the layout. There are 8 total rooms that the bunker has to offer. The most important ones are the isolations room, storage room, and the meeting room.

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