12: The Masquerade

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It is now 4 days before the Masquerade, and the decorations are done. The food will be made 2 days before the grand event. Whenever it's a few days before the Masquerade, students mostly get their outfits and masks ready. Boutiques and stores are filled with students buying their attires. Just like all the other students, the Successors are also getting ready. All their families went out, the boys and the fathers went together while Alice and the mothers are together. In the boutique, the mothers are picking all kinds of dresses for Alice and it's making Alice confused. After a while, they did manage to choose a dress for her Masquerade. She'll be wearing a short skirt light blue dress with no straps and a tiny pair of wings at the back and white heels. It was lunch time and they all met by a restaurant.

"So, how was your shopping boys?" Lily asked the guys.

"We got the things we need. Plus, we got gifts for our future leaders here." Finn replied, showing a small bag and putting on the table.

They opened the bag and it had four pins, just for the Successors. Each of them got their own pins and they put their Crystallites on the custom pins. Alice has a silver swirl pin, Francis has a gold diamond arc pin, Adrion has a gold lyre pin and Alistair has a silver spike pin.

"How did you manage to make those?" Elizabeth asked.

"We asked Leon if he can make something special for them, since it's almost time for them to start their leadership." Ethan replied.

"And the first that came into my mind is something they can wear, so I made special pins for them." Leon said, pointing at the pins.

"Thank you!" The Successors said in unison.

The next day, the Successors went to Alice and Adrion's house for a mini fashion show. The boys were the first ones to show off their outfits. Adrion first came out with a white long sleeve polo shirt, a classic black vest with gold chains as buttons, a dark grey tie, classic black slacks and a long dark grey coat and black shoes, and his mask is a simple black mask with silver fur designs at the side. Alistair is wearing a beige colored long sleeve shirt, black blazer and pocket square, a black strap wrapped around his collar, black slacks and black shoes, and his mask is a Ombre of a black to silver going down and some grey feathers at the side. Francis is more of a butler style. He's wearing a white long sleeve shirt, white vest, a long black to white Ombre coat that is open, a dark blue strap like Alistair, black slacks, white gloves and black shoes, and his mask is a half cut mask that is plain black with blue accents. Finally Alice is wearing her Light blue short skirt dress with small wings at the back, a thin dark blue belt tied, and white heels, and her mask is a full silver mask with intricate black designs and half of its design is extended to the side. Ethan and Elizabeth were mesmerized.

"All of you look amazing!" Elizabeth said, clapping happily.

"What a great surprise to see all of you this formal!" Ethan said smiling.

After that, all they need to do is wait for the Masquerade.

The Grand Masquerade has now arrived, and they all got ready for the dance. As tradition, the gentleman will be fetching their partner, so Francis and Adrion fetched their partners at the entrance of the grand hall. After saying goodbye to their parents, they all went together and entered the grand hall. It was magnificent, it looked like a Crystal world. The hall was dark but the illumination from the Crystals by the lights made it have a lot of lighting. The stage has a table with the rewards of sashes and crowns for the Mr. and Ms. Masquerada. There were a lot of students dancing and going around, having fun. The successors first went to a table and talked for a while. They saw a lot of couples, even same sex couples dancing and having fun. They also joined along the fun as they danced to the music.

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