7: New Reality

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Sunday had changed something. Jimin had known that it would be different after the slip-up, but he did not regret it one bit. It had been great, and he would not ruin something great with bad conscious. After all, the no-sex rule was his own one based on one single bad experience, so he could as well pretend it never existed. Taehyung had called it anyway and even he himself had not been exactly strict with the holding back. He had even let himself dream about the time after the Christmas Dance when he would no longer have to care, so screw his stupid rule.

The change was not prominent though. It was only palpable from the way they looked at each other and touched each other with more ease. The line between personal and professional was swimming, but for some reason it was fine. Maybe because Jimin trusted Jungkook not to mess things up because of personal matters. He had seen the other's professionalism and that could not suddenly evaporate just because they had become something more than colleagues.

"Good, very good," he could hear Mrs. Kim murmur while they showed her their improvement on the first two parts. They had not interrupted them a single time which was a huge accomplishment. "Very good. We will start part three," she decided after their performance.

Jungkook and Jimin nodded.

"I like the energy you have today. Keep it up," she said then and Jimin felt his cheeks burning.

"Sure," he murmured, throwing Jungkook a side-glance. The younger was grinning at him. Jimin's heart did something unnecessary, but he could not help it.

"We ended where Jimin jumps into your arms," the lady summarized. Oh, right, that had been how he had ended up with his legs around Jungkook. Technically, he had messed up that jump because he was supposed to end up with both legs on the same side of his base, but he had not been thinking straight that time, so...

Jungkook was listening with a concentrated face, so Jimin admonished himself to focus.

"There's a small pause in the music, as you might have noticed," Mrs. Kim explained. "That's to build tension. You will use that pause to get a hold onto the knee of the inner leg, so that Jimin can stretch the outer one for the 360 that comes with the music starting again."

Jungkook nodded.

"Try that," she demanded of them, so Jimin got ready to do the jump.

The mentioned 360 was basically a figure from ice-skating, but Jimin found it suitable to start into the most sensual of all parts. With the momentum of the circle, Jungkook would push Jimin out of his hold and then a long sequence of difficult lifts would follow. Part three was basically just that. Jimin flying. No antagonism, no countermoves, no running away. It was a perfect flow of Jungkook's with his moves that climaxed in a straight lift with Jungkook holding his hips from behind.

The hard part would be the slowly lowering Jimin back to the floor. It was basically in slow-motion, so that they would end up in the pose from the start with Jungkook's arms around him when the last note faded away. Even Taehyung was struggling with those slow parts because they were immensely straining on the arms, plus you must never loose your balance or you will drop the one flying.

But they were far from reaching the end. The first half of the last part was hard enough to fill three days with.

"Are you staying in Busan for Christmas?" Jungkook asked him when they walked out of the building on the third evening.

Jimin nodded. "My parents understand that I won't visit the relatives this year in order to practice. What about you?" he asked back, selfishly hoping that Jungkook would want to train a little more and stay with him.

"I'll stay, too. I'm not confident enough and I don't want to mess up," his partner said and Jimin felt like celebrating.

"Did you tell your parents?" he wanted to know.

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