18: Yes Sir!

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It's a brand new day and they're going to be visiting their last territory, the Monsters. This part of Furroko is like a military ground where they address their Leader as "Commander" and salute to the Commander whenever he/she is present. Their leader can be a man or woman as long as they possess the qualities of a leader, more specifically a strict and disciplined one. The kind of atmosphere that this territory is giving off is a bit more, restricted. Since this part of the land is led by a Military figure, it's expected to have discipline when you're there.

It's the end of the school day and the Successors were walking back home to change and go back to Furroko for their last tribe walk. They had a rough day today though, since there is a lot of catching up in projects and assessments.

"Finally done with my 3 projects for the next 2 weeks!" Alice said stretching while walking.

"Finished doing mine too, now we just have to give them tomorrow." Adrion said, Alistair nodding in reply.

"How about you Frans...?" Alistair asked, all of them looking at Francis.

They stopped, while Francis was still walking while looking up the sky, then he hit a post and fell. He got a bleeding nose and Alistair gave him a tissue. They stuck around the post for a while until Francis got better.

"You good there?" Adrion asked.

"Augh...What- oh..." Francis said, getting up looking beside him and looking at the others.

"You alright?" Alice said, going near him.

"I-I'm fine, just thinking about something..." Francis replied.

"You're clearly not fine, you're just looking at the sky and you got yourself slammed to a post like it's nothing." Adrion said, as him and Alistair came closer and they started to walk again.

"You can tell us anything..." Alistair said.

"Well...It's about what will happen to us after we become the tribe Leaders...I don't know how we're gonna deal with it since we're still going to school." Francis explained.

"I'm sure we'll be fine, we may have trouble in the first few days, but we'll get used to it." Alice said.

"Yeah, there's no need to worry, plus there's four of us who'll be ruling it together." Adrion said.

"We can seek guidance if we need any, right?" Alistair said.

Francis smiled and thanked his friends for assuring him it's going to be okay. He really is thankful that he has the excuse to say 'friends' in a long time. He promised to himself that he'll be there for them as a thank you to them helping him. He'll also make sure to protect them, even if he has no superhuman abilities.

After they went to their homes, changed and met at Alice and Adrion's house to go back to Furroko. This time, their parents are on a leave for the day and so they all went with their children. When they arrived, their parents will be left in the main gate while again, the Crystals will with them.

"Since the young commander is needed so no one gets hurt...Young commander, you have to stand your ground, understood?" Zion said, Adrion nodding confidently.

"Time for us to go." Zion said, as he opened the gate.

"You have to go first young commander, tell them that they'd be in their best behavior." Zion said.

Adrion took a breath, fixed his posture and began walking outside. The others waited until they heard a low voice shouting outside.

"Attention! I expect you all to be in your best behavior! Understood?"

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