15: The Health Department

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It's the next day for their tribe walk on the next half of the human territory. In this part of the tribe walk. They are going to be visiting the medical center and the laboratory once again to take a closer look. After classes, they rested for a while, then went back to Furroko for the continuation of their walk. This time, they are going to be visiting the second half of the human territory, most likely the medical centers and laboratory along with the rest of the neighborhood.

"Today, we will be visiting our medical centers along with meeting some patients and the pharmacy." Florence said as they enter the hospital.

"Good morning Crystals, and...."

"These are the Successors, the next  generation of Leaders." Owen said to the nurse in charge.

"Oh my! My deep apologies." The nurse said, apologizing.

The Successors made sure that's it's alright as the nurse is being formal and apologizing. After that, they started going around the allowed areas like visiting some of the patient rooms, the pharmacy, the storage for medical tools and a separate laboratory outside. They first visited a patient who is suffering from a long term disease and is currently in the hospital after being operated.

"This is one of our current patients who had surgery....I'll give you time to talk to him if you'd like." The nurse said, showing the patients room door.

"Would you like talk with the patient, young ones?" Aiden asked.

"It would be nice to give them company, since they're mostly alone." Francis said and the others nodding.

They opened the door and saw an old man lying on the bed, reading a book. The Successors are the only ones to accompany the old man. The Crystals will be waiting outside and watching from afar. The old man noticed the Successors and he gave them a confused look.

"Hello, ummm...We just wanted to visit." Francis started.

"We're the Successors, the next generation of Leaders, and we're here to talk to some of the people here." Francis said, as they sat on the couch in the room.

"Oh...well, it's an honor meeting our future Leaders..." The old man said smiling at them.

"There's no need for formality, sir." Alice said.

"What are we going to talk about?" Adrion whispered to them.

"I'll handle this." Francis whispered, then cleared his throat.

"We would like to ask you about the services here, from your surgery to your medication, like maintenance?" Francis asked.

"Well...Maintenance is not given to us all the time, and we have to buy them exclusively at specific pharmacies or doctors and because of that, it's much more expensive." The old man explained.

"How expensive is it?" Francis asked, wanting to know more.

"My maintenance costs about 500 tribians and above for each of my Maintenance medicines." The old man explained.

"How many Maintenance medicine do you need to take?" Adrion asked from behind.

"I need to take at least 9 maintenance medications, and I buy them every other month because I can't afford to buy every month." The old man replied, making Francis stand up.

"You mean, you need to take 9 medications and they cost about 500...uhhhh..." Francis exclaimed, his voice calming down.

"Tribians, the currency." The old man said.

"Please excuse us for a bit, we'll be back." Francis said, telling his friends he'll be out for a bit and left the room.

"Our currency is Tribians in Furroko?" Francis asked shockingly.

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