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Name: Tahlya Kar

Hair: Dark brown

Eyes: Purple

Birthplace: Poseidonis

Affiliations: Aquaman, the Drift, the Team

Relatives: Mera (aunt)

Biographic data (relevant intel): Tahlya was the daughter of Atlantean nobles and grew up as such. She took an interest in the protection of her home and began training in the ways of Atlantean combat at a very young age.
She enrolled at the Atlantean Academy of the Mystic Arts, where she received her skin icons and learned to use ocean magic. It was also there that she met Kaldur' Ahm, more commonly known as Aqualad, who would become one of her closest friends.
Her exceptional fighting skills eventually earned her a place in a special training unit in the Drift, the Atlantean spec-ops team, becoming one of the youngest operatives in the Drift's history.
Her remarkable performance in Drift missions caught the attention of Aquaman, who requested she join him in his efforts to protect not only Atlantis, but also the surface. She continues to join forces with him and Aqualad, protecting both her home and the one of her newfound friends as Riptide.

Abilities: Tahlya went through the same magic training as Kaldur. This means that she too is capable of hydrokinesis and electricity generation. Her Atlantean physiology also allows her to breathe underwater and survive the extreme pressure of the ocean depths.
She has trained with a relatively unorthodox weapon: the war hook. This consists of a large hook with a chain tying it to the handle, making it a very versatile weapon. Tahlya uses it not only for physical combat, but also as an extension of her hydrokinesis.
Side note: Tahlya's expertise with the hook, as well as her lightning fast strikes, is what earned her the name "Riptide".

Psychological analysis: Tahlya is very proud of her Atlantean origins and always seems to make an effort to find a way to maintain her connection to the ocean.
She has a somewhat blunt perception of morality, resulting in a lack of tolerance towards criminals. I hope to help her understand that the world isn't always black and white.
In the field, her actions are characterized by a daring and fearless attitude. This is something she has in common with Wonder Warrior, who has become one of her closest friends on the surface.
Unfortunately, when she is placed in a desperate situation, this tends to lead Tahlya to opt for an all or nothing approach. This is undoubtedly a very dangerous move.
Luckily, Tahlya's training in the Drift gave her a good sense of authority and respect for those she sees as her superiors. In the Justice League, this usually applies to most of the senior League members, the most valued being her mentor, Aquaman.

Contingency plan: If put in a desperate enough situation, Tahlya could be turned against the League. If this were to happen, sending Aquaman to reason with her would be the best option.
Should a violent course of action be required, the vulnerability to fire provided by Tahlya's Atlantean physiology should be the main target. However, Tahlya's fighting skills and determination should definitely be taken into account.

Transmission over.

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